I always thought a phaser beam is almost instant, at least it should be fast once it's fired. The way Picard side stepped the on fired at him was very arkward.

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Yeah that last scene with the From Beyond monster was good but for the most part an underwhelming body snatcher story. Data has mountain dew eyes

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Stargate plus Alien? the plot is good

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The worst episode of any Trek series I've seen in a while. Though the acting was great and the plot was decent, a higher amount of profanities than usual, not the mention the creepy aliens, messed things up for me. Let's hope the season finale ends things on a better note.

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Shout by JasperKazai

This was a fun episode! A cloak and dagger meeting, the potential threat of Starfleet being infiltrated, a return to Earth, an evil alien plot, and the ominous ending (that I imagine never gets expanded upon, but hey). You don't want every Star Trek episode to end with the alien(s) literally being shot by Picard and Riker, but it's fun for it to happen every now and then. This was definitely a fairly campy episode, but I quite enjoyed it. The stop-motion movement of the little bugs was very charming.

Of Picard's two closest friends from his past, one has been dead for a long time (Jack Crusher), and now the other one gets killed like 2 minutes after we see him for the first time. Oof.

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It's always great to see someone's head explode!

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