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Season 3 2007 - 2024

  • 2007-12-20T22:00:00Z on - None
  • 1h 30m
  • 7d 5h 59m (467 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Comedy, Talk Show
The stars of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (1988) riff on weird and oddball educational shorts.

467 episodes

Season Premiere


3x01 A Visit to Santa

Season Premiere

3x01 A Visit to Santa

  • 2007-12-20T22:00:00Z25m

(1963) Just in time for the holidays, RiffTrax presents our take on A Visit to Santa, a Christmas short of unknown origin that most probably was the result of Santa's short-lived collaboration with the producing team of Screwtape and Wormwood. Rather than being a right jolly old elf, Santa here is depicted as the Dark Prince of a vast slave empire made up entirely of children under 10 - it's Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom with less dignified clothing. Or put another way it's Manos: The Hands of Fate without the elephantiasis.


3x02 Act Your Age

3x02 Act Your Age

  • 2008-01-01T22:00:00Z13m

(1949) Young Jim is caught in a shocking act of pencil-based vandalism, leading him to look deeply into the core of his soul and come to the inexorable conclusion that he is kind of a weenie. A classic of the late '40's, "authority figure shames a student" genre,

Act Your Age is a window into the soul... of Jim. And it makes a great RiffTrax!

(1959) Meet Phil. Like all children from the fifties, he enjoys playing ball, building soapbox racers, and taunting his non blond-haired, blue-eyed classmates. Things are going great for Phil until a puppet shows up in his class. The Puppet, Ichabod Dorian Bungle III, or "Mister" to his friends, delivers a powerful lesson about lunch room safety, that no matter how much Phil tries, he is unable to forget. Soon our hero is haunted by the omnipresent demons of Mister Bungle, and begins a descent into madness that has him endlessly washing his hands, and nerdily saving his dessert for last.

Mike, Kevin and Bill team up to riff "Beginning Responsibility: Lunchroom Manners" and hopefully stop the classroom menace that is Mister Bungle, once and for all!


3x04 The Terrible Truth

3x04 The Terrible Truth

  • 2008-02-28T22:00:00Z10m

(1951) Heroin, it turns out, is bad. The Terrible Truth lays waste to the all-too-common myth that regular heroin use is a healthy part of a balanced diet. Professional scowler Judge William B. McKesson guides us through a case study of Phyllis Howard (no relation to Curly) who tries marijuana and quickly begins vacuuming up Charlie Parker-levels of Mexican black tar heroin.

Kevin, Mike and Bill ride this pony for all it's worth

At long last, the question of the ages is met head on. No facet of the issue is left unexplored. The philosophical, eschatological, teleological, epistemological, and cosmological aspects are all given a thorough exegetical going over. Just one viewing of this ground breaking short will see you fully prepared to engage the weighty issues and answer confidently and with authority when someone asks, Why Doesn't Cathy Eat Breakfast? To further expand your mind, RiffTrax is proud to offer you the weirdest thing ever - weirder than a million Crispin Glovers starring in a million remakes of The Wicker Man - a short subject called Petaluma Chicken. If you have any interest in omelet making history, you owe it to yourself to see this.

Mike, Kevin, and Bill will be your guides through this hugely important double feature


3x06 Coffeehouse Rendezvous

3x06 Coffeehouse Rendezvous

  • 2008-03-14T21:00:00Z8m

(1969) The youth of today, no longer content to roll a hoop with a stick, play endless hours of mumbly peg, or work a lathe at a factory 14 hours a day for just pennies, need something to occupy them. Crime sprees are not the whole answer. No, they need a place where they can rap, just let it all hang out, encounter one another, preferably over terrible boiled coffee. The short Coffeehouse Rendezvous makes a strong case that what these kids need is a coffeehouse rendezvous.

Mike, Kevin and Bill remain unconvinced.

(1974) Your home is crawling with hazards! You are not safe! EVERYTHING WILL KILL YOU! In fact, never mind, because you're already dead; killed by your stupid house. That, at least, is the heartwarming message of the short Safety: Harm Hides at Home. "But RiffTrax," you say, "many shorts have already exposed the obvious truth that my home is a deadly, sinister trap, ready to spring at any moment. What's so great about this one?" Aha! Do other shorts feature the groovy safety dominatrix Guardiana? Well, one other one does, but then so does this one!

So buy it and laugh* along with Mike, Kevin and Bill.

*A thin, strangled laugh designed to cover up your growing panic as you realize your house is trying to murder you.


3x08 Are You Popular

3x08 Are You Popular

  • 2008-04-08T21:00:00Z16m

(1947) It's time to face the question head on, to stop pretending that the crowds of people following you, jeering, throwing rocks and half-eaten burritos are there because of your charm and animal charisma. You've suspected it for some time, from the moment you were rejected by CompuServe because you just weren't cool enough.

The short Are You Popular? will help you solve the question once and finally: the question, "Are you popular?" There are no easy answers, friends (that is, the answer is "no", of course, which is not always easy to hear) but Mike, Kevin and Bill are more than happy to be your guides.


3x09 If Mirrors Could Speak

3x09 If Mirrors Could Speak

  • 2008-04-11T21:00:00Z10m

(1976) Cruel self-assessment is given a new twist as vulnerable grade-schoolers are forced to look into the deep blackness of their own souls only to reach the inevitable conclusion that they are unloved and they will spin out their meaningless years on this drifting rock before dying alone and afraid.

And there's clowns!

The affable John is our tour guide through this carnival mirror nightmare, and at the end, as we babble on cold and terrified like Nietsche's madman ("Do we not stray, as through infinite nothingness? Does not empty space breathe upon us? Has it not become colder? Does not night come on continually, darker and darker?") we're just glad that Mike, Kevin and Bill were there to mop up the despair!


3x10 One Got Fat

3x10 One Got Fat

  • 2008-04-18T21:00:00Z10m

(1963) Do you find that you're sleeping a little too well as of late? That your dreams are of the innocuous stripe, i.e., old friends turning into llamas and eating your baseball hat, rather than full out, scream-yourself-awake nightmares followed by 15 minutes of sweating and shallow breathing interrupted by occasional anxiety-induced "whale flips" that rip the covers off your significant other?

Well, then we've got a short for you! One Got Fat is the real deal - a concentrated dose of lab-purified nightmare fuel. To give away too much would be to blunt the surprise of your upcoming trauma... but here's a hint: A teeming sea of pre-adolescent ur-monkeys are murdered one by one, all to the whimsical narration of the lubricious Edward Everett Horton! Yay!

Mike, Bill and Kevin are there with you, shivering in terror in the dark.


3x11 Drugs are Like That

3x11 Drugs are Like That

  • 2008-06-17T21:00:00Z15m

(1979) There are so many things to which drugs can be compared that to even attempt to catalog them would be an act of incomprehensible madness. Yet in this pastel colored, 1970's nightmare, two hard-of-hearing, loggorrheic pre-teens are up to the task! Have you always wondered, Are drugs like pumpkins? Like small willow saplings? Like those bags of cotton candy you can buy in gift shops? Find out as Mike, Kevin and Bill go once more unto the breach!


3x12 Down and Out

3x12 Down and Out

  • 2008-07-01T21:00:00Z17m

If you like your safety shorts served with a heavy dose of groovy, then this is for you! Down and Out lays out a litany of dangers inherent in your every move from one location to the other, no matter how small. Bone-shattering death awaits around every corner. Every surface, every object, every molecule conspires with all others on earth to kill you dead! See your own tragic fate played out again and again, all backed up by a smooth drum-based soundtrack. You WILL die in an accident, but Down and Out will make the few moments until you do all the more pleasant. Mike, Kevin and Bill share the pain.


3x13 Patriotism

3x13 Patriotism

  • 2008-07-03T21:00:00Z9m

When you hear the word "patriotism" what's the first name that pops into your head? Wrong! The answer is Bob Crane. And not "Hogan's Heroes" Bob Crane, but rather creepy, post-"Hogan's Heroes" Bob Crane, home video, um, "pioneer". There is no one - NO ONE - better equipped to imbue America's youth with a sense of pride in their magnificent country - you know, once you get past the overwhelming, suffocating creepiness. Fear not, feelings of discomfort soon turn to laughter thanks to true patriots Mike, Kevin and Bill.


3x14 Skipper Learns a Lesson

3x14 Skipper Learns a Lesson

  • 2008-07-08T21:00:00Z9m

Snoopy, Lassie, Cerberus, Rin-Tin-Tin: lovable canine companions are a dime a dozen. Which makes Skipper: The Racist Dog such a breath of fresh air! Tired of "PC" dogs who "like" children and "accept" other mutts without passing judgment? Well then, Skipper is the dog for you! He humps the leg of intolerance and takes a good long sniff at bigotry's...er, tail! Will Skipper's titular lesson be learned in time to redeem him in the eyes of his fellow dogs? Or will he be condemned to sit alone on his porch, muttering about the way things used to be? Find out, in Mike, Kevin and Bill's hilarious riff of Skipper Learns a Lesson.


3x15 Buying Food

3x15 Buying Food

  • 2008-07-11T21:00:00Z10m

Buying food - how hard can it be? You go to a store pick out a few items, and start mashing them into the side of your head, right? WRONG! That's a common misconception, but as Buying Food clearly demonstrates, buying food is a very, very dangerous and complicated affair, fraught with hazard, the path to success Byzantine and arduous. To even attempt it without instruction is to court heartbreak and, most likely, violent death. Lucky for all of us there is Buying Food. Kevin, Mike, and Bill take it very seriously.


3x16 Right or Wrong?

3x16 Right or Wrong?

  • 2008-07-15T21:00:00Z11m

Right or Wrong tells the gritty story of Harry, a boy who doesn't vandalize a warehouse and suffers the consequences for it. Harry, who resembles a younger, less handsome French Stewart, undertakes a philosophical journey, where every character he meets routinely pauses mid-conversation in order to deliver a 30 second internal monologue about Right and Wrong. (This was normal in his community, they eventually traced the problem back to the nearby Play-Doh factory offloading into their water supply.)

Parents be warned: This being an educational film about vandalism, some minor breaking of windows may occur.

Mike, Kevin and Bill riffing this short: Right or Wrong? (Answer: Wrong, but fun, therefore Right)


3x17 The Trouble With Women

3x17 The Trouble With Women

  • 2008-07-18T21:00:00Z11m

Women - what the hell, man? I mean, what's your problem? Thankfully, for all of us non-women, some very smart people have put their best be-crew-cutted minds into coming up with a solution to the trouble with women (to avoid a conflict of interests, no women contributed, thank goodness). The Trouble with Women doesn't give us the definitive answer, but it does give us some very useful tools for dealing with... them. Mike, Kevin, and Bill (themselves NOT women) are your guides through this indispensable short.


3x18 It Must Be the Neighbors

3x18 It Must Be the Neighbors

  • 2008-07-22T21:00:00Z6m

Bill Duncan had it all until the day when he discovered that his garbage cans had been deemed unfit for use by the city sanitation committee. The deep shame of this incident drove him into a spiral of despair and nearly claimed his life until he realized the great truth of suburban America: His problems were the fault of his neighbor. The rats in the lumber pile, the pestilence breeding in standing water pools in the backyard, his sure thing horse breaking its leg coming out of the gate, resulting in the pawning of his sons bicycle: They weren't his fault! It must be the neighbors!

Take a journey of neighborly blame with three of the finger-pointingist, buck-passingist neighbors you know—Mike, Kevin and Bill!


3x19 Each Child Is Different

3x19 Each Child Is Different

  • 2008-07-25T21:00:00Z14m

“Each Child Is Different” goes the saying, and no truer words have ever been spoken. Take Miss Smith's fifth grade class for instance. While Elizabeth is withdrawn and silent because of parental neglect, Ruth is withdrawn and silent because her mother died soon after the birth of her brother. Yes, just like Wes Anderson's latest, each character has a delightful quirk! Go in depth with five unique misfits, in a wonderful comedic stew of bullying, dyslexia, fire starting and bean-feeding. Our own three unique misfits are on hand for riffing.


3x20 Kitty Cleans Up

3x20 Kitty Cleans Up

  • 2008-07-29T21:00:00Z16m

Years in the spotlight had left Kitty with fame, riches, and a drug habit to rival all but the Busey-ist of addicts. Hooked on catnip, Kitty quickly found herself alone on the street, fishing quarters out of the gutter in hopes of landing her daily fix of The 'Nip. It seemed as if she had hit rock bottom when she shot a delivery man in cold blood, only to find out that he was unloading crates of oregano, not catnip. Kitty knew she needed to get Cleaned Up, and she enrolled into the finest 12 step program in the country, hoping to patch her life back together.

Kitty Cleans Up...is not that story. It's about some creepy kid with the voice of a forty year old who decides that good hygiene practices are best learned by imitating a cat. Mike, Kevin and Bill have of course known this for years, and help get the message out in one of the oddest RiffTrax shorts to date


3x21 Why Vandalism

3x21 Why Vandalism

  • 2008-07-31T21:00:00Z10m

Why Vandalism? It's the one question that kept parents in the fifties up at night. Why would my boy turn to vandalism for thrills when they could be listening to Burl Ives 45s or campaigning for Adlai Stevenson? While they were pondering this, their boys were out vandalizing things. This short follows three boys—Jeff, Ron & Burger—who spend all their time hanging out together, complaining that none of them have any friends. Their positive attitude, combined with Burger's poverty, Ron's overbearing parents, and Jeff's bone-crushing stupidity, ensure that their descent into a vortex of vandalism will be a rapid one.

If you've ever asked yourself "Why Vandalism?" or even just "Why?", you owe it to yourself to watch this short and get the answers you deserve! Mike, Kevin & Bill are on hand to riff this classic short from the wrong side of the tracks


3x22 Aqua Frolics

3x22 Aqua Frolics

  • 2008-09-30T21:00:00Z17m

If you were told you were about to see a film that contained turtles bigger than men, cliff-diving Mexicans and a family that eats Thanksgiving dinner underwater, you'd probably complain "But I don't like David Lynch!" Wrong you would be! You'd actually be all set to watch the 100 percent Lynch-free Aqua Frolics, a short from the 1950's whose message is clear: here is a partial list of things you can do that involve a proximity to and/or immersion in water.

No doubt a response to the Land Council's propaganda film "Dryness: Stay On Land to Achieve It", Aqua Frolics will have you itching to strap on a life preserver and tuck into a drumstick in your neighbors swimming pool. Known frolickers Mike, Kevin and Bill are on hand for their dampest riffing session yet.


3x23 Good Health Practices

3x23 Good Health Practices

  • 2008-10-24T21:00:00Z7m

Washing your hands after using the restroom - most of us only do so because a fellow co-worker is in the bathroom with us, and we wonder if he'll tell other people if we don't. But evidently, we should be doing this even when a co-worker isn't there.


3x24 Good Eating Habits

3x24 Good Eating Habits

  • 2008-10-31T21:00:00Z10m

For many of us, Good Eating Habits boil down to a simple rule: avoid any food whose name ends in "-ator" or "-o-rama". But fifty years ago, in an era food historians refer to as "Pre GoGurt", what constituted a Good Eating Habit wasn't as widely known. Was cleaning your plate always necessary? When was the proper time for snacks? And did Johnny Miller really see the lunch lady’s glass eye fall into the casserole when he went to the bathroom during Social Studies?

These questions and more are answered in classic "Do the Opposite of This Guy" mode by Bill, a young child whose eating habits were the inspiration for the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character. Mike, Kevin and Bill are on-hand to riff the appetizing, food-like loaf of a short that is Good Eating Habits!


3x25 Know For Sure

3x25 Know For Sure

  • 2008-11-21T22:00:00Z10m

You think you don't have syphilis, but how do really know? Has anyone you trust told you you don't have it? Have you been in contact with anyone from a big city in, say, the last year? Then you almost certainly have it! Talk to your doctor immediately, or at the very least, a silver-haired white guy with an authoritative voice. He will put your shame under a microscope and make you look at it and if that doesn't change your ways, than I don't know what!

Or you can just watch RiffTrax latest hilarious short subject Know For Sure.


3x26 Christmas Toyshop

3x26 Christmas Toyshop

  • 2008-12-22T22:00:00Z14m

Can't anyone tell me what Christmas is all about!? an exasperated Charlie Brown once asked. Well, pace Linus van Pelt, the true meaning of Christmas—according to Christmas Toyshop—is a criminally incompetent father, a drug-dispensing demon of the night, and a bored and detached Santa who spins magic mushroom induced fables to two captive children. Other beloved Christmas themes include war, a killing spree, and an attempted murder suicide by an arachnid—in easy-to-view cartoon form!


3x27 Shy Guy

3x27 Shy Guy

  • 2009-01-06T22:00:00Z10m

Shyness—for years it has prevented boys from becoming men and girls from landing men. How can shyness be conquered? By imitating those who are better than you: the popular children. This is the advice that the New Kid in School receives from his father: alter who you are to make people who don't know you like you more. It must be good advice; after all, the man is wearing a suit. Watch TV’s Dick York—the first Darrin from Bewitched—try to overcome his shyness by putting on a sweater in Shy Guy, riffed by Mike, Kevin and Bill. (Dick Sargents need not apply.)


3x28 Self Conscious Guy

3x28 Self Conscious Guy

  • 2009-01-16T22:00:00Z14m

Do you find yourself in a constant state of niggling self criticism, e.g., "I bet everyone is laughing at me just because I have a waffle stuck to my back", or "I know it's the right thing to do, but will people look down on me because I jar, meticulously label and store my urine in the root cellar?" If so, may I call you "Self-Conscious Guy" or would that make you feel self-conscious, you ugly, over-sensitive little self-conscious guy?! (Don't cry, it's part of your therapy.) Learn to deal with your freakishly abhorrent personality disorder by watching, along with your life coaches Mike, Kevin and Bill, Self-Conscious Guy.


3x29 Overcoming Fear

3x29 Overcoming Fear

  • 2009-01-28T22:00:00Z11m

Fear: Most of us rejected it in the mid-90s by wearing trendy t-shirts emblazoned with slogans such as "Second Place is the First Loser." This national "No Fear" campaign almost single-handedly eradicated Fear from our streets. Unfortunately, one day America woke up and realized just how gut-wrenchingly lame those t-shirts were. The shame quickly gave way to a much more powerful emotion: Fear.

Yes, Fear has returned to our society, which makes the message of the 1950 educational short Overcoming Fear all the more important. It teaches us that your Fears are irrational, and are best confronted head-on. It features the greatest locker room confrontation scene since a be-toweled Iceman called out Maverick, nerds standing up for what they believe in, and a dog so terrifying, it makes Cujo look like the Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

What better way for Mike, Kevin and Bill to Overcome their Fear of Overcoming Fear than by riffing the short Overcoming Fear!


3x30 Playing Together

3x30 Playing Together

  • 2009-02-27T22:00:00Z12m

"You would like to play with Donny and Duncan." So the narrator for Playing Together confidently tells us, and we have no reason to doubt him. But as the minutes pass it becomes clear that he may have been overselling Donny and Duncan just a bit.

Donny, as it turns out, has trouble navigating life, from the smallest things (he's confused and frightened by the rules posted at a public pool) to larger problems, including the question of evil (his favorable reaction to aquatic clowns makes it clear that his moral compass is broken and he may even be a dangerous psychopath.)

Duncan tries, he really does, to curb Donny's dangerous habit of clinging to every stick he finds like a lab monkey clings to his wire mother, but Donny is too far gone, and Duncan's helplessness and rage is beginning to show.

But what makes it all work is the constant, tuneless piano noodling. Because of it, the narrator wins in the end: Kevin, Mike and Bill would like to play with Donny and Duncan.


3x31 How Much Affection?

3x31 How Much Affection?

  • 2009-03-20T21:00:00Z10m

It's a question we ponder every time we tip the pizza guy: How much affection? Is it necessary to set the box down before embracing him? How long do you hold him, knowing that he has other deliveries to make? Can lower tips be compensated for with more affection? How Much Affection? sadly touches on none of these issues; its Pizza Guy advice comes from the "30 Minutes or Free" era and is therefore quite out of date. What you will find in this short are dates that end in tears, sandwich making and a stern reminder of the potential Gerber-eating consequences of Too Much Affection.

Riffers Mike, Kevin and Bill differ wildly in their estimates of How Much Affection, but mostly because Bill insists on measuring affection using the metric system.


3x32 Your Chance to Live

3x32 Your Chance to Live

  • 2009-03-24T21:00:00Z20m

What happens when a public television studio realizes that it has to spend $2,000 of government grant money before Wednesday in order to qualify for full funding for the next fiscal year? You get Your Chance to Live: Technological Failures! Obviously thrown together in a matter of hours, Your Chance to Live rails against modern man's dependence on technology with the vibrant coherency of a raving street corner derelict. This may have something to do with the fact that the producers hired an actual street corner derelict to do the raving, or as they refer to it, the "narration." Among the pearls of wisdom he imparts along the way? "Without electricity, there could be no electrical fires." The point is emphasized by showing stock footage of "Pioneers" baling hay.

Surely, the producers of this film were on a higher plane of consciousness, or maybe just really wanted to get off work in time to catch the tail end of happy hour. The whole thing makes for an experience that is as surreal as it is hilarious. Mike, Kevin and Bill seize Their Chance to Riff!


3x33 Understanding Your Ideals

3x33 Understanding Your Ideals

  • 2009-03-28T21:00:00Z12m

Pop quiz hotshot: Your father tells you that your grandmother has fallen and badly hurt herself. What do you do?

Like most of us here at RiffTrax, you probably answered "Call an attorney to jump start the inheritance process." Well, this self-centered attitude is what separates regular guys like us from Understanding Your Ideals star Jeffrey Moore. When Jeffrey hears this tragic news, his first thoughts are not of himself, but instead of others. Specifically, of the girl that he was supposed to take to the dance that night. He had hoped to pick her up in the family car, which is instead speeding towards Grandma's prone, frail person. How disappointed this young girl will be when she learns she has to take the bus!

OK, it actually turns out that Jeffrey is just as bad, if not worse, than most of us. Why? He is lacking "ideals", which if we understood the short correctly, are like headlights on your car, in that if you accidentally leave them on while you're at work, you have to get a jump from the last guy to leave the building, usually the creepy guy from IT who breathes really loudly in the elevator.

After watching this short, Mike, Kevin and Bill are no closer to Understanding Their Ideals. They do, however, Understand Your Ideals, and frankly, are very disappointed with how you've turned out.


3x34 As We Like It

3x34 As We Like It

  • 2009-04-01T21:00:00Z14m

Ah, beer. Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, chief nourisher in life's feast! (We think that's what the Swan of Avon was referring to...) Beer provides everything the human body needs—if anything, what little it lacks can be made up with regular doses of loaded potato skins, an occasional pickled egg, or several handfuls of pub mix (if you can get it before the loud guy with Pat Riley hair picks out all the peanuts.) Yes, beer is perfect and holy, but lately it has been maligned by dark forces. Envious, beady-eyed, sober little creatures who resent that the rest of us have a way to actually have fun playing softball, or going bowling. That we have a beverage that makes encounters with our family almost bearable, enhances our powers of seduction and gives us the courage to jump over a too-high park bench when goaded on by our fun-loving friend. (The fact that we didn't make it and shattered four of our teeth in the process is immaterial to the argument.)

Thank goodness As We Like It puts these horrible little busybodies in their place using sound reasoning, gentle persuasion and a few tall frosty ones. Mike, Kevin and Bill belly up and tap into As We Like It.


3x35 Going Steady

3x35 Going Steady

  • 2009-04-03T21:00:00Z10m

It's the most important decision you'll ever make: should I eat the rest of this BK Stacker, or just trust my vague feeling of nausea and quit while I'm ahead? But put that aside now and let's talk about the third most important decision you'll ever make*: should I go steady? The answer, of course, is no. But the short Going Steady doesn't settle for such easy answers. Instead it probes the question through the tortured angst of Marie, an insecure girl with "offbeat" good looks who can't shake her Jeff habit. Jeff, for his part, is a flannel-clad Lothario, prowling the high school hallways and leaving nothing but the shattered husks of broken-hearted bobby-soxers as his terrible toll. Otherwise, very polite young man. In the powerful third act, Marie confronts Jeff, and the reaction is as explosive as anything Judson T. Landis has ever done!

Mike, Kevin and Bill learned everything they know about life, about love...and about laughter....from Going Steady.

*The 2nd is "should I take advantage of the zero percent financing on the hedge trimmer I want to buy?"


3x36 Carnivorous Plants

3x36 Carnivorous Plants

  • 2009-04-07T21:00:00Z11m

Carnivorous Plants! Like Wii Boxing, they're one of those things that instantly becomes 1000X less cool the moment you bring it home and try it out. Rather than quickly earning their keep and chomping down on your neighbors annoying labradoodle, your carnivorous plant instead sits on your window sill, vowing that he'll get to work tomorrow. You show off their opening and closing ability to disinterested friends who suddenly realize that Wii Boxing wasn't that bad after all, while your housefly population triples in size and begins to plot a coup. Soon after, the plant dies when you go to visit your grandmother in Sarasota.

Yes, Carnivorous Plants are a big let down. Which is why it's a good thing that the short Carnivorous Plants deals mainly with stock footage of transportation and discussions about mousetraps. We believe the plants do not make an appearance until the short has actually ended. The whole thing is tied together by a narrator who babbles his way towards an irrefutable conclusion: Carnivorous Plants are way cooler in the movies.

Mike, Kevin and Bill declare this their finest Carnivorous Plant-related riffing not containing a character named Seymour Krelborn.


3x37 You and Your Family

3x37 You and Your Family

  • 2009-04-17T21:00:00Z10m

You and Your Family. Much like gunpowder and an open flame, combining the two is not recommended (especially if mom's been drinking.) But every now and then a scenario arises where you must remove your iPod’s ear buds, emit a contemptuous, full-bodied sigh and actually interact with your family.* You and Your Family is the must-have guide to how to handle these situations with a minimum involvement of municipal services.

Each scenario in You and Your Family plays out in several different ways, and you the viewer are left to decide which would be the most effective course of action. It's like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book, except that instead of reading about The Lost Jewels of Nabooti**, you decide whether to help mom with the dishes. Imagine Rashomon with slightly more Room-Storming-Off-To, and you've got You and Your Family.

Riffers Mike, Kevin and Bill each assume the "You" in You and Your Family is referring to one of the other two guys.

*These situations include holidays, birthdays and everybody pretending that you're taking grandpa to the Baseball Hall of Fame when you're really dropping him off at a home.

The follow-up to the smash hit "Primary Safety: In the Three Mile Island Cooling Tower", Primary Safety: In The School Building starts with a catchy name and builds from there. Personal injury lurks everywhere in our nation’s schools, and while any hipster with an ironic "Runs With Scissors" t-shirt can identify the most famous way to hurt yourself, fewer can pinpoint the dozens and dozens of more obscure ways that you can lose an eye in music class alone.

Primary Safety: In The School Building has an answer. A cumbersome, ineffective answer. It involves giant "stop" and "go" signs, a dimwitted child, and lots of trial and error. It is the same system that now powers our nations DMVs. Head dimwit Bill mans the signs, a responsibility he earned by amassing the most experience, having repeated kindergarten for a third time. After a morning with Bill, you may be no closer to surviving a school day in one piece, but you'll probably have eaten enough paste that you just won't care.

Mike, Kevin and Bill kept their fingers crossed throughout this entire short hoping for a Mr. Bungle cameo.


3x39 Damaged Goods

3x39 Damaged Goods

  • 2009-04-29T21:00:00Z10m

Surprisingly, not a biography of Björk, Damaged Goods is a cautionary tale about a couple of young men who go on a harmless adventure in search of beer and girls and end up finding exactly that! Unfortunately they are lured off that wholesome path by the seductive siren song of something called a "Coolie Cup". Inspired, apparently, by the jockstrap of an Asian worker, this evil rum drink causes our hero, Hercules-like (Kevin Sorbo Hercules, just to be clear), to be led astray. The result, a stern lecture by a silver-haired doctor—oh, and some horrible communicable disease affecting the genitals. We weren't really paying attention, as someone had just whipped up a pitcher of Coolie Cups.

Mike, Bill, and Kevin: damaged goods and your guides through Damaged Goods.


3x40 Cooking Terms

3x40 Cooking Terms

  • 2009-05-01T21:00:00Z9m

Mario Batali. Emeril Lagasse. Thomas Keller. What do they all have in common? Besides having seen Julia Child naked? That's right, they are all masters of Cooking Terms! Cooking Terms are the first step toward becoming a master chef. Because how can one properly prepare Duck Foie Gras with a Confiture of Meiwa Kumquats and a Balsamic Glaze if you don't know what "boiling" means.

Cooking Terms And What They Mean follows a newlywed named Margie through her first day of housewifery. Margie evidently spent her childhood in a vegetative coma, because she somehow made it to her wedding day without knowing what "bake" means. We observe Margie as she learns the terms she will need to prepare the Culinary Institute of America's four basic dishes: Meat, Cake, Jelly and Scalloped Cauliflower. Will she successfully cook her husband a delicious meal? Or will her spiral of failure expand so rapidly that it consumes our entire known universe?

Mike, Kevin and Bill now understand the difference between braising and blanching, and as a result their Hungry Man frozen dinners have never tasted better.

It can happen to any of us: we fall in with some free-spirited youths, get a few lime phosphates in our system, and before you know it we're rolling up our blue dungarees to impertinent heights, styling our hair into an ill-mannered pompadour and beating up our own fathers and rolling 'em for spare change. Such rash acts can lead almost directly to juvenile delinquency. What About Juvenile Delinquency is not afraid to ask the tough questions, none of which, surprisingly, is, "What about juvenile delinquency?" Rather it takes on the abstruse but no less important questions such as, "How close can we can get to an acne-scarred teen's face before it's too close?"

Mike, Kevin and Bill answer the question What About Juvenile Delinquency with a hearty, "Sounds good!"


3x42 Snap Out of It

3x42 Snap Out of It

  • 2009-05-08T21:00:00Z11m

The 50's are back with a simple message for you—Snap Out of It! "But," you protest, "I only—" Hey, the 50's are gonna stop you right there. Don't say another word. Doesn't matter what mealy-mouthed, limp- wristed, it's-somebody-else's-fault bull crap excuse you were about to offer, the 50's are gonna say the same thing: Snap the hell out of it!

And in Snap Out Of It, when laconic high schooler Howard starts in with some garbage about how he should have got a better grade on blah-blah whatever whatever, the answer was the same. Hey, H-man! Snap out of it! And Howard knew to slick back that hair, hitch up the dungarees and get down to the business of snapping out of it.

Mike, Bill and Kevin snap out of their own funk, and into a Slim Jim, to take on Snap Out Of It.


3x43 Toward Emotional Maturity

3x43 Toward Emotional Maturity

  • 2009-05-12T21:00:00Z12m

Featuring the beautiful but volatile Sally, a girl who loves Hank with all her heart one moment, and the next wants to cut him into thin slabs with her fencing épée and feed him to her dog. Along the path to maturation, Sally must learn to control her emotions, and, in one terrifying scene, put down a violent riot of her fellow students, the likes of which makes a Pistons/Pacers game seem like a Friends' Meeting.

Mike, Bill and Kevin move toward—toward, mind you, not near, or close to, or anywhere within several hundred miles of—but Toward Emotional Maturity.


