Probably among the best 4 or 5 episodes in ST:TOS. Well scripted, acted and directed.

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This is a great episode! The story takes place almost entirely on the bridge of the Enterprise, with Kirk matching wits with a Romulan commander. I really like how Kirk uses input from his crew to make decisions and plan their strategy. Captain Kirk would be a good boss to have. I was surprised to see Spock make a blunder.

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I can see how that was suspenseful and exciting back when this episode originally aired. Introducing Romulans, the Neutral Zone, Romulus and Remus. Watching it the first time in 2022, I can't take this very serious. Acting is bad, Romulans and their ship look stupid, the action-packed story is kind of ridiculous. It was probably a solid 7/10 but I can't ignore all that I know from TNG and DS9.

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A very good episode with lots of tension. The writing and dialogue is good and we get to see our first real battle scenario with strategy. Something we only really get with Kirk and is curiously missing by the time we get to tNG.

I'm not sure why the wedding couldn't have been completed while they were in transit. There isn't anything to do until the Enterprise is near the Neutral Zone, so finish up the wedding before going into battle. It would take 10 minutes and transit likely took a hour or two.

The enemy ship is a little cheesy looking with the decal on the bottom and is very generic looking. Like something out of Buck Rodgers or Flash Gordon. No real style or flair like we see in later enemy ships. I'm actually very disappointed with the episode on this point.

All in all, I can wee why this is considered one if the best episodes in all of Star Trek. Not my favorite, but very well done.

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Wait what?? Isn't the Romulan Commander Sarek????

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LOOK: 85
FEEL: 85

A historically important episode, introducing the Romulans. This is a tense and action-filled episode from the onset. The pacing is admirable and the many twists are delicious. It’s an episode filled with strategic warfare and feels like a story that we will return to later.

81% = :white_check_mark:

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A pretty good story...but the ending ruined it.

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That's more like it! Suspenseful and well executed, dramatic story. Spock and McCoy are really settling into their characters. A shame the bigotry subplot was so heavy handed.

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