Shouts about...

Star Trek: Voyager 1995

Growing up, Paris was a favourite of mine. I enjoyed his youth, boyish charm and natural cheek. Now as a woman, I find myself quite taken with Chakotay. Rewatching Voyager feels like home. Love it.

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"I don't care if you can make it sing and dance; we're getting rid of it (Omega) .. This show is still my favorite, I have seen it multiple times and enjoy it every time. The doctor, "I'll complain if I want to. It's comforting." and Seven of Nine, "The fun will now commence" are my favorite characters. BUT WHY HAS ENSIGN KIM NEVER BEEN PROMOTED

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For me, the more dynamic of all the ST sagas.
Very funny and amusing. Loved the capt. Janeway and 7of 9

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Growing up with this show, and TNG, I really enjoyed it and consider it to be my favorite of all the Star Trek series.

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Shout by ketu

HoloDoc ftw =)

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The premise of this show, a starship stranded in the delta quadrant trying to get home, works well. You get a feeling the crew are a family, and for me it makes me care about the characters that little bit more. Number three for after TNG and DS9.

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By far my favorite Trek!

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Voyager suffers fair albeit undue criticisms by its simple proximity to TNG and DS9. While it is definitively weaker than those two titans, as a stand-alone experience it is strong sci-fi dressed in thick Star Trek skin. This iteration of Trek simultaneously possess some of the strongest and weakest characters in the entire franchise, and the influence of those characters directly affects individual episode quality.

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Just saw a virtual walk-through of Voyager's exterior and interior (WIP...for the past ten years)!

Highly recommend it to any and all lovers of Voyager:

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best ST serie of ever

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Seven-of-Nine and the EMH doctor are the only ones who achieve 3-dimensional characterhood, all the other characters are flat or mis-written. They completely nerfed the Borg, which is sad considering their story power in TNG.

In DS9 you can tell when it gets good by when Sisko loses the hair. In this one, it's when they let Janeway lose the hair bun.

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So nothing will beat Captain Picard, but this one is a really close second. Amazing crew, amazing Star Trek series.

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For me, this is the absolute worse Star Trek series. There are great episodes, but overall I'm not impressed. I think it's mostly because the captain is awful. If it's the writing or the actor I'm not sure, but most episodes where she has a lot of screen time are almost the once I like the least.

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Shout by Deleted

All those technologies and yet beat this classic series.

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Shout by Deleted

Remember that time where Harry Kim died and it was a totally traumatic event being the death of a friend, then to add insult to injury the crew struggled for many episodes to adjust to having an alternate-universe Harry taking his place as if nothing ever happened?

You know your show is terrible when the dude advising the hack-tier Native American elements is himself a hack.

Terrible ****.

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Neelix just told Seven to make sure her curtains match the carpet. LOL

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“I'm sorry, but if they're supposedly treating the Doctor like any other crew member, that was a court-martial offense. He disobeyed orders, then basically commited treason”

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Love how they still need sneakernet in the 24th century., yet they are constantly accessing other ship's computers through space

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

good sci-fi

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