3x44 Alcohol Trigger Films

3x44 Alcohol Trigger Films

  • 2009-05-22T21:00:00Z11m

When a short entitled Alcohol Trigger Films turned up at RiffTrax HQ, we jumped at the chance to riff it. After all, everyone who works here is a big fan of the subject matter: trigger films. Alcohol we can give or take. But a chance to watch even one Trigger Film, let alone a collection of three Trigger Films, back to back to back…We were so excited we pulled the bottle of Wild Turkey out of our desk drawer for a little early-afternoon celebration (we lied, we're actually pretty fond of alcohol, too.)

Alcohol Trigger Films explore three different booze-related scenarios. The general theme seems to be that alcohol is the only way to explain the horrible 70s fashion choices that each character is sporting. Amazingly, for a film about the consequences of drinking, the issue of vulgar, slurred wedding toasts never arises. Instead, we witness a series of mundane alcohol-related events, where nothing really all that bad happens. In fact, the one party that the seventh graders throw looked like a pretty sweet time.

Yes, it's that's time again—time to go back to school. And when it's time to choose with whom you'd like to go, the options are nearly limitless: your uncle Barney, Richard Simmons, that guy who sits in front of you at church and occasionally cleans his ears with his keys, Pruane2, Jewel, or possibly one of the Baldwins. Well, the idea that you should return to school accompanied by Joan Miller is given a fair and compelling hearing in the colorful short Back to School with Joan Miller. Yes, Joan Miller, designer extraordinaire, creator of dresses and suits that span an extraordinary range from conservative, plaid two-piece suits, to conservative plaid two-piece suits complemented by a hat. And BtSwJM offers not just two or three examples of her work, but rather a seemingly endless march of them, by the hundreds they come, one after another, modeled by strange-eyed shapeless women, driven relentlessly on by the sting of Joan Miller's whip.

Take notes, because there will be a test as Mike, Kevin and Bill go Back to School with Joan Miller.


3x46 Highway Mania

3x46 Highway Mania

  • 2009-07-17T21:00:00Z21m

Sometime between the invention of pyromania and the discovery of Beatlemania, the country suffered a frightening outbreak of Highway Mania. Accounts of the disorder are sketchy, but if the film Highway Mania is to be believed, it involved shaving your head, scarring your face with a good, strong liter or two of muriatic acid, and then climbing in your car and driving like Lizzy Grubman while—and this is very important, critical, even— cackling like a community theater actress in a bad production of Hansel and Gretel. While you did this a team of three different narrators described in purple prose the horrors you were visiting upon the land. You, however, remain singularly focused on your cackling. (Don't be too hard on yourself; highway mania is a disease, just like alcoholism or embezzling.) Somehow hurricanes and cruise ship sinkings are also involved and probably your fault.

Join Mike, Bill and Kevin as the catch the fever that is Highway Mania.

It seems that forty years ago, one out of every three instructional films was about The Bill of Rights (the rest were about either syphilis and/or Mr. Bungle.) So it was only natural that we'd finally get around to riffing a short focused on the Bill of Rights, and we had just the one in mind! Unfortunately, that episode of Schoolhouse Rock where the bill becomes a law proved far too expensive to acquire, and we had to go with Plan B.

Plan B turned out to be The Bill of Rights in Action. It proved far more exciting than The Bill of Rights Takes it Easy and is a veritable thrill ride compared to The Bill of Rights is Feeling Kind of Hungover, So Could You Put On the 'Saved By The Bell' Marathon and Pick Him Up a Gatorade and a Breakfast Burrito. And even though we wish it would focus more on our favorite amendment (#9, Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights, booyah), it makes the admittedly more populist choice and focuses on the granddaddy of all rights, Freedom of Speech. It's a delightful romp where a pale Nazi goon rants outside of a synagogue and gets his ass handed to him by an enraged mob. So all things considered, it is far less creepy and disturbing than the episode of Schoolhouse Rock would have been.

Mike, Kevin and Bill exercised their freedom of speech by getting tattoos of the "Conjunction Junction" conductor. They're not telling where.


3x48 Shake Hands with Danger

3x48 Shake Hands with Danger

  • 2009-07-23T21:00:00Z10m

The world of Safety Instructional Films breaks down into two distinct categories: Shake Hands with Danger, and everything else. If you like your hair feathered, your glasses huge and your moustaches grown at an eighth grade level, this is the short for you.

Narrated by a guy who was rejected from the Dukes of Hazard narrator job for sounding too much like a cotton-pickin' bumpkin, Shake Hands with Danger explores the terrifying world of construction work. Sponsored by the Caterpillar heavy machinery company, it chronicles the myriad of ways you can hurt, dismember, maim or kill yourself using Caterpillar brand heavy machinery. No action is free from potentially life-ending consequences! Even if you stay home and lock yourself indoors, the bulldozer will just barrel your house over before seeking out the rest of your family!! Nobody is safe!!! Nobody!!!!

Yes, riff fans of all ages will enjoy this lighthearted timecapsule of the 1970s, set to one of the catchiest Industrial Safety-based jingles we've ever heard.

Mike, Kevin and Bill have never shaken hands with Danger, but they did give Danger that "fist bump then explosion" thing, and then Danger called them all "Bro-seph."


3x49 Wing Claw and Fang!

3x49 Wing Claw and Fang!

  • 2009-07-28T21:00:00Z13m

When we think back on the list of the great entertainers of the past century, a few names universally come to mind: Sinatra. Carson. Lohan. And Jimmy. No, not Jimmy Walker. And not Jimmy Stewart, (Really? You guessed Jimmy Walker before Jimmy Stewart?) We're of course talking about Jimmy the Raven, sparkplug of the glorious ensemble cast of Wing, Claw and Fang.

Yes, despite sounding like a sleazy Nevada law firm, or perhaps items from a LARPer's daily checklist, Wing, Claw and Fang is actually a cavalcade of Hollywood's animal stars. Jimmy leads the way, with his hilarious signature bit of stealing freshly laid eggs and devouring them in front of the distraught hens. But there's also a heapin' helpin' of tricks form Pete the Penguin, who wows as he "Goes Down the Stairs" and Jesse the Lion, who "Appears to Maul his Trainer Quite Severely." Yes, Wing, Claw and Fang proves once again that there's no better way to entertain humans than humiliating animals for our amusement.

Mike, Kevin and Bill gave up on stealing their eggs straight from the hen house after Farmer Dan installed a particularly effective scarecrow.


3x50 The Tale of Moose Baby

3x50 The Tale of Moose Baby

  • 2009-08-11T21:00:00Z9m

Ladies and gentlemen: Moose Baby.

Think of Howard Carter as first he gazed upon the freshly unsealed chamber of the tomb of Tutankhamen; that should give you some sense of the awe and wonder we felt as we sat in a nondescript screening room poring over a series of colorless and uninteresting shorts only to discover the rare and precious gift that is Moose Baby. To try to describe it would be to rob it of some of its magic. He is Moose Baby. "But what is it about?" you quite reasonably ask. It is not about anything. It is Moose Baby. "Who made it? Where did it come from?" No one knows. There are no credits, no markings of any kind. It is untraceable. It is a beautiful mystery. It is Moose Baby. He is Moose Baby. Drink it in, and you will be one with Moose Baby.


3x51 Flying Stewardess

3x51 Flying Stewardess

  • 2009-08-25T21:00:00Z11m

Flying Stewardess takes us for an airborne jaunt through the wild blue yonder. Hop on board a spacious plane, where you'll be treated like a king. Enjoy a delicious steak dinner, served to you by a smiling stewardess. After that, treat yourself to a complimentary cocktail before retiring to your own bed in the sleeping cabin. You'll arrive at your destination refreshed and relaxed.

Yes, Flying Stewardess is one of the most chilling science fiction shorts we've ever seen. Set in the bizarro realm known as "The 1940s", it is not—as you may have guessed—a tale of a Stewardess who gains the power of flight after a freak tray-table accident. It is actually a biting satire of the airline industry as a whole. (WARNING: Satirizing the airline industry may not be a wise idea. A sharp uptick in sitting next to shrieking babies, Bluetooth headset guys and people requiring multiple seat belt extenders may occur as a result.)

Mike, Kevin and Bill were all chastised repeatedly by their stewardess for pointing out that their seats did not properly recline during the recording of this short.

Where should one turn when looking for beauty advice? To the fashion magazines that litter our grocery store checkout aisles, with their fresh-faced starlets with perky bods and millions of dollars? Hardly! Instead, refer to the comforting, matronly advice of Constance Bennett, an actress you've never heard of from the 1930s.

Yes, despite being dead for well over half a century, Constance Bennett's Daily Beauty Rituals remain as relevant as ever, for girls of any age. Husbands, boyfriends and homecoming dates everywhere will issue a contented sigh as they see you descend a staircase, having followed Constance Bennett's advice and applied a coat of makeup thick enough to bury a small cat in. Then they will hastily remember that they left something on the driver’s seat of their car and excuse themselves.

Completing the "Rituals Trilogy" that also includes Constance Bennett's Daily Voodoo Rituals, and Constance Bennett's 45 Minute Long Hand-Washing Ritual, Constance Bennett's Daily Beauty Rituals will leave you wondering how you were ever beautiful without it!


3x53 Teenagers On Trial

3x53 Teenagers On Trial

  • 2009-09-04T21:00:00Z5m

Someone has to be on trial. It may as well be teenagers. And they deserve it, too, what with their shenanigans, the hell-raking, their common thuggery, rough manners and unkempt flat-top haircuts. I don't think it would be overstating things to say that teenagers are the largest threat facing this great nation, causing more destruction than the boll weevil and potato weevils combined! Teenagers on Trial does not shrink from showing us the hard truth, which is that your average teenager would knock you off your bike and take it just as soon as look at you. (That is, if he wasn't currently at his Model United Nations meeting.) Thankfully they get what's coming to them, and that's a darn good trial!

Kevin, Mike, and Bill, two of them former teenagers, give the teenagers a stern, but sympathetic hearing-out in the thrilling new short Teenagers on Trial!

If there's one thing that a small niche of people like, it's car racing! It's all there: the drama, the passion, the guy who for some reason shouts "Boogity Boogity Boogity." But we understand that for some people, sitting for hours and watching cars do five hundred laps around a track can be a bit too much excitement to handle. For them, Cork – Crashes & Curiosities provides a thrilling glimpse into a time in racing when the stakes were much lower, and cars were not capable of going nearly as fast.

And when you think of the great hotbeds of car racing, such as the American South and Further Down In the American South, no doubt third on your list would be Ireland. Yes, the land where they grow Lucky Charms cereal is the setting for this short, and a babbling Irishman provides a narrative that at times can actually be considered moderately coherent.

May the road rise to meet you as you take a manic jaunt in your jalopy through Cork – Crashes & Curiosities!

In 2009, if you ask someone What It Means To Be An American you'll get a simple response: a willingness to deep-fry anything and everything. But back in the fifties, before anyone had invented deep-fried cigarettes, it wasn't as clearly defined. School children, construction workers, zoo keepers, cosmonauts-in-training, gaffers, carnies, unemployed janitors, First Lady Eisenhower, TV Clowns, drifters, tight ends, falconry enthusiasts; none of them had any idea What It Means To Be An American.

Nowhere was this more clear than with the producers of the short, What It Means To Be An American. Clearly the recipients of a Brewster's Millions-esque financial windfall that they were forced to spend within a certain amount of time or else lose it, they created the most incoherent and rambling testament to American-ness since the inaugural address where Grover Cleveland asserted that leprechauns were controlling the world's supply of tea.

Falconry enthusiasts Mike, Kevin and Bill team up to riff Part One of What It Means To Be An American, despite its appalling lack of falcons.

This extraordinary film dares to do something no other safety short has ever dreamed of: killing its 9-year-old title character and sending him to hell; a hell run by two doughy, charisma-free demons wearing sensible jackets. Yes, Tommy Tucker, our protagonist, is a whiny, friendless little twerp who devotes himself to the petty hectoring of his fellow citizen. His dream of transforming his local institutions into an all powerful nanny state is cut short, however, when one fed-up individual decides to polish his bumper on Tommy's midsection. And so Tommy goes to hell (which would have been a fine and fitting end to the matter, but alas, it's not to be), and instead of reacting with horror and regret at his eternal separation from God, Tommy sizes the place up and finds it not half bad, but all things considered, he'd rather be home bothering folks.

Kevin, Bill and Mike try their best to find a reason, just one reason, that Tommy shouldn't, in fact, spend a nice long eternity in hell.

Several of us were left frustrated when What It Means to Be An American: Part 1 ended without answering the titular question. In fact, many of you noticed that it did not in fact appear to address the question, or even show the faintest hint that it was aware that it would later be titled What It Means to Be An American. But lest you grow so disgusted with the WIMTBAA series that you decide not to show up to find out how the saga ends (See: The Matrix Reloaded), rest assured that What It Means to Be An American: Part 2 provides adequate* closure** to the series, answering*** all of your questions.****

Mike, Kevin and Bill stand at attention to riff Part 2 of What It Means to Be An American, truly the Godfather***** 2****** of Shorts Sequels.

When last we left Tommy Tucker he had died and was just beginning an eternal stint on Safety Island, a particularly dull outpost in the vast Hell empire. The demon in charge of enslaving his soul (a big-chinned guy, as most evil people are) had been extolling the virtues of the dead Tommy Tucker, while Tommy himself was making noises that, all things considered, he’d rather be home pestering his fellow students and occasionally snacking from the paste jar.


3x59 Women In Blue

3x59 Women In Blue

  • 2009-09-25T21:00:00Z12m

Women in Blue tells the tale of one of baseball's most storied franchises, the Los Angeles Dodgers. Actually, that's not true. We just have an Oakland A's fan on our staff who remains incredibly bitter about the 1988 World Series. In retrospect, it was a poor decision to let him write this description's opening sentence.

No, Women in Blue does not tell the tale of Kirk Gibson, Orel Hershiser and the rest of the Dodgers squad that shocked the nation and cost our mailroom guy thousands of dollars in "sure thing" bets. It is instead a peek behind the scenes at the "WAVES", an all female division of the Navy during World War II. Take a look around the exciting life of a WAVE which involves marching, calisthenics... trips to the dining hall... bed making... zzzzzz. Wait! They also shoot guns! And not just pistols, we're talking GUN guns. Guns that make the Guns of the Navarone look like super-soakers! Then several more hours of classroom studies, but, hey! Guns!

Mike, Kevin and Bill attempted to dress as women and enlist in the WAVES but were denied admittance for violating rule 106-F, "No 80s comedy movie clichés shall be allowed."


3x60 A Circus Wakes Up

3x60 A Circus Wakes Up

  • 2009-10-13T21:00:00Z9m

Contrary to what many of you are thinking, A Circus Wakes Up is NOT a wrenching adaptation of a short story by Philip Roth that recounts the heartbreaking tale of Bernard Circus, a Classics professor at Columbia, who is forced to confront his shattered marriage, his failure as a father, and a decidedly lackluster academic career. No, it is in fact a rather bizarre little behind-the-scenes short that very quickly confirms what we’ve always suspected: the dizzying revulsion we all feel when confronted by a circus is entirely—ENTIRELY—justified. The inhuman stunts, the macabre animal acts are, in fact, performed by exactly the type of twisted outcasts you cross the street to avoid (of course your choice gets tough when that guy from Radio Shack is on the other side…) And if you think you can get through this without being very, very disturbed by a clown, then you need to seriously reset your expectations vis-à-vis being very, very disturbed by a clown.

Mike, Kevin and Bill don their shiniest top hats, their most resplendent red cutaway jackets, and their tightest bun-hugging jodhpurs and say, “Oh, we’re riffing A Circus Wakes Up today? What an amazing coincidence.”


3x61 American Thrift (Part 1)

3x61 American Thrift (Part 1)

  • 2009-10-16T21:00:00Z9m

American Thrift is a touching tribute to the “Woman American”, brought to you by Chevrolet. Just who is the Woman American you ask? Why, she is the one that those who sell and manufacture what is sold know is the one who decides what we come to buy of what is sold and manufactured. From budgeting the purchase of puppy dogs, packs of pens, and canned eel at the local Food Giant, to planning trips to Nassau, the Woman American is the solid rock on which the home is built.

Unfortunately, one power the Woman American does not seem to have is the ability to prevent the Man American from driving around endlessly until he runs out of gas looking for parking meters with time still on them. In fairness, she did try, but he clobbered her with a tirade of saliva-spewing expletives that the laws of decorum do not allow us to reproduce here. Of course, that was in the Martin Scorsese director’s cut which is unavailable for riffing. We assure you this version is safe viewing for the entire family—except maybe for a disturbing scene in which a room-full of young Ron Howards get naked and exchange their pants.

Mike, Kevin and Bill are joined by the definitive example of the Woman American herself — Veronica Belmont — co-host of Revision3’s tech-centric show Tekzilla, and Qore on the PlayStation Network.


3x62 Call It Free (Part 1)

3x62 Call It Free (Part 1)

  • 2009-11-10T22:00:00Z12m

Fortunately, Call It Free brings all your grease monkey fantasies to life. A Dizzy Dame, whose husband affectionately nicknames her Hank (due to her resemblance to the legendary country musician, Waylon Jennings), has car trouble. How will the local gas station manager treat her? With respect and helpful advice? Or will he nickel and dime her for repairs she doesn't need on parts her car doesn't even have? If you have to ask these questions, it's quite obvious that you are a visitor from a foreign planet. You might have luck finding employment at a nearby gas station.


3x63 Christmas Rhapsody

3x63 Christmas Rhapsody

  • 2009-12-18T22:00:00Z13m

George Bailey running down the streets of Bedford Falls. Linus explaining to a hushed audience what Christmas is really about. A desperate Arnold suiting up as Turbo Man for the Christmas parade. In no specific order, these were our top Christmas movie moments. But we think that after watching Christmas Rhapsody, you will agree with us that the scene where the The Forester's family sings an off-key version of "Silent Night" to their Christmas Tree has to belong in our top three. So goodbye George Bailey! Happy new year to you—in jail!!! Or just not on our list, whatever.

Yes, Christmas Rhapsody, the latest entry in the Rhapsody series, comes fresh on the heels of Thanksgiving Rhapsody and Cyber Monday Rhapsody. And though Webster's defines Rhapsody as "A highly emotional utterance or literary work", most of us know that the true meaning of Rhapsody is a depressed sentient Christmas tree, bemoaning its own "No Account" status in the world. If Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree and Eeyore the Donkey had a baby whom they denied the prozac it so desperately needed, it would still be more fun to talk to than the tree in Christmas Rhapsody.

Yes, we just created a donkey/tree hybrid baby who is evidently able to talk and has been prescribed Prozac by a medical professional. We need help. You, on the other hand, just need a dose of Christmas Rhapsody!


3x64 Christmas Dream

3x64 Christmas Dream

  • 2009-12-22T22:00:00Z11m

Santa Claus, famous fat Saint, is best known for his advances in forced deer flight and his work as a firm-but-fair elf foreman. But the man is even more gifted than his great big sack (cough), as we learn in the supernatural thriller Christmas Dream! Call him Professor X-mas, as his telepathic powers will awe and terrify you. (Did you call him Professor X-mas yet? No? Fine, whatever.)

One Christmas Eve, a foolhardy young girl discards a toy she is no longer interested in upon seeing her new, less-horrible toys. Never mind that the forgotten toy was little more than a hot dog with hair, this is a transgression that the patron saint of creepiness cannot forgive! While the girl slumbers peacefully, like the total selfish jerk that she is, St. Nick enters her dreams to give the monstrous doll life. It proceeds to torment her with its special brand of high-pitched Christmas horror. Will she learn her lesson and accept that change is always bad, or crack under the pressure and find herself in an asylum for children, gnawing on her own hair? Either way, this doll is gonna break a lot of her stuff!

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they dance the mad carnival dance our dark lord Santa demands in Christmas Dream!

The story of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer has been told and retold countless times, in film, TV and song. All of those other versions are better than this one. Even the cold war-era East German version "Rudolf van der Schlittenfahrt", which features far more marching and distant machine gun fire than a Christmas special ever should.

The short begins with the bold step of having a song which relates the entire story of Rudolph to the audience, rendering itself redundant. It then takes the even bolder step of completely disregarding the well-established Rudolph canon to tell its own twisted version of the tale. A version that involves ice skating reindeer and provocatively-dressed reindeer moms. A version where Santa and the reindeer deliver presents to other reindeer and rabbits. Where are the human children? What kind of vengeful god created this world? Why is Rudolph's luminous nose referred to as being "twice as bright as a beet" multiple times? Why? WHY!?

These questions are best pondered over a warm mug of eggnog, with the assistance of Mike, Kevin and Bill. (Please refrain from adding your own "Like George Washington!" at any point in time during the short.)

It’s the sunniest Night Before Christmas yet. Not a creature is stirring, not even the stuffed, mummified mouse that’s lovingly stapled to the floor. Sugarplums dance in the heads of children, causing the children to wonder, what’s a sugarplum, and why would it dance so suggestively? At the heart of it all is a man with one simple goal—a long winter’s nap, uninterrupted by any sort of clatter. Boy is he in for a surprise!

Hold on to your stocking cap (or, as we know them today, sleeping hat) and prepare for a holiday home invasion the likes of which you’ve never seen. Unwantable toys will be given, boys will wear dresses, and the reindeer will test all limits of tiny-ness! It’s a story as fresh and timeless as that 4th of July egg salad you’ve been meaning to take out of the trunk. So check out The Night Before Christmas now, before Disney adapts this half-page poem into a 4-hour epic next year.


3x67 Three Magic Words

3x67 Three Magic Words

  • 2009-12-30T22:00:00Z9m

Have you ever been on the Disneyland ride, "It's a Small World After All"? Wait, where are you going! Come back! This short isn't about that ride. It contains no references to that ride. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up so abruptly. Here, breathe into this paper bag. Stop muttering to yourself, it'll be alright.

But seriously, the song from "It's a Small World After All" is going through your head now, isn't it? Well Three Magic Words features a song that is twice as catchy! What keeps it from making you want to rip the Hammer, Anvil and/or Stirrup out of your ears using needlenose pliers? It's about Pork!

Yes, Pork, the delicious substance we've been known to indulge in every now and then here at RiffTrax. And since we buy it using the titular Three Magic Words, we'll always know we've got the best pork. What are the Three Magic Words? Quality, freshness and flavor! How do we remember these? Because they are repeated approximately 837 times during this ten minute short!

Join Mike, Kevin and Bill as they are serenaded about the joys of quality, fresh, flavorful pork. Over...and over...and over again.

Aquatic Champions. For years their achievements went largely unnoticed, mainly due to the fact that everyone can quickly come up with a list of dozens of things they would rather do than watch someone swim competitively. Five just sprang to your mind while reading this sentence alone. But in 1948, on a warm summer day in Beverly Hills, the world stood up and took notice for the first annual Parade of Aquatic Champions. The world then quickly realized why they had never thrown one before or ever would again.

Abandoning many of the traditional parade conceits on the grounds that in water, floats tend to sink quickly and cause mass death, the Parade of Aquatic Champions instead focused mainly on introductions. One by one, the breathless narrator introduced the chlorine-bleached heroes, whose names spring readily to mind even over sixty years later: Norman Spear Jr. Stubby Kruger. Anita Lowez. To call them mere cultural icons would be to spit in their faces. Instead, the participants in the Parade of Aquatic Champions transcend greatness itself. Especially when they're demonstrating something called the "Trudgeon Stroke".

Take a belly flop with Mike, Kevin and Bill into the sea of tedium, bacteria and greatness that is the Parade of Aquatic Champions.


3x69 American Thrift (Part 2)

3x69 American Thrift (Part 2)

  • 2010-02-26T22:00:00Z9m

For the past four months, there has been a gaping hole in Thrift-related RiffTrax content. After the release of American Thrift Part I, Thrift lovers everywhere were high and dry, left to wonder, much like Lost fans, whether or not the show's creators had an ending in mind the whole time, or whether they were making it up as they went along, a panicked narrator struggling to piece together the seemingly random footage whizzing by in front of him, first a woman trying on shoes, then a parade of red-headed children and now...a lighthouse?! Seriously, a lighthouse? You just spring a lighthouse that can see into the past out of nowhere?! There's only like a dozen episodes left, you had better make some progress towards a resolution quickly or els...

Sorry about that! The previous copy writer has been assigned to full time duty on the 4815162342.com forum. Meanwhile, we're happy to report that American Thrift Part II easily joins Three Ninjas Kick Back and Superbabies: Baby Geniuses II on the short list of the greatest sequels of all time. Everything you loved about the first one is back. Yep, that's back! That too! I know, it's great, isn't it?!

OK, we admit it. We have no idea what American Thrift is actually about, and we doubt anyone involved with its production did as well. But it's the special kind of enthusiastic incoherence that makes it a joyous short to riff. And as far as "Tributes to the Woman American" go, it sure as hell beats "My Humps" and "Cougartown."

Mike, Kevin and Bill did their part and drastically reduced their lottery ticket spending, just to be able to bring you part II of American Thrift.


3x70 Molly Grows Up

3x70 Molly Grows Up

  • 2010-03-02T22:00:00Z17m

There are some conversational topics that most men will avoid at all costs. Guessing a woman's age, Barbra Streisand's Yentl, and the appeal of Justin Bieber rank high among them. But there is one subject that rises above even these, one issue guaranteed to turn even the proudest male into a red-faced, mumbling fool. And that particular health concern is...well, you know. With the discomfort, and the products...come on, don't make me. Lunar cycles, and that thing you hear about girls living in the same dorm--oh YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! Go to your room.

Molly Grows Up is the story of a girl asking the tough questions. Like most children, she can't wait to become an adult, despite all evidence that it's really not all it's cracked up to be. When will it be her turn? When will she finally get to be encumbered by a cruel monthly beast hell-bent on her misery and embarrassment? There are plenty of women in her life ready to provide ambiguous information that hardly qualifies as "advice". There's the school nurse, who is far too interested in Molly and probably smells like cats. Then, Molly's mother, who seems to be sedated with those "nerve pills" they used to give unsatisfied housewives. And of course, Molly's sister, the middle-aged teen. Will Molly learn the horrible truth? Will her father successfully avoid the conversation altogether?

Join Mike, Kevin and Bill as they try desperately to be excused from Health Class before the showing of Molly Grows Up.


3x71 Call it Free (Part 2)

3x71 Call it Free (Part 2)

  • 2010-03-05T22:00:00Z11m

Call It Free Part 2 continues the madcap service station antics that viewers of Call It Free Part 1 demanded More, More, More* of! All of your favorite characters are back. Herb (not a woman). Jerry (not a woman). Hank, (astute viewers will recall that Hank is a woman.) But the second half of Call It Free also introduces a new character: Captain Jinx.

Captain Jinx is, (and we are not trying to oversell him by any stretch of the imagination), the greatest cartoon character the world has ever seen! Morbidly obese, bright red and nude, he lives in the engine of your car, and has a big bag of rust that he spreads around if the engine if not properly maintained. This is how former Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda spends the offseason. This spreading of "Rust", combined with the complete absence of any substance known as "Jinx", makes one wonder why his name is not simply Captain Rust. Seems like that would make a great deal of sense. But when you're dealing with a woman named "Hank", you sort of let the suspension of disbelief carry you where it will. Captain Jinx is wreaking havoc on Hank's engine, and Hank's beloved husband speeds off to the mechanic to see what can be done about it. Will punches be thrown? Will Jinx junk Jerry's jalopy? And for all that is holy, what, who or when will be called free?! Find out these answers and more, when you join Mike, Kevin and Bill for the exciting conclusion to Call It Free!

*The shrugged shoulders and confused expressions of Call It Free Part 1 viewers has been interpreted as them "demanding More, More, More"

Lindsay Lohan's meteoric rise to fame, and subsequent collapse in the glare of its harsh spotlight, is just a recent iteration of a tale as old as time. Many are quick to judge her, but in a world where the lines between tabloid news and honest journalism are increasingly blurry -- excuse me? Say what now? Who? Oh, my mistake. Yes, I see.

The Story of a Teenage Drug Addict is the story of a teenager with plenty of reasons to become a drug addict. Everyone insists on calling him a teenager and making him attend high school, despite his obvious age of 40. He lives in a shoebox of a tenement apartment with his corpse-like mother, trading stories about why dad left in their constantly-shifting New York-ish accents. And, perhaps most damning of all, he has a unibrow that would make Captain Caveman blush. Unga bunga, indeed.

With circumstances like these, what chance does our protagonist have against the temptations of dope, H, uppers, downers, sidewinders, lefties, righties, Betty Boopers, flim-flam-dongs and other fake drugs of the past? Will he turn back from the brink in time, or be consumed by a life of late night jazz parties with unfortunate-looking teens? Where on Earth are his tweezers?

Learn the answers to these questions and try to achieve a contact high with Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they turn the grim pages of The Story of a Teenage Drug Addict!

Kids love to play games. It is an indisputable fact, much like the existence of former Yankee outfielder Oscar Gamble. But for a while, the only two games kids had to play were "Push a Hoop with a Stick" and "Hide Benjamin Franklin's whiskey." For obvious reasons, (in order: "This game blows" and "Getting sat on by a furious Benjamin Franklin"), kids eventually needed new games to play.

Enter Hungry, Hungry Hippos. For centuries, it was rightly regarded as the pinnacle of game-dom and children the world over entered the "Race" (and/or "Chase") to "hurry up and feed their face." However, recent revisionist history has begun to shift this perception, and a challenger to the throne is now regarded by some academics to be the greatest game of all time: The Following Instructions Game.

"How do you play," you ask? Simple..you do what adults tell you. "But wait," you say, "that doesn't sound like a game at all. It sounds like a thinly veiled scheme to get our stupider children to shut up and do what we want." And you would be right. But that didn't stop the makers of The Following Instructions Game from spending their substantial budget on a short film to convince children that Following Instructions could be just as fun as actually having fun. And oh what fun it is, as our hero, a dimwitted lad who is prone to coming into contact with wet paint, takes a clock to a repair shop before buying a loaf of bread! And there's an odd old man who speaks in rhyme! (Note: It is not Slick Rick, though that would have been awesome.)


3x74 Little Lost Scent

3x74 Little Lost Scent

  • 2010-03-26T21:00:00Z11m

For years the skunk has been the butt* of many a joke in pop culture. Due to our society's inherent anti-skunk bias, roles for these malodorous mustelids have been hard to come by. Pepe Le Pew is the go-to guy if you need a skunk in your picture. This is in spite of the fact that he is A) a shockingly offensive stereotype and B) a touch rapey. And for a while in the 80s, Stinkor: The Evil Master of Odors was getting a lot of buzz, before his secret Febreze addiction was discovered.

But before either of these skunks ever skittered down a red carpet, one pioneering stinker broke the stench barrier, paving the way for all future Hollywood skunks and/or cats who accidentally got a white stripe painted down their back. That skunk was Gregory, the star of Little Lose Scent. Gregory comes from a time when men were men, women were broads and our president was bald. Feisty and fetid, he's a putrid pugilist who won't back down from a showdown, be it with man, beast or heavy industrial machinery that at one point in time really looks like it comes about three inches from killing him. Dogs? Gregory lays the smack down, Old Yeller style. Cats? Forget Cheezburgers, Gregory can has their asses. Two grizzly bears? Yes, Gregory fights two grizzly bears at once. You have to watch this short!


