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Suits: Season 6

6x01 To Trouble

What a dumbass, Mike should know better then to trust inmates

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No danger Jess is still wearing those heels whilst high.

Great ep

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Honestly thought Mike would have known what was going on

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Suits is 10% characters saying “god damn” 50% dramatic exits and 40% metaphors. Also the whole thing is over dramatic with over dramatic music

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Great season Premier with Mike in Prison with Problem wit one from Harvey's Past. Partners alone left in the Firm with Louis The Richest!!! 'Are You King?"

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Spolier alert!
After watching the season premiere, this show has officially jumped the shark! The idea that Mike would be dumb enough to just tell his new cellmate everything and text Rachel from an inmates phone leaving her number in there is absurd. And how would this inmate know anything about who Mike ross is and his relationship to Harvey anyway? This storyline is ridiculous.
And there is no way every single employee at a large firm would just collectively walk out. There is a board of members, they would have to have a vote, they wouldnt just give up their jobs, leaving clients without representation.. way too many holes in this.

And Donna looks terrible with the botox in the forehead..

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For being a genius, Mike is pretty damn retarted.

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A bit of the plotting was obvious, but all in all a fantastic season opener, probably their best. The first half of season 5 was shit, the second half was by far the best this show has had - and this seems to continue in the same vein.

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Boring damn episode. I skipped through most of the scenes of just people pointlessly talking in the office. Only the prison scenes were marginally interesting, but so damn predictable.

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just follow where the T5 wnds, the part of the office has not convinced me, the other was clear from the beginning

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Jessica is so cute when she's baked.

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Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-07-14T11:21:40Z— updated 2017-09-26T14:02:06Z

Great season premiere. It's good to have this show back.

Harvey, Jessica and Louis were the best part of this episode. The scenes where they were stoned were absolutely hilarious. I'm still laughing at Harvey asking Louis "Are you a king?". It was totally obvious from the beginning that Louis would have the most money of them all.

I really hoped that Mike's cellmate wouldn't turn out to be a dick. Well, no such luck. I guess we can expect Mike to get his ass seriously kicked soon.

The music was outstanding. I don't know how this show does it, but they nail the soundtrack every time.

As always, there was also some confusing legal mumbo-jumbo that I probably wouldn't understand even if it were in my native language. Oh, well. I got the gist of their plan, so that's what counts.

I'm looking forward to next week.

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Suits is finally back :D

Some funny moments when they were stoned. Laughed so hard at Louis' story xDD
Nice moment with Rachel and Harvey in the beginning ^_^
It was pretty stupid of Mike to trust him like that. It was kinda obvious he was not a good guy but still to trust him with his story and messaging Rachel? Waoh. He fucked up.
Overall it was a great episode. 8.5/10

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