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Stargirl 2020

What an annoying Super Halfwit that girl is, not to mention that her sidekick actually makes Robin look good! Luckily I didn’t have high hopes so I’m not disappointed just gutted I’m all out of Superhero TV series to watch now!

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I wanted to like this, but I don't. Every single hero character is excruciatingly annoying. There is literally no likable character to root for. The show had potential, but they let CW do what they do best... Turning TV shows into crap.

It's got a better production value than the typical CW show, but that's about it. The plot is OK, but the dialog is painful to sit through. The cast of villains are way more interesting than the cast of heroes.

I'm trying to make it through the season... Wish me luck

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Highly Surprised & Pleasantly Delighted.

Riveted to the TV the whole episode.

DC Has A Hit.

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show is annoying. tried to watch 5 episodes. moving this to hidden category.

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Struggled to watch season 1. Mainly watched as filler. I just can't get into these high-school teeny bopper joints. Going into hidden just like I did with Legacies.

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It's better than I expected it to be, but 3 ep in and it's starting to feel like a CW show. The main character is also painfully annoying and unbearable at (most) times. It's hard to not root for the injustice league.

The show is actually not that bad when the focus is not on the main character.

EDIT: I guess this does air on the CW alongside DC streaming service. That would explain that "CW feel" to it. I will try to stay cautiously optimistic about the show, but I won't hold my breath...

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It's funny how the flashbacks and stuff from the JLA days seem like they took place in the 1950s, but it actually would've been the 1990s. It wasn't that long ago!

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Seriously annoying show. So glad I managed to finish off season 2. I gave it a chance and honestky it was a waste of time. The dialogue is childish and the acting is just ridiculously painful to watch. None of the characters have any charisma and the story line just keeps getting worse. They keep stupid shows like this but the better shows with better stories get cancelled.

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I really ended up liking this series. It felt fresh compared to the rest of the arrowverse, and I’m excited to see where it goes in the future!

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S2 has if* its flaws in overall story/plot points but is a vast improvement ki* in most things from S2. It leaves you wanting to see where things are headed in S3 and how it can do better again reducing the flaws from this season such as stray /useless characters being introduced but underutiliesed* underutilised in helping the plot. A much more clean ans child friendly superhero show which goes against most DC/Marvel shows that have hyper action/romance/tragedy etc so I like it for that reason. When it becomes like othehr showss it will lose its special bright 'light' charm.ingness which I hope will not happen.

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This is terrible and i have no idea why i still watch it

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I think it is not bad. But no even close as good as Superman and Lois.

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A bit young but quite punchy compared to other shows good for inspiring the dare and the faith

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The ending was decent. However, its slightly annoying that Courtney keeps saying its her destiny and crap to be stargirl when in actuality its not. The real starman isn't even her dad. Now that this information has been revealed shes even more annoying.

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just enough story to make you want to know what's going to happen next. as has been said Courtney is somewhat annoying.

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So far, I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying this show. There's certainly some CW-style drama, but it's not as trite and repetitive as it is in Arrow and Flash (yet).

Luke Wilson is always fun to watch, even though he sometimes lacks the gravitas needed for certain scenes. And Brec Bassinger is adorable and a perfect choice for Stargirl.

A lot of the high school stuff seems anachronistic, but maybe that's intentional. The whole show seems like it could take place in the 1960s if they removed phones from the scripts.

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It’s ok I guess, Courtney is kinda annoying

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Fair enough to recommend. They have to work on the character Stargirl though. It’s not that exciting. Almost every adult character was written better.

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Dialogues are stupid, zero character building, actors can't act, the plot is a mess, and the stargirl is a winey annoying stupid bitch

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Shout by Zac

The characters can be annoying and the CGI and physics for stunts are rough, but I still think the show was fun

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It will premiere on DC Universe, and only be on The CW on the next day ;)

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shame it got cancelled. so much untapped potential.

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Like it better than most of the DC live action shows. It’s a little on the younger side, but not every comic book show has to be super dark.
I think it gets the feel of the comics, which are a blend of bringing back some silver age hero’s and the new generation of young heroes. That may be what rubs other commenters wrong the old heroes act like old comic heroes, 2 dimensional and overdramatic. The kids start out cliche and then slowly develop, granted some take until the end of the series to finally mature.