3x75 An Aquarium in Action

3x75 An Aquarium in Action

  • 2010-03-30T21:00:00Z8m

Aquarium. Translated literally from the original Latin, it means "boredom box". Every day, thousands of aquariums are completely ignored by passersby in our nation's dentist offices and Chinese restaurants. They are also popular suicide destinations for little plastic scuba men. Aquariums are mainly known for making homes smell funny and, sooner or later, winding up empty out in the garage.

An Aquarium In Action seeks to change all that. A rallying point for aquarium owners, or aquarists*, the film demonstrates just how exciting these bacteria farms can be. It does so by simulating the experience of staring at an impressively ordinary grade school aquarium for an extended period of time. Shiver at the intense action as the children struggle to save baby guppies from certain death in the maws of their own parents. Then watch the children wonder why they bothered saving these ugly little things in the first place, when seeing them devoured would have been much more awesome.

Join Mike, Kevin and Bill as they see who can lick the most scum off the sides of An Aquarium In Action!


3x76 Mr. Moto Takes A Walk

3x76 Mr. Moto Takes A Walk

  • 2010-04-02T21:00:00Z11m

Without knowing who Mr. Moto* is, you're probably slightly confused about why you would want to watch him take a walk. "I can watch Mr. Jensen, the bald guy four doors down, take a walk anytime I feel like it," you say. Yes, we all know Mr. Jensen. He carries a miniature baseball bat and the neighborhood kids (mostly Bobby) started a rumor that he uses it to hit dogs with.

While the holes in Bobby's story are numerous (Why a miniature bat Bobby?), there is one thing that is indisputable. Watching Mr. Moto take a walk is far more entertaining than Mr. Jensen. For starters, Mr. Moto takes a walk through the zoo. So right off the bat, you're seeing some crazy stuff. Second, a somewhat attractive lady accompanies Mr. Moto on his walk. Those of you who have seen Mrs. Jensen are now strongly in the Moto camp. But finally, sealing the deal firmly in favor of Mr. Moto is this: Mr. Moto is a monkey. On his walk, Mr. Moto (who is a monkey) undertakes the demented quest of traversing the entire alphabet, from A to Z, seeing one animal for each letter. Why he has chosen to spend his day this way is a mystery, especially seeing as he is a monkey. But it's an action packed journey full of mischief and exotic animals. And did we mention that he is a monkey?

Do you hate stuff that's designed to save your life? Does the inconvenience of having to flip the safety off your handgun before you use it to open a beer bottle drive you INSANE? Do you snicker and point at children wearing bicycle helmets, contemptuous of their willingness to believe "The Man"? Do you wiggle your way out of roller coaster restraints so you can raise both middle fingers boldly in the air?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you're going to absolutely hate Seat Belts: The Life-Saving Habit. This plea for reason provides a snapshot of some anti-seatbelt sentiments from the early 1980s. For example, "I've never worn one, but they look uncomfortable," "Hey, I'm a busy guy, I don't have time for this," and "Children are invincible." The film confidently (or, more often, passive-aggressively) debunks these powerful straw-man arguments in a noble attempt to save lives and subliminally advertise the safe, luxurious Audi sedan. One assumes the filmmakers went on to champion other controversial stances, such as "you probably shouldn't let your kids swallow broken glass."

Climb into the back of a pick-up truck with Mike, Kevin, and Bill and ride down a bumpy road to a destination called Seat Belts: The Life-Saving Habit!

Can genius be taught? It is one of the great philosophical questions. With enough time, patience, and dedication, can the next Van Gogh be created? Or is the mastery of an artistic discipline something that only a few people are born with the inherent capacity for? The producers of the series Drawing for Beginners believe that a great artist lurks inside all of us, and with the proper attention and guidance, it may one day emerge like a beautiful butterfly, to bestow artistic gifts unto humanity the likes of which the world has never seen.

Step one? Rectangles! Four lines, four right angles. Sounds easy right? WRONG! Improperly drawn rectangles are the second most common mistake witnessed by elementary school art teachers, right behind birds in the shape of lower case m's which most biologists agree make no evolutionary sense. It turns out rectangles are the foundation of all art. Don't believe us? What do the Mona Lisa, American Gothic and The Scream all have in common? Innovations in painted light, aerial perspective and irony? WRONG! The answer is rectangular frames! The next time you're in the Sistine Chapel, why don't you look up at the ceiling and tell us what shapes you see up there. Hint: not rhombuses. Still don't believe us? Pull a DVD off your shelf. Yeah, that one will do. Wait, is that...you own What About Bob? on DVD? No, no, I'm not saying it's bad, it just doesn't seem like the kind of movie you'd really want to watch repeatedly. Well, saying it's a gift doesn't exactly explain it, the person who gave it to you would still have to assume that you would want to - LOOK, the point is, what shape is the box? A rectangle! Art! Rectangles! They just go together!

It therefore goes without saying that if you want to create art, you better damn well learn to draw your rectangles. And Drawing For Beginners: The Rectangle is as good a jumping off point as any...for weeding out the dullards who actually need instruction about drawing rectangles and who c


3x79 Kittens: Birth and Growth

3x79 Kittens: Birth and Growth

  • 2010-04-30T21:00:00Z10m

Cats have a come a long way lately. They "hung in there", indeed, on the wall posters of America's cubicles. And now they are widely acknowledged as the foundation of the entire internet, and thus all modern culture. Remove the cats, and you're left with nothing. If not for the existence of confused-cat-dressed-like-Napoleon videos, people would have to send each other links to articles about inconsequential matters like foreign politics, science, or even discuss and examine their own feelings. In a word: ew.

But little is known about where cats come from. Are they advanced alien beings, here to exploit our obvious delight at seeing them barf on our stuff? In exchange for pointedly ignoring us, they are given food, shelter, and an open-air toilet right in our living rooms. Cats form emotional bonds with humans so strong that they will wait 5, maybe even 10 minutes, before nibbling on the ear of a beloved owner after she has choked to death on a heart-shaped box of chocolates she bought for herself. What is the origin of these marvelous, sophisticated creatures?

Kittens: Birth & Growth answers this important question, and teaches kids valuable lessons about getting excited for, and then immediately neglecting, adorable new pets. Watch and learn now, because you can rest assured the cats are watching and learning everything about us.

Mike, Kevin, & Bill can has kitten short nowz?


3x80 Reading: Who needs it?

3x80 Reading: Who needs it?

  • 2010-05-04T21:00:00Z11m

Reading. Like it or not, (and as a people, we've cast a resounding vote for 'not'), it's something most of us have to do every day. Whether it's selectively combing news stories for the portions of them you agree with, figuring out what your $1.14 in change can buy you from the Wendy's drive-thru window, or trying to decipher the unspeakable, misspelled profanity left on the youtube video of your infant son laughing, reading is a part of our daily lives. But more and more often, people are starting to ask themselves Reading: Who Needs It? Granted, most of these people are biased against reading having just finished reading a Dan Brown novel, but it's still a question worth debating.

Reading: Who Needs It? The Short attempts to address Reading: Who Needs It? The Question. We witness the daily lives of three illiterate High School students. The short intends to cast these kids in a negative light, but truly the achievement of progressing into your junior year of High School while all the while A) being illiterate and B) somehow keeping that a secret from everyone is quite remarkable in itself. We are told that these students are just three of "hundreds" of illiterate students in this high school. It is clear that this high school must be located in [insert part of the country you do not think highly of.]

Will the illiterate actress learn to read in time to snag a role in the big school musical? Will the mechanic put down the socket wrench and pick up the books? Will the burgeoning basketball star continue doing things exactly as he was before, while still making more money for one game than most families earn in a year? Tune in to Reading: Who Needs It? with Mike, Kevin and Bill to find out!


3x81 Families: Food and Eating

3x81 Families: Food and Eating

  • 2010-05-07T21:00:00Z18m

The Families series of shorts is a beloved franchise with many proud, vital installments. Some other favorites: Families: Food and Failure, Families: Lies & Videotape, and perhaps most popular of all, Families: Dead and Loving It. But true connoisseurs, those with the complete Criterion Collection set and no friends to speak of, know that Families: Food and Eating was the creative pinnacle; if you ask them about it at a party they will not leave you alone until you agree. Then they'll awkwardly inquire if your younger sister is single and you'll leave the party so quickly you forget your jacket.

The film presents, in vivid detail, what a "Family" might do with some "Food" (no spoilers here). Shockingly, it seems there was a time when family eating consisted of more than choosing individual Hungry Man dinners to devour in front of separate bedroom televisions. We've come so far! Further, people in faraway countries like Japan, Mexico and "San Francisco" eat dinner in very different ways. Do you feel guilty about the ease with which you procure fine foods at your local supermarket? No? Well you should. Try to remember that next time you spend five minutes crafting a Facebook post about how irritating it is when Facebook doesn't load your Farmville statistics immediately, won't you?

Mike, Kevin and Bill will take away that stupid PlayStation if you don't come down here RIGHT NOW for some Families: Food and Eating!


3x82 Summer is an Adventure

3x82 Summer is an Adventure

  • 2010-05-11T21:00:00Z16m

We all have a certain summer memory. One that we find ourselves fondly reminiscing over as the days get longer and hotter. A memory of a different time, when we still retained our childlike innocence, but possessed a desire to stretch our wings and explore the world around us. These days, even though we are very different people, we still watch the sun go down, and our thoughts drift, however briefly, towards that moment when the world was so much simpler, and yet boundless with possibility.

Ours is the time when we got a Bubble O' Bill pop from the ice cream man, then threw a tantrum when our mom wouldn't buy us a second one, then opened the second Bubble O' Bill pop our mortified mother eventually bought for us as tears continued to stream down our face and people stared, then throwing it on the ground in disgust because the bubble gum nose was kind of smooshed and proclaiming that we wished we had never been born. Yes, the summer of 2007 was a heady time.

The point is,Summer Is An Adventure. And whether your summer involves speedboats, hiking, or mostly just ice cream related petulance, you can certainly agree. The two young protagonists of Summer Is An Adventure are slightly better behaved than we were, (despite the bathing outfits they are forced to wear.) They even tolerate a narrator who occasionally lapses into speedboat-based poetry! But we know that deep down inside, the forced nature walks and firefly collecting of Summer Is An Adventure will eventually unleash a sweaty, sandy, sunburned hellbeast of a child, one that even the sweet, sweet allure of Bubble O' Bill's candy nose cannot tame!

But they might be willing to listen for a Choco Taco...

Mike, Kevin and Bill are always willing to riff for a Choco Taco

Every now and then you meet a child who forever changes your perception of how stupid a child can be. There's your second cousin's boy, Leon, who spends summer afternoons black-widow-huntin' in the woodpile. Or little cross-eyed Margie, with her affinity for drinking liters of pond water. And of course Stephen, the kid who insists Notes from Underground is Dostoevsky's finest literary accomplishment when it's clearly one of his mid-level works. I mean, honestly, Stephen, grow up.

But all of these little morons are blown away by the force of Reggie, star of Beginning Responsibility: Taking Care of Your Own Things. Reggie sleepwalks through life. He's perpetually confused and overwhelmed by his bedroom full of toys, which are all in such sorry shape Goodwill employees would spit in your face if you attempted to donate them. Since his parents have given up on Reggie long ago, it's up to this deranged menagerie of busted junk to come to life and teach him threatening lessons. Yes, it's Toy Story on acid! But not the fun kind of acid, more like battery acid that spills out of an old remote control dog toy you haven't picked up in twelve years.

Mike, Kevin and Bill try to keep little Reggie from swallowing their keys while they watch Beginning Responsibility: Taking Care of Your Own Things!

Reading: for now, it is the only way to experience the approximately four remaining books that have not been made into movies (three, after this summer's CGI heavy adaptation of Frog & Toad are Friends. Sam Worthington will play both title roles.)

So you'd better be sure that your Basic Reading Skills are not lacking! How can you be sure? We've prepared a simple test. Just identify the subject of the following sentence: "Totally grape ape, should our snorkel rubadub the two step, moon for sure." Ready? The answer was: Chester A. Arthur.

First of all, if you got that wrong, SHAME ON YOU. But there is hope (amidst the SHAME!) The hope comes in the form of Reading Growth: Basic Skills which provides several helpful strategies for mastering reading, most of which make about as much sense as our example. Also, there is a frog, but it's not played by Sam Worthington. He is, however, much more successful at masking his Australian accent.

Mike, Kevin and Bill identify the subject of this sentence as hilarity! And then feel deep SHAME because it turns out it was actually Chester A. Arthur again...

Many times we find ourselves mocking the content of the educational shorts we feature here at RiffTrax. Most of the time it is quite deserved; if you will recall, not too long ago we did a short entitled Buying Food. But occasionally we'll stumble across one like Geography of Your Community and think to ourselves, "Well done Coronet Films. Geography is an important thing for young minds to learn, and what better way to teach it to them than by making it relate to them using their own community as a learning tool.

Then we saw the short. Geography of Your Community contains about as much Geography as the Transformers movies contained taste, wit and coherence. And by "Your Community" the makers meant aspecific community with specific features, such as an ice cream factory that many students will be unlikely to identify with, and much more likely confused and scared by.

The creators don't stop there! Throughout the short, they pose questions to the viewer without answering them, with a vague promise that they will address the answers to them down the road, when instead there are only more questions. A Warning: This short may hit too close to home for fans of a certain TV show which just ended its six season run on ABC.

Yes, Geography of Your Community is another short which falls spectacularly short of its admittedly modest goals. But educational failure is humor's gain, and Mike, Kevin and Bill are on hand to speculate along with the viewer why there is an ice cream factory in this town? Why the factory was built along the river? And who the hell named their child "Farmland"?


3x86 The Parts of Speech

3x86 The Parts of Speech

  • 2010-06-01T21:00:00Z10m

Parts. We all have them. Some of them are public, like elbows and unibrows. Some of them are private, like thigh pimples or the complete set of Bob Seger CDs that you pray your new girlfriend doesn't stumble across. But did you know that people aren't the only things with parts? Since we can't hear your answer, we'll assume you said, "No, that's surprising, please proceed with the comedic description." You got it, friends!

It turns out the English language* is made up of several components, all laid out in The Parts of Speech. Some of them might be familiar, but if you've always struggled to define exactly why an adverb can modify not only verbs, but also adjectives and other adverbs...well, this short will be of no use to you. But it will dazzle you with its majestic beach scenes, featuring a boy far too old to be wearing that diaper, playful near-drownings, and the contemptuous monster of a narrator, Dr. Dwight L. Burton! Also, a beach towel is subjected to extreme homophobia.

Join Mike, Kevin and Bill as they head to the ocean, the most logical location for confusing grammar lessons courtesy of The Parts of Speech!


3x87 Watch Out For My Plant

3x87 Watch Out For My Plant

  • 2010-06-04T21:00:00Z14m

Consider: a young boy, growing up in an urban setting with seemingly absentee parents, purchases a special plant from a quirky man who has assumed the moniker "Papa Nikolai". The boy goes on to guard his new greenery from others with a fervor that borders on the paranoid, lashing out at those who question his behavior. It may sound like a new PSA regarding a certain California legalization initiative, but in fact it's just our newest short, Watch Out For My Plant!

If there's one thing little boys love, it's... baseball, or comic books, or hurting animals, or really ANYTHING but plants. But this kid is different. He's willing to spend hours hovering over a sprout that probably requires nothing more than a weekly watering and some sunlight, and we get to go along for the ride! We don't want to give away more than that, because frankly there's nothing more to give away.

Mike, Kevin and Bill will do their very best to Watch Out For My Pl-- oh they crushed it. Really stomped all over it. Kevin, there's no need to set it on fire... well, great. Just great

One of the great questions ethicists have pondered over time has been "what is the right thing to do?"

Meet Mr. Carson, who has never answered this question correctly. He's the man who puts the "wretch" in "eking out a paranoid, wretched existence living in filth off of disability." Mr. Carson hobbles through his neighborhood, finding items in various stages of disrepair that the honest, hardworking citizens have rightfully chosen to discard. Mr. Carson takes up these items that, while neglected by his fellow man, a subhuman shell like Mr. Carson can surely find some sort of use for. In the right hands, even something like a flat wagon wheel could be recycled into something useful, or at the very least, transformed into unappealing art. But Mr. Carson, trembling and unshowered, can't even be bothered to use the items he scavenges. He just throws them in a pile in his yard, and plasters up another "Keep Out" sign, though the idea of even slowing your gait while strolling past Mr. Carson's grim property, let alone trespassing on the blighted premises, is a prospect no rational man would entertain.

There is one group that finds Mr. Carson endlessly fascinating: eight year old boys! And peering in through his brittle, dusty venetian blinds, the spectacle of Mr. Carson eating store brand beef stew directly out of the can proves to be the perfect summer day activity for one particular group of scamps. Everything changes, though, when the boys decide to intrude on Mr. Carson's solitude, and a deadly accident occurs. And by changes, we of course mean, "Gets a whole lot funnier."

You know what? Strike that earlier sentence. There are two groups that find Mr. Carson fascinating: Eight year old boys, and Mike, Kevin and Bill, who riff with rapt attention, and the vague, unspoken unease that they are looking into their own near future.


3x89 Family Teamwork

3x89 Family Teamwork

  • 2010-06-15T21:00:00Z9m

Do you ever stop to reflect on what an ungrateful, useless little puke you were as a child? Like when your father came home after his 60 hour work week with the new lunchbox he thought you wanted, and you threw a red-faced tantrum because it was Go-Bots, not Transformers? Or the time your mother served the stuffed turkey she spent the whole day perfecting, and you flipped it on the floor, shrieking that you wanted McNuggets and didn't love her anymore?

Yes, children are terrible. And Family Teamwork gleefully drives that point home, with help from a brain-drilling theme wonderfully reminiscent of the music from Nintendo's Bubble Bobble. One boy turns sour when he learns his family's newfound poverty means they can't afford the trailer-tent he had his heart set on. Selfishly, he never thinks to ask how his family feels, or what the hell a trailer-tent might be. In this, and other scenarios, Family Teamwork serves up a heaping helping of shame, teaching kids important lessons about the joys of responding to passive-aggressive guilt. For the team!

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Family Teamwork...as soon as they get off those dang skateboards...wait, they STILL haven't washed the car? Of all the no-good...great, there goes my ulcer


3x90 Pearl of the Orient

3x90 Pearl of the Orient

  • 2010-06-18T21:00:00Z15m

Join the middle-aged drummer as this thrilling documentary follows his exploits during Rush’s 2009 Asian tour. Leaving in his wake several bottles of FiberCon, completely unnecessary drum kit pieces, and pulp 1950s Sci-Fi novels with highlighted passages marked “use for lyrics”, the man....what’s that? Oh, this isn’t Neil Peart of the Orient? My mistake.

The makers of Pearl of the Orient set out to make a positive, uplifting piece about life in the heavily-bombed Philippine islands during the aftermath of World War II. And, if you consider third world poverty, rat-smashing, and utterly joyless wedding ceremonies “uplifting”, the filmmakers succeeded admirably! The tourism dollars surely flowed like a debris-tainted waterfall into the island nation after the world saw delightful images of villagers breaking their backs all day to harvest a half-cup of rice. Think about that next time you feel the urge to post on facebook “Stupid supermarket out of whole wheat linguini so had to settle for regular. FML!!!” Yes, it’s a nice reminder of how much we suck.

There’s also a cockfight. You should buy this.

Tag along with Mike, Kevin, Bill, and their newly-acquired Filipino wives for a trip to the Pearl of the Orient!


3x91 Individual Differences

3x91 Individual Differences

  • 2010-06-25T21:00:00Z10m

Meet Roy, elementary school student. Some children learn with more ease than others. Every child learns with more ease than Roy. He wants nothing from life except to be left alone: shy, silent, whittling off pieces of his desk in hopes that he’ll eventually find one that tastes good.

But his ill-tempered, hatchet-faced teacher (we’ll call her “Howard”) will have none of that. She goes out of her way to make an example of his dimness in front of the class, in order to teach valuable lessons to the other kids. These lessons primarily consist of new and exciting ways to make fun of Roy. She especially likes comparing him to his golden-boy older brother, George. Oh, you know George? Yeah, he is great, isn’t he! Just so smart, and strong, but still humble and decent...sorry, got lost in a “George” moment. It’s hard not to when he’s so much better than Roy. Roy really is the turd in the punchbowl of that family. You have to wonder what happened in the gene pool there...I mean, uh, being different is cool!

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they ponder the horrors of Individual Differences! And don’t forget a bag of rotten fruit to throw at Roy’s piano recital!


3x92 Whatever The Weather

3x92 Whatever The Weather

  • 2010-06-29T21:00:00Z24m

For years, The Weather has been the go-to topic for nervously discussing with your co-workers whenever you end up sharing an elevator with them after you fail to see them pull into the parking lot at the same time as you, leaving you unable to adjust your route on the fly. "Some weather we're having" you'll say, and they will grunt their assent. A few seconds later you'll notice that neither of you have pressed the floor button, and you'll lunge for it at the same time, then retract your fingers cautiously, before finally poking it with a vigor that instantly seems inappropriately emphatic. It would probably be less socially awkward for you to just kill and eat the co-worker right there, but instead, you chat about the weather. God forbid they end up leaving at the same time as you that afternoon.

Yes, The Weather has been discussed to death. And yet somehow, Whatever the Weather manages to bring a fresh new angle to the topic. Of course, in order to find a fresh, new angle, they just made up some crazy analogy regarding weather and hats. You're not really even sure it was intentional until they hamfistedly try to tie it together in the final seconds. M. Night Shyamalan movies operate under the same principal.

If you're a fan of weather, you probably don't get invited to too many parties, seeing as how that's an extremely boring thing to be a fan of. So while you're sitting at home, not partying, why not cue up the latest RiffTrax short, Whatever the Weather, with Mike, Kevin and Bill playing armchair meteorologist next to you? Forecasts call for a 60 percent chance of infectious laughter. Hang on, I'm being issued a correction. That should read 60% chance of severe thunderstorms. Take cover immediately

3x93 Building Better Paragraphs

  • 2010-07-02T21:00:00Z10m

The bartender says "I was talking to the duck!" And, so it was finished, before it had even begun. She was a dark and stormy dame. Really, that's a badger? "Over there, behind the fake tree," she said. The record scratched at midnight, as it always does. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a terrible paragraph. If only it were possible to build a better one! But surely, a topic as pedantic and uninteresting as Building Better Paragraphs has never been covered by the dynamos at Coronet Films, has it?

It has! Fans of crappy paragraphs, run and hide because Building Better Paragraphs is here to pummel your putrid paragraphs into submission! Building Better Paragraphs tells the tale of Susan, whose dog Major wins a prize at a dog show. Actually, it tells the tale of three children telling the tale of Susan & Major. While the rest of the class presumably learns important life skills such as the capital of Delaware, these three toil away at the back table, shaping their initial failure of a paragraph into something vaguely coherent. Can they build it into a better paragraph? Let's hope so, the bar was set awfully low. Can they shape it into an interesting paragraph? We're going to be honest, we have our doubts. Is one of the children in this short one of the strangest looking kids we've ever seen? We answer that with a hearty "Gahhhh!"

Mike, Kevin and Bill have each built a better paragraph only to later find out the assigned topic was The Teapot Dome Scandal, not bacon


3x94 Are People All The Same?

3x94 Are People All The Same?

  • 2010-07-06T21:00:00Z11m

Teaching kids about the evils of racism in a clear, culturally-sensitive manner is a difficult task. Fortunately for us, it’s something the makers of educational shorts from decades past were woefully inept at! Are People All the Same? takes an interesting approach. In order to illustrate that people are all fundamentally the same, they go to great lengths to help you differentiate people based on race. This includes side-by-side comparisons of Japanese and Chinese children (no, really!) presumably so that kids can sort people out, and be sure to only use “pee pee in your Coke” based insults at the appropriate time.

It’s a methodology that noted sensitivity expert Mel Gibson would support, saying “It’s [expletive deleted]-filled [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted], oh hey there sweetheart.” After building its argument, the film comes to a logical conclusion: a bunch of kids gather for a scream-filled, parent-free birthday party in an abandoned hovel. Proving that, ultimately, it doesn’t matter if people are all the same, because life is a chaos-filled nightmare with no one in charge.

Are People All the Same? Mike, Kevin, and Bill sure hope not, because that would mean that we are all roughly equivalent to Kevin Federline.

You may think you know your Mealtime Manners, but much like the recent Kevorkian biopic that, despite starring Al Pacino, was sadly neither unintentionally hilarious nor full of rapid fluctuations in vocal volume, You Don't Know Jack!

Mealtime Manners & Health posits the radical notion that your observing proper manners while eating can have a positive effect on your health. Wait, that's not really so radical...Oh, that's right, the radicalnotion it puts forth is not that good Mealtime Manners can make you happier and healthier, but rather that Mealtime Manners can occur at any given part of the day. Playing a little league game? Better have good Mealtime Manners! Parked outside a tardy coworker's house, waiting for them to join the carpool Don't forget your Mealtime Manners! Just finished dinner and won't be eating another meal for roughly twelve hours? Mealtime manners, dammit!!!

Yes, Mealtime Manners apply to virtually any social context. This may sound like a clumsy, even baffling point to you. We concede that this is most definitely the case. When they're on, the good people at Coronet Films could make a short that most people would generously describe as "dull yet coherent." When struggling to spend the last two hundred dollars of their state derived funds before a fiscal quarter deadline however, madness tended to be the prevailing theme. This short is joyously one of the latter.

Mike, Kevin and Bill enjoy practicing Mealtime Manners in any number of situations, "while riffing a short" being right near the top of their list.


3x96 Things Are Different Now

3x96 Things Are Different Now

  • 2010-07-23T21:00:00Z11m

In honor of our new short, Things Are Different Now, we’d like to list some things that are different now. In 2004, Mel Gibson was featured in Time’s “Man of the Year” issue for the success and spiritual impact of his film The Passion of the Christ. Things are different now. In March 2010, you could take a swim in the Gulf of Mexico and emerge without looking like a cast member of The Jersey Shore. Things are different now. Prior to the release of The Last Airbender, critics and anyone else who was paying attention had written M. Night Shyamalan off as an overhyped egomaniac whose best work was well behind him. Things are...well, some things haven’t changed.

The point here is, any kid who’s seen an after-school special or two knows that when an adult says “Things are different now,” what they really mean is “Things are now significantly worse.” Young Joey, the hero of our short, could attest to that. His voice has begun to crack, and his father has taken the Daniel Plainview approach to parenting - that is, to abandon one’s BO-OOOOY, to abandon one’s CHII-IIIIILD. Joey’s only source of comfort is his best friend, who is a creepy fat schmuck. Will Joey weather the storm and come out happy and well-balanced? Will the short bring these complicated, emotional issues to a satisfying and helpful resolution? If you’ve seen any of the educational shorts we present, you know the answer to that last question already.

In the spirit of things being different now, Mike, Kevin and Bill will riff this short completely sober.


3x97 William's Doll

3x97 William's Doll

  • 2010-08-06T21:00:00Z16m

It's every parent's nightmare: You're woken up at 3AM by a knock at your front door. When you open it, there's a somber looking policeman standing there, his hat in his hands. He avoids eye contact with you, and his voice quivers as he begins to speak. Before he even gets a word out, you know what he's going to say. "Sir," he quivers. "Your son...wants a doll."

The producers of William's Doll want you to believe that a boy with a doll is perfectly normal. For some reason, they made a film that convinces everyone of the exact opposite. We here at RiffTrax are as open-minded as they come regarding childhood toys. Some of us even grew up playing with a toy called Stinkor: The Evil Master of Odors, and we turned out alright.* But by the time the train wreck of William's Doll comes to its unspeakable conclusion, you'll be taking to the streets with your fellow Doll Party members, seizing and burning every doll you find just so they never end up in the hands of a boy.**

The twisted minds behind William's Doll made their defense of boys playing with dolls by combining two of the most loathsome things our planet has ever known: warbly 60's folk music and senior citizens. The guy who sings the William's Doll Theme sounds like Donovan singing Hurdy Gurdy Man after several months of gender reversal hormone treatment and a kick from a mule in what remains of his nads. But even that pales in comparison to William's grandfather, who walks in the door looking like the sun-dried corpse of Larry David and immediately begins his fiendish doll-enabling.

Bright spots include William's Dad, a grown, presumably employed man who wears a red mesh hat with a Goofy patch, who would rather let his son play with a Super Soaker Oozinator*** than a doll. If you can find one of these hats, please let Mike, Kevin and Bill know. They'll trade you an Oozinator for it.


3x98 Decisions Decisions

3x98 Decisions Decisions

  • 2010-08-10T21:00:00Z18m

As any dorm poster covered in photographs of shots that no adult would actually order at a bar could tell you, “Life is full of difficult decisions.” Tommy, the hero of Decisions, Decisions, would surely agree. His life has recently been rocked, as he was forced to move to a decrepit farm in the middle of nowhere for the sake of his remarkably effeminate father’s “good job”. Tommy will get little support from his mother, a dazed, gin-soaked woman who would probably tell a stranger at the library about her favorite handkerchief for 30 minutes before nodding off between some plants (you know the type). One gets the feeling this is a family hiding from a dark and shameful past.

Given this background, Tommy is ill-equipped to handle even the most basic decision. In this case, the decision is whether or not to hang out with Joey, the most horrible boy on the planet. Whiny, irritable, ugly, unpopular, and obsessed with painting his grandmother’s chicken coop, Joey is the kind of kid who wouldn’t even be welcome in a World of Warcraft community. Joey, with his offer of apples in exchange for friendship and coop-labor, distracts Tommy from the more important decision he should be making: to run far, far away.

Mike, Kevin, and Bill decide, decide, to riff, riff, this short, short.


3x99 Library World

3x99 Library World

  • 2010-08-13T21:00:00Z14m

School's out, and this summer, there's only one place to find elementary school children. No, not the basketball courts. No, not the movie theater. No, not the swimming hole, they cut down the rope swing after Tommy broke his leg. No, not the mall. No, not skateboarding in the parking lot. No, not knocking over a casino. No, not freeing giant killer whales from captivity. No, not protesting in advance the 2016 Sochi Winter Olympics. No, not recreating Jersey Shore episodes shot by shot with Playmobil figures. No, not...


No, not poaching rare California Condor eggs. No, not participating in college health department cold studies. No, not picking up Kanye West's dry cleaning. No, not the swimming hole, LOOK, WE ALREADY TOLD YOU THEY WEREN'T AT THE SWIMMING HOLE! THEY CUT THE DAMN TIRE SWING DOWN AFTER TOMMY BROKE HIS LEG. THEY ARE AT THE LIBRARY, OK? THE DAMN LIBRARY!!!!

Yes, the library, or liberry, if you're an idiot, is the hot spot in town for fancy book learnin' (replacing Luigi's PizzaMat, which held the title from 2004-2009). Library World tells the story of two children who are on the verge of making this discovery: A little boy who's skeptical of how much fun you can have at the library and his friend, a more enthusiastic boy or girl who is well versed in the library-going experience. With the help of a hot rod stealing 70's tool, who breaks new ground in the field of "having nothing better to do", they'll learn that the library isn't just a place you can check out books from. It's also a place where homeless people can escape nasty weather because the librarians are too meek and defenseless to kindly ask them to leave because they're frightening other patrons.

