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SS-GB 2017


A detective is an investigator, usually a member of a law enforcement agency. They often collect information to solve crimes by talking to witnesses and informants, collecting physical evidence, or searching records in databases. This leads them to arrest criminals and enable them to be convicted in court.
When you think of criminals, your first thought might be of someone awful like a murderer. But this word is a lot broader — Anyone who breaks the law is technically a criminal, even if the crime is just not paying a speeding ticket. You can also talk about criminal activities: things that are illegal. Lots of TV shows are about police officers and lawyers trying to catch criminals who are engaged in all kinds of exciting criminal activity. Crime Syndicate - a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities


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Just what currently showing on TV


TV series from United Kingdom & Ireland.


Dystopian, which literally means "bad" and "place" in Greek - refers to a setting primarily based around a society under the control of a repressive regime. The nature of these societies may vary. Not always explicitly political, some may be religious, corporate or criminal in nature. You can expect, as a normality, political and social oppression, secret police, open political corruption as well as a totalitarian scope to their power. Dystopian narrative often implicitly or sometimes explicitly offer dialogue about contemporary society.

They may also emerge as the byproduct of the crumbling of society, leaning into Post-Apocalyptic fiction.

This list does not include shows where a Dystopian setting is peripheral, or adjacent or only present within certain episodes of the show.


Alternative History settings essentially ask "What If?". They investigate what might have happened if history had taken an alternative path, presenting different outcomes. Many Alternative History settings involve Sci-Fi elements such as Time Travel.

This list takes a relatively 'strict' interpretation of Alternative History settings. It specifically only includes settings where there has been a specific societal drift, societal change. That is to say that a show that happens to be set in a historical or contemporary era but has magic does not apply to this. There has to be specific political, social and/or religious differences between the settings to count on this list.


TV shows set in different eras and decades


All new and upcoming TV shows that I want to watch


TVSeries which I stopped watching during their run, or which I didn't pick up after checking the Pilot Episode.


list auto imported from imdb by on Tue, 09 Apr 2024 04:29:01 UTC


Shows remain on the list for as long as I am watching them. This means they only get removed when the show is ended, cancelled, or I am no longer continuing with it.
