Jippers on a beach somewhere!

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[8.2/10] Oh man, what fun this was! Rainn Wilson has been a revelation as Young Mudd, and letting him play the mealy-mouthed, flattering, manipulative but theatrical snake role to the hilt for fifteen minutes is just a delight. Everything from quibbling over regicide, to trying to seduce or buy off his captors, to promises of future conquest and resistance against Federation hegemony are a laugh riot as he tries to wriggle out of his bonds. Each attempt at subterfuge is better than the last, and the flashbacks to the different ways he’s tried to talk his way out of a capture were just as delightful.

I especially enjoyed the twist. It harkens back to Mudd’s robot duplicate adventure in The Original Series, and Mudd posing as a bounty hunter and turning in his own duplicates for the reward money is so the kind of harebrained but hilariously brilliant scheme only he would come up with. I do enjoy it when Star Trek gets to shed its starched collars and have fun, and this was a great heaping dose of that.

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This felt more like Star Wars than Star Trek.

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Well, I guess you could say, if you've seen ONE Harry Mudd..., you've seen them ALL!!!

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This was actually the worst Store Trek episode. Not funny at all and more like Star Wars.

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Even though i never got into Star Trek to me discovery doesn't seem like star trek too. i think it would have been better to jettison the star trek name tag and be it's own thing. Shows should work to the strength of their format so minisodes will feel different from tv shows and movies. I think these short treks generally do and these anthology type eps would be my preference for discovery going forward. i thought this was great for a minisode.

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