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Star Trek: Season 2

2x08 I, Mudd

Of all people they bring him back? Well, he is kind of funny I guess. I like him better than in last season. Plus, 500 servile sex robots. I wonder how Kirk was able to hold himself back. Plus a bickering ex-wife replica in a shrine. Disturbing, but I can relate to this. In sex paradise you need a reminder that the grass on the other side is actually brown.

It's a stupid episode but it's entertaining nonetheless. There's even a bit of android philosophy who see themselves as benevolent caretakers.

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This served as a reminder of why I like this series; I hadn't watched it in a while until I saw this recently. A bit crazy, but, that's what makes it fun.

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Very funny episode with the already known side character Harry Mudd, especially the end.

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This was unexpectedly fun. I hated Mudd's previous appearance, but this pure comedy episode worked very well. It's great to see the characters acting so far outside of their usual roles.

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This was hilarious! Kinda sexist, but hilarious.

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We’ve seen Romulans, Klingons, Nomad, and who is the first recurring character that we get beyond the main cast?

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I'll admit I had a drink. But did Kirk ask that android if he could hurt people for him to say no? I remember him kicking ass at the start of the episode.

I like the episode for the goofy stuff they come up with in the end to confuse the android. Very funny.

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It's comedic, it's silly and that is about all it is. It's not bad, but I didn't enjoyed it that much to be honest.

I liked Mudd the first time around but his antics have a half-life.

And as progressive as this show has been at the time in their selection of characters, be it gender or race, when it comes to the depiction of women they were typical 60s quite often.

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Totally horrible, but very entertaining.

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Hilarious... 10x better than the first Mudd episode.

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