Fantastic episode!!!!! Seriously, this show is getting better each episode. The arcs of all characters is interesting now!!! I'm starting tolerate Lucas, but Steve is still the worst. Joyce's quest to find Will is beautiful, showing how far a mother I can get to have her son back. She is my favorite adult character and Winona is perfect in the role. Hopper is believing more in the strange occurrences in Will's case and he is leaving his scepticism. His scene opening Will's body at the end of the episode was chilling. The kids and Eleven are the best story of the show. I love Mike, Dustin and Eleven. They trying to get Eleven to be more feminine was adorable. Dustin is very funny. And finally, it seems Nance and Jonathan is getting a story together and I'm starting to like the two characters. Let's where the plot will take them. Overall, another brilliant episode with a lot chilling, thrilling and funnny moments.

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Jim is reminding me fox mulder from x-files more and more every episode

Without fear, he went directly to that center of research. He also lost his relative like fox mulder.

The kids heard also mother's voice. I hope they speak to her.

Now, 4 groups search for clues independently. Kids, sheriff, mother, will's brother-his friend.

I hope they can cooperate.

Will's brother is so annoying. Like science believers how say "if science cant explain anything, i dont believe it". It is same.

In previous episodes, i had guessed it could be another dimension. I did not expect such dark dimension.

The person went to bottom and get killed. Probably it is a gate.

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I'm not holding out any hope for Barb. Pretty sure she and that Explorer in the suit got mauled.

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So... That's not a body. Right.
What an awesome show!

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This show is very, very good. Much more a synthesis of 80s genre filmmaking techniques than an homage. Loving it. Can't wait to blow through the rest tomorrow.

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Really really good!
I mean I love Joyce for not giving up on Will even though everybody tags her as crazy.
And I also adore the fact that Hopper is not an idiot that settles for the easy answer and he is investigating things on his own.
I think from now on things will be even more interesting with Jonathan and Nancy working together, and also the kids, Hopper and Joyce all trying to figure out what is going on.

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The scene where Will's mother finally sees him in that other dimension (?) was amazing. I had serious goosebumps.
This show gets better with every episode and everyone's such a great actor - Even the kids are incredible. Really nice.

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A mother's intuition is always right

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Makes me think, is it some kind of an alternate dimension, where those monsters take them? like when Nancy's friend went missing, she was still in the pool, but it was empty, and Will was in the house, but creepier version. Damn, it must be exhausting to keep running.

and that part when Joyce talked to Will on the Wall, like it's a tear from another dimension. that scene gave me goosebumps.

And I like that this tv show isn't slow. and that it gives you something to think about every episode, not like the other sci-fi tv shows.

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Until the middle of this episode i felt like the story did not make much progress. But then it started to speed up a little. I think i see the turning point that happened here in the middle of the season. After the supposed death of Will they had to take down the spee a little to make his death believable. I certainly believed it. But so the revelation that he might be still alive is even more surprising. All the different storylines are now more in the offensive. They know no, that there is something seriously wrong and the actively looking for it instead just reacting to events. Classic storytelling but not bad. It's like a windup-machine. The last for episodes it was wind-up and know it is set in motion.

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The soundtrack is one of my favorite things about the show so far.

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While I've appreciated the Stephen King/Steven Spielberg/JJ Abrams-styled amalgamation of storytelling that's been going on since the start, the story didn't really start to grab me until this episode. In fact I'm especially feeling the Abrams-esque vibes now, since a pretty key plot point now is reminding me largely of Fringe (which I adored). Shame for it to take til the halfway point of an 8-episode story for the story to start gaining steam, but I've learned not to underestimate what Netflix series can do in a short period of time.

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Great use of Joy Division - Atmosphere at the begin of the episode.

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Hearing Joy Division's "Atmosphere" at the end of the episode made the montage absolutely phenomenal!

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The episode of revelations, IMO. Loved it.

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I have to agree with @drowninginfeels ... this episode the one that drew me in... I'm definitely a fan now.

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haha I like how they use walkie-talkies to communicate. You can also find The Dark Crystal poster in the same scene. I also noticed the chubby kid is wearing a shirt that says Explorer on it; could be a reference to EXPLORERS (1985). That same kid reads X-Men too, hehe.

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I like where this is going.

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A rather slow series, and I've watched Altered Carbon, which I liked better. It's only after Eps 4 that we see a stake and the plot starts to move; the first three episodes were spent to kind of world-build and develop the characters, but it falters here and there. Unlike Altered Carbon, which was filled with intricate details that you might miss if you're not paying attention, I feel like i could've watched this series while doing something else. I guess this is a soap opera sci-fi thriller of the 2010s.

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When it comes to slipping past a determined No-BS-having police chief or a mother’s intuition when it comes to their missing kids, yeah you’re gonna regret it. Team Joyce/Hopper FTW!

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i knew will wasn't dead!!!

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Shout by maurice

i feel bad for eleven at the beginning. mike blaming and lashing out on her didn't sit right with me ://// and every time she forces herself to channel will and user her powers or smth, pretty sure, it did a toll on her the way her nose bleeds afterward :((((

anyway, love the scene when hopper sliced will's chest open only to find out it's just a replica or smth and not the real will. what a thrilling scene :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

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Now it's starting to live up to the hype. I hope it only gets better from now.,

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I really like Hopper, he's much smarter that he first appeared to be. Alltogether I am feeling a bit like watching an old x-files episode.

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I'm not sure what to say but I'm hooked.

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There are a couple of really annoying points for which I want to dock this episode a mark. I love Hopper's character, and the actor especially, but his plot is falling into a lot of annoying cliches - and this time, it was one I find really annoying. The "good guy tortures somebody to extract information" cliche. I want a moratorium on this shit. Is there not a better way to do this than this weird, inaccurate, fascistic method? Ugh.

But overall, the episode is really strong. Liking this series a lot.

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