Shout by Darth

It’s nice to see the :goat:senior partner:goat: walking around

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Why is Louis being abusing always excused some way or other?
Either way, he’s an interesting character. It just kind of keeps looping and I’m not sure I’m seeing much of a character development in him. And why isn’t the first thing he does after getting mugged call his therapist like he does every other time, instead get all wrapped up in his PTSD :neutral_face:
But he fits well to Sheila in that sense.

And Zane is just annoying and probably as abusive. When is he leaving. All this bullshit about being a family... it’s a really toxic family lmao.

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This is the dumbest storyline in any Suits episode so far.

Louis gets mugged, but instead of admitting "weakness" (against a loaded gun? are you kidding me?)... he rather have his boss think he's an useless, incompetent liar. What??? And Gretchen, the only one who has ever outplayed Donna The Almighty, isn't able to stop that nonsense right there? What about Sheila, or Dr. Lipnick? No? Ok then...

Also, what's with everybody wanting to be name partner? What's the firm going to be, Zane Specter Litt Williams Wheeler et Co.? :telephone: Zane Specter Litt Williams Wheeler Smith Ollivander, how can I help you? :rolling_eyes:

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Overcompensating is very bad Louis, receiving help from your friends is very good. That Kobayashi Maru

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Urgh, I was so excited in the first half of the episode when Robert was putting Donna in her place, and then they ruined it with the ending. I hate Donna with a passion. They have completely overplayed her character to the point it does not feel authentic anymore. It’s just plain annoying. It is ridiculous and I roll my eyes every time she is on screen acting almighty.

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So many angry men. Why are they always so angry? In a very unhealthy manner.

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