Beric Dondarrion getting shot by Bilbo Baggins

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Sadly, so far the story is mid. I just hope that they can pick up the pace.

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I like the whole vibe to the story so far and the direction they could take it. I like how anyone can possibly be a skrull but honestly they could have did more leading up to this in the past movies. Kind of how Peter Parker said he was with Nick fury during no way home but it wasn’t really him. They could have did more with making Nick fury coming back to earth a big deal too.

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I like the way this is going. G’iah’s character is so conflicted so this is going to make for a good story line. Do not like seeing them kill off a main character in the first episode though.

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The show gave me Alien Nation and V vibes. Sadly the killed of one character. That was not expected.

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Very interesting start for Secret Invasion. Definitely the best Marvel show in a long time. But I can‘t quite believe that they killed off Maria Hill in the first episode. I always loved the character and she was criminally under used in the MCU.

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A terrible start to a new series. After Hill said she wasn't sure Fury would be up for this, Hill, Fury (who apparently CAN'T shoot a bad guy 10 feet in front of him even though humanity is literally at stake), and Talos (who apparently doesn't want to really hurt anyone), decide to take on an unknown number of super strong and violent shape shifting aliens without contacting ANYONE else to help. I really hope this gets better....

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Shout by vanesa
BlockedParent2023-06-23T23:09:50Z— updated 2024-01-25T16:22:06Z

If that's really it for Maria Hill then I think that's a damn shame. She's been around in this universe for over 10 years yet never got any character arc, background story nor any relationship to anyone other than Fury. I expected Secret Invasion to finally be the project to let her shine more, give her some much needed depth but I guess she was mostly there to up the stakes and add some shock value. Not a horrible decision per se but a disappointing one.

The rest of the episode was ...okay. I do love the cast. Ben Mendelsohn and Samuel L. Jackson are terrific actors and I enjoy the respective characters they play, as well as the dynamic between them a lot too! Great to also have Olivia Colman and Emilia Clarke in this.
But I hope the plot and execution get more interesting because I'm not yet invested.

Also the AI intro........embarassing.

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I can't believe i was so excited to see Maria Hill again and they killed her off in the first episode. You can't do that to me.

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a pretty decent start to this series.. i was mostly interested to see it for emilia and her character is so conflicted and i love her already! can't wait to watch the rest of the series!

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Weak start and very uninteresting characters, especially the "bad guys" and I start to realize that Emilia Clarke is not a good actor. The plot is not that engaging either. The chocking end didn't really move me.

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Started slow but got more interesting towards the end. But yeah killing off Maria Hill is unfortunate. Her character could have done so much more in the MCU. Perhaps it was Cobie's choice.

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The MCU has reached the point where character deaths cause me to wonder if it's due to the story they wanted to tell, or due to the actor's contract expiring and them not wanting to renew.

I haven't really liked any of the recent MCU movies that I've seen, so I hope this is decent. Don't really have much of an opinion on it yet.

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Big budget, big cast but hollow feeling. I’m hoping it does what Andor did for Star Wars but I’m only just holding on at this point

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How I Met Your Skrull

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I was looking forward to this show, but that was a rather disappointing pilot episode

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The opening credits seem to be created by an AI. As well as the entire first episode though... meh. Let's see if the show improves.

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Why is this show getting SO MUCH hate???? I am genuinely confused. This is really good so far.
Its serious, SLJ is a delight. Its exactly what I wanted so far. A Marvel thriller that is not goofy over the top super hero stuff 24/7.
Samuel L Jackson shooting people.
Everything is great so far. IDK if its getting review-bombed on other sites because its in Russia...? Its getting lower scores then she-hulk on some sites. I just don't get it. Or Marvel fans don't know what they want.

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When I opened the first episode and saw the duration I thought "ugh, why is it that long..". That thought stayed until the end of the episode. :upside_down:

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that is NOT how you end the first episode of a show focusing on sidelined beloved characters of the franchise :angry:

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Is it just me or is it very obvious that Nick Fury is a Skrull... "The Fury I know wouldn't let two men jump him from behind", "The Fury I knew was always three steps ahead", "You've changed so much since the blip", "Fury is back on earth without telling us".

These could be red herrings but with the MCU's current form I doubt it

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oh no, please tell me they didn't kill off Maria Hill. She's always been one of my faves.

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It’s alright. The strength of Marvel is the variety of genres they can cover within the universe. This one is a detective-action style flick far removed from the superhero grandeur. Let’s see if they can save a sinking ship.

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I wish I could care, I do. The idea of where this could go excited me, but I know the MCU is dead, they just haven't buried the body yet.

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2023-11-21T18:37:43Z— updated 2023-11-24T06:23:52Z

Taken me a while
to finally get round to
this one as I'm way more
than secret
mission impossible
spy stuff.
I was worried this
wasn't going to hold
my attention and with
The A.I generated
Intro that I thought lasted
to long I didn't have high
hopes for the premiere
I was surprised it did
hold my attention and
found myself rather
enjoying all the
shape-shifting sneakiness.
I'm not fully invested
in all the terrorism
shenanigans but I'm
getting their.
If I can sit through
I can get through this
(No problem).
Oh yeah
She deserved better
much much better,

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I can't believe they killed Maria Hill! What a brave move. Not sure if it was a good move, but still. I'm feeling pretty sad that we just lost a character that's been here since the early days.

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I don't understand. They were in the cab. They had privacy. They had disguise. Why park and get out to have that conversation? I don't understand. I. DO. NOT. UNDERSTAND.

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I would also be pissed if it had taken someone over 30 years to help me with something!
But also this plot doesn’t make sense once you remember the Asgardians are living peacefully in Norway so… yes they look like humans so that makes it easier for them to coexist, but like just give the Skrulls an island and let them be.
And I’m so fcking pissed at what they did to Maria! She’s been in the mcu for 11 years (longer in the actual mcu I guess they are in the year 2025-27), she’s been so underused and at least she deserved a big screen death, not this. And also I feel like mcu needs the most connecting dots they can get so why get rid of someone like that when what it’s needed in this phase is familiarity. When Fury retires who’s gonna be in charge? Ross? He’s kinda lame.

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Interesting beginning - but a bit confusing, to be honest. Not sure I care about any of these characters, to be honest. Hill's death didn't move me all that much. And Fury retired to some space station? Who built that thing? And how long ago was the blip (or rather the "unblip")? I need context!

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I can't believe they did this... why does marvel hate my favorite female characters? :sob: It wasn't as awesome a first episode as I had hoped. maybe things will get better, we'll see.

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boy fury sure it's geriatric in this role

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Shout by sinalcoyum

Hopefully, Agent Hill can spend some time in "Tahiti."

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great but you lose a star for killing off Hill. She's been here since the first Avengers movie and this is how you are gonna do her???

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How sad that she died. :cry:

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A little more dire than I expected, and I absolutely agree that the opening credits sequence is trash. Too much shakycam, as well. I hope things cheer up in future episodes. Or at least some more humour.

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Great start to the series! Not quite a perfect home run, but decently gripping and a fair attempt at meshing the Marvel universe with the stock genre of anti-terrorism thriller. Unlike Falcon & The Winter Soldier, we get no uneven story beats here, nor do we get any rushed plots, as one of the most pleasant surprises of this episode is that it runs for a healthy 55 minutes. The cinematography isn't anything new, but has some bright moments to be sure, pretty much mirroring the tone of the show in its darkness and gravity.

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