Mike, Kevin and Bill head on down to Library World, where they tried to find out where they keep the old stacks of National Geographics, but were too embarrassed to ask the librarian.


3x100 The Fad Diet Circus

3x100 The Fad Diet Circus

  • 2010-08-16T21:00:00Z16m

In preparation for working on Fad Diet Circus, we here at RiffTrax decided to try out a few of the more popular fad diets. We started with the “Macho Man Randy Savage Diet”, which allows only foods that you can “Snap into!” Then there was the “Soup-Made-From-the-Cheez-It-Crumbs-At-The-Bottom-Of-The-Box Diet” (use your own tears for broth). And of course the “Villain from the Muppet Movie Diet”, which consists entirely of Kermit the Frog’s legs (this one is known to true dietary insiders as the “Doc Hopper”). Finally we came to the “Penelope Cruz Diet”, permitting only food items you find while going through Penelope Cruz’s garbage. Thanks to this rigorous regimen, RiffTrax HQ has been temporarily relocated to the hospital, with one of us working remotely from prison (FORGIVE ME PENELOPE!!!!)

You might expect a film called Fad Diet Circus to cover several different diets, or at least something, you know, “circus-y”. You silly fool! The filmmakers instead focus on the low-carb Atkins Diet. And by “focus on” we mean “aggressively attack”: one gets the feeling this hit piece was commissioned by Betty Crocker and the “time to make the donuts” guy. They even wrote an anti-Atkins torch song (really, we’re not kidding) and dressed the kindly old doctor up in a heinous plaid coat (there’s no way that coat was a voluntary choice) just to discredit him.

Mike, Kevin, and Bill are willing to try any diet plan as long as the words “pork fat smoothie” are involved

When the 1920's ended, America was left with a shortage of crazy fads. Goldfish went un-swallowed. Flagpoles went un-sat upon. Charleston's went un-charlestoned. Dozens of dead bodies were pried out of a single phone booth. By and large people stopped messing around and got back to work. It was horrible.

But amidst the ceasing of Roaring, one major trend still managed to sweep the nation: washing your clothes with gasoline! Every housewife on Main St. could be found hitting up the local filling station, returning home with a reeking, volatile jug of gasoline, and submerging her delicates in it to get out those pesky grass stains.

Haven't heard of this trend? That's because it never actually existed. But that didn't stop...


3x102 Alone At Home

3x102 Alone At Home

  • 2010-08-31T21:00:00Z10m

In honor of Alone at Home, we did a little research on a similarly-titled film only to discover that Macaulay Culkin recently turned 30. That’s right, the kid from Home Alone is 30 years old. How ‘bout that for a dose of reality? A reminder of time’s cruel, relentless march? Did you just clear your throat, or was that an early taste of your own death rattle Can you really know? This cheerful reminder of mortality brought to you by RiffTrax.com!

While Mr. Culkin’s defining film (pipe down, Pagemaster fanfic authors) and Alone at Home share the same basic theme, there are key differences. Little Kevin McAllister is left unsupervised accidentally. The parents in Alone at Home, however, make the same choice quite intentionally. Where have they gone? No answer is given. Why have they gone? A few minutes with the awkward, goony children they’ve left behind is all the explanation you’ll need. Seriously, there’s a kid so odd and skinny you’ll be up at night wondering where his bones and organs fit, yielding nightmares you won’t soon escape. If Home Alone’s notorious Wet Bandits had shown up at his house, they would have turned away in sadness, and perhaps launched a food drive.

Mike, Kevin, and Bill have not been Alone at Home for years, because their wives know they’d just eat sticks of butter and wind up sticking their fingers in the electrical outlets again.


3x103 Telephone For Help

3x103 Telephone For Help

  • 2010-09-07T21:00:00Z17m

What would you do if you visited an elderly aunt only to find her injured on the floor? Would you regret that you had not been there when she fell from the stepladder, because if you had you could have captured the hilarious moment on video? Uploaded the video to YouTube, to see it become an instant sensation? Then awaited the inevitable dance remix, complete with her auto-tuned screams? And then finally felt a sense of culminated pride when a friend sent you a link to that same remix being played at someone’s wedding? Which you sneakily watched on your Smartphone while visiting your injured aunt in the hospital?

Well, naturally, all of that would be the correct answer in today’s world. But Telephone For Help comes from a simpler time, a time when phones were shackled to walls via so-called “wires” and could only be used for boring, mundane things like calling for help (or as a platform for the work of important artists like The Jerky Boys). Thrill at the injuries! Shudder in suspense as the dim-witted children decide whether or not to use the phone! Sweat your face off as you watch an emergency response team so slow they surely inspired the Public Enemy classic “9-1-1 Is A Joke”!

Mike, Kevin, and Bill were gonna Telephone For Help but they accidentally spent three hours looking for the highest-quality “Bed Intruder remix” ringtone instead.


3x104 What If We Had a Fire?

3x104 What If We Had a Fire?

  • 2010-09-14T21:00:00Z9m

Some questions are as old as time. “Why are we here?” “Can love really last?” “Who let the dogs out?” “Is corn grass?” But there’s one ancient question that’s sure to chill you to the bone, when asked creepily by your five-year-old after a long pregnant pause: What If We Had A Fire? It’s a simple query that can draw a lot of attention: just ask a certain Floridian minister who was recently in the news.

But while the question of “who didn’t start the fire?” was well and thoroughly answered by the esteemed Mr. Joel, this matter has gone woefully unaddressed. No longer! The young star of our film goes after the issue head-on, inspired by the scorched home of one of his classmates. Undistracted by the question of “Should We Try To Help The Recently Displaced Family of My Classmate?” our boy says, hey, what about ME? His parents promptly send him off to seek answers at the fire station, so they can work on the new insurance scam their son’s question has inspired. “Honey, what if we had a fire? Maybe then I could get that Camaro I’ve always wanted!”

Pretty much every party Mike, Kevin and Bill have ever attended has ended with the question What If We Had A Fire?


3x105 Seven Little Ducks

3x105 Seven Little Ducks

  • 2010-09-22T21:00:00Z12m

When police inspector Launchpad McQuack receives a phone call that Huey, Dewey and Louie have gone missing, his initial inclination was to suspect the Beagle Boys - a suspicion that his neighbor Donald Duck was only too happy to go along with. But Donald seemed a little too concerned about keeping Launchpad away from his newly planted garden bed, instead plying the straight-laced cop with a dish he called "Diablo Pato." And that's when the first severed head turned up in a box on Launchpad's doorstep, pulling him down into a twisted web of intrigue, with the case growing more depraved and fiendish with each passing hour.
Sorry about that, that would be the plot of Se7en Little Ducks. Seven Little Ducks on the other hand is a good-natured short about a brace of ducks. You might assume that there would be seven ducks, but you would be a moron for expecting the good people at Coronet Films to do something as logical as naming their educational short in accordance with how many ducks are actually in said short.
The ducks are owned by Carol, who is played by a Gamorrean Guard. Carol has mastered basic duck-care skills such as feeding them gravel and strangling them. The ducks detest their cruel owner, and led by the hideous Father Duck, whose skin condition makes Two Face look like a Noxzema model, plan a coup. I'm sorry, I'm also being informed that that should be "Coop", and is not a bloody takeover, but rather the enclosure within which the ducks reside.
Obviously we can't get our details right about the content of the short, so just tune in to Seven Little Ducks along with Mike, Kevin and Bill and see for yourself. Quack.


3x106 Cops: Who Needs Them?

3x106 Cops: Who Needs Them?

  • 2010-09-28T21:00:00Z9m

When we're deciding what shorts to screen here at RiffTrax, there's a 27 step, bullet-pointed criteria we use. Then we just pick the ones with the funniest title. More often than not, this leads to disappointment. It turns out that Why Do We Still Have Mountains* was far duller than its title would indicate and Could a Goldfish Become Mayor of Tallahassee is in fact a short that we just made up.

One short that fortunately bucked the trend is the hilariously titled Cops: Who Needs Them? It tells the story of a nihilistic band of youths, who despite their apparent middle class upbringing and lack of any real responsibility or hardship in their lives, have developed a healthy distrust of cops. The characters, whose viewpoint about cops is evidently modeled entirely around the West Side Story number "Officer Krupke", also happen to be just about the ugliest bunch of kids you've ever seen. Seriously, we think that Moosebaby makes a cameo appearance as Frank.

The very cops whose need is questioned in the title are none too pleased about the sassmouth the teens are giving them and decide to take their leader along with them on a ridealong, mortally endangering his life and no doubt violating dozens of laws and protocols. Don't worry though, someone who may or may not be his dad and who also may or may not be furious at his son for having his car stolen gave them some sort of vague, verbal confirmation over the phone that it was OK. I don't think it qualifies as a spoiler to inform you that on the ridealong, somebody does in fact get shot.**

Experience Cops: Who Needs Them? yourself along with Mike, Kevin and Bill who all think they smell bacon. Yep, definitely bacon. (It has nothing to do with the short about cops, someone just happens to be making bacon. As usual.)

*Not a joke, this was a real short we screened
**Also not a joke, someone really gets shot

Listen up, pizza-faced creeps! Until now, you’ve suffered shameful, wretched existences. Cowering in dark cellars. Adopting beekeeping as a hobby, just for the veil. Wearing a drug store Ninja Turtle Halloween mask all year long, playing it off as an ironic affectation. Even converting to new religions that require face coverings when in public. But no longer! The title of our new short makes a clear and simple promise: You Can Do Something About Acne! And, since this is a RiffTrax short, you can rest assured that promise will go completely unfulfilled!

Yes, get used to your zits and the politely repulsed reactions of the opposite sex, because this film has no real advice for you. Maybe eat less junk food, maybe don’t, it’s hard to say. Maybe stop smearing your face with a stick of butter every morning, maybe smear more butter, there’s no good way to know. One thing’s for sure, though, your face is full of horrible stuff you didn’t know about, including a sticky substance named “sebum”. That’s right, sebum. You’re oozing with sebum. Deal with that.

Excess pus and permanent scarring are NOT* symptoms of joining Mike, Kevin, and Bill for You Can Do Something About Acne!

*Probably. Really, we can’t be sure.


3x108 Safe Living at School

3x108 Safe Living at School

  • 2010-10-12T21:00:00Z16m

Safe Living at School pulls no punches with its straightforward title: This is a short which attempts to tell you how to make it through the school day unscathed. Your elementary school is a virtual house of horrors, where an act as innocuous as opening a locker can result in a vicious badger mauling! A playful swing on the monkey bars can be interrupted by an atom bomb explosion! Eating the cafeteria pizza can slightly burn the roof of your mouth, not enough to cause you to stop eating it but enough to make you take a slightly longer pause in between your first and second bites!

But the short, and dare we say humanity, fails to address the one safety issue that haunted us throughout our primary school years: Mrs. Pinkett, the bus driver who would sit on children when they misbehaved. Why this was tolerated by the school board, we have no idea, but it definitely happened, because an older kid who rode her bus one year totally knew a guy who saw her do it once. You'd sit facing straight ahead, not misbehaving except for the 98% of time you were on the bus that the wheels were moving, terrified that the slightest infraction, such as dropping a watermelon out the back window into the path of an ambulance, might trigger the wrath of Mrs. Pinkett, and then: SQUASH!!!

Perhaps you find this example unrelatable. Trust me, if you were there, you would never forget it. Regardless, if it were covered in Safe Living at School, the short would not doubt put forth that it could be handled in one way: by freeze-framing the action and playing a hilarious timpani drum sound every time an accident occurred. This takes place approximately 730 times during this brief short. The timpani drum is to this short what jokes about how white people dance are to an 80s Def Comedy Jam standup routine: consisting of the majority of the act and each one more hilarious than the last.

Mike, Kevin and Bill have safely lived at a school for over two years now, living in the janitor'

You can't underestimate the importance of a good title. What would "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" be if it were called "Some Stuff That Good People Do Good"? Or if "Who Moved my Cheese" had been called "How is this bottle of EZ Cheez empty already? I just bought it yesterday!" Or if "Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould" had been called "G. Gould: Sexecutioner"?

Actually, we probably would have gone to see that last one...Anyways, the point is, titling your work of art is in itself an important art form. Or, shall we say, it was, because with our latest RiffTrax short, the perfect title has been achieved. We present to you: Behavior of Domestic-Pigs in a semi-natural Pig-Park. It has everything: unnecessary capitalization! Unnecessary hyphenation!...um...pigs!

Yes, pigs, everyone's favorite raw material for bacon, finally are the subject of their own short. But these are not the lovable pigs you're used to. These are rough and tumble semi-natural pigs that make Hogzilla look like Babe, and make Babe look like some sort of high voiced, sheep-befriending wuss! You'll never look at your breakfast ham steak the same way again after you watch two boars butt heads in a vicious dispute over some semi-natural turf. And you'll abandon your ham steak altogether as you excuse yourself to go vomit in the bathroom once you witness the horrors of a pig process known as Parturition. Fortunately, a bewildering Scottish narrator is on hand to confuse the issue even further.

Mike, Kevin and Bill riff this one from the confines of their own semi-natural Pig-Park, which they have entitle Xanapig.

In working on Monkey See, Monkey Do: Verbs, we came across a rare find: a behind-the-scenes audio recording from the making of the film! Before submitting the material to a museum, where it belongs, we’ve transcribed the conversation: Producer Norman Bean and Director of Photography, Carl, working at the height of their craft. Enjoy!

Norman Bean: Carl, I’d like to talk to you about the footage you shot for our new educational short on verbs. I asked you to film, let’s see...a playground, a beach, a softball game, and the Fourth of July parade.

Carl: Ah, yep. I didn’t do any of that.

Norman Bean: I see that, Carl. It seems you just went to the zoo and filmed some monkeys.

Carl: Yep, sure did. They got some pretty good monkeys, down there at the zoo.

Norman Bean: In fact you only filmed them for about three minutes, and then looped that footage three times.

Carl: Did I? Heh, heh. Well, I was pretty stoned.

Norman Bean: This doesn’t teach anything. In fact it might make children dumber.

Carl: Norm, I got an 8-year old. He spent an hour yesterday playing with some tin foil he found in the bottom of his backpack. Kids are morons. They’ll watch anything. Let’s slap a crappy song on it and head to the strip club. “Strip” - now there’s a verb!

Norman Bean: Good Lord, I...okay. Okay, fine. This is not our proudest day.

Carl: Look at them monkeys scratch!
After serious consideration of the material, Mike, Kevin, and Bill implore you to - HOLY COW TAKE A LOOK AT THESE MONKEYS! THEY ARE FREAKING HILARIOUS


3x111 Don't Be A Bloody Idiot

3x111 Don't Be A Bloody Idiot

  • 2010-10-25T21:00:00Z10m

Life in Australia can be extremely hazardous. There's Tasmanian devil attacks, lethal doses of vegemite and large, bearded, drunken men. And that's just in the Parliament building!*
Once you head out into the bush - just allow that to sink in for a second - the dangers of a vest wearing man disparaging the size of your knife become that much more pronounced. Thus, if you plan on camping in Australia, Don't Be A Bloody Idiot: watch Don't Be A Bloody Idiot.
Mike, Kevin and Bill, (all of them Stickybeaks), pool their last Brass Razoo, try not to act like a bunch of Ockers and google "Australian slang" to find out what the hell we're talking about as they riff one of the finest 1970s Australian camping safety films they've ever seen: Don't Be A Bloody Idiot.
*We know they have a parliament because the Australian guy Bart prank calls goes to his local member of parliament to try to sort out the issue before turning to the prime minister.

When we first received Magical Disappearing Money we assumed it was an M.C. Hammer biopic. Fortunately, it turned out to be something even more pathetic and strange!
It’s the tale of a supermarket haunted by a witch, but not your standard-issue Hollywood witch. She’s more the “found her clothes in an oil puddle behind the Fashion Bug” kind of witch. The kind of witch who shows up at KFC five minutes before close, looking for free stale biscuits. You can bet she didn’t attend Hogwarts, but maybe its discount online equivalent, Pigzits.
Join the Grocery Witch as she takes Mike, Kevin, and Bill on a spooky* journey into the dark realm of insignificant savings! After Magical Disappearing Money, you’ll never waste money on extravagances like “fancy seasoned rice” again!**
**you absolutely will, and are right to do so

Values: Understanding Ourselves is the tale of three small boys who find a rusty hubcap in an abandoned lot and take turns rubbing it and wishing for it to turn them into a fellow classmate. "Stop right there", you are no doubt saying. "If Hollywood decides to revisit that played out, 'three boys find a hubcap and rub it' plot one more time, I will just freak out man!!!"

Yes, by now it's a bit of a cliche. But we think you will find that this particular "Three boys and a hubcap" story brings something new to the table: complete and utter incoherence. The message, is ostensibly, "values". And it's quite likely that back in the fifties, the term "values" had an entirely different meaning, as did "gay" or "internet".* But we've been unable to discern that meaning. Our best guess so far is that it meant "nougat".
Join Mike, Kevin and Bill in the abandoned lot of your imagination, for Nougat: Understanding Ourselves.

*It meant "gay", oddly enough.

The Calendar. Whether you choose a Far Side page-a-day, an Anne Geddes year-of-horror or Twelve Months of Lifeguards that May Be Used as Flotation Devices, one thing is certain: none of us know how to use the damn things.
Fortunately, five minutes before recording The Calendar: How to Use It, the producers told a PA to pick up a guitar that he didn't know how to play and write some songs explaining the intricacies of the calendar. The result is quite possibly the most tuneless piece of garbage since The Beatles "Wild Honey Pie", except instead of the charming introductory act of "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da", The Calendar: How to Use It has two spandex clad adults who intrude in a young girl's bedroom in a fashion that Antoine Dodson would disapprove of. Suffice to say, you will be far more confused about the calendar by the time the thing is done.
Mike, Kevin and Bill team up not only to riff this short, but also to open an eBay store selling vintage 1994 calendars, which are due to fully mature in value in 2017.


3x115 Unto The Least Of These

3x115 Unto The Least Of These

  • 2010-12-07T22:00:00Z14m

Our latest short takes its name from a famous quote from The Gospel of Matthew. Or maybe it was from the episode of Eek The Cat, "Eek vs the Flying Saucers." What's important is that even though our newest short derives its title from one of these two important works, its subject matter, the Attwater's Prairie Chicken, does not appear in either work (we're certain about the Eek the Cat episode, less up to speed on our book of Matthew.)
Yes, at the time the short was made, the Attwater's Prairie Chicken appeared to be Booming it's way towards extinction. The chickens' famed Booming grounds, where they once Boomed by the hundreds of thousands, had been paved over for a Showbiz Pizza, leaving them Boom-less. (After repeated viewings of the short, we think Booming refers to some sort of dice game.)
The short details the efforts of a few concerned citizens, with nothing, literally nothing better to do than to save some chickens who it appears were public enemy one of Natural Selection. Hastily taped cardboard boxes, helicopters mounted with huge Wile E. Coyote inspired nets and, yes, Booming, all figure prominently.
Mike, Kevin and Bill take a break from Booming to riff Unto the Least of These.

When you ponder ideal Christmas entertainment for children, do you think of a centuries-old tradition of violent puppetry, complete with domestic abuse and offensive minstrel-themed puppets thrashing each other? Well, you’d better--what’s that? That IS what you think of? Exactly that? Yes, well I realize I asked, but it was intended as a rhetorical question, really a set-up for a joke--what’s that? Oh, well I suppose that is a rather hackneyed structure for making a point, but...you know what, why don’t you just get the hell out of here!
For EVERYONE ELSE, Santa Claus’ Punch and Judy will serve as a disturbing, yet delightful, foray into puppet-based hate comedy that predates Jeff Dunham by hundreds of years! It’s a special treat, as avid Punch and Judy enthusiasts, known as “Punch men” (these people actually exist) have named this particular performance “the best to have come from the States” (this is an actual quote).
Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Santa Claus’ Punch and Judy: hilarious puppet mayhem that will have the kids laughing, and then sobbing in confusion, for years to come!

Do you like Courtesy? How about Egg Puns? After a few drinks, have you been known to expound at length about how Sheldon, the egg with legs, was truly the unsung hero of the US Acres segments of the late 80's animated show "Garfield and Friends"? Yes? You have? Then kindly stay away from us, as that is just a comedically specific quirk that we made up thinking that nobody could ever really have and it is really creepy that you actually do that.

Instead of drinking and lecturing us, why not tune into the latest RiffTrax short, Courtesy: A Good Eggsample. Forgoing human actors, as Tommy Wiseau did in "The Room", and instead replacing them with eggs, Courtesy: A Good Eggsample breaks bold new ground in the field of courtesy education. Mainly it does this through a relentless combination of groaning egg puns and horrible synth music, stopping briefly at the end to inform us that we've learned an important lesson about courtesy.

The stop-motion animation nature of the film leads us to believe that substantially more time was invested in this short than many of the ones we've done before, which makes it even more impressive that it fails to deliver a moral with even a shred of coherence. On the other hand, they resisted the urge to name the lead characters something as obvious as "Eggbert" and "Benedict."

This just in, I'm being informed that, no, they in fact did not resist that urge.

Mike, Kevin and Bill team up for eggseptional riffing on Courtesy: A Good Eggsample


3x118 The Being On Time Game

3x118 The Being On Time Game

  • 2011-01-04T22:00:00Z11m

Alfred Higgins Productions famously struck gold with their "demand for obedience masked as fun" short The Following Instructions Game. Flush with confidence and literally tens of dollars in money, the AHP crew tried to replicate their success with a pair of new "game" shorts: The Doing Your Own Laundry Game, followed by The Turning All the Matchsticks in the Box So They Face the Same Direction Game. They even took a shot at board games with Chutes & Don’t Ask Daddy So Many Damned Questions When He's Watching the Aerobics Channel.

These projects were met with utter indifference from the public, and the company would have gone under if not for bankrolling from Alfred Higgins' infamous "pygmy milk bootlegging" fortune. But the light of success finally shone again with the release of The Being On Time Game! Fans were enraptured by the brilliant casting of a child who stunned with her Eleanor Roosevelt good looks. Even Mr. Mac was sprung from prison and convinced to resume his "creepy rhyming workshop freak" role. The critics raved, calling it "Definitely something that was filmed!"

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for an unforgettable round of The Being On Time Game! Don't be late or you'll lose bonus points and harvest eleven counter-demerit units (it's a very complicated game).

If you have Daily Problems at your work, the humanitarians at Coronet Films are here to help you Handle them. And assuming that most of your problems center around how ugly your 1970s co-workers are, this is just the film for you!
We'll meet a nurse living out a real life Grey's Anatomy, with the part of McDreamy being played by "Dan"*, someone who cannot have ever been taken seriously by anybody. Then step into the shoes of a successful restaurant manager, who packs in the customers every night of the week despite sounding like a creepier version of serial killer Jame Gumb. Finally, we'll Shake Hands with Cattiness at a construction site where terrible facial hair threatens to undermine all we hold dear as a nation of free people.
Basic Job Skills - Handling Daily Problems won't teach you anything new about how to act at work, but it may make the woman in the cubicle next to yours who hums the theme song to "Denver The Last Dinosaur" and calls her cats on the phone three times a day seem a bit less irritating in comparison.
*We're pretty sure Dan is Reggie from Beginning Responsibility: Taking Care of Your Own Things all grown up.


3x120 Courtesy Counts A Lot!

3x120 Courtesy Counts A Lot!

  • 2011-01-18T22:00:00Z11m

Some people would say that good old-fashioned common courtesy is dead in modern times. And we here at RiffTrax think those ugly jerks should keep their crusty mouths closed if they know what’s good for ‘em! Oh, we’re kidding of course, but if you think we’d hold the elevator for you as you approached rather than hurriedly push the “Close Door” button while avoiding eye contact, you’ve got another thing coming.

So maybe we’ve got some learning to do when it comes to courtesy (shocking, after the powerful breakfast-based examples of recent short Courtesy: A Good Eggsample) -- good thing we’ve got Courtesy Counts A Lot to set us straight! And what could be more instructive than animated vignettes about a young nerd getting his hot air balloon in a palm tree, only to be assaulted by a giraffe...or a ghostly clown crossing paths with an angry armadillo...Hm. Well, at least there’s a hideous 2-line song playing under the entire film, sung by a chorus of children who sound so nervous you have to wonder if they’ve recently spent time on a beach with Santa Claus and a certain dessert-based Bunny. Yes, Courtesy Counts A Lot -- and apparently causes schizophrenia!

After learning the lessons of Courtesy Counts A Lot, Mike, Kevin, and Bill were trapped in the room for 3 hours attempting to let each other be the first out the door. The final result: bloodshed.


3x121 Remember Me

3x121 Remember Me

  • 2011-02-08T22:00:00Z11m

Meet The Customer, three time finalist for the title of Most Disrespected Man in America. No matter where he goes: the bank, the supermarket, even his job, somebody is waiting to ignore him, inconvenience him, or throw confetti in his face while laughing uproariously.*
How does The Customer respond to this disrespect? By showing the merest hint of backbone and asserting himself ever so slightly? Or by absorbing life’s blows with dead eyes and muttering to himself that one day, he’ll show them... He’ll show them all!!! (He honestly does B. Seriously, it’s pretty creepy.)
Mike, Kevin and Bill team up to riff the consumer education short, Remember Me, which is approximately 60,000,000% less tasteless than the Robert Pattinson movie, Remember Me.
*Usually this only happens when he goes to Rip Taylor’s house


3x122 Walking to School

3x122 Walking to School

  • 2011-02-11T22:00:00Z10m

Imagine you are a 1950s elementary school student, and you have just walked to school. Sure, you didn’t really want to go, but now you’re there and ready to learn. Maybe enjoy a vintage Cold War-era nuclear bomb drill, a great opportunity to crawl under your desk. As you settle in, resting your legs which you have just used to walk to school, the teacher puts an educational film into the projector. The subject...Walking to School?!?! What!? But, but, that’s what you just did! It’s the one thing you DEFINITELY don’t need to learn! Just by virtue of BEING at school, it should be clear that...no, no, you calm yourself. Teacher knows what she’s doing, quell your rage, this film must have value.
WRONG AGAIN! As the minutes of your life tick by, you see the film is nothing but an excruciating real-time enactment of two kids walking to school! And these particular kids happen to live absurdly far from their school, traversing overpasses, underground tunnels, and even unexplored regions of the Yukon in their voyage. And, wait, they’re brother and sister, why won’t they stop holding hands?! You hold your tongue and prepare to take out your stifled aggression on anyone who looks at you funny at recess later in the day, because it’s the 1950s and that’s just what you do.
Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they hurl stale Twinkies at passing kids who are Walking to School. And once they’re done with that part of their everyday morning routine, they will watch the short Walking to School!

Oscar-nominated film The King’s Speech focuses on a world leader who struggles under the burden of a devastating speech impediment (or so we’ve been told, we were gonna see it but accidentally watched Birdemic 35 more times instead). If Improve Your Pronunciation had been around to help that troubled monarch, The King’s Speech would never have been made, providing an open slot in the Best Picture nominees list for another amazing film that has not received the award recognition it so richly deserves (....no, we’re not talking about Birdemic...okay, yes we are).
Improve Your Pronunciation imagines speech instruction, not as a private lesson with a certified professional, but as a garish game show hosted by the one and only Ned Blandford! Yes, that’s actually his name, why would you ask? No, I don’t think you should look into his criminal record. Seriously, it won’t be good. Just watch as Ned takes the shame of these poor speakers, ”grunters”, and “smudgers”, and airs it out for the world to see!
After learning the lessons of Improve Your Pronunciation, Mike, Kevin and Bill would like to say “Thbpppbt snorfk inamota Ryan Phillippe!”

Your Basic Job Skills, or more accurately, your lack thereof, are why you are no longer employed at Long John Silver's. Yes, we know you've been telling people it's because your manager, Navid, was a jerk. But really, how was he supposed to react when he caught you and Darrell in the walk-in trying to see how many hush puppies you could fit up your nose?*

In Basic Job Skills: Dealing with Customers, you'll learn how to handle the biggest thorn in any menial employee's side: the customer. Whining, complaining, yelling, bleeding all over the floor because the Cabbage Patch Doll you sold them came alive in the middle of the night and tried to eat their hair, customers are the worst. Unfortunately, a fact of business in the modern era is that you need customers to survive (although that Pole Dancing Fitness Class / Do It Yourself Dog Wash place by us has stayed open for like three years and we've never seen a single person in there.)

In this short, you'll examine three different jobs, and how they deal with customers. Mostly it's by passing the buck and acting like they are too busy to help out with an assigned task. If you're reading this at work, you are likely already familiar with these tactics. But it also touches on advanced methods, such as the dog trainer who didn't think she dealt with customers, until she realized that she does.**

Mike, Kevin and Bill pry the hush puppies out of their noses and team up to riff Basic Job Skills: Dealing With Customers.

*Five. You surprised even yourself that fateful day.


3x125 The ABC of Walking Wisely

  • 2011-03-11T22:00:00Z11m

Jaywalking! It's convenient, exciting, good for a laugh or two. But is it wise? To find out, let's watch The ABC of Walking Wisely, which weighs in on J-walking as well as the rest of the walking alphabet.

Oh, you weren't aware there was an entire walking alphabet? You're not familiar with common phrases like O-walking and K-walking? Are you curious how to avoid these deadly pitfalls? Intrigued by the subtle differences between the A-Walker and the Y-Walker? Then this is the short for you!

Pop in The ABC of Walking Wisely and watch a delightful collection of dumb kids play in traffic. If you notice a reduced desire to be a Q-Walker afterwards, you can thank us then.

Mike, Kevin and Bill team up to riff The ABC of Walking Wisely, and more importantly, to walk around like the kid who thinks he's Sir Kay.


3x126 Vision in the Forest

3x126 Vision in the Forest

  • 2011-03-29T21:00:00Z10m

Few would argue that Visions in the Forest rarely end well, especially if they’re brought on by the special chocolates the hippie left at your campsite before he scurried off, muttering about spruce bark beetles. But there’s one thing we all can agree on: few Visions in the Forest are more terrifying than the sight of Vaughn Monroe’s family.

Yes, Vaughn Monroe, best known for singing “Riders in the Sky” in the short Vision in the Forest, loves the great outdoors, and so does his family, despite the fact that two of them appear to be the living dead. His youngest daughter, who has yet to adopt the ghastly pallor so fancied by her mother and sister, encounters Smokey the Bear in the forest and learns an important lesson: stay the hell away from grown men who dress as Smokey the Bear and lurk around the forest.

Mike, Kevin and Bill each experienced “Visions in the Forest”* during the riffing of this short.


3x127 A Badger's Bad Day

3x127 A Badger's Bad Day

  • 2011-04-19T21:00:00Z6m

A Badger’s Bad Day is the harrowing tale of a Badger who works as a middle manager at a cell phone case manufacturing plant. He returns home after a particularly exhausting shift to discover a window broken on his house, and the front door ajar. His family is gone, but there are signs of a struggle. A bloody knife is discovered in the bathroom sink, and a severed toe is prominently placed on the kitchen table, on top of a taunting ransom note. Badger, filled with rage, must hunt down his family’s abductors on a journey that will uncork the decades of repressed rage he had worked so hard...so hard to keep down...Sure, Badger’s having a Bad Day...But for the kidnappers, it’s about to get even worse...

