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Suits: Season 5

5x07 Hitting Home

Awesome episode, but dangit! I wish that Harvey and Louis would get along for more than 5 minutes. Amy Acker did a fantastic job in her role as Louis's sister. Harvey's background scenes with his therapist really flushes out and explains his character. While I think that Jack will be back as a season bad guy, it was awesome to see a more human side in this episode. Kudos to Mike with the sneaky emails thing. Well played, Mike, well played.

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Loved Jack character.. harvey's past hits him !

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Amy Acker you are allways welcome. Louis your are a Jerk

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Excellent. Jessica was sure to ask that of Mike. This is where deception becomes a bigger issue! Someone is sure to consider Mikes schooling again....

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Sometimes people need a punch to get they act together

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Yesss, finally some long awaited physical harm happening to Louis, I’m happy.

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