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The actress playing Beth needs to go back to acting school. Terrible acting.

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A CW DC show that keeps consistent quality, I enjoyed tuning into weekly, and doesn't overstay its welcome? This show is a unicorn for bucking the usual CW pitfalls. That is not to say this is must watch or content that needs to be checked out, because its not. It is very much CW content which is not for everyone...I just happened to enjoy it. I felt there was a coherent three season arc that the creators set out to achieve and did just that. Curious of the future spin offs it may have, or what it will connect in with.

Average Season Review: 7.5/10

Recommendation: Watch if You Need Content (For CW Fans)

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Aww why did it get cancelled? I was starting to get into it. So sad!

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The CW assigned their usual low grade writers to this show starting in season 3. It started out so strong in season 1. Now it’s on life support. Utter garbage.

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Maybe if you are a teen you’ll like the show, I tried to “force feed” it for 3 episodes but personally I think it’s too childish for this genre, it could have been much better :thumbsup:

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Courtney is your typical “White Girl Doing White Girl Shit”. You know who they are. Being white gives them the “I’m white so I’m privileged therefor I can do whatever with no care in the world” attitude, while all the others girls literally have to work hard / earn. This basically sums up Courtney’s character in this show. 25 episodes later she still hasn’t evolved using her white private to keep moving forward.

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I actually like the show it feels like it's getting better too from since the start of the show. Hope it goes on for 6 or 7 seasons at least

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Well, 1st episode, I'm bored... Courtney is not well writen and the show is meeeeh . (Courtney goes to sleep with her day clothes, after doing the gymaste and exploding cars and faces...) I think I'll delete the rest and forget about this shit...

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The series is interesting but god the dialogues are soft and the special effects are worthy of an E.T? We are in 2021 damn it I think DC could have done better than poorly inlaid green backgrounds et une BO nule a chier ! The soundtrack is also really bad.

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It's okay. I've only looked at 3 episodes. Lets see what happens

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A decent passtime watch if you can i* manage to ignore the character of Stargirl which has been written bD* badly - making j* her a whiny self-absorbed brat. If they make her mature in S2 and f* manage to write her properly, then that will improve the show alot. Ending of S1 saved the show hence I'm giving S2 a chance.

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Teenage drivel. Poor acting from most of the players. I will not be watching season 2...

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Terrible. The costumes and names make me embarrassed I watched this shit. And the lead character and her dad are so unlikable oml

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starts out ok, with the first 3 episodes and the finale being good, but the rest is your usual teen drama with annoying characters you don,t care about, especially the new Doctor Midnight who does nothing and adds nothing to the show

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I wasn't sure what to expect from this and was very pleasantly surprised. This is a delightfully fun show. Plenty of good action and mostly very good special effects. Looks like season 2 will be loaded with conflict and possibly jealousy and a whole lot of other drama.

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I absolutely love this show. So hooked!

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This show rocks. I love it.

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Everything about this show is awesome, the acting is great, story line is awesome, the effects are cool! One of the BEST DC TV shows to date!!!

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Probably, THE best DCU tv show; it's not just bad and crappy.

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Just sat through the first 2 episodes and I gotta say, this wasn't the typical CW's SJW nonstop nonsense! A refreshing surprise! And the soundtrack was good too. In a sea of junk on this station, Stargirl is not unwatchable, which is saying something. If it continues in the same vein, I'll be a loyal fan.

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The quality of the show is a lot better then what I was expecting. You would think it was a movie if you didn't know it was a TV show. Must be a lot of money behind it. So far so good.

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The quality of the show is a lot better then what I was expecting. You would think it was a movie if you didn't know it was a TV show. Must be a lot of money behind it. So far so good.

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Great show, acting could have been a bit better tho. But if the shows go on and the younger cast gets some more experience it will be top-notch. So far the story is interesting enough. :)

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I just have to say that the Justice Society was NOT of this millennia...

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This show actually premieres Tuesday May 19th at 8p.m. on CW

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