There are much better versions of this story elsewhere in the Trek canon. This one is extremely light on the exploratory side, sticking with a paranoid/horror atmosphere right from the first moments of Janeway's holo-novel intro all the way to the end. The dialogue also violates the rule, "Show, don't tell," several times, such as when a crewman tells the captain, "We're entering the nebula," when that fact would be obvious even to a parakeet. The previous episode, "Heroes and Demons", was a much more fulfilling alien-contact story.

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Another episode that has the distinct feeling of "been there, done that". Plus some more native mumbo jumbo (sorry, no disrespect meant).
And what about the switcheroo with the rank insignia? Were they really that stupid and did not recognize that or is this some sort of error due to something that was planed but didn't happen ? At first I thought this was some kind of hidden clue they put in. But that would have meant everyone on Voyager has become blind.
Everytime I start noticing those kind of things it tells me the story wasn't good. Add in Neelix's short appearance in sickbay and you get another one you can cross off your re-run watchlist.

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I have seen that before: Humanoids possessed by an alien. The stakes are high. Everyone's becoming quite paranoid. And still it's boring. I don't know why. It's classical Star Trek though, but that's not enough to convince me. I'm actually more intrigued by Janeway's holo novel. It has such a romantic touch to it - that's definitely a side of Janeway I'd like to have explored further.

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As this began, I was worried it was going to be a god awful Chakotay vision quest/spiritual episode, but fortunately that's not the case. Things start off slow, but there's are some fun moments as the crew become paranoid about who might be possessed by the alien entity, but Star Trek has done (and will do) this story far better several times over.

It's also inexplicably dumbed down for what I have to assume the writers believed were a stupid audience. Harry seems to be the voice of their confusion: "Chakotay? But he's in sickbay!". No, Harry, we've been dealing with non-corporeal floating energy beings for the whole episode, stop being a moron.

Most of all, I just need to know: WHAT'S ON THE FOURTH FLOOR?!

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IDK who's more annoying at this point.. Neelix or Kes... Both of which shud have been left on the rock where they were found IMO.

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I was way more interested in the Holonovel Janeway was taking part in than this episode.

I am continually disturbed by the relationship between Kes and Neelix, and any acknowledgment of it tends to knock a point off the episode for me.

This plotline just feels very played out already and we're only 13 episodes into the show. I hope Voyager finds its stride and is able to tell different stories in the future like DS9 did.

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This episode is a bit of a hot mess. Plus hilarious moments such as when the ship starts moving and this guy leans in and says, "Captain, we're moving" yea not shit Sherlock. Good thing they remembered to go back for that warp core.

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