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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 1993

I have been re-watching the every season of Deep Space Nine in these binge batches, and my brother Jomo (RIP) was right: It is Star Trek’s darkest turn, and it’s most heart breaking.

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Shout by Deleted

Since the wonder of DVD's I have re-watch this series again. Personally this is my favorite Star Trek series. I am a Star Trek nerd and will randomly watch different parts of Star Trek for background when I am working on other projects.

Deep Space Nine is the one series that I normally re-watch from beginning to end once ever year. It is easy to just power through them, which is pretty easy to do. One of the strengths of this series is that it has a series long story to tell while most of the episodes stand alone. The full story of Sisko starts in the very first episode and continues along in every season to develop the story and come to a sad, but fulfilling ending.

If you are on the edge of Star Trek, this is a great series to watch. I would not use this series to introduce a new user to Star Trek. It does avoid and make some assumptions about the viewers understanding of Star Trek lore.

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I´m at the point in my personal Star Trek re-run where I reached the beginning of DS9. And althought I´ve seen the show twice already I´m tickling with anticipation of what awaits me. There aren´t many shows that have that effect on me.

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This is the best Star Trek Series!

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IMHO the best Star Trek show up to date.
We get to see more of "everyday" life in the future and not just the life on-board a star ship.

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Great show even better premise. We need more like it...

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It's a pity that the quality of this series is degraded by the poor transfer to DVD. Looks more like the VHS tapes on which I originally watched most of it in the 1990s. It's unlikely, I gather, that any commercial effort will be made to upscale it to 1080p. Because it is excellent, although I agree with those who opine that much of the first 2 seasons can be watched just once and become somewhat cringeworthy on subsequent viewings.

The setting of a space station permits far more development of all the main characters. DS9 doesn't fall into the trope of other Star Trek offerings; another week, another alien race, another planet. Well, not often, anyway.

Long, well-thought through story arcs are also a consequence.


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Is it a crime to slightly prefer this to TNG? I prefer a lot of the specific episodes, set pieces, overarching storylines, and characters, but maybe I’m just saying that because I saw this show more recently. Either way, I love both.

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Shout by NanoNova

  • you never drink coffee in afternoon.
  • sure I do.
  • you do?
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I’ve rewatched this show probably more than any other Star Trek show. Set on a space station instead of a starship gives it a whole new feeling. Lots of great performances and great characters.

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This is definitely not my favourite Star Trek, however, the lasts seasons are great. You just need to get through the first ones.

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Shout by Deleted

good sci-fi

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Not as good as The Original Series and The Next Generation, but it is not bad.

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As a departure from the optimistic and idealized future of TNG, DS9 tells one of the most engaging and thought-provoking military dramas of all time. Themes of conflict, religion, and morality are pervasive and executed well by a surprisingly talented cast; although, in regular Star Trek fashion, the show takes a season to really find its legs.

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I am, and will always be, a DS9 snob. Taken as a whole, it's the very best of Trek TV so far.

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nice show

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