More Barclay! Really wish he showed up more on this show, but he certainly knows how to make the most of his time in every episode. Dwight Schultz is one of the show's best guest stars. Loved everything that he got to do this episode; his scenes with La Forge and Troi were great.

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Very silly but very fun, and it shows what a wonderful job Dwight Schultz does as Lt. Barclay. The fact that he's only ever a guest star makes his presence on board the Enterprise a little hard to accept, because when he's on he's one of the central figures in events, but when he's not then he's completely forgotten. They do at least make the important choice of letting his character grown and have an arc instead of repeating events of previous episodes.

You can't take the sight of Barclay attached to the computer via the holodeck seriously, but that's okay. The ending is disappointing with the quite ridiculous Cytherians making their appearance. Troi gets a good role for once and manages to play it all quite naturally, getting some of the best moments too. I'd never taken Dr. Crusher as one to run acting classes, but sure, why not?

Data's face while watching the play is unexpectedly hilarious.

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Beyond far fetched episode in which Barclay (one of the most annoying characters ever!) seizes control of the Enterprise in order to transport them 30,000 light years across the galaxy for a quick hello with a race of beings who explore by saying exactly where they are

Warp technology is so outdated!

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Has he become threatening in anyway? "Will he did make a pass at me last night." ROFL

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Good on you, Mister Barclay!

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Honestly, this could have been a feature.

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Shout by FinFan

Always a treat with Barclay. And Schultz plays him absolutely great. This character was developed with him in mind. The stories foundation is good but it drifts a bit into the ridiculous with that floating alien head on the bridge and his rather quirky behavior.

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An excellent episode which explores the acting range of Dwight Schultz.

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