[7/10] This one started strong, but kind of petered out by the end. As quick hti sketches go, the “Speak of the Devil” bit was a solid laugh. Doing a vaudevillian mash-up between Two-Face and No Country For Old Men was surprisingly hilarious. A mix between The Ring and Ringo Starr is a funny enough concept for a sketch on its own, but layering on the meta humor of one of the show’s writers having pushed to do it despite not knowing the Beatles’ songs added some extra funny. And the violin that was bowing itself was a nice bit of absurdity.

But from there, things slowly but surely declined. X-Men makeover was meh. Literal Cake Hunter was decent, but probably should have been quicker. Game of Thrones joggers was okay, as were the Arrival sketch and Joker’s heartfelt stand-up. All the show’s He-Man bits go over my head, and the crabs joke was pretty lame.

Overall, you’re better off just watching the first half of this one!

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