Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-09-18T10:35:28Z— updated 2023-04-30T12:08:39Z

I'm bored with all these alien planets that mimic Earth. The first time, this was maybe fun. This time they put more effort into the world since it merges modern and ancient elements of Earth history. Thus it's not an exact copy but it still feels very repetitive. Parallels don't end here. Again we encounter a Starfleet captain gone rogue; again they are incarcerated; again they need to escape; again they are forced to fight in an arena; again Spock and his fellow comrades haggle 'cause Spock remains calm in incarceration; again the crew back on the Enterprise is supposed to not interfere and this again squanders valuable time while the shore party needs help; again Scotty does the right thing and ignores the order not to interfere; again we encounter a half-naked (slave) girl entertaining Kirk (Kirk refrains from exploiting her for once though - that's a first). As an action episode it's okay; overall it's very mediocre.

Rhodes Reason is great though.

PS: In the cold-open, why is the Captain wearing his Start Trek badge 90° rotated slightly above his belt? Is that new or did I miss that before?

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The original Star Trek is full of these episodes: an Earth-like culture adapting exactly to some of our history but being tainted by outside interference. I don't enjoy them, it was as dull and unsurprising the first time as it was the tenth.

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After all the other historical eras, Rome was just a matter of time.

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How many times has Kirk been captured and then forced to fight in some alien ritual.

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Look, I understand the need to do Earth-like civilizations. It saves money - that's what it is about. Although for a show that spend the equivalent of 1.5+ Million $ per episode in today's money it's still amazes me how many of this episodes they did. And therein lies the problem - too many of these in too short of a timespan.

At least this time it wasn't a crazy, megalomaniac rogue Starfleet captain. Merrick was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and in over his head. He was outsmarted by Claudius and caved in.

The scene in where Spock was confronted by McCoy on why he wasn't afraid to die was a highlight I had not expected in that monent. That one sentence was very powerful and, dare I say it concerning Spock, emotional.

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Wow that was a bad episode. The crew of the Enterprise was sidelined for what looked like a pilot episode of a faux Doctor Who (complete with a sonic screwdriver looking device) and his companion (a young Teri Garr).

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