It's fun and entertaining. That's the main point when it comes to Ferengi episodes. That's all I usually ask for. Often there's also a second layer that tells you something about the peculiar Ferengi culture. That's never the main purpose of such fun stories but usually DS9 does a good job. This episode isn't different but I feel that the union story is too much on the nose. In theory that is a very political story involving the question of universal labor rights, but execution is not very good. Btw: as a European, I wonder how American Ferengi labor laws are :-) Good to see Leeta again, though. And good to see that Rom continues to grow into an important character of this show.

The B plot is mediocre. It's sort of a continuation of "Worf has a hard time to get used to station life" from last episode.

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This is where Rom starts becoming an interesting character.

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This was such a powerful, poetic, and still relevant analogy, no, literal description, of capitalism, not only in the story but all of the motifs as well, that it literally made me cry.

Let us continue to learn.

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