I do like episodes that involve any form of time travel or paradoxons. But the placing of this episode was bad. It's another cause and effect episode right after the one we just had.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2021-12-22T20:51:12Z— updated 2022-07-08T07:31:17Z

Classic Star Trek: fly to an unknown place, techno babble, prime directive, time travel (and the inevitable talk about how nobody understands temporal mechanics and time paradoxes), questionable fashion design, and some sort of anti nuclear energy (sorry: polaric energy) activists. I don't get the end really but who cares? The end serves its main purpose: literally hit the reset button so that next week's episode is gonna start from a blank sheet.

It's ok. Pretty inconsequential episode.

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We get it, you don't like nuclear power eyeroll

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Quite unimpressed with this one. I make fun of Voyager for using the reset button, but this episode ACTUALLY RESETS EVERYTHING AT THE END. It makes it all rather pointless, as none of it ever happens. Which is a shame, because the Janeway/Paris pairing was working quite well, and they had a lot things to teach each other. I feel more on Tom's side in that the Prime Directive should never apply when an entire planet is going to be wiped out (this was touched on not long ago in the TNG episode 'Homeward').

A thinly veiled criticism of nuclear power is all fine and well, though no real points are made other than "it's too dangerous". The alien civilisation they encounter (did they even both to not make them look human this time?) all wear the terrible same clothes, and the forced friendship story between Tom and the little boy was quite horrible to watch.

Kes's weird telepathic abilities are quite cool, but since everything resets I guess she doesn't remember anything about what it all means.

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