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Supergirl: Season 4

4x02 Fallout

When you thought Supergirl could not get more PC it does!

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that scene between james and nia was beautiful. i liked how the writers slipped it in there that she's a transgender woman and not make a huge thing about it

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Alex: if you want to discuss politics do that on your own time.
Tell that to the writers lol. Their hearts are in the right place. But I feel like the show is now almost smothered in nothing but good intention writing.
That takes too much of a shot at Trump. Sure Trump sucks but I rather watch shows to get a break from the world we live in.
Not be reminded of it constantly by shows like Charmed and Supergirl. I prefer my fantasy/superhero shows fun, not non-stop preachy.

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This is the ultimate tv show, you cant give a low enough score. I seriously think, this is the worst tv series mankind can provide.

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So so so sooooooo boring ¬¬ please, stop that. Argh, that's another CW series that goes to the trash? This season start bad and still bad ¬¬ Please do not come up with politics while you play garbage without logic in the series. A lot of nonsense since the first episode. Characters with lapses of schismophrenia, dumb decisions without nexus and supercharged characters without any reason. Please, another arrow not ¬¬ The last season started well and ended horrible, this is getting awful, I hope it gets better and does not sink for good.

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It‘s just like they put the MeToo-debate and the whole Trump-thing inside this serie.

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The scenes between Lena and Kara in this episode were awesome. So funny! I wish every episode would be like this.

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The fact that the president hid that she was an alien, is irrelevant because she was elected by the people based on her stand on issues and she was very effective at her job and very well liked. Bigotry disgusts me! Bigotry is only perpetrated by STUPID cowardly people.

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I’m enjoying this little Grey’s Anatomy reunion! (See what I did there?)

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Obviously the show has arrived in the Trump era.

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