LOOK: 60
FEEL: 75

It’s Kirk vs Kirk in this one, as we explore two vastly different sides fo Enterprise’s dashing captain with Evil-Kirk going down the typical chauvinist and alcoholized route many bad men follow. There’s a high tension from the very beginning, as the relationships between the crew members are tested. Liking the way the Kirk/Spock relationship evolves.

74% = :white_check_mark:

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We get our first look at classic Shatner theatrical acting here with the famous "I'M CAPTAIN KIRK!" scene, and throughout most of the episode. It's cringe worthy and fun. I wish there had been more scenes where the crew randomly hold a dog with a unicorn horn.

The attempted rape on Yeoman Rand is horrific and drives a dark mark onto an otherwise fun episode.

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they really put a dog in a costume and called it a night, huh

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Overall, I love the premise. And to be honest, the episode isn't that bad. But even for 60s pacing, Kirk and Spoke are taking stupid pills. They see a dog that has an evil alter form. Scotty even surmises how bad it would be if it happened to a person, but yet Kirk and Spock are confounded by what people claim Kirk did and what the evidence shows (e.g. the scratch on Kirk's face is missing). I realize the 60s were a different type of story telling, more focused on characters than action, but this is definitely just killing time by making the characters fail to guess at the obvious. After about 30 seconds, one or the other should have mentioned the dog. Instead, it takes 5 minutes and even then Spock seems uncertain to even suggest it.

Also, why the hell don't they have a shuttle to go get the people left on the planet. There is a shuttle bay, but no shuttle to go get the away team? WTF?

I do have to admit that Kirk with a hint of eye shadow is perfect for this. Because, of course, eye shadow indicates someone is evil.

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Probably my favorite episode so far excluding the pilot. I'm impressed with William Shatner's acting!

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Sadly, pretty close to unwatchable in parts. Bill Shatner gives an early insight into why his appearances as Kirk on the big screen just don't pass muster. The premise; the transporter fails. Throughout Trek this system appears to be such an unreliable bit of kit in so many episodes that it's surprising it ever gets used at all. Except that generations of writers have needed a plot device. Maybe age has made me too cynical. Ho-hum.

Shuttlecraft, what are they?

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Best episode yet but the "there's an evil entity on the ship" thing has been done this entire season so far.

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  • Classic Star Trek: transporter accidents. It never gets old. There's a second Kirk, a second Riker - very efficient method of procreation it seems.
  • Highlights: regular pet dogs in a montage. Cutest unicorns ever.
  • I like the green shirt Kirk is sometimes rocking. The gold ornaments are very playful. He looks like a Roman emperor.
  • Regular Kirk should always wear eye shadow like evil Kirk. It works for Taliban fighters, it works for Star Fleet captains: it ups their bad ass level.
  • Yep you got that right ladies. Spock tells the truth as it stood in the 60s: women will never be good leaders. They don't possess the violence, savageness, strength, risk tolerance, boldness and lust all men possess under their thin veneer of good manners.
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The good news is that this episode serves as a cinematic parable about the nature of good and evil in humans. The bad news is that it's a bit edgier than usual for this show, particularly when the evil Kirk attempts to rape a woman (not graphic, of course). Hopefully, the further episodes keep things clean.

Content Concerns:
Sex: A man attempts to rape a woman; she successfully fights him off. 2/5
Nudity: Shirtless guy. 4/5
Language: One misuse of God's name. 4/5
Violence: Two or three fisticuffs; a woman fights off an attempted rapist; a guy is bloodied after a nasty fall; two men are seen with scratches on their faces; people are shot at with phasers. 2/5
Drugs: Alcohol is consumed and referenced two or three times. 4/5
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The evil version of Kirk is rather creepy; this episode is rife with emotional intensity. 2/5

Score: 3.5/5

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