"Judasing" "Unbalance love portfolio" "Why are you making fucky eyes at me?" The Roy kids serve up one choice line after another this ep. And Kendall goes full business-bro mode the most in quite a while, unable to turn off board-meeting speak even in personal talk.

Favorite sight gag: Shiv saving her dad's phone number as Saddam Hussein pic.

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A tee up. Probably one of the most illuminating looks into the Roy children we’ve seen in terms of how they position themselves. By no means is this an episode of big moves, but the smaller ones will set up the chess board for a later game. This show is fascinating.

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I'm in the minority here but I don't like this show nearly as much as everyone else seems to. I hate all these people.

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I just don’t understand how they can act so childish being extremely educated bunch of people. Shiv is, potentially, falling for the same trap her dad laid before, using his kids by dangling transparent carrots from his distance. Kendall being so naive I don’t get it, clearly from the last seasons there is nothing that ties him to his siblings but blood and dad.

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This show, man, this show!!

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The CRINGE is strong with this one. CRINGE-BLODDY-TASTIC. I suppose it is this way by design? I hope so.

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Shout by Isaac

We finally see Kendall's true colours. He's not as pure as we once thought he was. While definitely trying to justify his actions he ultimately seeks power just like his siblings and father.

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Really enjoyed all the Roy siblings being together for the majority of the episode, esp without their father around. I almost had hope they would join up with Kendall but I knew that would be unrealistic.

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