This show has a format where, 20 mins in while two people are having a conversation - one says. "what. what did you just say? ..." and they somehow use a single sentence to solve all the problems they're faced with.

[setting inside a pizza shop, Harvey is ordering a NY slice of pie] .. yes, but what kind of toppings do you want on your pizza, sir? .. WHAT did you just say to me? pizza toppings? the killer is allergic to onions, how could he have filed that lawsuit on the pizza sauce?!? hes innocent! "

... all that aside. how long before Harvey and Donna hook up. End of season? .. Next season? .. End of season I say.

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Funny how the description of the episode says "Donna finds a way to prove her worth to the firm". Because what I saw was her having a fit because someone was fake kissing her ass, causing a major problem, then needing Rachel to pull an all nighter to help her fix it. Hmm.

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Louis finally gets a truely personal win; YAY!!!

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Eh, Sheila was a manipulative little bitch so I’m not sure how to feel about the ending.

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Omg Sheila is such a bitch, excuse my language.
How dare she play with someone the way she does and then go all whiny and crybaby over “oh no, my fiancé can never find out about this boohoo my life will be ruined” well tough luck asshole, this all is on you, it’s all been your choice, how dare you cry about it to the one person who’s getting the brunt force of your egotism in his face?

... I’ve never been a fan of Louis, but I can’t suffer assholes doing what she’s doing. I really freaking hope her life does get ruined the way she’s afraid of.

Or... well clearly I wrote this mid-episode. I do like how it turned out, as long as everyone’s being real.

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Just hope he can put closure to that

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I used to like Donna and the beggining but I got so bored of her bullshit and also her relationship with Harvey. It wasn't a good idea for Paula to ask him to choose between her and Donna because she knew he would choose Donna, this was one of the reason he reached therapy cause she had left him ( well not like she had died or moved away from the country :rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes:) still she asked him to choose, should haven't started seeing him in the first place. But still after breaking up with the therapist he still can't figure out what he s gonna do with this relationship, which btw what it is? they love each other? have a friendship? brother and sister love? also I don't think they have chemistry at all anymore. Harvey should stick with Scottie, much more chemistry and she s awesome.

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Shout by Darth

What did Mike and Harvey talk about on the ride to the batting cages lol

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What a horrible episode. The Donna storyline this season is so terrible. She got to be the COO of a big law firm without any credentials, she literally does not deserve that job. They are trying so hard to push on us the fact that Donna somehow has these magical powers and that she can fix anything and outsmart anyone in any field. Like my eyes rolled so hard, I could see the back if my skull. I used to like her, but this season had made me hate her character.

And then Louis and Harvey and Mike win their cases again. It is so unrealistic. There is no lawyer that wins every case ever. It’s ridiculous. And the Louis getting back with Sheila, ughh, barf, so cringe. She had an affair and treated him like shit. She can do that again whenever she wants. That man has no dignity.

Worst episode. 1/10

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WTF Louis ?! You deserve better

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Finally Louis gets some happiness

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How much I like to see Harvey and Mike work together, Donna-Rachel and Harvey discussing a case with Louis of whom Louis is the expert

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