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Silo: Season 1

1x08 Hanna

Great episode!
This is a slow burn show, as we know, so given that, this episode was a roller coaster of information and probably the pivotal point of this season.

It's one of the better shows at the moment and one of the few that I'm interested in. At least this has some quality to it.

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It’s been a long time since a show got me hooked in front of the TV. Super excited for the next episodes.

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All apples shows are super slow, until the last 1-3 episodes, which I dislike greatly.

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Lot of things are revealed in this episode but nothing's a real surprise. It was basically what we already knew or suspected.

One thing at the very beginning caught my attention though. Sims replied to Gloria "We have (!) to win". That's not the response of someone who is certain they will suceed. In that case he'd answered "We will win". So what happens if the truth gets out? Is it just that some will loose their power or is it end of the world stuff going to happen? Because right know it could be either a spectacular or underwhelming twist.

I think this season could end with Nicholls going outside and then we're left with the cliffhanger.

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I really thought they were going to reveal more details in this episode, but nothing. Besides the emotional dialogue between father and daughter, I expected more from this episode.

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Oh wow the slow burn is really kicking in, incredible episode!

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They clearly have handcuffs so why didn’t they put them on Jules…?

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Jesus f**k man. Talk about a literal cliffhanger

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Is it intentional that Common looks like he's wandered in from another TV show?

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Always trust your first instinct :sweat_smile:

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This! This is some great TV!!! :open_mouth:

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Holy melodrama! :unamused:

It took me this long into the season to say it, because I wanted to give the creators a chance but, they completely butchered a beautiful and perfect story. I was immediately worried when I heard Rebecca Ferguson’s American accent for the first time — and I adore her. Just so many changes to a perfectly written novel that make no sense whatsoever. IYKYK.

I have to finish this season out but I’m leaning very heavily into the direction of not continuing with the following seasons (if there are any…)

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It moves about as fast as the mandalorian, I was happy to see the corn field and a change of scenery.

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Best episode yet. A lot comes to light and they’re actually doing a pretty good job starting to bring all of this to a head after having opened so many questions. A good twist but not one that was completely unexpected. They do a great job of making you both easily root for our protagonist and despise our villains, and it provides for a lot of entertainment. This episode even also had real emotion and a genuinely touching moment between Jules and her father. A lot of those moments work because they’ve spent proper time fully realizing the characters so a lot of the payoff is working. Excited for the last couple episodes.

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Some mysteries slowly revealed. What a surprise this time Jorah Mormont wasn’t secret agent:D Great episode that hook me to the TV in the middle of the night.
Another line caught my attention - Why Sims lied to Georgia he have a son?

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