They’re going all in on computers gone mass this season, aren’t they?

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Man. In the last episode Dr.. McCoy was stone cold with a scalpel to his throat "make sure to get the corroded artery for maximum efficiency" (I'm adlibbing cause I'm drunk) and now Scotty is taking charge standing up for his captain and crew. I honestly thought this was gonna be a laugh fest when I started watching Star Trek but honestly, despite the execution, some of these episodes are brilliant. And I'm starting to see why it inspired sci-fi for decades.

I get Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scotty now. And sadly she's gone, Yeoman Rand.

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Good story. Good execution. I like the alien planet. Awesome architecture. I like their fashion. I like the whole concept of war down there. It's almost a philosophical approach to war. I like the aliens (they are supposed to be bad but - from their perspective - they are not acting in an irrational or immoral way). Of course they are war criminals from our perspective. I like how the crew back on the Enterprise stays calm and does the right thing. I like that there's a diplomatic/ political angle represented by the ambassador. I like that there's a power struggle between the Federation's political representative and the crew who care primarily about their mission, their ship and the well-being of their crew. As always, Kirk is not my most favorite character. He's very one-dimensional: why to become a philosopher or a diplomat if you're having a pair of healthy fists and a laser gun? It's a very disruptive approach to peace-making to say the least.Based on a gut-feeling.

Btw, Scott is the better Captain. The good Doctor is a solid first officer.

PS: Her dress is spectacular.

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Shout by FinFan

Scotty really shines in this episode and his stand-off with Fox tells you a lot about his character. There is the small logical error of Fox beaming down despite Scotty's refusal to lower the shields. It feels like there is a scene missing because Scotty knows Fox has beamed down and doesn't seem to be confused but rather angry about that.

I do understand the message they wanted to send about war being dirty and it's something to be avoided. And it is an interesting idea and very sci-fi in its nature. But I do have problems understanding how a civilization, and a highly advanced one at that, can come up with the concept of a computer war instead of even entertaining the notion of peace. Over the centuries both sides must have seen how they can flourish without taking away anything from the other. The only thing I can come up with, is that they are so used of making war, they just keep doing it. If it makes sense or not. Which would be a summation of mankind. The blind obedience of the Eminians to have themselves killed and calling it "duty" goes along the same line.

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I do love Scotty. He is one of the most perceptive members of the crew. Probably because he is an engineer. He needs more screen time to be insightful.

What a great episode! Getting past the reasoning for the premise takes some doing, but once you do, it is quite the ride.

I do have to wonder how the ambassad5beams down if the "screens" are still up, though.

One of Kirk's best lines. "I didn't start it, Councilman. But I am liable to finish it." If only the Captains to follow were so bold and assertive instead of constantly wringing their hands and showing how weak they are.

And shortly thereafter, one of Spock's best lines, "I had assumed you needed help. I see that I am in error."

The Ambassador is a great character. I am very impressed.

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That was freaking awesome. Such a futuristic premise for the time. Well done.

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Pretty interesting episode and concept behind it all.

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This one kept me on the edge of my seat! Great stuff!

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This was great. A fantastic sci-fi story that I haven't encountered before, but the real star here was Kirk and his brilliant strategy (and fantastically cocky attitude).

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