[7.6/10] A lot of fun, vaguely Halloween-themed skits in this one. My favorite sketches were the ones that closed it out. Chief among them is the Friday the 13th riff where all the teenagers are behaving appropriately so Jason can’t bring himself to kill them, which is an inspired concept, and the twist that it’s a ghost story being told to other monsters is brilliant. Likewise, a Parker Bros. themed-horror setup is a fun idea, and a Scooby Doo villain trying to commit insurance fraud and reaping the consequences is an amusingly dark turn as well.

Most of the quick hit sketches didn’t do much for me, but I did like Tarzan thinking he can communicate with the animals when he’s really just making nonsense sentences and they’re trying to warn him about cannibals. Likewise, the Hey Diddle Diddle/Gravity mash-up was just bizarre enough to work, and the Monsters Inc. skit was a laugh as well.

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