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Smallville: Season 2

2x17 Rosetta

The first time I saw this episode Christopher Reeve was still with us of course and all these years later it just becomes even more powerful. Brilliant use of his guest role helping Clark discover his past/destiny. Wonderful moment between Clark and Jonathan at the end.
The message after the ep was important and sweet too. Mr Reeve achieved many great things with his foundation. Glad they could promote it through this guest spot too.

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Incredible having Christopher Reeve guest starring! Two generations of Superman together, and even better to have his character being the one to introduce Clark to his destiny.
I love the friendship between Chloe and Lana, even though I don't really like Lana.

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I guess it's true what they say - Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
"Probably just junk mail." Look, if you're going to lie to people, Clark, at least make the lie less obvious because now you have not only confirmed Lex's suspicions, but also shown him how good you are at it.
I got so many goosebumps this episode...

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The best thing of forgetting what happened on first time I saw the show are that now I can surprise me again!! The best episode since the beginning

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