What’s that? Not even remotely resembling the plot of this short? In reality, Badger just gets sprayed by a skunk and then encounters other woodland creatures who seem more indifferent than hostile to him? Well I guess that wouldn’t really equal a “Good Day.” Though does that by definition make it a “Bad Day”? Some might say...dear god! Is that a toe on my kitchen table!?! Oh wait, no, it’s a Cheeto. Mmm, delicious...

Mike, Kevin and Bill consider any day involving badgers to be a Good Day.

Anybody who strapped in for the thrill ride that was Families: Food and Eating probably assumes they got the whole story. Three families from three different countries prepared food, and they ate it. Knuckle-whitening stuff, no doubt, but could there possibly be more? Hold on to your culturally-appropriate hat, because THERE SURE IS!! That food didn’t just come from nowhere, sonny, and Families: Earning and Spending is here to fill you in!

All the stereotypical families are back. The smug, stoned San Franciscans, the efficient, unsmiling Japanese, and the hard-working, thank-God-they-can’t-see-the-spoiled-San-Francisco-family Mexicans! It’s a full-on prequel...or is it a series reboot? Hm. Well, the characters are the same, so, leaning prequel...but there’s definitely some retcon happening, though, so probably reboot? Eh, who knows. We’ll just have to let the rabid, Hitler-invoking commenters over at the “Families Shorts Series Wiki” fight it out!

Join Mike, Kevin and Bill and spend a little well-earned time with Families: Earning and Spending!


3x129 Kangaroos

3x129 Kangaroos

  • 2011-04-26T21:00:00Z16m

Kangaroos - considered by many to be one of the top five marsupials in the world for drunken Irishmen to box, these creatures remain elusive and mysterious to most of us. (Exception: local kangaroo hoarder Crazy Dennis.)
The creatively titled short film Kangaroos should put an end to all your questions, especially if your question is “Are there no kangaroos in America because many years ago they were all eaten by Wild Lions” which the short would have you believe is answered "Yes." Another question that will be answered affirmatively by this short? "Are kangaroos horrible, terrifying creatures that we would all be better off without?"
Mike, Kevin and Bill, despite their best preparations, still had the validity of their knives questioned during the recording of this short.


3x130 The Red Hen

3x130 The Red Hen

  • 2011-04-27T21:00:00Z11m

The story begins with The Red Hen’s brother and their parents being slaughtered by the evil Queen Gedren’s army because The Red Hen rejected the Queen’s sexual advances. The Red Hen survives violent assault by Gedren’s troops, and even gives Gedren a kind of souvenir: a brutal scar on her face. Later that night, The Red Hen is visited by a spirit who grants her the strength to seek her revenge. In her quest, The Red Hen accepts the company of the mighty Lord Kalidor, but also gives him a warning: she will never lie with any man unless he can defeat her in a swordfight. Kalidor challenges her and they spar, but neither of them is able to defeat the other. They call it a draw. Kalidor at least wins her heart.

Description of our new short The Red Hen or slightly-altered synopsis of 1985 Brigitte Nielsen & Arnold Schwarzenegger flick Red Sonja? Impossible to say. But, either way, there will be plenty of hijinks involving duck urine (that part is true) when you join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the tale of bloody revenge/docile farm life that is The Red Hen!

What do ice-skating reindeer, pipe-smoking santas and a parade of aquatic champions have in common? You’ll see them all in the RiffTrax Live: Christmas Shorts-Stravaganza! The stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000® have a sackfull of delightful and demented shorts to riff live onstage. Some of the forgotten gems of Christmases past prove to be the perfect targets for the rapid-fire riffs of Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett. And if that wasn’t enough, they’re even joined by comedy legend “Weird Al" Yankovic for a musical short about the wonders of pork! It’s funnier than Ernest Saves Christmas and far less creepy than The Polar Express!

Join Mike, Kevin, Bill and Al for a festive night of hilarious holiday comedy that is destined to become traditional Christmas viewing.

Most of us know the basics of dental hygiene. Brush after after every nine breaths, floss with a business card on public transportation, and gargle with Mountain Dew. So to be honest, it’s fairly insulting that the producers of Tooth Truth with Harv and Marv thought we needed an entire instructional video.

And while it may be insulting that they thought this, the reality of their unspeakable creation verges much more towards horrifying. Harv and Marv are twisted little hobo/imp/hobbits, with laughs that rival the Ice Cream Bunny’s in terms of future scream-yourself-awake nightmares. And see that creature in the Tooth Truth poster? Looks like someone who should be playing Poison covers at a country fair right? Well, that’s the Tooth Fairy in this sick universe! That’s right, she sneaks into your children’s bedrooms after they are asleep and pays them for pieces of their mouth!

Mike, Kevin and BIll team up to riff Tooth Truth with Harv and Marv, the pinnacle of the mismatched buddy tooth instructional video genre.


3x133 County Fair

3x133 County Fair

  • 2011-05-06T21:00:00Z8m

Before going any further, we should stop to let you know that our new short County Fair was produced by ACI, the same acid-fueled company that brought us the notorious Grasses short. We’ll pause now while those of you who have seen Grasses stop reading this immediately to purchase County Fair.

Ah, the rural county fair -- the kind of place that everyone takes their children, then immediately remembers that county fairs are no place for children, or decent folk of any age. Carnies, deep-fried treats that make the KFC Double Down seem like a heart-healthy option, and rides that are either 100% rust or coated in the blood of previous riders, there’s no end to the number of ways a county fair wants to kill you. County Fair takes this bacteria farm of an environment and adds new levels of terror, with songs straight out of a bottomless David Lynch fever dream.

Dip your funnel cake in liquid mescaline and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill on the ferris wheel to eternity with County Fair!


3x134 Prickly the Porcupine

3x134 Prickly the Porcupine

  • 2011-05-10T21:00:00Z10m

Quick! Say the first word that comes to mind when I mention porcupines. Ok... Sure, why not...That one’s not really what we're looking for, but keep 'em coming...Ok, that's a little weird that you thought of that...Oh god! How would that even work!?!?

You know what, let's stop that exercise. NOT the results we were expecting. How would you even get the banana out of the rubber chicken once you were hooked on to the trapeze? You know what, it's not important. The word we were looking for was "salt". That's right, porcupines like the star of our latest short, Prickly, love salt and will stop at nothing to get one sweet, sweet lick of the decidedly non-sweet substance.

Dont believe us? Possibly because you've never heard this so-called "fact" before and it sounds like it needs to be accompanied by a big fat, 72 point Wikipedia-style "citation needed" label? We agree that it does. So here's our citation: Prickly the Porcupine, a great new short in which one brave porcupine goes off in search of all the salt his heart desires. Of course, we just did a short that claimed there were no kangaroos in America because Wild Lions ate them all. So you probably should take

anything you learn in them with a grain of...Dammit! Prickly ate the end of the sentence!


3x135 The Mysterious Message

3x135 The Mysterious Message

  • 2011-06-07T21:00:00Z12m

The internet era is filled with mysterious, indecipherable messages. The comment “firsties” on an article - what could it possibly mean, and what purpose could it serve? An all-caps email forwarded by your grandmother warning of the potential dangers of the ethanol gasoline conspiracy...but only after scrolling past thousands of strange, hieroglyphic “>” symbols. Or a text message like “lolwut gmafb rusrsly X-D”, which, according to the work of our finest crypto-linguists, translates roughly to “Pass the frog-banana, Harold.”

But our new short The Mysterious Message shows that failures in communication happened even back in the ancient period known as Pre-Geocitian! In those days, something called “handwriting” was the culprit. Now used primarily for that one actual check you still have to begrudgingly write each month (ugh, rent) handwriting was once so common that a faux-scary short film with a faux-good Vincent Price impersonating narrator had to be made! From an easily-baffled mailman to a lovelorn secret admirer to a rollerskating waitress, you’ll shudder at the totally avoidable terror!

Since riffing The Mysterious Message, Mike, Kevin, and Bill have taken to writing all tweets and texts in pen. So far they have destroyed 14 cell phone screens and a stranger’s laptop.

Sometimes it’s really hard to be a good sport. Like when your fifth grade basketball team gets embarrassed 41-17 on the court, so you convince all the boys on your team to hock a loogie into their palms before shaking hands with the winning team. Then the goody-two-shoes on your team, James, rats you out to coach and you get in big trouble. So, as kids do, you dedicate your life to developing an elaborate revenge plan against James, culminating in cut brake lines and you doing 10 years hard time for no good reason. Hey, we’ve all been there, am I right? Kids will be kids!

Our new short, Being a Good Sport, tries to help you avoid such scenarios, but mainly just proves that snotty kids who don’t play well with others should be shunned for the safety of everyone involved. Embracing these adorable little psychopaths will earn you nothing but a knife in the back! Consider yourself warned!

On their way to riffing Being a Good Sport, Mike, Kevin and Bill played a friendly game of rock paper scissors to decide who got shotgun. The fistfight that ensued lasted until sundown and destroyed 3 residential blocks.


3x137 Animal Homes

3x137 Animal Homes

  • 2011-06-28T21:00:00Z12m

Animals make their homes in lots of fun, interesting places! Some burrow into tree bark, while others burrow into the dense, matted armpit hair of a bench-napping Nick Nolte! Some gather twigs and leaves to construct nests, while others nest in the exhaust pipe of the inoperative Dodge Pacer in which Nick Nolte resides! Some dig elaborate underground tunnel systems, while others dig tunnels in the massive stack of restraining orders, ignored subpoenas, and unpaid adult pay-per-view bills that Nick Nolte keeps around so that he has something to wipe up his sick!

Mike, Kevin, and Bill invite you to join them for Animal Homes, which provides a window into the everyday lives of gophers, opossums, and other hideous rodent beasts that you usually only get to see on the side of the freeway, being very, very still!

Sure, great, here we go..."beginning" responsibility, and "getting" ready for school. Hey kids, how about for once you just GET responsible and BE ready for school? We’re tired of coddling you! Oh, you can’t eat your breakfast, because we put the plate up on top of the fridge and you can’t reach it because you’re only five years old? Yeah well everyone’s got some kind of sob story, just figure it out buddy! Oh, sure, cry, guess you don’t need any help learning how to “begin” doing THAT.

Inexplicable rage aside, Beginning Responsibility: Getting Ready for School centers on two wholesome 1950s lads, Pete and Ricky, and their morning routines. One boy’s home runs as smoothly as a Swiss watch, while the other is as disorganized and maddeningly chaotic as one of those Canadian watches you never hear about (and now you know why).

Who among us doesn’t love a good adventure? A chance to escape our routines and stimulate our minds and reinvigorate our sense of fun. Yes, there’s nothing like the thrill you get from emerging from your burrow, nervously looking around, and perhaps grabbing a nut before darting back underground to huddle amongst your brothers.

What’s that? Not exactly how you define adventure? Something more along the lines of travelling, camping, whitewater rafting? Well, I apologize. I didn’t clarify that I was using the definition of adventure as found in the latest RiffTrax short Adventures of a Chipmunk Family. It’s packed to the brim with adventures, if you consider expanding the series of underground tunnels that the chipmunks live in in preparation for winter to be an adventure.

Also, a weasel shows up. You know what, we probably should have mentioned that first...Forget everything you just read and remember this: weasel.

Mike, Kevin and Bill tried to weasel out of riffing this short until they realized there was a weasel in it. Just wanted to emphasize that, yes, there is a weasel in this short. Weasel.


3x140 Billy's Helicopter Ride

3x140 Billy's Helicopter Ride

  • 2011-07-07T21:00:00Z11m

GET TO DA CHOPPA!!! Many of us have heard these iconic instructions hundreds of times. They’ve been shouted at us during important life events: graduations, weddings, or most likely, watching Predator hungover at two in the afternoon at Dan’s. Few of us ever take the shouter up on the Choppa-getting-to however.

Except Billy! Billy is a boy who acts where the rest of us cower in fear, or perhaps ask Dan to pass us the gatorade. Make no bones about it, in Billy’s Helicopter Ride, Billy gets to da Choppa.

The fact that Da Choppa is driven by Uncle Joe, who looks like he was rejected from the Grapes of Wrath cast on the grounds of being “too drifter-like”, does not deter Billy’s father from letting Billy take an unaccompanied tour of their town in the helicopter. While touring their town they see many exciting things such as: their town from a slightly elevated position than normal.

Will Billy seize the controls in a manic episode and plunge the helicopter downward, spiralling towards their doom? Yes he will!* So buy it and witness every thrilling second of Billy’s Helicopter Ride!

*An utter lie.


3x141 Paper and I

3x141 Paper and I

  • 2011-07-13T21:00:00Z16m

Yes, the short that brought the house down at RiffTrax Live, answering questions about paper that nobody was asking, is now available in a brand-new studio version! By now the sick, sad tale of young Willie and his demented belief in a talking paper bag, whom he names Mr. Paperbag (proving that “crazy” and “creative” don’t always go hand in hand) is the stuff of legend. Their nightly adventures to the forests of the American South will remind you of Bonnie & Clyde, if you don’t know anything about Bonnie & Clyde and assume that they mostly talked about paper. Willie learns a lot from his creepy little friend, primarily about the meaning of loss as Mr. Paperbag crumples and dies before his very eyes! (no, seriously, that happens!)

Mike, Kevin and Bill have never had a conversation with a paper bag, unless you count the ones containing giant bottles of MD 20/20.

Aesop’s Fables. These stories, with their universal morals, have inspired us all. Tales such as “The Fox and the Grapes”, “The Lion and the Mouse” and “The Two Cat/Bear things that go to the North Pole and one dies but comes back to life and they see a polar bear.”

Not familiar with the last one you say? Perhaps you remember it by its more common name Frozen Frolics. No? We’re pretty sure it’s one of Aesop’s Fables, it says so right on the title screen...

Anyhow, Frozen Frolics answers that eternal question, “What was it like when people took acid before color had been invented?” The answer? Lots of black and white cartoon animals that sort of bob up and down repeatedly while a crazed mixture of consequence free violence happens all around them. Many credit it as the inspiration for The Jerry Springer Show.

Mike, Kevin and Bill learned a very important moral during their riffing of Frozen Frolics: cured meats are delicious.

Ever since this short debuted at RiffTrax Live, we’ve heard one question more than any other: “Why are you standing so close to me?” But a VERY CLOSE second to that is, “When are you guys gonna release that insane Grasses short??” Friends, you need ask no longer! Unless you were one of the people asking the first question, in which case the answer is “It’s a free country, I’ll stand where I want. Hey, you gonna finish that Hostess fruit pie?”

Here, in a new studio version, is At Your Fingertips: Grasses. It’s got everything! Arts & crafts so awful they would even disappoint Depression-era children, fancy headdresses galore, and child worship of a terrifying clay-faced god! Not to mention a certain inquiry about corn that ranks up there with “Who is Keyser Soze?” as one of cinema’s great questions.

While recording At Your Fingertips: Grasses, Mike, Kevin, and Bill kept something else at their fingertips: lots and lots of bourbon.

3x144 At Your Fingertips: Boxes

  • 2011-07-26T21:00:00Z10m

Let’s just be upfront: this is a sequel to the infamous Grasses short and you should buy it right away.

Yes, the mad geniuses at ACI films have recruited a new group of children to glance nervously at the authority figures standing off-camera as they’re forced to make crafts out of common household garbage. This time, the waste product of choice is cardboard boxes. Yes, before Calvin and Hobbes turned a cardboard box into a transmogrifier, the children in this short were showing similar sparks of imagination by pretending to assemble crafts that were clearly made by adults when the camera wasn’t rolling.

There are no fancy headresses in this short, but you will witness an entire city made of blocks, complete with corpses floating in a motel pool. Also, two youngsters live out every child’s fantasy and use boxes to set up their own furniture moving business. And it wouldn’t be an At Your Fingertips short without twisted creatures brought into existence through the power of rubber cement and undiagnosed psychosis.

At Your Fingertips: Boxes continues the proud tradition of its predecessor. Mike, Kevin and Bill can only look forward to At Your Fingertips: Pizza Savers.


3x145 Borrowed Power

3x145 Borrowed Power

  • 2011-07-29T21:00:00Z17m

A cutting, thoughtful, and sober analysis of the coming world energy crisis, Borrowed Power affirms -- WAIT WAIT DON’T GO just kidding!! It’s really about an extaordinarily ugly teenager killing someone with his car! Or did he? That question is the raw mystery of this driving scare film, which brings to life the character of young, reckless, hideous Jerry, and his equally unpleasant friends. In his hurry to get to a sock hop, or a malt shop, or some other dull and awful thing old-timey teenagers did to pass the time until video games and psychedelic drugs became available, Jerry drives his giant car like a gosh-darned fool. After his (potentially) lethal ride, he’s scolded by a vaguely governmental official who calls in Jerry’s parents, who somehow take the ugly levels EVEN HIGHER! You won’t believe your eyes!

Mike, Kevin, and Bill have taken the key lesson of Borrowed Power to heart, namely, whatever you do, try not to be outrageously ugly while doing it.


3x146 Eggs to Market

3x146 Eggs to Market

  • 2011-08-12T21:00:00Z10m

There are lots of places you could take eggs. You could take eggs to a party! You could take eggs to the museum! You could take eggs to prom! You could take eggs to the workplace of your romantic rival, lock his office door from the inside and then plug in a hot plate, put a skillet onto that hot plate and slowly, one-by-one, crack the eggs on the edge of the skillet, letting them sizzle as you maintain steady eye contact with this man, your nemesis, as his terror grows exponentially in the face of your unflinching refusal to answer his questions about why you’re there and what you’re going to do to him. Or you could take Eggs to Market!

From filthy chicken cages to depressed factory workers to big goopy buckets of yolk matter, Eggs to Market is full of delightful behind-the-scenes egg-packaging fun!

Mike, Kevin, and Bill enjoyed Eggs to Market, but it did nothing to change their view that eggs should primarily be used as bacon grease delivery systems.

Juan and His Donkey! Rockin’ your commute on KBLZ 105.3! Stay tuned because we’ve got our producer Timmy The Gimp in nothing but a kilt out in front of a funeral home, and a guy in a turkey costume is gonna blast him with paint balls! It’s gonna be off the-

Wait, what? Juan and His Donkey is not a wacky morning show DJ Team? It’s an educational short from Coronet, part of the popular “A Boy Of ____” series? Are you sure? I mean, that sounds feasible, but what is it meant to teach exactly? Hm...Cultural differences...I dunno. Seems like it’s just going to prove dated and offensive...You’re sure we can’t just run with the Morning Zoo thing?

Well fine. A Boy of Mexico: Juan and His Donkey is NOT wacky, and there are no interns harassing old ladies. The donkey isn’t even painted like a zebra. But this tale of a poor Mexican boy who chops firewood for a living and longs for nothing more than to buy his donkey Pepito a new serape is quite dated and proves quite ripe for riffing. Especially when a rich city slicker runs out of gas and Juan and Pepito stumble across him and ROCK HIS COMMUTE on KBLZ 105- OW! Don’t hit, we’ll stop!

Mike, Kevin and Bill are not rockin’ your commute with traffic on the nines. Leave them alone on the nines.


3x148 One Turkey, Two Turkey

3x148 One Turkey, Two Turkey

  • 2011-08-20T21:00:00Z6m

When you ask a company like ACI, makers of the now-infamous “Grasses” and “Boxes” shorts, to create a film teaching kids to count to ten, there are three things of which you can be certain. One, you can count on the fact that if you’re talking to someone at ACI, they are attempting to speak to you on a telephone made out of old, damp egg cartons. Two, you know the end product they give you will not teach children how to count, but WILL teach them how to succumb to the chaos of life and turn their backs on reason with whimsy and a shaky, nervous smile. Three, well, we’d list a third thing here, but we learned to count from ACI and frankly, after two we always get confused and take a nap under the kitchen sink.

One Turkey, Two Turkey plunges the viewer gobble-deep into the hideous, squawking world of a commercial turkey farm. Juxtaposing images of these terrified birds awaiting execution with a cheerful, legitimately catchy song about counting is just the sort of special touch that only ACI could give. (note: other “special touches” given by ACI have resulted in criminal charges)

Mike, Bill, & Kevin were so disoriented after riffing One Turkey, Two Turkey that they picked up forks and knives and chased each other in a
… Read more »

circle for a full 3 hours before someone had the sense to fry up some bacon and snap them out of it.


3x149 What is Nothing?

3x149 What is Nothing?

  • 2011-08-17T21:00:00Z11m

It’s summer vacation! School’s out and you have all the time in the world to hang with your best bud and...ponder the meaning of nothingness?
In What is Nothing? we join two youngsters who, as all rascals do, sit around and contemplate the void. Whether they’re journeying to the library to look up “Nothing” in the dictionary, or coming up with profound truths such as “caterpillars matter to caterpillars”, one thing is certainly true: we want some of whatever these kids are on.
What is Nothing? will have you longing for the bygone days of your youth, when entire days could be spent eating cookies, riding bikes, silently screaming about your own insignificance and watching Gilligan’s Island reruns.
Mike, Kevin and Bill yell riffs into the abyss on What is Nothing? Oh wait, that’s not an abyss...That is a microwave oven somebody left on the side of the road.

We Discover the Dictionary weaves the enchanting tale of three grade school children who discover the dictionary for the first time. And that’s all well and good: they use it to write a thank you note to a police officer who must have lost a bet or something, because he had to come talk to their class about bike safety. But if we may nitpick for just a second...
As far as discoveries go, “Discovering the Dictionary” probably ranks down there with Columbus “discovering” America in terms of least impressive feats. First of all, the dictionary, much like America, was already there the whole time. It was just sitting on teacher’s desk, gathering dust. Second, much like America, people were already using the dictionary before these three idiots found it. In fact, it’s hard to argue that anybody could “discover” the dictionary when it’s in fact a book created by other people. Thirdly, these children immediately begin to abuse the dictionary, looking up words like “poop” and “weiner.” Sure, this isn’t quite offering smallpox blankets to women and children, but monsters come in all shapes and sizes!!!
Sorry...Sorry...we just found out we don’t get Columbus Day off from work and are kind of bitter. Don’t get us started on the Pinta either…
Join Mike, Kevin and Bill as they discover the dictionary, ignore the thesaurus and drop Bartlett’s Book of Quotations on a reallly gross beetle.

When you see the title of our new short, Feelings: I’m Feeling Alone, you might think to yourself “Alone? That’s gotta be the saddest thing you could put after the words ‘I’m Feeling’ in an educational short meant for small children.” Not so! Consider these other titles in the series. “Feelings: I’m Feeling My Ex-Girlfriend’s Wet Doormat When She’s Not Home.” Or “Feelings: I’m Feeling Like the Last Bit of Hamster Food in the Bowl that Even my Disgusting Hamser Won’t Eat.” Then there’s “Feelings: I’m Feeling the Grooves in Mickey Rourke’s face,” and, last but not least, “Feelings: I’m Feeling Like Seeing Transformers 3 with my Wife on our Anniversary.”

A whimsical, musical foray into the infinite sadness of childhood, Feelings: I’m Feeling Alone went the extra mile to bum out schoolkids, who were already pretty bummed out because they were watching awful educational shorts in school. And if you think the short builds to a resolution or offers kids any kind of hope for the future, you clearly haven’t watched enough of our shorts!

Grab that blanky you’ve had since you were four and join Mike, Bill, and Kevin for Feelings: I’m Feeling Alone. What’s that? You lost that blanky? A college ex shredded it out of spite? Wow.

That’s...that’s pretty sad. siiiigh


3x152 Setting Up A Room

3x152 Setting Up A Room

  • 2011-09-09T21:00:00Z27m

Setting Up a Room is about two women setting up a kindergarten classroom. It lasts for 27 minutes.

To attempt to explain anything more about it would be an act of futility. It is one of the most baffling pieces we’ve ever encountered here at RiffTrax. It may not be for everyone. Like one of those Magic Eye images, you may have to stare at it for a little while before its brilliance snaps into place. Fortunately, you will have plenty of time to do this, because as we mentioned earlier, it is 27 minutes long.

No detail of the room-setting-up is unaddressed. Blocks are put away one by one. Cubby doors are tested to make sure they can fully be opened. Pegboard placement is hotly debated. And all the while a simmering resentment bubbles beneath the surface between the two leads. Probably because they were forced to appear in a 27 minute short instructing other adults how to set up a room.

We’ve already said to much. Please join Mike, Kevin and Bill for one of the greatest things you will ever witness.


3x153 Join Hands, Let Go!

3x153 Join Hands, Let Go!

  • 2011-09-13T21:00:00Z8m

Many of the educational shorts we riff seem to have been designed not to teach children, but instead to confuse them into a state of dizzy, nauseous acceptance. Most try to hide this deception with an authoritative narrator, some pretense of structure, or official-sounding “key terms.” Our new offering, Join Hands, Let Go! makes no such attempt, and in fact is so bold as to put contradictory instructions right in the title! Do we join hands, or do we let go? Who are the children in this film? Where are they going, and why? Is the mustachioed man with the wacky outfits connected in any way? Is he a good man or a bad man? He seems like a bad man. Will I ever go to college, or even learn basic math, if we keep watching films like this in school? The answer Join Hands, Let Go! provides to all these questions is a firm, definitive, “whatever.”

Too odd to describe, too useless to be believed, you must join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they succumb to the brightly-colored nonsense brainfart that is Join Hands, Let Go!


3x154 The Creeps Machine

3x154 The Creeps Machine

  • 2011-09-16T21:00:00Z9m

Do you ever get scared? Do you ever get the creeps? More importantly, are both of these questions wildly inappropriate for an educational short to pose to a bunch of nine year olds?

Of course they are, yet The Creeps Machine soldiers on with whatever its mission might be. In theory, it’s supposed to reassure kids that they can conquer their fears. It does this by springing a hideous clown named Old Bobo upon them, thereby guaranteeing that they never sleep for the rest of their childhood, which fortunately will end much sooner once they’ve witnessed The Creeps Machine.

The Creeps Machine features lurking old men, Rube Goldberg devices, a menacing gorilla’s hand, zero coherence and of course, Old Bobo. In other words, perfect educational fodder for Mike, Kevin and Bill to riff.

A discussion of great, important series would be incomplete without mention of Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, Twin Peaks, and, of course, the “Boy of” shorts. We’ve previously presented A Boy of Mexico: Juan and His Donkey, and our new installment doesn’t disappoint in fulfilling the naming scheme of “Boy of [country]: [name of boy from that country] and His [stereotypical animal from that country].” Told through the eyes of a narrator who insists on inserting himself into the story of Rama’s family life even though he never appears on screen, and there’s no reason to think the people in the short know he exists, it is a sweet tale of physical labor, visibly moist living conditions, and heaps and heaps of elephant feces. Despite this, the film contains less excrement than NBC’s “Outsourced”, which was 100% excrement.

Grab whatever animal best represents your background (for most of us, a stuffed Ewok doll) and join Mike, Kevin and Bill for Boy of India: Rama and His Elephant!


3x156 What Are Letters For?

3x156 What Are Letters For?

  • 2011-09-23T21:00:00Z11m

It's true that the educational shorts we dig up have been described as “less educational than an episode of The Jersey Shore” in a review from Bizarrely Contrived Comparison magazine. Shown in classrooms, they formed young minds, in the sense that stomping a jar of wet clay flat is still a way of “forming” it. But our new short What Are Letters For? takes the miseducation of America’s youth to a bold new level, by teaching the alphabet yet LEAVING OUT certain letters. Which letters? That arrogant but rare Z, or perhaps the co-dependent Q that refuses to work without its U? No, they’ve instead plucked out all the vowels, those pesky soft letters that you almost never see in any words ever. Teamed up with random animals and objects, this short is easily your best bet for helping kids unlearn what scraps of language they might have learned! They’ll be committed to an illiterate future with no job prospects beyond fry cook, or popular tween vampire novelist.

Having happily adopted the short’s distate for vowels, Mk, Kvn, nd Bll sk y t jn thm fr Wht r Lttrs Fr?

Meet The Wordsmith! Some say this wacky old gent has a way with words! Good thing, since he lives on the Island of Grammaria, where he runs a workshop teaching all the little boys and girls the rules of...Say, is that a monkey over there in the corner of the workshop?

It is! Boy, this is going to be one heck of a short! What’s that you say, Wordsmith? Ignore the monkey, and focus on basic sentence construction? OK, OK...So, the predicate is always followed by the - I’m sorry, it’s just kind of hard with the monkey right there. It’s just that it’s bound to do something hilarious any minute and - Right, grammar. Focus on grammar.

You were saying how a sentence is like a treasure map because it doesn’t make any sense if you don’t follow it in the proper LOOK, WHY WOULD YOU HAVE A MONKEY IN THIS SHORT IF YOU’RE NOT GOING TO EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE THE MONKEY!? WHY TEASE US THAT WAY?! WHY!!! WHY!!! WH-!!!

We here at RiffTrax would like to apologize for the previous copy, which was written by an intern driven mad by the inexplicable fact that this lengthy short refuses to acknowledge the presence of a background monkey throughout its duration. Well, he was either driven mad by that or by The Sentencesmith’s hideous nightcrawler-like lips. The point is, he’s dead now.

Mike, Kevin and Bill will never refuse to acknowledge the monkey.


3x158 Jobs in Cosmetology

3x158 Jobs in Cosmetology

  • 2011-10-25T21:00:00Z9m

For decades, the phrase “I’m looking for a job in cosmetology” has been a great, positive way to let your girlfriend know it’s probably in her best interests to seek a more compatible mate. Cosmetology is a profession traditionally filled with glamour, cutting-edge chic, and hip, attractive stylists--and our new short Jobs in Cosmetology manages to include none of those things! Even better, it presents a 1960s paradise of dead-eyed matrons squirting what appear to be bottles of diner BBQ sauce onto enormous beehive haircuts. It’s garish, hideous, and baffling--in short, the kind of thing we here at RiffTrax live for.

Grab a magazine and plop down in a salon chair next to Mike, Bill, and Kevin for Jobs in Cosmetology! (And please, help us convince Kevin the full-body perm is a bad idea...)


3x159 What Makes Things Float

3x159 What Makes Things Float

  • 2011-10-28T21:00:00Z10m

“What Makes Things Float?” It’s no longer just something for your stoned roommate to mumble before he spreads Nutella on a Chipwich. It’s also an educational short which features two boys who just want to get some damn fishing done but are instead incessantly lectured by an off-camera stranger.

Floating, as it turns out, is pretty complicated to figure out. After breaking new ground in determining that fishing sinkers do not float (this required a 3.2 million dollar grant), we’re taken to a science lab, that clearly did not receive any of this grant money. Here, a motley collection of misfit equipment that looks like its sole purpose is to inflict injury upon young scientist’s eye region, is used to determine “What Makes Things Float?”

How exactly is this determined? Sand. Lots of sand. If you’re a petulant Jedi, you may want to stay clear of this lab. Instead, stay in your fishing boat with Mike, Kevin and Bill. They’ll only end up drinking all your beer and daring each other to eat your bait.

