Say what you will. Even though this episode wasn't the series finale. I'd have been more than content even if it was. That end montage. Ah. It's good to remember the good old days

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The first half of this episode was good but then it kinda just felt a bit rushed and simplistic, somehow. Also, if this isn't the final ever episode what was with the finale-style montage? I can't see the point or purpose of an additional episode, unless it's perhaps to set up a spin-off series.

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Fantastic closing montage. Wow. Lots of memories there.

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Okay so

  • I didn't hated Chuck's ending, it made sense for me, he wanted to end humans and now he has to live like one, it feels pretty brutal somehow.

  • Well Jack becoming God is no news, WE BEEN KNEW, but it made me tear up a little bit. My boy grew up so fast :sneezing_face::sneezing_face: he was born like, last year :sneezing_face: literally.

Overall, I didn't hated it, it was a nice episode, but somehow it felt.. empty? Like, I finished watching it and all I could think was "so this is it?". It felt way too simple, idk I was expecting something more. Well, I hope the actual finale feels better, even tho I don't know what's there to talk about anymore.

PS: I can't get over the fact that chuck beat the living shit of Dean's left face side and it still looking clean af.
Also HOLY SHIT they really said "Fuck Cas", boy sacrifice himself AGAIN for them and they only mentioned his name, like, once??

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Works for me...!

Although, I wasn't really feelin' it...until Jack blinked all the Earthlings back into existence. From that moment, until after the credits rolled, shit became very emotional.

Thank you!

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So Jack brought all the people back, but not Cas? Seriously?And why no "Carry On Wayward Son" in the final montage?

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Stop watching here! Trust me! It's the perfect ending. The ending broke my heart. Go out on the victory lap and save yourself the pain!

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very very rushed ending. Jack, Dean and Sam were all so out of character.. didn't even ask to bring back Castiel and Others. Amara's character had so potential but felt totally wasted. Bringing back Lucifer was a great idea but too much was crammed into one episode. At the same time it was all too good to be true. Expecting a twist in 15x20. coz it's supernatural. Hope Cass comes back in the last episode. kinda disappointing finale to a fantastic series

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I didn’t hear nice things about the last episode. So it should have ended with this one.

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I would have been 100% ok with the series ending right after the confrontation with Chuck as the three walked away and the scene panned out to the trees...

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Shout by sp1ti

I'm sorry: WHAAAAT? This was awful. Not that Supernatural ever was very coherent but this was a rushed, sloppy and frankly a very anticlimatic conclusion to their ordeal... they even had to pull a "and-here-is-how-we-dun-it" to "explain" this mess.
Sam & Dean can apparently take a massive beating from fists powered by such godly energy that when absorbed is enough to transfer the powers over to Jack (who needs build up when you can just give him more OP powers...). Most "powerlevels" were also disregarded for this like Chuck's omniscience and featuring Amara, Death/Lucifer etc.. . And no time for Cas? I know there is another one coming but this had a freaking montage at the end...

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Even if it felt simple, this ending is awesome. I am satisfied with the ending cz jack had a true purpose and has fulfilled it, he put everything back to normal.
The ending montage was cherry on top. Got to see so many old characters and events that shaped the series. Truly amazing.
I can't believe the show has ended and I am gonna miss it. I'm gonna miss the Winchesters, Cass and Jack. :cry:

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Shout by K.D

Wow, really good episode. I wouldn't complain if that was the last episode. Hoping that they won't disappoint us with the actual finale.
The montage at the was really heart-warming - so many favorite characters, so many crazy moments. I will miss Supernatural!

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Lets be true here i expected more from this show after 15 Years but i knew it would end in such a way. Never realy liked the "Angel Thing" anyways the first season where the best and the randome hunting episodes ^^.
Funny thing i thought the opposite to much monster in the last episodes and not a ghost town xD.
And also hated it they never gave us a real normal life for the boys with wife and kids and so on leraning them hunting.....
The last episode is to short for such stuff hope there will be a movie or so.

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god really fumbled the bag lmfaooo

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