Shout by Deleted

So let me get this right ... a major plot device is that the whole starship is making literal trips on magic mushrooms ...

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Having never truly watched anything Star Trek related before, I must say, each episode is better and I am really, really enjoying this.

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Shout by Agent24

I absolutely love this show! Amazing episode with exciting, emotional story and stunning visuals! Loved to see Michelle Yeoh again in this episode. Can't wait for next week. Finally we have a great sci-fi space opera back on the air!

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Wow, what a stinker. Mediocre story, badly told. I actually can't think of anything good about this episode.

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Upon watching this I find it more and more likely that a theory I have read about is possible.
I'm not quite over the Klingon revamp but placing the show in the Mirror Universe would nullify the problems and explain how "un-star trek" the Starfleet people are acting. Even the amount of lighting in the ships, tech and the general feel of it all (including the ominous shadowy figures of Starfleet Command) make sense in the Mirror Universe..
Even if the theory isn't correct: big fan of this show.

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It‘s a great sci-fi show. Probably the best spaceship/battle show right now. I‘m just not sure it‘s Star Trek. After four episodes it‘s beginning to settle in and the ironic thing is there is really not much „discovering“ going on in Discovery. That does not mean I don’t like the show. As I said it‘s pretty much the only space battle show out right now and the production value is top notch. Nothing here looks cheap. (Although it is pretty obvious that they have better tech there than in TNG which should be impossible, but that’s a whole nother issue). On a side note I gotta admit that the „new“ Klingons are beginning to get on my nerves.

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Some thoughts on this episode:

I really don´t like that spore drive because it takes a lot of urgency out of the storytelling. If you can literally be anywhere in the blink of an eye.....and I won´t even go into continuity issues. Maybe that will be adressed at a later point.

The "new" Klingons get more depth which instantly pays of.

I don´t have that much of a problem with the more military direction but I have a problem with stupid behavior. Therefore the death of Landry was deserved and I for one am fine with that. Very onedimesional character.

Lot´s of kinda cyborg like aliens/people. In general there seem to be species never seen before. Would be nice to see some more known to make a connection to the other shows.

Still like what I´m seeing in general.

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Never before i hated shaky camera

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That Elon Musk reference already aged horribly :grimacing:. Did he pay them for that line to be added???

It's a shame that Star Trek always seems to get preoccupied by war and fighting. It makes Star Fleet look way more fascistic and regressive than was ostensibly the original vision for them. But at this point, Star Trek has failed to live up to its purported ideals more often than not so I'm not sure we can really say peace, prosperity, and exploration were ever really its essence.

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Does your need justify your suffering ?, Very fan of the captain

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Whoah! Ensign Bug-face surprised me a little. It may be a little more Star Wars like, but I like funky aliens.

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so...will there be Klingons til the end of this season?

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Better than the last episode, also quite good sci-fi show, but still not Star Trek. And these were no Bird-of-Preys.

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