This show is a highly polished turd. The acting is horrible and the storyline makes no sense. And they're doing a lot of unneeded retconning and ruining Star Trek.

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So far, Season 2 is a lot more interesting then Season 1 and it is more like the old Star Treks we all know and love.

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I've been contemplating for a couple days now what to write about S2. Or if I should write anything at all. Because quite frankly I've written enough already over the course of this season.
So let me close by saying this: Ever since Nemesis and the ending of ENT I'm waiting for good Star Trek. And I still do. If the Abramsverse and/or DIS is the Star Trek of now than I am glad I still have the older shows.
As always, this is my personal opinion. If you like that stuff, fine by me.

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As a fan of Stargate, Dark Matter and also the previous Star Trek I did find this enjoyable to watch the visuals are great, the acting is absolutely fine and the plot genuinely surprised me, although it is a bit cheesy (and thus contains a few holes like a good cheese just like Stargate). Calling it a "polished turd" like some have is going way too far and I'm eagerly awaiting for the next season. I found it tragicomic though when the mainframe got compromised with a SQL injection, man, it's far into the future and they still have issue with cybersecurity, gives me hope with my career :smiley: :wink: .

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I loved season 2, great star trek TV. Bring Lorca back though. Demote Tilly to ensign.

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the "red angel" plot/story was just.... rubish :(
the acting was great and I am really sorry this season was not made at the same standard as the first season

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Much better than the first season, but still a bit rough in the middle section. I did like this season a lot though.

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Just another space soap opera.

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Just another space soap opera.

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