This is great. From the captain's clear embarrassment at having Vash meet his crew to the over-the-top fun of Q's Robin Hood re-enactment, this episode is a joy. Very much character-focused instead of giving us a deep science fiction tale, and all the better for it. Q clearly has something of an obsession with Picard and I think a deep respect, maybe love for him. He wants to earn Jean Luc's respect in the same way a child would want their father's, and he acts out in many of the same ways a child would.

The Nottingham stuff is great. LaForge seems to actually be enjoying himself, but it's Worf who gets all the best moments. As well as Data getting an arrow from Troi!

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When the Captain gets flustered is pretty hilarious. I love how the rest of the crew find it quite amusing to meet Vash, much to Picard's embarrassment. This episode was a marvelous reunion, drama, and happy resolution of Picard x Vash

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I'm a sucker for a good Robin Hood story and it was great to see a Q-inspired take on the legend. The concept of seeing the crew of the Enterprise as the Merry Men was hilarious and played for laughs to brilliant effect, and they were brilliantly chosen to match up with the characters. It's another fun opportunity for Patrick Stewart to play Picard playing someone else in a fun, light-hearted affair that is one of the better Q episodes and involving Vash made for a nice continuation of her arc.

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I always like when Q shows up but this episode is more on the weaker side. Sure, it has some funny moments and that is where it lives from. But it all felt too much of a construct. As if the main goal wasn't to show that Picard cares for Vash but to bring her and Q together. Personally Picard and Vash never worked for me. I don't picture her as being the kind of woman that attracts Picard. Oh well, wherever love falls I guess. Q is also too passive as he "gave the fantasy a life of its own".
The costumes are great, though. But in the end for me it was just some fun moments to play around with the main characters.

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Q; I am not a fan of these episodes, Q is such an annoying character. He's got the entire universe to play in and he keeps coming back to the Enterprise

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Worf’s two scenes of this episode totally make it worthwhile.

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