There’s no two ways about it, Let’s Pretend: Magic Sneakers is a gleeful, brightly-colored, downright whimsical piece of insane evil. A young boy, grime-encrusted as a train hobo, has seemingly been left to fend for himself in a glum warehouse district. He plays with the garbage he can find, all the while smiling and laughing, probably because his brain is collapsing into a vegetative state from going days without food. Among the filth, he discovers the Magic Sneakers, which can dance and move all on their own! Overjoyed at finding intact footwear, the boy follows the sneakers on what’s sure to be an uplifting adventure (or at least, a trip to a place where he can get some soup)...but no, the sneakers cruelly lead him through a drainage ditch to the kind of remote wilderness location where people tend to “disappear.” Things get even more sinister when a cloaked figure (who looks more like a violent meth addict from Breaking Bad than a playful spirit) appears, his sneaker trap successful!

Is there hope for the boy? Have we maybe imposed a little more darkness on this story than is necessarily there? Join Mike, Kevin and Bill in the twisted world of Let’s Pretend: Magic Sneakers to find out!

Every community needs a Broken Bookshop. You’ll find it in town square, over by the Moth-Ridden Mattress Hut, just around the corner from Shaky Sam’s Shattered Stemware Emporium. Because it’s not enough to buy a used book, what you really want is a book that’s been abused, stained, made damp, shredded, and then painstakingly reconstructed into something you would still rather not touch, let alone buy. That’s the sound business model featured in our new short, Beginning Responsibility: Broken Bookshop. It focuses on the sweet old man who owns the shop and happens to secretly BELIEVE THAT BOOKS TALK TO HIM. His delusional senility may seem folksy and charming, until he brings an innocent boy into his world of pointless book repair. When he aggressively insists to young Andy “My books talk to me, and maybe they’ll talk to you too!” you know that this shop deals not only in broken books, but also broken hopes and dreams for the future.

At first glance we thought this short was a documentary on Borders, then we realized the title says “Broken,” not “Broke.” Join Mike, Kevin and Bill as they take a brief rest from their busy book-destroying schedule to riff Beginning Responsibility: Broken Bookshop!


3x162 Corky the Crow

3x162 Corky the Crow

  • 2011-12-07T22:00:00Z10m

What child wouldn’t want a wild crow as a pet?...is a question you might sincerely ask if you had never encountered children or crows before. Crows, the repulsive, squawking harpies of the suburban skyline! Crows, the chosen pet of that drunken buffoon Uncle Billy in It’s A Wonderful Life!! Crows: where do they go at night? Nobody knows, and that’s the most terrifying thing of all!!!

But when one family’s attempts at warding off the sinister black hearted beasts fails (because their scarecrow is less intimidating a Cabbage Patch Doll*), they decide to do the only logical thing and flee the harbingers of doom. No, of course they don’t; they devise a crude trap to capture it. It works almost instantly, presumably because this is exactly what the crows want to happen.

After a couple weeks of feeding the crow beans** in its cage, they name it Corky and it becomes a lovable member of the family. But then...! Everything turns out alright actually... Except for a teacher that on a scale of “ladylike” to “very mannish” ranks as a “deluxe Eleanor Roosevelt”, who swoops in after it wraps up to harangue the elementary school children that watched this short about what they learned about crows.

Mike, Kevin and Bill learned that they should stop every short before the haranguing begins.

*So, still quite terrifying


3x163 Reading From Now On

3x163 Reading From Now On

  • 2012-01-03T22:00:00Z9m

Oh, you like reading, do you? You like reading just the way it is now, you say? Well tough, because here’s how reading is gonna be FROM NOW ON. From now on, reading will only be done upside-down, see? And someone’s gonna drip flat Pepsi into your nose while you read, you get me? And we better not catch you reading outside of a derelict tire factory, because derelict tire factories are officially the ONLY places that reading will be tolerated from now on, okay, wise guy? And no more books, from now on you’re only gonna read the labels on your grandpa’s medicine, and if you complain, you’ll lose privileges to read anything except the letter “Q”, capische?

Those rules have nothing to do with our new short, but we do believe in them and will enforce them aggressively. Reading From Now On is the tale of a young, comically illiterate boy who lives in the shadow of an older brother who arrogantly shoves his book-learnin’ in everyone’s face. Will our hero crumble under the sibling pressure, learn to read, or fake learning to read by memorizing the names of a few pictures and shouting them on demand? Who knows, but it’s probably the last one!

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the classic revenge story, Reading From Now On!


3x164 Friends

3x164 Friends

  • 2012-01-24T22:00:00Z18m

The 1970s were an exciting era in the world of educational shorts. The films shifted focus from “attempting to teach kids something practical” to “reminding them that life is a yawning, silent void with no purpose or warmth.” Yes, Friends puts the FUN back in ennui! It’s full of those treasured childhood memories we all share. Like when a girl finds a gigantic, broken TV antenna in a trashcan, and drags it behind her for the rest of the day. Or when an even weirder girl offers her money in exchange for friendship, which leads to crying, and eventually to that most iconic of games - the plum fight! Chucking ripe fruit at each other in an abandoned brick ruin, these girls learn the true meaning of friendship: no one is really on your side, and no one understands. Time for recess, kids!

Grab a juicebox (grape ‘n dust flavor) and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill in the chummy abyss of companionship called Friends!

Running a Lemonade Stand is a childhood rite of passage, much like going off the high dive or finding a bloated corpse floating in the swimming pool right after you went off the high dive. Whipping up a bunch of artificially lemon flavored substance and selling it to neighborhood adults who would have preferred a beer was, for many of us, our first step towards becoming the financially responsible adults we are today, adults who would really prefer it if you waited until the end of the week to cash that check we just wrote you.
The short The Lemonade Stand ponders the eternal question of What’s Fair? When one partner blows off selling lemonade to toss around the old horsehide, the other wonders who the hell still uses the expression “toss around the old horsehide.” When their lemonade sales skyrocket during the partner’s absence, he’s left with a tough decision: whether or not to screw over the Winklevoss twins and abscond with all the profits.
The Lemonade Stand: What’s Fair? is an intriguing corporate thriller, that also features a little boy who performs an entire scene with a lemonade cup in his mouth. Mike, Kevin and Bill would have preferred a beer.


3x166 The Clean Club

3x166 The Clean Club

  • 2012-02-02T22:00:00Z15m

The Clean Club was created to teach kids about basic hygiene and washing habits, and it’s our dear hope that it will find new life as an instructional film shown at Comic-Con registration. It’s a horrific tale of children who have reached such hobo-in-a-ditch levels of filth they become delusional, and start to believe that ordinary bathroom objects are talking to them, sometimes in disturbingly seductive voices. And if you’re not gonna listen to sexy dental floss, who are you gonna listen to? The short also introduces us to some nauseating claymation germs who would make the Garbage Pail Kids shiver, locked in fierce combat in a battle against soap for their own survival. The important lesson: every time you wash behind your ears, you are inflicting gruesome death upon the goofy anthropomorphic germs who live there happily. Kill, kids! Kill for your own survival! It’s your only hope!

Mike, Kevin and Bill have been denied membership to The Clean Club ever since the launch of their failed business venture, Foxy Septic Tank Wrestling. (It looked good on paper!!!)

Sometimes, we find something special. Something so strange, so distinct, and so wonderfully sad that by the time it ends we’re curled on the floor, guts cramped from laughing, clutching clumps of our own freshly-pulled hair as the keepers come to usher us back into our comfortable pens. David and Hazel: A Story in Communication is just such a thing. What the now-classic Setting Up A Room did for, well, setting up a room, David and Hazel does for the gradual, quiet collapse of a 1960s American marriage. That may not sound particularly hilarious to you, in fact quite frankly it probably shouldn’t, but trust us, it’s a journey you’ll be glad you took.

Nearly 30 minutes long, packed with tension and vintage office scenes - if the popular AMC show were called Sad Men instead, this would be that show. Instead of Don Draper we have David: not quite as sexy, perhaps, but just as distant and seemingly confused by the presence of a wife and children in his home. When there’s trouble at work and his devoted, quivering Hazel decides to ask about it, the action* really heats up (*infinite icy silence).

All that, plus a freakish son who’s at least 75% alien and a roast beef dinner scene that stands as a master class in Dysfunctional Family Planning. Let Mike, Kevin and Bill bring David and Hazel into your home, but don’t you dare ask how or why it was made because that’s simply not your concern, dear.


3x168 Sailing a Toy Boat

3x168 Sailing a Toy Boat

  • 2012-02-28T22:00:00Z7m

Why would you want to go outside and sail a toy boat when you could sit in a classroom and watch a film about other kids sailing a toy boat? The existence of Sailing a Toy Boat asserts that you wouldn’t, of course, you dolt. This short must have inspired lots of discussion questions from the students who watched it, such as “are we going to sail toy boats now?” and “where are the toy boats?” followed by some statements, like “the film didn’t even tell us how to MAKE toy boats” and “I honestly would rather have learned some math because now I’m just sad I don’t have a toy boat” and finally, “let’s push teacher in the lake and see if she floats!” Look, it was just a more violent time, okay?

Complete with a male dog named Penny and a father who ignores his children while narrating the film with his mind (no, really) be sure to join Mike, Bill and Kevin for Sailing a Toy Boat, the full-throttle prequel to Battleship!


3x169 Alcohol

3x169 Alcohol

  • 2012-03-01T22:00:00Z11m

Drinking problems! In real life? Devastating addictions that can ruin careers and tear marriages apart. Clumsily depicted onscreen in 70s educational shorts? Hilarious!

Chuck is the oily star of Alcohol. Like Don Draper, he just needs a shot or two to take the edge off and close the deal. Unlike Don Draper, he then fails to close the deal, instead drinks more, and vomits onto his stapler.

When Chuck’s wife finally pushes him too far by insisting that he remain mostly sober for a few hours and accompany her to dinner with his own parents, he takes off with the office lowlife on a bender you would never be able to forget, were it actually shown in the film. Instead, you’re treated to the hungover aftermath, as Chuck wonders how he let a tiger into his apartment, met Mike Tyson, and made a crappy cash-in sequel.

Mike, Kevin and Bill team up to riff one of their top three intoxicating liquid substances, Alcohol!


3x170 Cooks and Chefs

3x170 Cooks and Chefs

  • 2012-03-08T22:00:00Z7m

We know what you’re probably thinking. “Cooks AND chefs in a single film?? Sure, you might be able to pull it off if we were talking one or the other. Just cooks, or just chefs. And that’s still a big ‘might.’ But to bring both together in one short? WHEN DID THE WORLD GO SO MAD?!?” Well, despite what your surprisingly aggressive hypothetical probable thoughts would have you believe, Cooks and Chefs is here to prove you wrong.

It’s a timeless training film for anyone aspiring to work in a restaurant, and more specifically one particular hotel’s restaurant where they only serve food so rubbery and fake-looking it’s indistinguishable from the centerpieces. So if that’s the job you’re looking for, your ship has just come in! Cooks and Chefs is full of helpful tips for the up-and-coming culinary professional. For example, did you know that it’s completely normal and expected for line cooks to be skilled ice sculptors? Well it is, so make sure and spend years training under a master before you even bother turning in that McDonald’s application, bucko.

Ever since seeing the atrocities committed against food in Cooks and Chefs, Mike, Kevin and Bill have been fasting* in protest.

*Drinking beer until not awake anymore, waking, repeating.


3x171 Danger Keep Out!

3x171 Danger Keep Out!

  • 2012-03-13T21:00:00Z26m

Danger Keep Out! is not just the sign any Taco Bell that carries the new taco whose shell is made of a giant Dorito is legally required to display. It’s also the name of one of the finest Canadian safety epics ever produced.

One day, Christine decides to explore the construction site next to her house with her friend Mario, mostly as an excuse to escape her brother Ricky, whose default setting is “high-pitched whine” (a bold vocal technique later made popular by Bon Iver.) Christine and Mario have fun climbing on equipment, scaling ladders and leaping into piles of granular substances which likely rendered both of them sterile.

Of course, all this fun comes to a horrific end when Christine sets a trap for Mario and he has a terrible accident (that’s actually what happens.) It’s then up to Ricky to save the day, which he does by lying to his parents faces and teaming up with a kid who looks like a less suave Steve Urkel.

Like Shake Hands With Danger but instead of a folksy narrator, you have one that is sometimes made of clay, Danger Keep Out! is one warning sign not worth heeding! Previous quote designed to pander for prominent placement on the box cover of Danger Keep Out! VHS edition.

The Fish That Nearly Drowned is about a fish who [SPOILER ALERT] nearly drowns. Whoops, guess that spoiler alert should have come a bit earlier. Forget you saw it! The titular fish in question might actually drown! Because that is something that a fish can evidently do!

But even though the question of whether or not the fish might drown, (he doesn’t [SPOILER ALERT] Dammit! Late again, spoiler alerts!) the true star of The Fish That Nearly Drowned is the narrator. Eschewing conventional educational short techniques, mainly because then it gets to use the word “eschew”, the short opts not to have a nebbishy man or lecturing woman narrate. Instead it has a fish do it. A fish named Silverus. A fish named Silverus whom the short informs us can communicate with the boy who maintains the aquarium while he plays ice hockey on a nearby pond.

Yeah, we thought that would get your attention. Balancing ridiculously named Narrator-fishes with a glimpse into the aquatic world that is, (we can’t believe we’re typing this), actually sort of interesting, you won’t want to miss The Fish That Nearly Drowned.*

**Come on, now you’re doing it on purpose!!

Nutrition: The All-American Meal exists primarily as a guide to the wide and varied world of 70s hideousness. Throughout, a seemingly endless parade of unfortunate choices marches in front of the camera to lecture us about the “All-American Meal” of a hamburger, fries and a soda. Turns out that this traditional on-the-go feast is not actually that good for us.

Ah, how little these poor Carter-voting rubes knew. You will probably watch Nutrition while consuming the Pizza Hut Ten Dollar Meal box (contents: bread & cheese), or perhaps the monstrosity known as the Baconator. If you are lucky enough you may even scarf down a taco with a shell made out of a giant dorito, washed down by a varietal of Mountain Dew whose color did not exist in the 1970s. You will see these be-muttonchopped, floral print wearing ninnies lecture about the negative health properties of a burger that shockingly contained no onion rings or pulled pork. And you will laugh.

Then you will choke on a curly fry dipped in that new variety of ranch that is thicker because it’s specifically designed for dipping. So maybe hold off on those until after the short is done.


3x174 The Toymaker

3x174 The Toymaker

  • 2012-04-26T21:00:00Z15m

Not to be confused with the equally-pathetic Superman villain Toyman, The Toymaker is a strange Scandinavian man who makes toys for all the children in his village. Well, presumably. He doesn’t actually make any toys in this short, and there’s no village, but he DOES pit two of his own puppet creations against each other in a race war of his own making. Then he sort of heavily insists that they respect and bow to him as their Creator, makes them afraid about their place in the universe, and raises the other big philosophical questions kids have always associated with...toys. The answers to these questions may not be clear, but one thing is - The Toymaker is definitely taking huge swigs of blackberry brandy every time he ducks under his table.

Join Mike, Kevin and Bill in the sinister clutches of our fickle puppet god, The Toymaker!

Dinosaurs! They were fearsome! They were hulking! They were evidently quite poorly drawn!

Yes, dinosaurs once ruled the earth, and if you need any information about them, you are welcome to consult the hundreds, if not tens of thousands of movies, tv shows and books on the subject. Should any of those fail you, any given seven year old boy can likely deliver a PhD level dissertation on the subject, though they may get distracted during the part about the Pteranodons if there are Oreos nearby.

So, it’s safe to say, that there was no reason for the brief, hideously animated short Dinosaurs: The Age of the Terrible Lizard to exist. This did not stop two men, whom the short would have you believe are actually named Witold Giersz and Ryszard Slapczynski from writing and directing it. The narration has all the trademark Slapczynski touches, while the directorial flourishes are classic Giersz.

Join Mike, Kevin and Bill as they travel back in time to the age of the terrible lizard and try not to affect the future in terrible unforeseen ways, such as all taking the last name “Slapczynski”.

When you look back at your formative education years, there are a few flashbulb memories when even as a young child, you realized that the educational system was truly doing its job. The first time you could recite your multiplication tables. The day you learned how to spell Mississippi. And of course, the day the teacher showed Farm Babies and their Mothers and you just sort of stared at footage of pigs sitting in the mud for a while.

Yes, one day in the sixties, another crate of stock footage of animals arrived on the doorsteps of an “educational” film maker, and though their employees pleaded with them tearfully that it would not teach the children anything and instead might very well make them dumber, the cruel CEO demanded it be formed into something resembling a film that could be shown in schools. “I dunno, show the adult animals, then tell them what the baby animal is called,” they’d say. “Who cares, Coronet is gonna bury us all anyways!”

Farm Babies and their Mothers has a bunch of footage of cute baby animals running around. It has no educational content whatsoever. We think you’ll agree that this is a perfectly acceptable trade off.

Like Tarzan of the Jungle and Nanook of the North before him, Jimmy of the Safety Patrol heroically swings from vines of proper bus etiquette and drives a sled of huskies that look both ways at pedestrian crosswalks (we’re not exactly sure what Nanook of the North did, we’ve just heard of him in passing, probably from a weird uncle we’ve met like three times in our lives or perhaps a Far Side cartoon.)

Not everyone respects the noble safety patrol though, probably because disrespecting them is the logical and many would even say right thing to do. If our childhood were rap albums, Safety Patrols were the skits: annoying, omnipresent and difficult to program your Discman so that it would skip over them.

So it’s safe to say that your sympathies will probably lie with the kids who run around and play ball in the street, rather than the pre-pubescent NARC (Jimmy) that tries to keep them from getting run over, (Patrols with more than three fatalities on their watch don’t get to make the class trip to Washington DC).

Join Mike, Kevin and Bill as repressed memories of their own tyrannical safety patrols come back to haunt them and they instinctively cower in fear of Jimmy of the Safety Patrol!


3x178 Joy Ride

3x178 Joy Ride

  • 2012-07-06T21:00:00Z13m

Our new short Joy Ride feels like beloved movie Dazed and Confused, but shortened dramatically, focusing on the minor characters, with less emphasis on keg parties up at the Moontower and more on the tragic consequences of reckless behavior. In short, it’s the perfect film!

When two young boys steal a teenager’s car and pick up a couple of girls for a high-speed drive up a mountain, what could go wrong? Well, yes, that. Exactly what you’re thinking. But not before they have the time of their lives! For example, they park the fast car so they can...sit in an abandoned, not-working car, in a grassy field, and pretend to drive THAT car instead. Yep, totally worth it.

Get “duded up” for some “hotshots” (actual slang used multiple times in this short) then join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for a seatbelt-free, Kool-Aid soaked Joy Ride!


3x179 Love That Car!

3x179 Love That Car!

  • 2012-07-18T21:00:00Z9m

Love That Car! is a short about automobile safety narrated in the style of the “nnnnnYEEES?” clerk guy you’ll recognize from the Flintstones and the Simpsons. That sentence should really be all the convincing anyone needs to check this out immediately. Young women, Boy Scouts, the elderly, none are safe from the sadistic glee of his twisted voiceover. They will suffer, and he will delight, and the world will go just a little bit mad!

Join us for Love That Car!, a swingin’ trip back to the ‘60s: a time so free that everybody was gettin’ some, even cars.


3x180 The Hare & The Tortoise

3x180 The Hare & The Tortoise

  • 2012-10-30T21:00:00Z11m

You are of course familiar with the story of The Hare & The Tortoise. It is part of the grand tradition of children’s fables such as The Grapes & The Fox, The Cash & The Tango, and The Being Written Backwards and The Why Are These Things.

While fables such as these seem perfectly reasonable when you read them, their inherent madness truly becomes evident when filmmakers try to recreate them with real life animals. Racing tortoises is not a natural behavior of rabbits, and the unfortunate star appears to simply be attempting to flee the cheaply constructed set. In addition to the two titular animals, the short also features a goose, an owl, a fox and a raccoon, all of whom appeared terrified to be in close proximity to each other.

You’ll learn important lessons as you watch a narrator impose sentient thought on a bunch of drugged-up animals, but the true lesson of The Hare & The Tortoise is that you should study hard in school so you don’t end up being the guy who has to clean up after the animals on the set of The Hare & The Tortoise.


3x181 Get That Job

3x181 Get That Job

  • 2012-11-28T22:00:00Z11m

Get That Job is an instructional film that teaches adults all the secret tips for landing a high paying job. First and foremost, if a potential employer asks if you actually needed to watch a film called Get That Job in order to learn how to get a job, strongly deny having ever even heard of Get That Job.

Our main protagonist is a Ginger Walrus. After receiving his GED from Night School (Motto: Show Your Probation Card for half off science classes), he wants a job. The problem is, where to start? So he goes to a library to look for books about resumes, which is really what you should be doing instead of watching a worthless short film like Get That Job.

Eventually, he lands the big interview with a boss who is in no way overcompensating for his baldness by growing a ridiculous beard. Will our hero smooth talk his way into a dream job? Or will he mistakenly inform the delusional man interviewing him that he looks like the worst Wooly Willy variation imaginable in a suit. Join Mike, Kevin and Bill to find out!


3x182 Perc! Pop! Sprinkle!

3x182 Perc! Pop! Sprinkle!

  • 2012-11-29T22:00:00Z11m

Despite the title, our new short is NOT about popping Percocets, though there’s a good chance the people who filmed it were doing just that. Perc! Pop! Sprinkle! Such a mysterious title. What does it mean? Does it mean anything? It probably doesn’t mean anything, right? Who made these freaking shorts in the first place, and why? Who am I speaking to? How long will this rhetorical question routine continue? Which was your favorite Godfather movie? The answers to all these questions, and more, are definitely not to be found in Perc! Pop! Sprinkle!

This one takes the standard educational short goal, “waste the kids’ time while teacher sips from a flask,” to a whole new level, by actually showing OTHER kids having THEIR time wasted. A group of children, possibly detainees in a secret government prison, are put through a series of “exercises” meant to replicate the motions of common devices familiar to kids...like, y’know, an antique coffee grinder. But at least the motions...are also confusing and really dumb. Maybe the short’s real goal was to make kids shut up and appreciate ordinary jumping jacks and push-ups? Enough questions, just join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the hallucinatory gym class fever of Perc! Pop! Sprinkle!


3x183 Choking: To Save a Life

3x183 Choking: To Save a Life

  • 2012-12-07T22:00:00Z12m

Choking: To Save a Life is merely one chapter in the wildly popular Choking series. It came hot on the heels of the legendary Choking: To Get Out of A ‘Couples’ Baby Shower and the controversial Choking: Your Tax Guy To Get Him To Approve Your Super Bowl Tickets As A Write Off.

We’ve all been there: enjoying a nice TV dinner of Swanson’s “Slightly Bigger Than Bite Size” salisbury steak (seems irresponsible on their part frankly), when all of a sudden BOOM! The person across from the table starts choking. “This could never happen to me” you say. Oh really? “Yes really,” you say. “Obviously if I am eating a Swanson TV dinner, I am doing so alone, possibly having not even bothered to do the crucial ‘stir’ maneuver halfway through the suggested microwaving time.”

Damn, she’s right! (“Obviously I am also a man” you say.) Well, the point is, someone you know is probably going to choke at some point in time, and you should know what to do in order to save their life. So watch this short, then do the exact opposite, and you should be fine. This applies to all haircuts, fashion and home decor seen in this short as well.


3x184 Tic Toc Time Clock

3x184 Tic Toc Time Clock

  • 2012-12-11T22:00:00Z11m

Another vintage 70s short in the “stuff your parents should really have already taught you at home” series (see The Calendar: How to Use It for further knowledge), Tic Toc Time Clock makes learning about time fun! Well, not so much “fun” as garish, frantic, and creepy. And not so much “learning” as “confusing, overly complex, and pretty much the opposite of learning.” Also their budget apparently didn’t cover K’s for the ends of the words “Tic” and “Toc.” But all that aside, we think you’ll agree that this film was a great use of school budgets, and if it meant Grade F meat for the cafeteria, well, that’s good enough for our kids.

Tic Toc Time Clock tells the tale of a gym coach gone rogue. Instead of rope-climbing or push ups, he makes his students arrange themselves in clock formations on the ground, presumably as part of some ancient ritual meant to make people finally like gym coaches. He fails. As will any kids who learned to tell time from Tic Toc Time Clock!


3x185 Say No to Strangers

3x185 Say No to Strangers

  • 2013-01-29T22:00:00Z11m

A short in the classic 1950s tradition of “let’s talk about a thing that’s terrible without REALLY talking about a thing that’s terrible,” Say No To Strangers presents a world that’s mostly sunshine, friendly policemen, and hopscotch...but also the occasional driver who pulls over to offer a some-strings-attached lollipop while patting the empty passenger seat. We learned something new about the 50s from Say No To Strangers - apparently it was a time when puppies were being handed out willy-nilly by strangers, MOST OF WHOM were totally benevolent. You’d be walking down the street, thinking about Howdy Doody or The Bomb, when out of the blue a kindly old man on a bench would insist on giving you a puppy. Again, most of the time, these puppy offerers were acquiring puppies, one by one, and handing them out purely from the goodness of their heart. It really was a better, simpler time, and this rampant puppy availability makes you wonder why Cruella de Vil had to be such a jerk about getting hers.

Mike, Bill, and Kevin encourage you to Say No To Strangers, and also to Evites, friends holding petitions, and pretty much anybody you’ve ever known, met, or loved. Just stay home by yourself.


3x186 Live and Learn

3x186 Live and Learn

  • 2013-02-05T22:00:00Z12m

Live and Learn has an important safety message for kids, namely “Hey kids, here’s a bunch of ideas for cool stuff that would be super fun to do! Now don’t do any of the stuff, and how dare you even think about it, and certainly don’t consider litigation against the film that gave you those ideas!” It’s the 1950s educational film equivalent of Keith Richards talking about his crazy fun life doing drugs, partying, and getting rich, then telling you to Just Say No.

Push your friend out of a boat! Start a fire in the yard with gasoline! Check out what’s happening at the bottom of a neat ravine! The only consequence is repeated trips to the hospital where you’ll get wrapped in bandages like a scary mummy by a friendly nurse, so you simply cannot lose!*

Live and Learn! Or don’t and die, either way it makes for a very funny short.

*Certainly don’t consider litigation against the ironic comedy website that gave you those ideas. Also we cannot guarantee your particular nurse will be friendly.

-picture was already there


3x187 Safety with Animals

3x187 Safety with Animals

  • 2013-02-12T22:00:00Z13m

Our short Safety With Animals features more hilarious child endangerment than the inevitable FOX series Celebrity Child Boxing! The short teaches kids important skills, like, which wild snakes you should pick up - they claim the answer isn’t “none of them.” In order to protect the lives of the many, the filmmakers risked the lives of the few, specifically one sweet, confused little boy. Watch, as he: Tries to saddle an angry pony! Stands terrified and alone while horses circle him! And attempts to befriend a stray dog, which is apparently something children should be encouraged to do!

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they try to pet a mangy dumpster dog while picking up venomous snakes, then call Child Protective Services on Safety With Animals!


3x188 Ten Long Minutes

3x188 Ten Long Minutes

  • 2013-02-28T22:00:00Z12m

Ten Long Minutes is the harrowing tale of one young man’s attempt to download a grainy .jpg of Alyssa Milano via CompuServe in 1996 before his parents -- wait, sorry, wrong story... just forget you ever read that.

Ten Long Minutes starts off like a classic grisly safety short. An unreasonably happy man goes to work in a factory, which experienced safety short viewers will know is a sure sign that brutal disfigurement and Play-Doh level gore effects are just around the corner. But then, a phone call, and a twist! This time the worker’s carelessness has put not himself, but his family in danger! Leaving him, and his sweaty “Wilford Brimley crossed with the Jump to Conclusions mat guy from Office Space” coworker to sit and imagine what went wrong for Ten Long (and, trust us, hilarious) Minutes!


3x189 Ghost Rider

3x189 Ghost Rider

  • 2013-03-05T22:00:00Z15m

Kevin is the new kid in class, and he’s got typical teenage problems. His mom obsessively hoards coffee pots and his dad has an insane inability to live without garlic salt. Oh, and he’s haunted by the ghost of a fellow student who died horribly in a bus accident last year.

Rather than do the obvious thing and blackmail this ghost into destroying his enemies, Kevin takes the opportunity to learn all about bus safety. The first thing he learns? Always buckle your seatbel-... What’s that? School buses never have those? Really? Kind of seems ridiculously negligent, doesn’t it? Has anyone ever figured out why that is the case?

Fortunately for Kevin, there’s a terrible bus accident and the driver is likely killed. He’s thus able to demonstrate all the lessons he learned, which include pointing in a general direction for people to exit the bus, and instructing kids to bend their knees when they hit the ground (as opposed to locking their knees and shattering their fibulas, as kids instinctively tend to do.)

Will Kevin be rightfully mocked and pantsed for his devotion to bus safety? Is emphasizing their own likely death the best way to teach children proper bus exiting techniques? Will Nic Cage urinate a stream of fire? Tune in to Ghost Rider and find out!

Jack is a youngster who has trouble respecting The Other Fellow’s Feelings. One day, the other fellow brings in a new bottle of perfume to show off to the ladies, and Jack bumps into the other fellow, knocking the perfume to the ground and breaking the bottle. After that, Jack follows the other fellow around saying “Stinky! Stinky!” Eventually the other fellow can’t take it anymore and she breaks down sobbing wondering why on earth in a short titled The Other Fellow’s Feelings they made The Other Fellow a young girl named Judy.

It checks all the bases for a classic 50s short: seven-year-olds who dress like fifty-year-old accountants, disembodied floating heads taunting helpless victims, and teachers who think the kindest solution is to demand answers from sobbing girls in front of the whole class. Plus, more taunts of “Stinky” than when Jabba The Hutt’s son was kidnapped. Buy the other fellow in your life a suitable gift depending on whether that fellow is a man, woman or wolf otherkin, then sit back on the couch and enjoy The Other Fellow’s Feelings.


3x191 The Day I Died

3x191 The Day I Died

  • 2013-04-12T21:00:00Z15m

The Day I Died is a fun, groovy, totally 70s take on the tragic consequences of teenage drunk driving. Plus there’s a great Sixth Sense-type twist at the end where you find out that the young narrator was actually dead THE WHOLE TIM--what’s that you say? Narrator tells us he’s dead from the beginning, then narrates his last day in creepy slow motion? The fact that he’s dead is even part of the title? Pretty hard to miss? I should really pay more attention? Fine, arguing person, you win. (Twist ending: there wasn’t actually an arguing person THE WHOLE TIME! It was just a lazy rhetorical device! Gotcha!!!)

Come for the beach drinking, stay for the narrator yelling at relatives and friends as they walk by his casket! Like one of these email forwards from your Grandma (complete with 36 point bright-red font and a million little arrows to scroll past) come to life, The Day I Died will scold its way into your heart!

Those sick freaks at Coronet have done it again. Clowns. Just when you thought they’d run out of ways to spread a one minute lesson out over the course of ten minutes, they brought in clowns.

Actually, and quite thankfully, there is only one clown. But his presence is a strong one. Cackling like he’s constantly having his butt pinched or possibly suffering a series of brain hemorrhages, he tells us a story about a young boy in search of a rubber band. Presumably the clown is observing the boy from the sewer. At one point in time he brandishes scissors.

What is the short actually about, other than clowns? It was something about showing you the pieces of a story and then seeing if you can put them in order. Just as a test, let’s see how your skills are before you watch the short. The pieces are: 1) Utter abject terror, gnashing of teeth and wailing at the horror. 2) The clown appears.

Pretty tough, huh? You better watch the short.

