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Succession: Season 4

4x02 Rehearsal

Roman has always been the loose end of the bond, it's obvious. Because he really loved his father. But damn, does he keep falling for Logan's manipulations?? Or is it a move?? Many questions.

Although Shiv and Kendall are tough, the two are also looking for ways not to lose.

Connor is an underrated character in the family because he is always on the outside of the dynamic, but he hits the spot when he tells the half-brothers that in the end, they always wanted Logan's approval. And that now, they want to show that they are better, but that Logan sees.

However, I also don't trust this game of Logan's soft-spokenness and appearance of "being on the defensive" with his children, he knows that together they can really destroy him. Many plots, many webs. The season is interesting!

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Tremendous episode, both among the show's funniest ever -- the kids together are pure gold, but the humor is firing on all storylines, really ("He's still just kinda walking around, but with a slight sense that he might kill someone. It's like Jaws if everyone in Jaws worked for Jaws." lmao) -- and also just so complicatedly, emotionally bruised, as in that whole karaoke room scene.

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I would like to sing one fucking song at karaoke because I've seen it in the movies and nobody ever wants to go.

D'awww! First world problems, CONNER. LOL Seriously though, Conner is the MVP of this episode. With his last speech? Damn. He should've done a mic drop then and there before he left.

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Yeah everybody still sucks and the best ending would be everyone going broke

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Greg was ON FIRE in this episode. "I don’t know, he’s… moseying. Terrifyingly moseying… it’s like Jaws, if everyone in Jaws worked for Jaws."

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Alan Ruck is such a good actor oh my god

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"This is Guantanamo-level shit"

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this episode honestly felt like fanfiction lol like cmon logan saying sorry and connor spelling what the show is about is something out of twitter, not out of the show

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This show can get too 'inside baseball' when they talk about business deals.

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Shout by Silrog

Logan and Connor dropped some truth bombs, Roman was the most balanced and treasonable character.

Shiv and Kendall are pretty much on a kamikaze mission, following up each miserable decision they made with another one. Reminded me of gamblers, trying to win their losses back with ever greater risks.

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this episode honestly felt like fanfiction lol like cmon logan saying sorry and connor spelling what the show is about is something out of twitter, not out of the show

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My favorite scenes gotta be them at the bar and then at the karaoke, it’s the first time they are at a human setting so I’ll cherish them
And this is also the first time I’m not disgusted by connor and willa, like if in the show she’s over 25 and she feels happy and safe, I root for her

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squeeze! the! swede! squeeze! the! swede!

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Connor, oh connor. You are dumb, an idiot even but everyone just beats u up. You deserve more, you don't deserve the Roy family's poison.

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anybody knows last scene song name please? i love it.

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Happy Christmas you clock watching fucks!

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