Personal Lists featuring...

Salem's Lot 2004


A list of Stephen King adaptations, derivative works, and original screenplays.

Missing: Woh (1998)

Updated: Feb 1 2022


Horror featuring vampires. Updated weekly.


List created and maintained by



List created and maintained by

Just what currently showing on TV


Stephen King adaptations.


All shows I have watched and finished.


A list of films, derivative sequels, TV Shows and episodes based on the works of Stephen King. Chronological order, no Dollar Babies.


Movies, TV shows and episode written by Steven King or adapted from his work.

Short films and derivative works based only on characters or locations created by King are not part of this list.

Excluded, because too loosly based on the source material:
- The Lawnmower Man (1992)
- Woh (1998)
- Haven (2010-2015)

Furthermore the following are exluced as well:
- The Devil's Gift (1985) - not an adaptation but plagiarism.

Last Update: 23/08/29


This list is no longer updated as changes made to the way lists are editable on the site makes it impossible to place titles where they belong on the list. The complete/ongoing list lives on over at Letterboxed and lists over 1500 titles.

Last Update made May 17th 2022. Added: Kuntilanak 3 (2008), Kuntilanak 1-3 (remake trilogy), Haunted 1-5, The Damned and the Dead 1-3.

May 6th 2022: Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 1&2, Mutilator 1&2, Dark Night of the Scarecrow 1&2, Matabatin/The 3rd Eye 1&2, Fear Pharm 1&2, The Doll 1-3, Invoking 3-5, Araf 3&4 and Paranoia Tapes 1-9.

Films yet to be added (missing in database): The House on the Edge of the Park 2, Cannibals (sequel to Cannibal Holocaust), Shrooms 2, Araf 5.

Hannibal Lector films sorted under "Hannibal", Interview With a Vampire & Queen of the Damned sorted under "Vampire Chronicles", House of 1,000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, 3 From Hell and The Haunted World of El Superbeasto sorted under "Firefly".



Related lists:
• Films based on works by Stephen King (on Letterboxd):


This list includes all movies and television shows created from adaptions of Stephen King novels.

This excludes episodes from various shows but are listed here:
• Tales from the Darkside: Word Processor of the Gods (1984)
• The Twilight Zone: Gramma (1986)
• Tales from the Darkside: Sorry, Righr Number (1987)
• Monsters: The Moving Finger (1991)
• The Outer Limits: The Revelations of ‘Becka Paulson (1997)
• The X-Files: Chinga (1998)


This is a list of movies and series based on novels or scripts by Stephen King that I've watched or plan to watch.
