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Star Trek: Season 1

1x01 The Man Trap

This episode was used as a basis for the romantic relationship between Spock and Uhura in Star Trek (2009). I did find that odd back then, as Chapel was more involved with Spock.

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One of my favorite episodes of tOS. A surprisingly good story with complex elements. Unfortunately, xenocide wasn't explored more fully as it would have been in later series.

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Shout by Simon

As so often is the case being a security officer on the beam down party is a perilous job!

Great first episode which not only does a very good job of introducing new characters without labouring the point is also a great story!!

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On the first official entry to Star Trek TOS, we get to see how a few of the main characters react to something gone terribly wrong during a routine mission to a Class M planet. Tension builds up slowly as they become aware of the danger they face and the risk it poses to the ship's crew. For the most part, it's a pretty solid episode with very decent acting. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Sulu and Uhura already display some of the most recognizable personality traits that would later define them and for which they would be known for in years to come. It's also noteworthy that, in their search for new life and new civilizations, they would have had to make a choice between the preservation of the last member of a supposedly extinct alien species and their own survival. It does make you think about the buffalo...

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Spock's highly emotional reaction and violent outburst was both hilarious and disturbing. Great banter between Kirk and McCoy. I noticed that Kirk makes very sudden changes between super-chill Captain and highly-strung serious Captain.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2021-11-03T16:09:50Z— updated 2024-02-02T01:34:22Z

Colors and uniforms are vibrant. Stage design is already brilliant although some elements look like a 60s IKEA catalogue. Plus: the rocks and monuments on the planet look fake too.

Good that they went for that crew. The original crew in the original pilot was way less intriguing. The plot of the other pilot was better though. Here we have yet another mind-manipulating species but that's not the same existential story like in the first plot. Here it's a single individual giving out deadly vampire smoochies in the pursuit of - wait for it - salt. The latter part of course is stupid.

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LOOK: 50
FEEL: 70

Bizarre science-fiction horror with fashionably dated production design and a fascinating central trio of characters and a surprisingly well-realized threat. Somewhat overlong and slow at times.

65% = :heavy_minus_sign:

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More of a standard TV show feel than "The Cage", though not without its charms. My favourite part of the episode might have been the staging of the action sequence where Kirk and Spock capture Professor Crater. Both the production design and the blocking add an abstract, stagey quality to the scene. No one involved seems that interested in trying to make out like they're not shooting on a soundstage, and the end result is all the better for it. Instead, the director, DP and editor concentrate on capturing the actors moving in the space, and both Nimoy and Shatner are committed enough to make the relatively simple choreography feel tense and full of personality.

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Spock smacking Nancy and telling Bones she's an alien is funny. Going to try to binge the whole original series before the summer is over considering I won't be getting any blockbusters. So far, I'm invested considering it's so 60's. Looks like it's going to be a treat.

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