David Semel, you're a terrible director.

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This has to be the worst Star Trek I've ever watched. Why does the main character think they're playing a marvel superhero? Every scene that superhero stands there and shouts off the exact lines needed to progress the plot.

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Pretty solid start, though in typical Star Trek fashion too many of the characters are making stupid decisions without reason besides "the plot compels them".

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Shout by Andy C.
BlockedParent2020-10-24T20:04:42Z— updated 2020-10-25T21:42:38Z

The initial scene in the desert was completely ridiculous. Drawing the logo on the sand with footprints to get the ship to notice you and come rescue you from the face of the planet? Seriously? The acting throughout the episode just made me cringe, really childish dialogues and humor. What a disgrace. I was looking for something as good as Star Trek: Picard but this obviously isn't it.

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Shout by Gaby
BlockedParent2018-06-29T14:38:46Z— updated 2019-08-16T00:03:22Z

I haven't been a fan of the original series or the spinoff (I did like the Chris Pine movies), so I wasn't expecting to like the show. My initial interest was Bryan Fuller as showrunner (loved Pushing Daisies and Hannibal). WOW! What an introduction with the shows opening scene. Very telling of who these two amazing women (Michael and Philipa) are and what their relationship is. Two very different women (one ruled by logic, the other by her instincts) complimenting each other as colleagues. Ultimately both women's focus is the objective of exploration, of what Star Fleet's ultimate goal is.

Love the dyanmics we see on the command center. There is tension with different personalities and cultures. The general feel reminds sme of the new Star Trek movies.

Casting: Thank you for placing WOC as the leads, and doing so with such talented women.

Visuals: Love the look at this fleets suits, especially the Blue and Gold design. Thank you to the Prod Co for spending the money on their SFX and space shots. That shot of Michael looking at the Dual Star System, utterly breathtaking.

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The Klingons speaking in their language just kill the mood for me.

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The episode was very good.... hopefully it will go on like this.

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It starts strong and well the thing, to see if it continues like this

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i hate it seeing shenzou has a better looking than enterprise (original)

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A good intro to the latest iteration of the Star Trek franchise. The title sequence was spectacular. I like the characters that have been introduced thus far. Michael is intriguing and clearly has some past trauma that will be explored. I loved the dynamic between her and the captain. And Saru was spectacular - Doug Jones has impressed me in this role already.
I'm looking forward to where the show goes from here.

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Shout by Deleted

No more glare! Glare is only natural if the viewer is looming through a window. If there wouldn't be glare if the viewer was seeing the events in real life there should not be glare! When did they forget about suspension of disbelief? Nothing ruins it for me faster than artificial glare. Artificial glare is jarring, distracting and pointless. I will not be watching any of the remaining episodes.

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I liked Abrams movies.
They were not the typical Trek, but they called it reboot and so I was fine with it. New approach, why not.

But calling this prime universe annoys me hard.
I was so distracted by the timeline errors, I wasn't able to follow the story. Had to watch it three times to get it.

Star Trek is a story spanning 3 (or more, depending on how you count) centuries. And Discovery doesn't fit in.

Without Sarek, the beeping sounds, the Klingon language, and the insignia, I wouldn't have guessed this is supposed to be Star Trek.

I'm highly prejudiced because of the design errors. Maybe that's the reason why I immediatly lost interest in the characters. Or they just are boring, I don't know.

I saw the cliffhanger, but I didn't watch episode two. I just didn't care.

If CBS had admitted it's a reboot or they just hadn't called it Trek, maybe I would've liked it.

Seems like I'll stick to the remaining STC episodes and the Orville ;-)

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It‘s good but it’s supposed to be pre TOS and yet the tech looks better than TNG. I‘m not complaining. Just an observation. I‘d rather have it this way than go back to sci-fi stone age. One small detail: when the Klingon ships arrive and someone reports „multiple contacts“ and the captain asks „are they federation?“. The screen alone filling up with Klingon insignia would have been good enough for answer. The „No. They are Klingon“ was completely unnecessary and somewhat destroyed the cool moment for me. It‘s a monitor as big as my living room lighting up in red with Klingon insignia left, right and middle. Gee, do tell me it‘s not the federation. I could not have figured that out. Thank you. I thought it was the Ewoks.

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As an old friend would say: Most impressive.

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Good entry, as far as pilots really can be 'good'. Far too early to judge the show, besides some general observations.

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Shout by kinky

I'm not feeling any chemistry whatsoever between the captain and her first officer, which is disappointing. Michael (it will take some time getting used to that silly name) is too rebellious and emotionally volatile for my liking. Maybe I'm just too attached to TNG... It is only the first episode, after all, the show needs to breathe and find its own pace, so we can get in tune with it. Still unsure about then "new" Klingons, though. Time will tell if the redesign will prove its worth or if we'll just shrug and get used to it.
Regardless, it was a solid start, I admit I was expecting worse, in light of the recent movies.

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Really awesome premiere. Love the look and feel of the show. It's like a new Star Trek movie every week!

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Meh. Weak, silly acting, typical Hollywood plot. Decent FX. I'm really not bothered by fact that the ships look more modern than TOS. Come on, they have to otherwise they would look like crap. Speaking of crap, the Klingons look like ... crap. Why the f.. did they have to change a good design. Some silly PC comments but less than I was afraid of. Hope the show shapes up a bit though otherwise I will be a tad disappointed.

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What is this SJW crap. Why cant the PC brigade of feminist, socialist, moronic lefties leave crap alone. O well no more star trek for me then. ("diversity is our strength"... No it frigin well ain't , its our death!)

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It's quite good, but:
- why was it necessary to redesign the Klingons (both the people and the ships)?
- the amount of lens flare effects is annoying!
- the visuals in the ship are great, but too much displays and windows (the setting is a long time before TOS!)
- holographic communication? again: the setting is before TOS!
- I hope we will get closed storylines per episode in addition to the "background" storyline across the season ...

I guess I'll have to get used to it... :-/

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Really good beginning but can we please stop that lensflaring.

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For a first episode was ok, the production level is wonderful, I just think that this plot of war against the Klingons has not been a good one, and maybe this is a lot of what is star trek, certainly this updated in the climate is to attract a new audience, the audience that knew the franchise for the film of 2009 maybe, and this leaves me a little afraid, it will be even that they will leave the intellectual side opting for a story more palatable to the current public, I really hope this does not happen .

I did not like the new look of the Klingons, for an update, I still prefer the star trek into darkness or something close, but nothing to bother, which is no longer the case of the pronunciation of the language that bothered me a little bit.

I loved they did not forget the "Computer" haha, as well as the technical dialogs on the bridge.

Still to improve a lot, but overall I liked it, I just hope they do not miss a hand in the script of the next episodes.

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I enjoyed that a lot more than I expected to. I was nervous about them reworking the Klingons (again), but found it interesting instead.
I don't like the main title sequence but can appreciate that they wanted to try something different for the 5th spin-off series. Perhaps they'll change it every season like Outlander and The 100. I like the main character, I'll just need to get used to the ridiculousness of her name being Michael. Almost every series has a main character that is annoying beyond words. Looks like Stretch is this seasons Neelix/Quark/Crusher/Reed.

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