We can all agree that Classroom Discipline is great. But what good is it if you can’t maintain it? Fortunately we have this short, which comes with the delightful realization that “Wow, they actually expected adult professionals to watch this.”

The film stars Mr. Grimes, (or “Grimey” as he liked to be called), in a classic “Goofus and Gallant” scenario. Which role would you emulate? The hostile, shrieking Mr. Grimes who hands out detentions as if they were pennies wrapped in tinfoil on Halloween? Or the cool, mellow Mr. Grimes who one day lets it slip that he still lives with his mother. Of course you’d pick the first one. Whether he’s an effective educator is beside the point, because clearly the second one’s admission has lost him the respect of at least the next ten years of students who parade through his classroom.

Find an eraser to hurl and synchronize your watches so you’ll know when to drop your textbooks. It’s time for Maintaining Classroom Discipline!


3x194 Rescueman

3x194 Rescueman

  • 2013-05-17T21:00:00Z14m

Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s...a kid wearing underoos who’s way too old to be wearing underoos!

This short tells us the story of Scotty, who is obsessed with a superhero named Rescueman. Rescueman’s specialty is rescuing people, believe it or not. We assumed that that was sort of par for the course for every superhero. Most of them have something else going on, but not Rescueman!

Scotty goes on a field trip to the airport and despite looking like he’s about to enter middle school, spends the entire time mentally composing Rescueman/Safety Woman slashfic and thinking about his new Rescueman underoos. Does the short end with Scotty fantasizing about rescuing his classmates from a horrific bus crash while wearing said humiliating underoos? Do you even have to ask at this point?

Rescueman teaches kids about bus safety the only way that the state of Pennsylvania knew how: incompetently with an absurd emphasis on bending your knees when you jump out of the bus. Join us, true believers!


3x195 Goodbye, Weeds

3x195 Goodbye, Weeds

  • 2013-06-06T21:00:00Z18m

Our new short Goodbye, Weeds is a product of a different time, a time when a commercial for weed killer wasn’t just something you waited impatiently to click “Skip” on so you could get to a YouTube video of a puggle farting in its sleep. Far more than that, Goodbye, Weeds is a 17 minute film, complete with animated segments, actual Hollywood actors doing their best imitation of the Thin Man movies, gigantic plantation-style homes and a lush golf course. You can almost feel the hand of Don Draper behind it all (warning: do not actually feel the hand of Don Draper, there’s no way to know where it’s been).

But there’s still one thing plaguing the perfect life of this obviously wealthy “middle-class everyman” - that most treacherous of beasts, the common yard dandelion. But not for long, because the greenskeeper at our man’s country club has some advice - grab a big metal cannister and drench every inch of your property in Weed-No-More! It’s safe for dogs, kids, heck you can stir it into your Yoo-Hoo if you want!

So dig in to a lawn care commercial with a bigger budget than the last three Air Bud movies and join Mike, Bill, and Kevin in saying Goodbye, Weeds!

This short may just save you a lot of trouble! No longer will you have to be forcibly removed from the Expecting Parents Class at the local hospital for shouting “When should grown-ups stop fights?” at the top of your lungs during the segment on diaper changing. Frankly, it was unacceptable that the so-called “class” did not touch on this issue. “Time is of the essence!” we told them. “One of them has the other one pinned down with a crowbar across the throat!” we told them. “Wait, is that a taser?” we asked them.

Yes, this short would have saved us a lot of trouble. In the 21st century, the answer to the question When Should Grown-Ups Stop Fights? sadly seems cut and dry. Grown-ups should stop fights before they start, or at the very least, when the child you wagered on is clearly going to lose. But in the 1930s, 40s, or possibly 1820s when this short was produced, the answer was a much more ambiguous: Wait, stop fights? Where’s the fun in that?

Presented in this short are four separate fights that occur on a pre-school playground that also seems to double as a Russian work camp/garbage heap. This precocious little tykes hurl sand, steal from each other, and gang up on scapegoats with no intervention from their teachers whatsoever. Presumably the adults are all inside watching a terrible short instructing them how to stop fights.

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they work off their gambling debts (Still can’t believe that first grader tapped out to the four year old!) as they team up to riff When Should Grown-Ups Stop Fights?

We’re excited to present Batman Takes Over, the first installment in one of the earliest screen depictions of Batman ever made, the 1949 serial Batman and Robin! This is where we’d joke that we finally found a version of Batman and Robin worse than the Joel Schumacher Batman & Robin, but that is physically impossible according to Newton’s Law of Schumacherian Bat-Nipplage.

In this thrilling opening episode, Batman Takes Over...an hour to arrive at the crime scene, because he drives an ordinary car instead of a Batmobile. And, standing in for stately Wayne Manor, a slightly-less-stately suburban home. Batman and thirty-something boy wonder Robin are hot on the trail of The Wizard, so named for his lack of magic powers or costume resembling a wizard’s in any way. Speaking of costumes, Batman & Robin store theirs in a drawer in a FILING CABINET. And, and, and...well there’s too much great Bat-wrongness to tell here, you really just need to see this.

So squeeze into an ill-fitting costume, buckle your utility belt (ordinary belt), and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Batman Takes Over!


3x198 You're The Judge

3x198 You're The Judge

  • 2013-07-23T21:00:00Z10m

You’re The Judge tells the story of two high school girls who want to get the attention of two boys who would rather be bowling. In a world where Snapchat and sexting do not exist, they’re forced to do this the old fashioned way: by goading the boys into entering an elaborate three course cooking contest and rigging the result.

Are you sitting down? Got a firm grip on the sides of your desk? OK good. Because You’re The Judge is going to take you on a mind-bending trip, man. It puts forth the idea that, get this: men are not very comfortable in the kitchen! We’ll give you a moment to pick your jaw up off the table. These guys cut corners, goof around, and certainly don’t follow the recipes. It’s a bold reversal of virtually every stereotype that’s ever been portrayed in movies or on TV.

The ladies, on the other hand, do everything by the book, including loading up the biscuits, apple pie, and fried chicken with plenty of Crisco brand vegetable shortening. This is because the book they are using is The Crisco Cookbook, and it calls for Crisco in everything, including brownies, Cobb salad, and iced tea. It’s a good thing that they’re using this particular cookbook because this short just so happens to be sponsored by Crisco! Imagine how awkward it would have been if their cookbook had called for natural, non-repulsive ingredients!

It’s a cook-off that makes the Iron Chef look like a line cook at Golden Corral, and the best part is, You’re the Judge! (You are not actually the judge. There is a judge in the short. It’s one of the girl’s dads. We don’t know why they called it that.)

They’re back! With Batman Takes Over, the first installment of this vintage serial, we introduced you to obscure superhero characters “The Batman” and “Robin.” Not much is known about them, as they failed to achieve any kind of cultural impact, but luckily this film series -- as far as we know, the only screen representation of Batman & Robin ever made -- survived, so modern audiences can finally learn about these long-forgotten costumed crimefighters!

In Batman: Tunnel of Terror, the second episode, our heroes continue their quest for the elusive Wizard in a frightening new setting. A terrifying tunnel of some kind, you ask? No, why on Earth would you think that? What are you even talking about? Forget tunnels, but the world’s greatest detectives DO manage to get themselves lost on some ordinary park trails, the kind retired grandparents walk for leisure, if the mall is closed. The action in this episode spans planes, trains, and automobiles (regular automobiles, the kind Batman drives in this series, definitely NOT Batmobiles) as the dynamic duo hunt for answers. But one question remains...WHERE IS GABE???

Join Mike, Bill, and Kevin in a swan-shaped boat for a romantic ride through Batman: Tunnel of Terror!

The adventure continues! In this third installment of the vintage serial, Batman: Robin’s Wild Ride, we find our heroes at Disneyland. After an ill-advised turkey leg and funnel cake combo, Robin upchucks on the Tea Cups, forcing Batman to go find a towel and apologize to several families. On his way back with the towel, Batman spots the sign for Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride and gets a sudden idea for a title…

Fine, you’re right, that’s not really the wild ride, and Disneyland hadn’t even been built when this short was made. The ACTUAL wild ride is...completely absent. Seriously, if you can find anything that would count as Robin’s Wild Ride in this thing you must be be under the influence of the villainous Wizard, or perhaps his rarely seen but much beloved henchman, Gabe. But never fear, this episode is packed with all the shlubby costumes, sleepy superheroes, ordinary vehicles, and stumble-drunk fight choreography you’ve come to expect!

Yes, it’s back to the famous gentle rolling hills and remote forest cabins of Gotham City for another installment of this classic superhero serial! Picking up immediately after Robin’s Wild Ride (there was no wild ride) we’re thrown right back into the action when Batman gets trapped in Batman Trapped! Okay he doesn’t really get trapped, per se, but we do get to see the Caped Crusader climb a gentle incline with great difficulty! And it takes a while! He seems pretty tired!

The mysterious Wizard and his squad of gangsters (except for Gabe, who spends this episode offscreen picking up Gatorades for the gangsters’ weekly pickup basketball game, he’s such a thoughtful guy) are still at it, kidnapping various scientist types and stealing various science-type things. What’s their endgame? Nobody’s quite sure, including the World’s Greatest Detective and the people who wrote this serial!

Get Trapped with Mike, Kevin, and Bill!


3x202 Norman Krasner

3x202 Norman Krasner

  • 2013-11-06T22:00:00Z13m

A new short featuring the hapless NORMAN, as seen in our MANOS and BIRDEMIC live shows


3x203 Norman Checks In

3x203 Norman Checks In

  • 2013-11-06T22:00:00Z15m

As if to prove that Dunston wasn’t the only unpleasant, pest-ridden ape who knew how to Check In, here comes our old pal Norman!

You’ll be pleased to know that Norman has finally cleaned up his act and gotten his life together: staying at a five star resort where everyone calls him sir, commanding respect with ease, women wanting him, men wanting to BE him...ahhh, we’re kidding of course. This installment finds Norman losing battles to a taxidermy convention, the magic fingers on a pre Civil War mattress, a television, and even exposing himself to a helpless maid. To reiterate: this short finds Norman in the bathroom once again, except this time, he is NUDE.

So kick off your shoes, put your feet up on a motel comforter that’s never been washed, and check in with America’s least favorite guy, Norman!


3x204 Welcome Back, Norman

3x204 Welcome Back, Norman

  • 2013-11-06T22:00:00Z30m

Hey, did you hear the news? Norman’s coming back! Yeah, I know! Good ol’ Norman. He’s been away for - gosh, how long now? You’re not sure either? Well, we’ve sure missed him around here. The Norm-dawg, heh heh, yep, just, always, y’know...Normin’ things up, the way he does... (Psst, who the hell is Norman? You don’t know either?? Does anyone? Well what do we...shh shh cool it, here he comes, here he comes, don’t make this awkward.) NORMAN OLD PAL, how ya been?? (Okay let’s just change the locks, then get out of here and never come back.)

Welcome Back, Norman welcomes back Norman, a business traveler you might regret welcoming into anything once you witness how merely exiting an airport rental car lot is, for him, an insurmountable task. If this short ever had a mission statement, which it most assuredly did not, it would have boiled down to “teach people that annoying imbeciles have a hard time doing things.”

Mike, Kevin and Bill served with Kotter, they knew Kotter, Kotter was a friend of theirs. Norman, you are no Kotter. Don’t miss Welcome Back, Norman, because when Norman suffers, the world gains!

If you’ve been following the Batman serial saga (in the same sense that your great aunt’s recent boil lancing was a ‘saga’), you certainly know what to expect by now: The event in the title, Robin Rescues Batman does not occur in the episode. Robin slurs his lines like your great aunt after she proved difficult during the boil lancing and had to be sedated. No actual plot developments of consequence occur.

Oh really? Oh really smart guy? Are you so sure about that last one? Though there may not be an actual rescue of Batman by Robin, this episode does contain something which has been board certified as an actual plot development, possibly even an honest to god twist! Also, rumor has it that a certain henchman, heretofore only implied by our wishful riffers, may make an appearance.

Join Mike, Kevin, Bill, Ives, and The Wizard’s mantrap installer for Robin Rescues Batman.


3x206 Mr. B Natural

3x206 Mr. B Natural

  • 2013-12-20T22:00:00Z12m

Hey kids! What’s the best way for a middle schooler to impress chicks, make friends, and just dominate the social scene in general? OK, I’m hearing ‘Be really funny,’ not the answer I was looking for. ‘Kick butt at sports,’ not that either. I’ll give you a hint: “Ban…?”. No, it’s not ‘Banter in the halls wittily!’ It’s band! Marching band! Join the marching band to win the acceptance of your peers who are also wallowing away in the grim social purgatory of marching band!

Anyways, this is the plan that our hero Buzz comes up with. To his credit, he mainly came up with it after “Mr.” B Natural appeared in his bedroom and started jumping around on the bed and mimicking playing various instruments. Buzz did the right thing: just do what the crazy lady MAN! What the crazy MAN says in that situation and try to phone the authorities when she HE! When HE stops for gas on the inevitable cross country killing spree he’s trying to rope you into.

This classic music educational film, first seen on MST3K and riffed in its entirety for the first time ever as part of our Kickstarter rewards, is a chance to see an all new take on the beloved Mr. B!


3x207 A Trip To The Moon

3x207 A Trip To The Moon

  • 2013-12-20T22:00:00Z10m

The oldest movie ever riffed! RiffTrax takes on the 1902 classic, Georges Méliès' A TRIP TO THE MOON.

This sixth installment in the thrilling serial takes an unexpected turn when the Wizard and his gang, who previously had been targeting Batman and Robin, begin to Target Robin! Oh, and also still Batman. The bad guys are still targeting both of them, as they have from the beginning. These titles are meaningless.

But the action continues! Just as our heroes continue to keep their costumes in a file cabinet in Bruce Wayne’s unfinished basement! And the World’s Greatest Detective continues to fall for traps set by a blundering crew of mobsters, who are really doing a great job keeping it together in the absence of their good friend Gabe, by the way.

Will Batman and his middle-aged charge escape a chamber filling with deadly CO2 gas, which despite what you may have heard in science class is apparently completely visible? Tune in with Mike, Kevin, and Bill!

In The Fatal Blast Batman’s world is nearly upended when ace reporter Vicki Vale finally begins to suspect his secret identity. “Are you Bruce Wayne?” she asks him. A hero of lesser resolve would have cracked, but Batman has decades of training that has hardened his constitution, honed his skills, and increased the limits of his willpower beyond that of typical human comprehension. “No,” he replies to Vicki.

Having masterfully deflected that interrogation, Batman and Robin are free to pursue their archfiend The Wizard or perhaps determine where he keeps his secret magnetism machine. Technically, these goals are one and the same, as The Wizard never actually leaves the room with his secret machine in it, preferring instead to send his henchmen Earl, Neil, Gabe, Milo, Otis, and Slippy The Toad to do his dirty work for him. It’s something about capturing a train, or calling into Barry Brown’s radio show to win free tickets to Guy Lombardo, we think they may get around to addressing his actual goal in Episode 12.

Batman and Robin audibly groan and pull several muscles as they inch ever closer to discovering The Wizard’s secret identity and perhaps getting themselves an actual closet to store their costumes as opposed to shoving them into a file cabinet in Episode 7 of the serial: The Deadly Blast!

Safety Woman’s back, and she’s more out of doors than ever! Yes, everyone’s favorite crossing guard turned cosmic superhero Guardiana, seen first in the beloved RiffTrax short Safety: Harm Hides at Home, is taking it outside, Dalton from Road House style. But don’t worry, she hasn’t changed a bit. Still freelance architecting, still keeping kids safe with the pie plate and baton some aliens gave her, and still visiting her “favorite Aunt Margaret” -- deal with it, lesser Aunts!

Whether in boats, driveways, or crosswalks, dumb kids everywhere are getting themselves into trouble and needing saving, Guardiana style. She always shows up in the nick of time, er, well, after the nick of time, when the accident has already happened, then rewinds time and takes care of business. Teaching kids an important lesson: it doesn’t really matter what you do, a foxy lady in a shiny suit will show up and fix it! So go nuts!

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they don their official Guardiana headbands and sunglasses for Safety Woman: In Danger Out of Doors!

In this installment of the vintage serial, Robin finally meets the Wizard! Yes, the boy wonder teams up with Fred Savage, strapping on Power Gloves to win the tournament and the hearts of gamers everywhere. No, sorry, wrong Wizard! Correction: Robin runs into Radagast the Brown, who confuses him with an ACTUAL robin and asks him to defecate in his hair like the rest of the birds do. No, no, no, also wrong, our notes are all mixed up here. Robin joins the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion on a trip to the Emerald City, where the Great and Powerful Oz gives him what he really needs -- a job cleaning up after the horse of a different color. Oops, nope, nope, deepest apologies, turns out the Wizard that Robin meets is actually the knob-turning bad guy who’s been plaguing the dynamic duo since episode one! Also, he doesn’t even really meet him.

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they also don’t meet the Wizard in Batman: Robin Meets the Wizard!


3x212 This Is Hormel

3x212 This Is Hormel

  • 2014-02-28T22:00:00Z10m

This Is Hormel is a short in the grand tradition of David and Hazel and Setting Up A Room, where you look at the time remaining on your media player and think “Clearly that has to be a mistake.” But no! It’s a half hour long Hormel infomercial masquerading as an educational short that must be seen to be believed!

In theory, this short is about Brad and Greg, two boys who while apparently attempting to set a world record for boredom on summer vacation, write a letter to the Hormel factory asking if they can take a tour. To their surprise, they do not receive a letter back asking “What the hell is wrong with you, go play outside!” but instead an invitation to serve as a thinly veiled framing device for a solid half hour of meat footage.

And oh, the meat footage...You’ll witness the creation of a mysterious substance known as “ingredient meat.” You’ll visit the hide cellar, a place that makes Gary, Indiana look like Disneyland combined with the beaches of Maui. And you’ll witness the creation of Spam, a substance that evidently is at times purchased unironically.

It’s a meatfest of the highest order, and we feel like even Upton Sinclair himself would begrudgingly approve. Just don’t touch any machines operated by guys with less than four fingers. Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for This Is Hormel!

Fresh off of not actually meeting Robin in the previous installment, Robin Meets the Wizard, it’s only natural that the Wizard would be ready to not strike back in this episode, Batman: The Wizard Strikes Back! The series is really coming into focus now. After slicing open the Penguin with his trusty lightsaber, Batman stuffs his faithful companion Robin into the villain’s guts and prays the other rebels back at Echo Base will see his bat-signal before the dynamic duo freeze to death on the ice planet’s unforgiving surface. From there, Robin undertakes a solo mission to the Dagobah system to seek wisdom from the ancient swamp-dwelling mentor, Gabe. Will he get what he’s after before George Lucas decides to go back and gunk up the whole thing with a bunch of digital effects nobody asked for? Did we mix up our VHS tapes again? Tune in to find out!

Yes, the madness is really starting to set in and the lines of reality are becoming hopelessly blurred in Batman: The Wizard Strikes Back!


3x214 Norman Gives a Speech

3x214 Norman Gives a Speech

  • 2014-04-18T21:00:00Z6m

Think back on the all-time great great speeches humans have given. Martin Luther King on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Honest Abe’s Gettysburg address. Marc Antony at Caesar's funeral. Bill Pullman in Independence Day. But before delivering any of these masterful works of rhetoric, did any of the speech givers fish their notes out of a toilet and dry them off with a hair dryer? We think not! Advantage: Norman.

Yes, Norman, the sack of failure in a bad suit last seen soliciting strangers for money in a public restroom, now has to give the big speech to a crowd of investors. Why? We don’t know. Perhaps a stupid dog that won’t stop licking its crotch was unavailable. Will Norman triumph over the odds and wow the executives with a masterful speech? Or will he just Norman the entire operation down his leg?

Last seen during our RiffTrax Live: Night Of The Living Dead show, Norman Gives a Speech is here in all of its lumpy, mumbly, studio glory!


3x215 How To Keep A Job

3x215 How To Keep A Job

  • 2014-04-22T21:00:00Z13m

Nobody’s more qualified to tell people How to Keep a Job than Coronet Films, the company that managed to sleepwalk its way through making 99% of all educational shorts ever produced. How to EXCEL at a job? Not their thing. How to IMPROVE at your job? No dice. But How to Keep a Job through the kind of consistent mediocrity that doesn’t get noticed as either good or bad? Now you’re talkin’ Coronet’s language!

Ignoring the timeless job-keeping strategies of blackmail and extortion, this film uses a Goofus and Gallant setup (classic Coronet originality!) to show that the best approach is to just work slightly harder than the laziest person in the office. Our hero learns that by following this simple advice, he too can someday aspire to a job in middle management, hiring people like himself for jobs they barely care enough to do. The system works!

No job? No credit? No problem! You can still join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the long term career stability of How to Keep a Job!


3x216 Health: Your Posture

3x216 Health: Your Posture

  • 2014-04-29T21:00:00Z15m

Health: Your Posture tells the tale of Adrilene, a young girl with a serious problem: her parents named her Adrilene. Tragically, her nightmare doesn’t end there, she also has to deal with a condescending educational short telling her she doesn’t stand right. Then, even her reflection in the mirror turns on her, scolding and nagging poor Adrilene into submission. Basically, her life is like being permanently stuck in a room with the “how can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat” guy from Pink Floyd’s The Wall. Granted, her name is Adrilene, so maybe she deserves it.

Join Mike, Kevin, Bill, and your pals at the Centron Film Corporation in letting Adrilene know everything that’s wrong with her in Health: Your Posture!

Writing Better Social Letters! The much lighter follow-up to Coronet’s disastrous Writing Better SOCIALIST Letters, which led to half the company being blacklisted and drummed out of the film business in the 1950s.

It’s about a young man with a real passion for politeness and social decorum - y’know, classic middle school boy stuff - teaching his younger sister how to write a nice thank you note. How did people convey subtle social cues and pleasantries in an age without emojis or Facebook “likes”? When the mere act of preparing, composing, and mailing a thank you letter took more time than the actual event the letter was thanking someone for? These kids will show you how. Soon you’ll be the thanky-est person on your block, and everyone who gets your letters will say “wow, SOMEONE’S got a lot of time on their hands.”

So save the date, RSVP, and just generally waste as much paper and postage as possible with Mike, Bill, and Kevin for Writing Better Social Letters!

The cavalcade of madness that is the At Your Fingertips series marches on. In this installment: Cylinders! Turns out the tubes on the inside of paper towels and TP that you throw into the garbage without a second thought can be used to make art! Well, not so much art as stuff. OK, it’s crap. But boy is it crazy crap!

You’ll learn how to make the world’s worst planetarium. Yes, even worse than that one where the laser show is set to Dogs Barking Jingle Bells instead of Pink Floyd. Also: cardboard tube zebras! Because who hasn’t looked around their home and thought “It doesn’t look like a lunatic decorated. I should change that.” And last but certainly not least, a robot kite that violates all three of Asimov’s laws, plus several more you didn’t even know existed!

Originally debuted live at our "Manos" The Hands of Fate show, this studio recording of Cylinders is the perfect piece to complement the boxes and grasses in your life. Get yours today!


3x219 Fashion Horizons

3x219 Fashion Horizons

  • 2014-06-02T21:00:00Z8m

Fashion Horizons! No, it’s not a plus-size clothing store at the mall. It’s a little slice of history, a travelogue from back when commercial airliners were new and shiny and filled with traveling model/actresses, apparently. The short is also historic because it features all sorts of exciting fabrics that were new then, but absolute mainstays of every woman’s wardrobe today. Fabrics like “matte-latex”! Ah, what little girl hasn’t dreamed of growing up someday to be married in a matte-latex gown, sweating as if wrapped in car seat vinyl, eventually passing out from the heat and cooked-in stench. Fashion!

From Phoenix to Panama, there’s no blisteringly hot locale these ladies won’t be forced to suffer in their shiny plastic clothing. And might the narrator focus a little too much on the “Latin flavor” of Esther Fernandez, credited in the opening as “Paramount’s Mexican Discovery”? The answer is yes, yes, the narrator definitely focuses on that too much.

Don’t hesitate, join Mike, Kevin, and Bill on this journey through the world of probably toxic glamour, Fashion Horizons!

Complete these lyrics: Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na… Batman? No, we’re sorry, those were the “na na na nas” from “Here Comes The Hotstepper” by Ini Kamoze.*

Even though you failed the quiz, we’re still going to let you watch the tenth entry in the Batman serial, Batman’s Last Chance. In this episode, the Joker escapes from Arkham! Well, that’s not one hundred percent true. There is no Joker. But Arkham finally makes an appearance! Well, kind of. There’s a building called Markham. It’s not an asylum. It’s just a building. But for this series, we will classify that as a high point. And while this episode is lacking in iconic Gotham landmarks, it does have both Horse Art AND a Dog Statue, which you have to admit, are way cooler than Kite Man.

Guys in hats run in hallways! The Wizard fiddles with knobs! The narrator finds hilarious ways to pronounce the word ruse! All this and more in the thrilling tenth installment Batman’s Last Chance!

*Bear with us, we’ve written ten of these. By number 13 these descriptions are just going to be ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKE GABE A DULL BOY.


3x221 Color It Clean

3x221 Color It Clean

  • 2014-06-13T21:00:00Z21m

Sure, short films about janitors and toilets are great. Everyone agrees on that. Literally everyone. But if there’s one thing most of these films lack, it’s a meditative, philosophical approach to the subject matter. “Tell me something I DON’T know,” you’re probably saying to yourself, and that’s fair. But we have good news, friends, we’ve found a janitorial short that has all that, and then some: Color it Clean! Existential questions and urinal scrubbing, together at last!

Fans of RiffTrax favorite Setting Up a Room will feel right at home here, as the filmmakers take the same Zen-like, obsessive level of attention that film paid to a school classroom and apply it instead to school bathrooms. And it’s all narrated by real live janitors, providing a glimpse inside the minds of the sponge-wielding warriors who fight the good fight against scum, grime, and the derision of entitled students every day. If you ever looked at your school custodian and thought “I hope I don’t wind up with that job, seems depressing,” this short will...well, this short won’t really change your mind about that. But it will make you think, laugh, and maybe, just maybe, inspire you to get up and clean the toilet, yeah even that area back behind it that’s hard to reach so we all kind of try to pretend it isn’t there, yeah, you know what we’re talking about.

So grab a mop and a copy of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Being and Nothingness and join Mike, Bill, and Kevin for a journey into the porcelain and tile oblivion of Color it Clean!

If you’ve been watching the Batman serials up to this point, you know to expect disappointment with regard to the actions described in the title actually appearing in the serial. For example, Robin's Wild Ride did not contain a Robin partaking in a wild ride. Robin did not meet The Wizard in Robin Meets The Wizard; he was instead knocked unconscious from behind by The Wizard. One can only imagine that an episode called Robin Takes Oxygen Into His Lungs Then Expels it as Carbon Dioxide would involve the boy wonder standing around, cheeks bulging as he steadfastly refuses to draw a breath, only to eventually buckle onto the ground unconscious, hopefully dead.

Which is why it comes as such a shock that Episode 11, Robin’s Ruse (rhymes with ‘goose’, of course) does in fact contain an honest-to-God ruse! Pulled off by Robin! And the ruse is this: Robin sort of crouches slightly outside a window and shines a flashlight into a room where The Wizard’s henchmen are gathered. Pretty clever ruse, huh? Look, we’ll take what we can get at this point.

Also, Vicki Vale’s brother Jimmy plummets out of a skyscraper window and lands on the pavement and dies. Gabe and Neil serve as pallbearers. Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the ultimate ruse: Robin’s Ruse!

The "educational films" made by the lunatics at ACI Films have covered some dubious subjects: County fairs. "Doing words." And of course, making terrible crafts out of garbage. But still, we held out the faintest hope that when they tackled a legitimate subject like ‘reading’, they might reign in their insane tendencies and NOPE! That sure as hell did not happen!

Read On From Left To Right doubles down on the madness by throwing puppets into the mix. Just let that sink in for a second: an ACI short with puppets. Their names are Lem and Mel, and they make reading fun! And if you believe that, ACI has a fancy headdress to sell you.

The lesson of the short is basically, don’t try to read things backwards. Most teachers simply find it easiest just to tell their students that, without subjecting them to the mind-warping powers of ACI. But if you do choose to watch it, you’ll be treated to the trademark ACI cutaways, disembodied limbs, confused children, and puppets who loathe each other. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

On a “People We’d Prefer To Only Encounter Once In Our Lifetime”, most of us would rank the guy who twirls the sign advertising Little Caesar’s $5 Hot ‘n Readys, Hitler (after travelling through time to shoot him), and Hootie And The Blowfish drummer Jim Sonefeld* right up there with Harv and Marv. Well, they’re back for a second time. Deal with it.

Yes, Harv and Marv, the barefoot, lumpy duo who apparently loathe each other are back once again to observe young children in the bathroom. It’s all quite horrible enough without the stunning revelation this episode provides: that despite their bipedal appearance, wearing of clothes, and utilization of technology such as glasses, Harv and Marv are not human. The short doesn’t explain what they actually are, be it humanoid aliens, or shapeshifting pile of goo, or possibly Yankee fans. We’re also not sure if it makes them watching kids shower while asking “What’s he doing now?” more or less creepy.

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the latest installment with their favorite pair of inhuman, time-travelling hobbit-hobos, Clean and Neat with Harv and Marv!

*Nothing against him, it just seems like once would probably be enough.


3x225 Willy Whistle

3x225 Willy Whistle

  • 2014-07-24T21:00:00Z7m

Willy Whistle! Yes, he looks like the Bill from that School House Rock cartoon’s less successful brother, but he’s so much more than that. He’s an anthropomorphic flying whistle who lives in a cop’s whiskers, and pops out to tell kids what to do, overcoming the challenges presented by his pronounced lisp! It’s no wonder Willy Whistle fever seized the nation after this film’s release. Everywhere you looked there were kids with Willy Whistle backpacks, lunchboxes, adults getting into heated arguments on Willy Whistle fan forums about what Willy’s rank in the police force would be, and whether his occasionally-disappearing eyebrows are “canon.”

But forget all the merchandise, the fame, the women, the power; at his core, Willy is about crossing the street. Specifically, teaching kids how to cross the street safely and not just stand there screaming in terror at the floating sentient whistle who has just appeared to order them around.

Look both ways then join Mike, Kevin, and Bill, for Willy Whistle! WILLY COMMANDS IT!

After the shocking, pulse-pounding ending of Episode 11: Robin’s Ruse (rhymes with caboose), many Batman fans were left wondering how will they top that?! Will there be an episode where Batman debates between a name brand and store brand pancake mix? Will Gabe be forced to wait in line at the DMV for an additional two minutes when he forgets to take a number upon initially entering the DMV? Will Vicki Vale become briefly concerned when the check engine light in her car momentarily flickers?

Sadly, none of these exciting options happens. We do however, inch ever so much closer to the finale of this series, Episode 15: Batman Disappoints Some Kids. We’ll also get to see some stuff that has never been seen before in this serial such as some thugs in a submarine—Wait, no… The Wizard fiddling with some knobs—hang on… A plane dropping bombs! That hasn’t happened before! Maybe it won’t be completely, totally, abjectly the lamest thing anyone has ever seen!*

Mike, Kevin, and Bill strap on their Rocketeer-style jetpacks and prepare to Ride The Wind along with Robin, but he of course was never intending to ride the wind in the first place, but they still had a good time without him.


