i'm not liking it very much. it's interesting, it's intriguing, but it's not entertaining for me. it's boring and it seems pointless. i don't connect with the protagonist or with any of the characters.

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I think the writing of this show is a big turn-off, did since the first episode. But who's to say, we're no more than three episodes in. Or maybe it's just not the kind of writing I dig. I'm loving the music and cinematography so far though, pretty immersive in my opinion.

Really intrigued to know more about Nadia's mother and their relationship. Hope Nadia and Oatmeal reunites once again soon.

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«Mysticism teaches that there is wisdom inaccessible to the intellect. You can only reach it through surrender, being nothing. Turn away from the physical world and turn toward the spiritual one. Maybe Nadia is just a way to stay distracted, avoid the abyss, when embracing it is the only way forward. [...] Building aren’t haunted. People are».

«Il misticismo insegna che esiste una saggezza che è inaccessibile per l’intelletto, si può raggiungere solo con la resa. Deve voltare le spalle al mondo fisico e girarsi verso quello spirituale. Forse Nadia è solo un modo per distrarsi, evitare l’abisso, quando invece abbracciarlo è l’unico modo per andare avanti. I palazzi non sono infestati dai fantasmi, le persone lo sono».

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bad writing overlaps the premise.

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