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Suits: Season 7

7x02 The Statue

All I saw was Harvey having a power trip

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Oh my God... I love Donna BUT her storyline is just cringe!!! First ‚The Donna‘?! Whatever that mess was... and now Senior Partner?!?! Wtf.

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Gaaaa .. Why does Louis always have to go off the rails. I understand its who he is .. but after all these seasons seeing the same thing over and over - how am i supposed to begin to feel for him when so much of what he does is irrational to me.

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Enough already! Give me some Harvey + Donna. We all know it will happend, we all want it to happend.. SO GET ON WITH IT!

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Thank God they didn't go through with the Donna mess.

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Why have the past five episodes all had different characters use the term "shit the bed"?

One person saying it, maybe...

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Is it me or did Jessica look a bit less "put together" than normal? I mean her outfits were fine but did she look a bit "tired?"

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I hate see Harvey and Paula together. What is Donna going to do?

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Shout by Deleted

I hate see Harvey and Paula together. What is Donna going to do?

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I can't believe Jessica left these children to run the firm. At least Mike's storyline this episode was entertaining enough.

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