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Silo: Season 1

1x07 The Flamekeepers

5 minutes of plot development stretched over 50 :/

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I was on the edge of my seat for the whole episde :O

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Wrong again, I guess. It's Sims who is in charge of surveillance. But not for Judicial I think. He talked about the Janitor's once - those must be "They".
Holston knew about the cameras and now it's obvious there was a lot we didn't see. I don't think They knew that he knew. But why go out to clean instead of trying to oncover the lies ? Now Nichols knows about the cams, too. And They know she does. The bullseye on her back got considerably larger.
Can't wait too see how this plays out.

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This was the best episode so far. The scenes with Gloria and Juliette were breathtaking. Can’t wait for the next episode. I believe there are multiple silos in the world and it might be some sort of social experiment.

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wow finally she found the camera behind the mirror, but I thought so it has no microphone...and now we know that Simons is the man who control whole silo, or maybe there is someone else?

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Why would they just lock Gloria away and sedate her when they could just send her to clean instead? Doesn’t make sense

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I was willing and ready to see some minor or bigger changes adapting the books for the TV...but honestly with this last addition of the Flamekeepers, they definitely demolished the very basic dynamics on which the whole book original trilogy is pivoting.
Actually now I even get why they decided to split IT narrative function, in something like Judicial and IT.
And for no practical or creative reason, if not the one to push in certain themes that seem to be trending these days.
I think for anyone who loved the book, this is the the right moment to bail out from this show.
Or at least that is what I will do.
Is not bad for what it is, but seeing the meaning of something you know and love, bended and changed in something else..well is not nice and worth my time.

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I love how we have so many different mysteries but they all seem to be connected to the bigger, overall story and questions. Things are coming together really well here. A ton of exposition this episode but with a story this intriguing it makes the exposition really engaging. And show definitely needs to provide answers with all these questions so this episode felt necessary while still managing to not feel boring. The tension is ratcheting up by the end and I’m really excited to see where things go.

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For me this was the first episode I really enjoyed. The pacing of the show is not my cup of tea so I was happy to see things ramp up a little.

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It’s almost as though the entire rest of the show was building up to this crazy scene there at the end. I have to agree with the episodes between Juliet and Gloria. Amazing.

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The action picked back up this episode. Not that I need it as I’ve been intrigued by the story but a little urgency is nice.

this is the second time I’ve seen the concept of janitors/maintenance as the nosey bad guys. We should probably keep an eye on them or something.

The biggest questions in this show result from not knowing the history which I can almost certainly say was stolen on purpose. The question is why. I don’t think if this were to happen realistically forgetting would not be the answer. Humans are curious by nature and suspicious AND fearful of the unknown. It would not work there would be revolts every few years. They’d have to make up a new history that changed more and more as the years past.

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After 7 episodes it’s become abundantly obvious that after the first two episodes, the series resorted to time wasting and filler episodes. I will most likely be making a start on the book series this week as it doesn’t appear that the show will offer any answers and the season will most likely end of a cliffhanger.

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quite a snoozefest; not what the pilot promised us

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Well, it's about time.

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At least one question answered about who is monitoring Silo but still don’t know for whom?

My theory checked as I suspect the only people allowed to breed are the Black . All white men that are or was in charge of something are very old. So that seems to be like plot inside the plot, maybe the rebellion was all about race superiority?

Anyway it’s getting more interesting and I need to do a YouTube video about this.

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