[8.0/10] Oh man, I got the biggest kick out of the “Hammilton” sketch. The mash-up of Hamilton and the Three Little Pigs would have been enough all on its own. But adding the extra comic layer of the show intentionally trying to sow confusion over whether it’s the actual broadway smash was a hoot.

The Rogue One skit, with Galen Urso coming up with more and more elaborate and puerile ways in which he’s sabotaged the Death Star was a laugh. Mario Kart driving test had its moments. The Peppa Pig stuff was mostly above my head, but the Brexit riffs were amusing. Extending Disney’s Robin Hood to later, real life English history was quietly subversive and hilarious. Most of the quick hit skits didn’t do much for me, but the “literal shark tank” bit got a chuckle out of me.

Overall, a few really strong sketches elevate this one.

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