Inject this into my veins. This is the most Star Trek, Star Trek we've ever got.

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it had 3 reviews with 2 star rating before the episode even finished airing. literal bots bombing this great episode for no reason.

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I think Hemmer will become my favorite charachter on this show. Hopefully we'll see more of him.

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Who is scoring this low? It is the best version of Star Trek I’ve seen for a long time. This episode was off the same high standard as the ones that preceded it and I have no doubt will follow.

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Well, this is Star Trek, it's just that simple. It's an amalgamation of TOS, TNG and VOY plot themes, nothing exceptionally new, but it just works.

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Love SNW, it really brings back the feel of that core Trek à la TNG. Love the episodic format where there's a full story seen to the end each week. Nothing's perfect and this episode felt a little unpolished but in the end it worked well despite any problems.

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Character development intertwined with cool scifi - GASP

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It was alright episode. Nothing like the first two episodes. The doctors accent was so hard to follow. Needed to turn on subtitles to understand him speaking. M

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Nurse Christine is so hot. She needs to be in more episodes.

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Watched the first two episodes, enjoyed them. Read many comments that praised the writing, I agreed. Then I began watching this episode...

Pike contacts the ship needing transport back to the ship. He's advised it cannot be done due to the severe ion storm and advised to take cover. He then asks Spock for suggestions.

Seriously? You JUST left a large building before walking outside to the rendezvous point with nothing else around it. You really need to ask someone where to take cover? Does Spock normally carry an auto-construction emergency shelter in his pocket? HOW ABOUT GOING BACK INTO THE BUILDING? What the hell, writers!

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Another decent episode which is as expected, a solid show and the tech shown in discovery that upgraded what this time frame are showing from the TOS is well received and not a problem it might’ve been had this come before discovery.

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Good episode. They just over do showing a woman carrying a guy in slow motion. We get it by now, women are strong too lol.

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(Would have been
a 6 if not for that warm
fuzzy ending).
Not the best episode
but a fair watch.
I know I need more
Nurse Christine
in this show.
Ladies and Gentlemen
that right there is
a beautiful woman.

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Love good character development and background. Was this known before in TOS? Idk never seen it so everything was new and great for me.

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It was a bit boring this one.

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clear star trek even though final doctor plot twist felt a bit cheap 6.2./10

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