C'mon writers! You can do better than this!

Spock and his girl switch bodies, and then all of a sudden they are both specifically needed at the same time? They let a random chick talk to an alien race for negotiations? And why the hell did they need Amok specifically to go talk to the guy when they could have always just punched the dude in the face and drag him away?

The writing is so transparent that I can literally see the writers hand in front of my face. There is like no immersion or soul in this show so far :(

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A wanna-be humoristic episode that had me annoyed at the first two minutes and made me want to gauge out my eyes for the next 40.

Goddamn, the hell is this.
Guess I'll finish the season and be done with it like the rest of NuTrek.
Can't say we didn't give it a shot.

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I have a very hard time liking this show. It's just the fifth episode but already the first I quit watching half way through.

This was all so incredibly not funny. Every attempt at humor landed flat on its behind. And that's not taking into account the fact that the writing is so predictable (for the part where they switched bodies and what happened next).

Maybe I watch the rest of the episode later but for now I'm just not interested in how this plays out.

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after a passable 4 episodes, episode 5 is complete dogshit, Spock and T'Pring get mind swapped for some reason, hijinks ensue and of course the Doctor and Nurse Chapel solve the problem using some poorly explained deus ex machina involving algae paste? meanwhile, Number One and Singh bond over Enterprise Bingo? don't ask. episode is mostly played for laughs but it's just not funny at all

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I'm very surprised by the negative comments on this episode. Perhaps it's because I'm a casual Trek fan, but I adored this episode. So many hilarious line deliveries. So much colourful chemistry between all of the characters (Chapel in particular has perfect chemistry with everyone she talks to). So much class, charm and optimism. Very good use of the visual effects budget to punctuate moments of awe. Overall, I feel really energised by this episode.

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Episodes like this make me proud to be a Trekie again. This episode didn't take itself too seriously and was full of sci-fi optimism, just what the world needs!

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Shout by mookie
BlockedParent2022-06-04T03:26:57Z— updated 2022-06-07T02:08:29Z

What an excellent episode. This is what’s missing in Discovery and Picard: People being people and going about their lives — without the constant need for some universe ending calamity breathing down their necks. This episode was fun and funny and totally enjoyable.

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This episode was so dumb. The setup for Sock and T'Pringles to be excruciatingly needed after they've swapped minds was so cheap. Una and La'an doing the Enterprise Bingo was so utterly dumb and out of character...

... But it sure was a lot of fun!

Nurse Chapel was cool, though. Overall, a feelgood kind of episode. This was a nice change of pace, a bit reminiscent of early The Orville, but I hope they'll go back on a serious mission for the next episode.

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Why is Spock so kissy. He's too kissy.

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God damn it, they really are going to hand-wave away every single problem they encounter... won't make for a good show, is all I'm saying.

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This episode was pure fun. Was smiling trough out all of it.

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I liked this episode, it was light-hearted, everyone got good lines... it felt like everyone could let their hair down, loosen up a bit. Again, it's nothing that hasn't been seen in ST so far, but it's delivered with a new/fresh twist. So far, I'm really enjoying this series.

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A little bit of a mis-step, attempting to do comedy but failing to be all that funny outside of a few things (hijinks!). There was nothing wrong with the premise of the episode though, and indeed it probably could have worked great if it hadn't all been so lifeless. It's saved by wonderful performances from Ethan Peck and Gia Sandhu and a truly exceptional opening sequence that gives us a taste of the classic TOS episode 'Amok Time' (along with the wonderful music) and that gorgeous finale on the hull. I also appreciated the character work done with Chapel here.

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A very entertaining episode. This continues to be the best new Star Trek show out there.

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This feels like classic Trek; an A story that consists of two parties talking it out and a B story of a quirky problem to solve. Breath of fresh air compared to the car crash that it is Discovery.

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What the hell was this!?
Even before the episode intro this episode destroyed Vulcan lore, had a couple cringe moments.
Then the episode started and it just fkd everything up.
T'Pring has more human traits than Spock has ... and T'Pring's colleague uses an Earth term 'pull this off'.

And what the hell is Uhura, Cadet Uhura in the talks when there is no translation is needed.
... and I won't even attempt to figure out why the Captain is really there except for showing the hair.

Sorry, got through only half this episode... can't do it anymore. Good luck all... I hope you all can deal with this mash of nonsensical dribble... I highly recommend switching your viewing to The Orville. A much smarter alternative than this!

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Shout by Ana

I loved Una and La'an pairing, they were funny and hope to see them working together more. Although it was weird that the Number One did not participate in such an important negotiations.

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Best part was Spock having a nightmare of him fighting his human side. Since the old school fighting music from the 60’s show was played.
The complainers forget that the very last episode of the original series. Had Kirk switch bodies with a woman villain which was extremely campy.

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My phone had more screentime than this episode, it was that boring.

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Get outta town.
We are not in a town.

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Best episode so far. It gives the chance to all of the characters to show their inner feelings, as well as their best sides. And the authentic purpose of the Federation.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Super fun episode that was well balanced. A bold move so early in the establishing of characters too! Enterprise bingo was especially cute. Una giving Noonien-Singh some of the childhood hijinks she never got.

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The opening fight scene was great, especially the nod to the original series fight between Kirk and Spock. Music and weapons were spot on!

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That was an episode alternating between boring and just silly and cringe worthy.

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I liked it even though it was obvious that they were trying hard (and failing) to find something for Uhura to do in this one. And while I can see hating on DISCOVERY (which I bailed on long ago) or PICARD (which is on double-secret probation at this point), I'm just not understanding it here. Not only is it FAR too early to be as hateful as some of the cool kids apparently are, but there just isn't that much to not like, let alone that much to hate at this point.

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