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Supergirl: Season 4

4x03 Man of Steel

Easily one of the best Supergirl episodes in a very long while.

I'm a fan of how they told this episode's story from a somewhat objective standpoint, showing both sides of the coin all the while allowing you a better understanding of why the other side, specifically Agent Liberty, is doing what he's doing.

It's very difficult not to sympathize with the guy following tonight's episode, I'm curious to see how the story progresses from here. - Also, an appearance from Xander Berkeley is always appreciated, kudos to them for that.

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I hate when shows deal with politics. I am so sick of politics that when I watch a movie/show I prefer to be entertained, not to have political agendas shoved down my throat! The only good part was that it wasn't as direct as last season's Grey's Anatomy. These shows are made to entertain us but it seems lately the creators take it upon themselves to shower us with their own political views.

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Nope, subtlety is not this show's strongsuit.

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This season is great so far, and being quite politically charged is the main reason. The ideas expressed are based on facts and timely. The origin story in this episode is similar to that of the known movie American History X and it shows a realistic example of how people can come to be racist. An idea gets placed in their head, then it grows through confirmation bias.

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I hate stories like this. Tales of the Noble Racist.
"The Noble Racist wouldn't be so racist, but they just had all these good rational reasons to be."
Real people are almost never actually like that, it is just the story they convince themselves of to make themselves seem less hateful.

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This episode was good and could have been one of the best if it didn't have problems. Problems like Kryptonite has never worked that way. The lead didn't work that way on the Daxamites. They continue to make Brainac a moron.

I also don't like Rhona Mitra or Sam Witwer in their current parts.

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I can’t wait for the crossover!

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From playing an alien Doomsday to playing a racist. Brainiac should be more intelligent..

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I already like this season so much more than the third! Really great so far.

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Anyone else catch that 'goth chick' line? Reference to Batwoman?

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Shout by Khawlah

From all the actors they could've recycled from Smallville, they chose Sam Witwer? Sorry, didn't like then and don't like him now.

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