This episode is contradictory to what Star Trek is about and I am confused and disappointed by it. It almost seems like a cautionary tale to "stay in your lane" and not to challenge (even harmful) traditions and customs, but that wouldn't make any sense, this IS Star Trek... right?

The decision Archer takes to "not interfere" in a situation that was clearly potentially life threatening is so bizarre and out of character I got whiplash. Also, I get that the writers may not have understood the difference between gender and sex enough at the time to incorporate they/them/their pronouns into the story, but it was odd to hear "she and her" so often when the character in reference is a noted third gender, had told Trip that their name is Charles (since we're leaning into traditions here), and was initially introduced as "it". You'd think that 22nd century humans (and a Danobulan, and a Vulcan) would be less limited in their thinking. Clearly there was some disconnect between minds in the writers room resulting in this Twilight Zone, non Star Trek (or perhaps TOS antiquated perspective) episode.

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Pretty much the only episode of the second season that I still mostly remembered, after all these years.

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Yawn.... why can't we have an episode where a species is different, it is acknowledged, and the plot moves on. Instead, we get these conversations that bring the episode to a grinding halt for no purpose than to espouse some SJW idealism.

Trip just doesn't get it. Don't mess with a culture you don't understand.

Of course maybe that is the whole point. Stop messing with other people's culture. Things typically turn out badly.

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Shout by MamaSaucy

This should have been like the Vulcan episode where the stigma that came to those with the ability to mind meld. If anything Archer should have been able to suggest now that the cogenitor had this knowledge it might be best to take them as refugee to prevent disruption to society. Or something. A death is unnecessary.

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oh no. this was heavy. i absolutely LOVED trip in this and his soft kindness and unwavering belief but by the end i was heartbroken.
i also enjoyed all of malcolm’s scenes. he got laid, good for him!

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Okay so I'm confused. I need an explanation. Is Trip teaching the Cogenitor to read in English or Vissian? Trip would obviously be using the UT to speak to any of the Vissians. The text "it" reads from the book is not English so I guess it's Vissian, but Humans already got a complete database that plugged in to a learning program? So Trip's UT is translating the Vissian words from the PADD as the PADD reads them to "Charles". Or is the PADD teaching "it" English and the UT is translating it to "it"? But then she would only be able to read English text with Vissian dialogue. It's so confusing...

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