They really were throwing anything against the wall back in the first season. How many times do they travel back to the 20th century?

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I like this episode. Time travel was always strange and this episode ain't an exception. The episode is quite suspenseful though and the mere possibility of time travel as an actual concept in physics is intriguing. It's fun to see contemporary people interact with people from the future. And it's fun to think about how time travel can stain the original timeline.

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A fun timetravel adventure that is probably far to casual with the concept. But, hey, it's 1966 and it's all theoretical anyway.

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I love that they assume the moonshot occured in the late 60s even though it hadn't happened when this episode aired.

I'm not sure what time travel logic was used for the resolution, but, as other have pointed out, it makes no sense. Even so, it was a very entertaining episode.

I loved the new computer tone. I hesitate to say "voice" since it still sounds like Majel Barrett, so the voice is the same. It makes me think of Lwaxana.

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While parts of this didn't make sense, it was still a fun ride, and a look into the military of yesteryear.

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I love how they have a floppy disc for chicken soup 10/10.

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I enjoyed this. It's lighthearted but still tells a good sci-fi adventure story (much like Star Trek IV). Spock and McCoy had some great stuff, Kirk was extremely cool under pressure. Laughed at the sexy computer. The ending didn't make the most sense, but ho hum.

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