Can't wait to see how they resolve this....

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That was thrilling, the raid scene had me on the edge of my seat. The time travel bit was well done and shocking.

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Shout by wpafbo79

The entire premise of the episode is garbage. Shit happens. Were the protocols followed? Yes. Then don't feel guilty. Figure out what went wrong. And the B.S. with the Vulcans and Starfeet is just that, B.S.

This really shows the bad casting of yet another captain. Janeway was poorly cast and poorly written. Archer is mostly just poorly cast and the writers didn't help Bakula any.

"Are you telling me Enterprise didn't cause that explosion?" Yes, that is exactly what he said. Why the surprise Archer? Every single sensor reading and log says the exact same thing! Dumbass...

Then, after a supposed 2 hour conversation Archer knows things that haven't even been invented/formulated yet. Unlikely. Maybe if he were gone for 2 weeks he could memorize everything he needed to know.

To top it all off, suddenly the entire crew is super competent and able to do even more miraculous things with perfection. Where were these people the rest of the season where they hovered around merely competent (with the one exception being Trip and Reed installing the new guns in a couple days where experts would take a couple weeks)?

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