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Super Pumped 2022

Really good show. Obviously it wouldn't be 100% accurate, but I can see some people getting upset and threaten never to use Uber again after watching this.. but don't forget what TK said near the end (paraphrasing) -
"everyone criticizes me for being an asshole, but the only reason we got this far is because I was an asshole"

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Loved the energy, the Pearl Jam soundtrack, and Tarantino narrating, Had no clue how interesting and twisted the story of Uber was. Googled, checks out. Don’t miss it! 9/10

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Love the lesser known PJ track's!

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Better than I thought, mostly because of the casting, but helped along with the soundtrack. The inconsistencies between the writing on episodes was detrimental, and over time, the increased direct to camera was increasingly irritating. Also a little surprising was how much was glossed over in almost 7 hours of dramatisation (almost as if there was an attempt to hide how truly terrible the company was /is?)

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[Movistar+] There is a histrionic comedy that fits well with the megalomaniac personality of Travis Kalanick, and it is a delight to enjoy Quentin Tarantino, Uma Thurman, Kyle Chandler or Hank Azaria. Following the shows that reveal the technological development linked to high finance through characters who are more seductive than geniuses, this one displays a satirical look that explores the scar caused by greed.

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When you watch this and watch the re-enactment of how Uber came to be, with a douchebag at the helm and your privacy assaulted on every ride and the over-the-top sexual harassment of female staff that was enabled by TK then you'll never take an Uber anywhere again. While the show takes some creative liberty, the story is the same as has been told by many others about how Uber became who they are and why they kicked the founder to the curb (a billionaire of course, so he's not hurting).

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And episode 6 is why this show ended. When hollyweird gets involved and puts in its BS a show gets f’d.

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