[7.1/10] This short is interesting as a more robust and recognizable version of the prior Spirit of Christmas short. We have the famed South Park sign. All of the characters look and sound more like themselves. We have Kenny and the rats, the catchphrases for his death and learning something today, and even the root of the “What would Brian Boitano do?” dose of absurdity that was further realized in the movie.

The anime-esque battle between Jesus and Santa over who’s really the star of the season is goofy and fun, and again, I like the absurdity of the boys turning to their true hero of the holidays -- a semi-famous figure skater. This one carries on the “true meaning of Christmas is presents” cynicism from the last short, but adds on the extra layer of the boys using that as a reason to appreciate Chanukah.

Overall, this is mostly of interest to South Park fans curious about the animated “Christmas Card” that was passed around Hollywood until it got Matt and Trey their own series. But it’s still a fun little dose of insanity all its own.

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