"And their signal originated in the… Alpha Quadrant." How can you know that? Subspace signals relayed through a probe stuck inside a micro-wormhole carry spatial coordinates indicating their origins? They keep referring to analysis of the other ship's "hailing frequency" as if hailing frequencies are location-specific. Sometimes, Trek writers don't seem to think about what they imply with the technobabble they insert into their scripts.

Well, this is where "Joe" started. Takes him 33 years, but the Doctor gets his name eventually…

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Best episode so far. Feels credible and relatable. The crew seems matured, sobered, homesick, dedicated, serious. They have realized what their mission is and pursue a common goal. Kes found her role. (Now only the good doctor needs a name - this will be easy :-) They hope and they get their hopes crushed. That's perhaps the greatest recurring theme of this show. The time paradox and the realization of "Romulans are a civilized race after all" feels very Star Trek-ish to me. As far as suspense goes, I think that episode was too early in the show. I mean, did you expect that they beam out of the Delta Quadrant just like that and hereby effectively killing the show?

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My least fave Captain, simply coz she's not a very good one. Hey let's go investigate that walrus polishing kit inside that class 58 wormhole inside that level 159 nebula.... Instead of getting her people home.

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Shout by FinFan

On it's own this is a really good episode. But it was waayyy too early to even toy with the idea that they might get back. You don't built a show on the premise of a 70 year voyage home and present a solution in episode seven. So that part doesn't work.
It's nice to see how Kes stands up for the Doctor (and that Jennifer Lien's wig was trimmed down and actually looks more natural). The Doctor's journey is clearly one of the best things about Voyager. Also, no Neelix in this episode. Whoohoo !!!

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This is the first episode of Voyager where I feel like it really hits its stride.

All the characters are well-written and well done here, with a non-contrived specific to their situation episode.

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