3x227 The Flying Saucer Mystery

  • 2014-08-22T21:00:00Z13m

When you want facts, there’s only one form of entertainment that you can turn to: the documentary. Known for their unbiased viewpoints, documentaries like Fahrenheit 9/11, 2016: Obama’s America, and Loose Change give you the unvarnished truth, regardless of how much money their creators stand to rake in by sensationalizing viewpoints that confirm what people already want to hear.

We’re proud to say we’ve discovered another documentary, Flying Saucer Mystery, that gives viewers the truth, the whole truth, and several ugly 1950s guys. Presenting hard, incontrovertible facts such as “I can’t be sure, but it looked like a flying saucer,” and “I didn’t get a good look at it but it was probably 50 feet in radius, or was that diameter, I can never keep those two straight,” this documentary proves once and for all that idiots will say anything to get on TV.

Featuring video footage that makes the saucers in Plan 9 From Outer Space look like the aliens in Independence Day, Flying Saucer Mystery probes deep (ha!) into the mystery of our neighbors in the sky. Get it now before the government can [REDACTED]

As the latest episode of the Batman serial begins, Robin is speeding along in an...armored car? Hm, that actually sounds kind of cool… And it contains a remote control device called The Neutralizer? Intriguing, what’s it do? Disables The Wizard’s invisibility device!? Wow!! And in order to stop him, The Wizard’s henchmen start dropping bombs out of a custom built plane!?! Holy cow! This must be the most exciting episoHAHAHAHAHAHAH you poor, deluded fool!

Clearly, there’s no budget here to give that action sequence the treatment it deserves. There are however, scenes of octogenarian policemen, Barry Brown broadcasting, and three, count them, three scenes of the old rich cranky guy berating his butler. The titular superhero shows up too, we think, when he’s able to free his costume from the mess of old receipts and warranties that he also keeps in the file cabinet.

The Wizard’s Challenge: can you watch this entire episode without hurling something at your TV every time Robin tries to enunciate? Mike, Kevin, and Bill try and fail in our latest serial RiffTrax!

In episode 182* of the Batman serial, The World’s Greatest Detective, star of Detective Comics, is forced to do some actual Detective Work! The Wizard has been shot in the hand and in a twist that would make the writers of even the worst Scooby-Doo episodes, the ones with Scooby-Dum, shake their heads in disgust, every other suspect in Gotham has also suffered a mysterious hand wound!

Oh, they all have their excuses: “I caught it on barbed wire.” “I snagged it on one of my mantraps.” “Gabe challenged me to Mumbly Peg.” “I hit the ‘stop’ button on my remote so emphatically during Episode 13 that it exploded, causing the injury.” So it’s up to Batman to do the trademark detective work that only he is capable of, namely, attempting to tell the difference between a barbed wire wound and a bullet hole.

Will Batman be able to make this distinction? We have our doubts. We’re frankly not sure he’s been able to see a damn thing out of that mask throughout the entire serial. Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the penultimate entry in the Batman serial saga: Batman Vs. The Wizard!

*I’m sorry, we’re being told this is actually just episode 14. We apologize for the entirely reasonable mistake.

Here it is, at last, the FINAL EPISODE chronicling Batman’s struggle against the Wizard! The suspense is thick, and everyone’s wondering: who will prevail and be victorious? Will it be the nefarious Wizard or -- wait, oh come on, it’s right there in the stupid title! That’d be like titling the Seinfeld finale “They wind up in jail” or the Lost finale “Don’t bother watching.”

One thing the title doesn’t give away is the identity of the Wizard, most likely because the writers of the serial didn’t get around to deciding who that would be until they started shooting the final scenes of this episode. Is it the old occasionally-in-a-wheelchair guy? Or occasionally-in-a-wheelchair guy’s butler? Convenient-provider-of-exposition radio guy? Vicki Vale’s dead brother, who everybody seems to have completely forgotten about, including her? I think we all know the real answer: Gabe. Gabe, you beautiful mastermind, you’ve been pulling the strings all along! Bless you, sweet prince.

No matter how it turns out, one thing’s for certain: after the Wizard, Batman never faced another enemy again and Gotham City lived in peace and prosperity forever. Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the victory-filled conclusion, Batman Victorious!


3x231 Rediscovery: Puppets

3x231 Rediscovery: Puppets

  • 2014-09-26T21:00:00Z13m

Crap! You’ve got some lying around the house, don’t you? Sure you do! Look under your bed or in the trash can. See! A whole bunch of crap in there. Now stick some of that crap to other crap. Maybe toss in some junk if you stumble across any. Draw a face on some crud and then fasten it to the crap-junk. There! You’ve got yourself a puppet!

This is the guiding ethos of ACI Films, makers of the famed At Your Fingertips series. This short is an At Your Fingertips in every aspect but name. A mysterious offscreen voice instructs terrified children how to construct terrifying crafts out of scrap materials while a druggy soundtrack plays. This time we’re making puppets, which are terrifying even when not constructed by the lunatics at ACI, so you know you’re in for something special.

We’re not sure when we discovered puppets for the first time in order to make a rediscovery necessary, but Rediscovery: Puppets asserts that this has definitely happened. We find it best not to question the people who put the ACI in MANIAC.


3x232 A Case of Spring Fever

3x232 A Case of Spring Fever

  • 2014-10-24T21:00:00Z9m

What would it be like if all the springs suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth? One might think that the only change might be the relief of children who no longer had to pretend to enjoy a Slinky for the approximately 3.8 seconds it takes for one to become tangled garbage. But no! The world would become a spring-less hellscape, where planes plummet from the sky, car brakes fail, and middle aged schlubs find ways to enbaggify their hideous wardrobes even more!

One of these baggy clothes wearing schlubs is at the center of our tale. In a lapse of judgment, he wishes to never see another spring again, which a spring sprite named Coily is happy to instantly oblige. Coily evidently didn’t have much else going on. Schlub-o (our hero’s legal full name) then takes a harrowing, George Bailey-esque journey into an alternate reality, only instead of “Making Violent Love” to Donna Reed, he can’t get his glove compartment to stay closed. Needless to say, he cracks under the madness of this terrifying new world almost immediately and spends the rest of the short evangelizing springs, for fear that Coily will punch him in the face like Mr. Welch did to George after he told off his wife.

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill in wondering why there are no Google image search results for “Coily tattoo” riffing A Case of Spring Fever!

No springs!


3x233 Warty, The Toad

3x233 Warty, The Toad

  • 2014-11-07T22:00:00Z8m

Not just a cruel nickname for the kid in the elementary school cafeteria with an unfortunate skin condition anymore, it’s Warty the Toad! Quite possibly our wartiest short yet, and the first to feature real live pond critters voiced by a real live pond person* (*pond person status of narrator assumed but unverified). Warty is vain because he’s covered in so many warts, which definitely makes sense. The wiser pond critters try to show him the error of the ways, and the hognose snake tries to eat him, probably because he’s bitter that warts are considered flattering while his hognose is worthy of scorn in this confusing, upside-down pond mythos.

Reached for comment, Kermit the Frog has denied all knowledge of Warty the Toad and categorically denies he is the father.

There’s a little to learn and a lot to smell at this pond, join Mike, Kevin and Bill for Warty the Toad!

Mike, Kevin, and Bill comment on yet another ACI Films educational short. This 1970 film showed how to combine flour, salt and water to make dough which can be used like modelling clay. What more could we want? More exciting action packed crafting based on household items from the folks who brought us the rest of the At Your Fingertips series: Boxes, Cylinders, and the greatest short of all Grasses!

Frustrating Fours and Fascinating Fives! No, it’s not an epic film about Mark Wahlberg’s decades-long struggle to count all the way to ten. Instead it’s about dealing with the pesky child who has rudely decided to grow up in your house. It’s the 1950s, so you can mostly just ignore him, but sometimes he’ll frustrate and/or fascinate you into action. But that’s not all: unlike most child development films this one carries a hint of DANGER! A father nearly backs over his own “frustrating” son in the driveway - an innocent accident or a subconscious desire made real? You make the call! Plus, a kid shoves another kid to the floor in a sudden twist that would have Mean Gene himself saying “Oh my!”

Carrying on the proud tradition of Onerous Ones, Tautological Twos, and Thrifty Threes, join the guys for Frustrating Fours and Fascinating Fives!


3x236 Zlateh the Goat

3x236 Zlateh the Goat

  • 2014-12-23T22:00:00Z10m

No one at RiffTrax will ever forget the moment we discovered Zlateh the Goat. A long day of screening dusty 16mm film reels was approaching its end. We cued up one more. Our hopes were not high.

Oh, it got off to a good start when a young boy was forced to drag the family goat off to sell at the market. Despair, bleakness, the tears of children - you know, everything you look for in a holiday special. But then he kept dragging it. And dragging it. Just how far away is this market anyway? We almost gave up hope. And then Zlateh showed us that miracles do happen – and that we had a new RiffTrax Holiday Classic on our hands.

This beloved and baffling gem from our Santa Claus Conquers the Martians live show is now available as a studio short!

When thinking of classic Christmas specials, it’s not long before Snoopy comes to mind… dog? What dog? We’re talking about the much more better known Snoopy the Brownie, of course, who works for Santa and helps keep his menagerie of terrifying living toys in line while he naps off his most recent egg nog bender. Really, we’ve seen our share of drunk Santas over the years, and this one’s as red-nosed and bleary as they come. But Snoopy and Santa are far from the most iconic characters featured here. We’re talking, naturally, about the Candy Lion! Yes, the Candy Lion, the lion who can eat candy. Oh the concept still isn’t clear enough yet? Well fortunately his catchphrase, which he loves to blurt out at random times, will clear that right up. We won’t spoil the surprise, but-- “I CAN EAT CANDY!” --oh come on Candy Lion, who let you in here??

Join Mike, Kevin and Bill for a heaping helping of holiday cheer wi-- “I CAN EAT CANDY”-- Santa and the Fairy Snow Queen!


3x238 Duck and Cover

3x238 Duck and Cover

  • 2015-01-03T22:00:00Z17m

At last, the classic nuclear safety short that put the “fun” in “fundamentally unhelpful advice in the case of a nuclear attack” is available as a riff!

Nothing says “atomic death is nigh” like a cartoon turtle named Bert singing a playful song. Did the fallout transform a human man into a musical reptile? If that’s how it works, that’s not so bad, maybe we should embrace the bomb and enjoy our new lives as carefree animated turtles? Alas, these questions go unanswered as the film moves on to focus on real human children and real human adults in real human situations. There’s nothing funny about protecting yourself from a city-incinerating blast with… a folded newspaper on your head. Yeah. That’s pretty much it. That’s the best they could come up with. Good luck, kids!

It’s time to crawl under your desk with Mike, Kevin, and Bill, then stick your head between your legs and kiss your Duck and Cover goodbye!


3x239 Behave, Bernard!

3x239 Behave, Bernard!

  • 2015-01-09T22:00:00Z30m

If only Bernie Madoff had seen this film, things might’ve been different. Oh he still would’ve committed massive acts of investment fraud, Behave, Bernard! doesn’t address that topic at all, but he could’ve at least learned not to tear up newspapers in the neighbor’s yard or steal fast food hamburgers. Yes, the Bernard in question here is a pooch, a canine, and he’s hell on four legs, baby. He’s reckless and wild. And his young owner Glenn, being named Glenn, is no match for the situation. But that’s not even the worst of it…

...Oh you want to know the worst of it? Hm yeah guess that ominous ellipsis did sort of indicate that was coming, reasonable assumption. Okay, well the worst of it is...Bernard SINGS. And despite what you might expect from a clumsy troublemaking dog named Bernard, the singing is NOT VERY GOOD. He sings and stumbles his way through life, leaving a wake of bloodshed and tears behind him, and he feels no remorse! Bernard is unstoppable! Behave, Bernard!? Ha! You might as well ask a sandstorm to behave! Welcome to the century of Bernard, he’s running the show now!


3x240 Getting Angry

3x240 Getting Angry

  • 2015-01-27T22:00:00Z14m

Like it or not, every one of us gets angry. Maybe someone cuts you off in traffic, and you make an obscene gesture. Maybe someone doesn't clean up after their dog and you get a little steamed. Maybe the guy who calls in to the sports talk radio show right before has the nerve, the utter nerve to suggest that Tim Raines does not belong in the baseball hall of fame and you’re forced to spew bile-filled invective about him and maybe suggest that he in fact should be legally prohibited from reproducing and you find yourself driving over to his house clutching a lit molotov cocktail because Tim Raines’ lifetime on base stats are pretty much identical to Tony Gwynn’s except for oh, the nearly five hundred more stolen bases and three world series rings so I’ll see you in hell Joe from Queens A-HAHAHAHAH—

Sorry, got a little carried away there. The point is, we all get angry. The kid in this short certainly does, and with just cause! You see, he brought a toy space capsule to school for show and tell, and some other careless kids knocked it over. What transpires would make Kurosawa proud as the retelling of events includes multiple viewpoints, with unreliable narrators, conflicting accounts, and a break for snack time.

Whether you’re delivering a speech to the UN general council or giving a toast at your cousin’s wedding, there’s one thing for certain: you’re probably boring the hell out of everyone. Also, you’re using verbal communication.

In fact, verbal communication has made the AARP’s “Top Ten preferred methods of communication” list for nearly twenty years running. Last year it beat out grunting, crotch grabbing, going “EEEEEEEEEE” in a really high pitched tone, tilting your head back and to one side to indicate to the person sitting across the table from you to check out the person behind you, and semaphore.

But do any of us really know how to communicate verbally? Wait, we do? All of us? One of the first social skills we learn, usually by the age of 18 months? Well then why did Alfred Higgins make this short?

Your guess is as good as ours! It’s a crazy, mixed-up educational gumbo that includes ten year old Siskel & Ebert impersonators, rip offs of those silhouettes from The Electric Company, and children who have been given access to a functioning television production studio for some reason. Wait, maybe that last one does actually explain it...


3x242 Starting School

3x242 Starting School

  • 2015-03-27T21:00:00Z10m

Fall is here and it’s time to start school! And what’s the most important part of school? Math? Reading? Arts and crafts? WRONG! It’s sitting quietly and watching educational shorts about other kids doing all of those things!

Kids like Mark, who wants to be a (verbatim quote) “telephone person” when he grows up. Or Michael, who informs teacher that the sound of a beating heart sounds like (yet again another direct quote) “boxing gloves.” Or Damon, who… Oh boy, let’s just say that Damon is going to have some issues once the other kids start learning what “beating up the biggest dork in school” is.

Joining these little tykes are teacher’s casual sexism, impressions of Indians that are still stuck in the 1870s (or 2015 NFL teams), and a completely needless frame story, and you’ve got our latest baffling “educational” short: Starting School!


3x243 With an All-Star Cast

3x243 With an All-Star Cast

  • 2015-04-17T21:00:00Z10m

The title of our new short, With An All-Star Cast, could describe all kinds of movies. Ocean’s Eleven, Love Actually, Cannonball Run, and however many of those Expendables things they’re gonna throw at us. But there are stars bigger than any of the meatheads, smooth talkers, and leading ladies you’ll find in those films, stars who shine so bright all the world can see them, smell them, even taste them. The name of these true stars?


Yes that’s right, meats, in all their vaguely pink 1950s splendor, come to life on the silver screen! It’s an amazing film-within-a-film that puts Sunset Blvd to shame (only because Sunset Blvd was sorely lacking in five-pound pork chops). A male actor fails to cook properly on the set of a cooking short, so naturally the filmmakers trick a woman into doing his job for him! Yeah, like we said, it’s the 50s.

Strap on your bib, crack the seal on a new bottle of barbecue sauce, and get ready to roast and broil the greatest stars of all: With An All-Star Cast!


3x244 The Myths of Shoplifting

3x244 The Myths of Shoplifting

  • 2015-05-19T21:00:00Z12m

Shoplifting! Before they invented bittorrent, the five fingered discount was all the rage with the teens (second only to the storied AARP discount.) But there were lots of “myths” about shoplifting. That it was a “victimless crime.” That you “won’t go to jail.” That if you “shoplift a Gorgon’s head, Pegasus will leap out of it.”

The Myths of Shoplifting is here to clear up all of these misconceptions. It does this using the controversial “all dork cast” method that was so popular in the seventies. Watch as they attempt to steal makeup, records, and a pocket calculator! Even more impressive is that they are attempting all of these thefts in a Sunglass Hut, which to the best of our knowledge does not sell any of those things. We believe it sells sunglasses.

Of course, this short was not very effective, since all the cool kids were already cutting class to shoplift stuff.

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for The Myths of Shoplifting!


3x245 Life In the Suburbs

3x245 Life In the Suburbs

  • 2015-06-12T21:00:00Z30m

Riffing together again for the first installment in their new series: Bridget Nelson & Mary Jo Pehl!


According to research, everyday more and more Americans are leaving our big cities and moving to the suburbs. Entire apartment buildings empty overnight! Schools close from lack of students! Everyone wants a lawn and they want it now! You, like many people, may have questions about this phenomenon. Who exactly are these people? Are they people with particular interests and particular goals? And most importantly do they know HOW to live in the suburbs?

Well, these are the people Redbook magazine calls YOUNG ADULTS. And these Young Adults are going to learn from Redbook magazine how to correctly live in the “AGE OF THE PUSH BUTTON!” With Redbook as your guide, learn the importance of, malls, cars, malls, appliances, malls, easy living and malls.

Join MST3K favorites Mary Jo and Bridget as they Riff you through a “Happy-Go-Spending-Whirl” of 1957 consumerism, lust and greed.

BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT (<-- subliminal)


3x246 A Word to the Wives

3x246 A Word to the Wives

  • 2015-06-30T21:00:00Z16m

Riffing together again for the first second time in world history! Bridget Nelson and Mary Jo Pehl bring you... A WORD TO THE WIVES

Bridget and Mary Jo get a few pointers in this “how to” film from the 50s about getting a new kitchen.

Jane and her new dark-haired schemer neighbor without a name come up with a plan to trick Jane’s husband into a brand-new kitchen, complete with new appliances so they can have more time to go shopping. In their panting greed for a new refrigerator that makes ice circles (we don’t know what those are either) and with poor hapless Jane as a pawn in her neighbor’s sinister plan, poor Husband George never knew what hit him. In a bloody, horrifying twist of events they get their new kitchen - and a little more than they bargained for. Tune in and see the new kitchen for yourself - if you dare!


3x247 Animal Antics

3x247 Animal Antics

  • 2015-07-14T21:00:00Z14m

Oh, animals. Whether it’s a kitten and a piglet becoming friends, a cute hamster stuffing Cheez-Its into his cheeks, or legions of plague rats devastating the population of medieval Europe, those wacky critters are always up to somethin’!


3x248 The Relaxed Wife

3x248 The Relaxed Wife

  • 2015-07-23T21:00:00Z17m

Bridget and Mary Jo do their very best to go limp all over by flip flopping their hands and drinking coffee. Sit back and relax as they Riff this important message from the fine folks at Pfizer’s.


3x249 Consuming Women

3x249 Consuming Women

  • 2015-07-23T21:00:00Z28m

Today’s Woman. She buys stuff. She buys stuff in a groovy way. If more merchants knew this simple fact then they would understand that they should sell things to woman. This short film teaches them that YES, women are in fact consumers and can, by law, be sold things they want to buy.


3x250 Naturally a Girl

3x250 Naturally a Girl

  • 2015-08-07T21:00:00Z16m

The sole plot keyword on IMDb about Naturally A Girl is “menstruation.” But Bridget and Mary Jo have plenty to add to this short health education film that tastefully and progressively explains the beauty of being a woman -- even boys are interviewed for their take on the matter.

Hey, no matter who you are or how you identify, you’ll get lots of tips for having your period or someone else’s period!


3x251 Cindy Goes to a Party

3x251 Cindy Goes to a Party

  • 2015-09-15T21:00:00Z19m

"One is apt to think of Etiquette as being of importance to none but brides or diplomats or persons lately elected to political office. As a matter of fact there is not a single thing we do or say, or choose, or use, or even think, that does not follow (or break) one of the exactions of taste, or tact or ethics, or good manners, or etiquette." -Emily Post

Never were these important words taken more seriously than on the birthday party circuit of 1950’s Cedar Rapids Iowa. And NO ONE understood the life giving freedom of these words more than Cindy’s fairy Godmother/ sprite/ demon.

Follow Cindy as she faces the humiliation of not being invited to the party with steely resolve. Rejoice with her as she discovers “There had been some mix up” and she really was invited! But most of all Please call for help! Because Cindy’s Godmother/ sprite/demon has an etiquette vendetta against her that only right behavior and total cultural submission can vanquish.

Bridget and Mary Jo are your Riffers for Cindy Goes To A Party. A must see for those thinking birthday parties are supposed to be fun.


3x252 The Prom It's a Pleasure

3x252 The Prom It's a Pleasure

  • 2015-09-28T21:00:00Z15m

The Prom: It’s a Pleasure is a Jam Handy production whose very title is lies, all lies! Complete with emotional baggage for Bridget and Mary Jo, this short features the real live actual 1961 America’s Junior Miss and future Newhart star, Mary Frann.

Why, did you know prom is the most important social function? And viewers, play along at home, won't you? See if you can spot the product placement!


3x253 Oh, Boy! Babies!

3x253 Oh, Boy! Babies!

  • 2015-10-09T21:00:00Z25m

Oh, Boy! Babies! brings you face to face with feathered hair, over tweezed eyebrows and corduroy blazers as it seeks to answer the question:

Are boys capable of babysitting?

Weep with Bridget and Mary Jo as this simple question divides families, ruins friendships and ultimately cracks the very foundation of a prestigious east coast prep school. Rejoice with them as they celebrate the courageous teachers who dared to make a difference by implementing an afterschool program. Laugh with them as babies pee on people.

Oh, Boy! Babies! will shatter all your sexist ideas about babysitting!


3x254 The Snob

3x254 The Snob

  • 2015-10-20T21:00:00Z11m

The Snob is a horror/science fiction film about an alien amoeba that emerges from a meteorite which has crashed from outer space in the small town of Downington, Pennsylvania. The amorphous globule consumes the locals, growing ever larger. Nope, hang on, I'm thinking of the The Blob.

In The Snob, Sarah is a high school student who wreaks horror and despair in her small town by studying too much. She is regarded as high-falutin' and snooty because she reads. Worry not - all Sarah needs to reign in the depravity is friends!


3x255 Halloween Party

3x255 Halloween Party

  • 2015-10-27T21:00:00Z12m

Ain’t no party like a Halloween Party, because Halloween Party is a LIVE short, performed and recorded on stage at the Belcourt Theatre in Nashville! Now it’s ready to watch, whether you missed that show or want to relive the magic in the comfort of your home, where you host your own Halloween parties.

And if your Halloween parties are anything like the one in Halloween Party, for some reason there’s a boy in a “lady scarecrow” costume. What’s a “lady scarecrow” costume, you ask? it looks just like a regular scarecrow costume, but you know it’s really a “lady scarecrow” costume because everyone goes out of their way to call it that. And, naturally, you make your son wear it to school. Also, there’s a very angry dog who seems better suited for protecting rusted-out fridges in a junkyard than, y’know, being allowed anywhere near children.

All this plus pumpkins, “Indian corn,” and all the other 1960s Halloween staples that make your 1960s Halloween party the Halloween-iest ever! Don’t miss this LIVE recording of Mike, Kevin, and Bill’s Halloween Party!


3x256 Measuring Man!

3x256 Measuring Man!

  • 2015-11-06T22:00:00Z30m

By day, he’s a mild-mannered milkman with thick-rimmed glasses. But, when duty calls, he becomes something even less thrilling - Measuring Man! Does he remove the thick-rimmed glasses when he becomes Measuring Man? No he does not! Apparently when your only powers involve measurement education, you don’t have to worry about super-villains figuring out your alter ego. Besides, look at him, he definitely needs those glasses.

In this measuring adventure, our hero teaches young Tommy the basics of, well, measuring. Tommy has somehow survived to the age of nine without learning concepts like “bigger” or “smaller.” Fortunately, Measuring Man is here to help. He uses his terrifying cosmic powers to whisk Tommy from the safety of his kitchen off to Measuring Land, a place beyond all imagination, assuming your imagination operates at the level of a hastily-planned middle school play. But that’s not all Measuring Man has! He also sports a belt full of measuring objects that are, well… suggestively shaped? Suffice to say, if you want to take the measure of a man, Measuring Man is your man.

First performed live to immeasurable laughter at our Miami Connection live show, now available as a studio riff, join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Measuring Man!


3x257 Dining Together

3x257 Dining Together

  • 2015-11-25T22:00:00Z13m

It’s being called “Literally the most anticipated sequel that is coming out in the last two months of 2015.” Fans have bought their tickets months in advance, recreated the trailers in Lego, and scanned the original material for clues about what the plot to this one might contain. We of course refer to Dining Together, sequel to the somewhat obscure 2009 RiffTrax short Playing Together. What did you think we were talking about?

All your favorite characters are back: Duncan, Stickman*, and soul-crushing 50s greyness and blandness. It’s Thanksgiving day, and guests that make Peppermint Patty look generous and gracious are starting to arrive. Fortunately, there’s still time for the kids to learn valuable lessons about politeness such as “Keep the profanity to a minimum when Tony Romo ruins your three team tease in the first game of the day” and “Don’t comment that it looks like a badger could carve the turkey better than father.”


3x258 A Day of Thanksgiving

3x258 A Day of Thanksgiving

  • 2015-11-25T22:00:00Z7m

(1951) When an Hour of Thanksgiving is not enough, but a Week of Thanksgiving is simply too much, may we suggest A Day of Thanksgiving?

Gather ‘round the Thanksgiving table for a 1950s feast from Young America Films. Fans of Young America Films know that, despite being heavily anti-Commie, they somehow feel like the grayest, bleakest Soviet shorts ever made. So, perfect for the holidays! Wash down that weird cranberry salad nobody actually likes with a tall glass of fear, shame, and forced conformity!

The short focuses on a family that, despite living in a large, well-furnished house, cannot afford a turkey for Thanksgiving. Did turkeys cost more than houses in the 50s? The only reasonable conclusion is: yes. The family patriarch makes everyone list all the things they’re thankful for, to take their minds off his failure as a provider. And it’s a sweet list: family, shelter, security… and freedom from shadowy “political gangsters dragging people off to jail.” That’s right, political gangsters. Man, if I had a dime for every Thanksgiving that got ruined by some of those political gangsters showing up and making a muck of things. They don’t even bring wine!

It’s very special RiffTrax special, featuring yourses trulies (Mary Jo and Bridget), and some very special guest stars! So gather ‘round your technology device, pour yourself a hot toddy, gather the kiddos and granddad and Nana too, and make this special a special part of your happy holidays.

3x260 Marriage is a Partnership

  • 2016-01-08T22:00:00Z23m

(1951) Bridget and Mary Jo learn a thing or two about marriage in this short’s frank depiction of bridge games and frosting cakes.


3x261 Shapes We Live With

3x261 Shapes We Live With

  • 2016-01-15T22:00:00Z10m

Spheres, cylinders, pyramids, the whole shape-y gang is here, reunited at last. Ready for their close-ups, repeated close-ups, over and over, so many close-ups of shapes you’ll be begging the narrator for something, ANYTHING that isn’t a shape as you descend fully into conical madness.

William: From Georgia to Harlem. At last, the prequel to RiffTrax classic Guy From Harlem the world’s been screaming for! Sure, we all knew he was from Harlem, but where was he from before THAT? Answers at last!

Country boy and overalls-with-no-shirt-underneath enthusiast William finds his world turned upside-down when his family picks up and moves from drab rural poverty in Georgia to bleak urban poverty in Harlem. Ohhhh, so THAT’S where they got the title from! Because, you see, William moves from Georgia to Harlem. I get it now. It’s a very subtle title.

Harlem is a strange new world for William, as he struggles to get along with Calvin, a kid with an inexplicable and extreme hatred of tractors. When a terrifying hardcore gang (aka, a few kids who smoke cigarettes) attacks William and Calvin in the park, his small town values are put to the test. Will he survive? Will he remain “from Georgia”, and if not at what point does he technically become “from Harlem”? Will Calvin ever get over his weird tractor thing? Find out with Mike, Kevin and Bill as they take a trip with William From Georgia to Harlem!


3x263 The Litter Monster

3x263 The Litter Monster

  • 2016-01-29T22:00:00Z24m

One of the best things about litter used to be its versatility. You could just throw it anywhere! Plus, it encouraged improvisation: If you put your mind to it, anything could be litter! Food scraps, old batteries, syringes, grandpa. Just toss it at the feet of an emotional roadside Indian and be on your way!

But then the hippies had to come along, and everyone got all “groovy” this and “let’s not let the rest of the country end up like New Jersey” that. They started by indoctrinating our children with shorts like The Litter Monster, and the next thing we know our children are spouting propaganda like “Let’s paint garbage cans and put them in the park!” and “Dad, can you help us remove the rusty car parts someone dumped on the baseball diamond?” and “What happened to all those rusty car parts you had in the garage that mom’s been hassling you about getting rid of?”

The short culminates with the construction of the titular Litter Monster, a hulking abomination that begs passersby to shove their litter into its gaping mouth. It’s like a robotic homeless Cookie Monster with severely lowered dietary standards, and to be honest, we really wish there was one on every street corner in our home town.

Join Mike, Kevin, Bill, and thousands of pounds of delicious litter for The Litter Monster!


3x264 Phoebe

3x264 Phoebe

  • 2016-03-15T21:00:00Z17m

Sex! intrigue! Canada! Hungarian political refugees living in Canada directing films about young Canadian woman who find themselves pregnant in the summer of 1964! This must-see short has it all!

Directed by George Kaczender (a Hungarian political refugee living in Canada) Phoebe is the story of Phoebe, a beautiful young Canadian woman who finds herself pregnant in the summer of 1964.

Filmed in glorious black and white against a backdrop of exotic greater Toronto beaches and traffic-free roadways, Kaczender (a Hungarian political refugee living in Canada) takes us inside the mind of Phoebe as she comes to grips with the reality of her situation.

This is the strangest, wackiest, coolest, sweetest, What the heck is going on-iest After School Special you have ever seen!

Let the capable riffing of Bridget and Mary Jo lovingly guide you through all 28 minutes of this teen pregnancy hormone fueled event. They will help you figure out where exactly in relation to the beach is the abandoned house? How do Phoebe's while slacks stay so clean? Who are the strange top hatted dancers on the beach? And what’s the deal with Paul?

  • Extra credit essay question: Discuss the cultural impact Hungarian Political refugee filmmakers living in Canada have had on feminism in the Northwest Territories.


3x265 The Tiny Astronaut

3x265 The Tiny Astronaut

  • 2016-03-30T21:00:00Z15m

Imagine a tiny astronaut. No, tinier. Tinier still. TINIER. Are you thinking of a little white rodent yet? Good, then you’re ready to see his life put in grave danger in The Tiny Astronaut!

The Tiny Astronaut is a short from the golden age of space travel, back when it was mostly about putting confused animals in giant explosive rockets and seeing what happened. But the twist this time is that the endangered mouse (not to be confused with Danger Mouse) is a young boy’s beloved pet. Aw, aeronautics can be so bittersweet. And actually, in this case, just straight-up cruel, as some mean older boys who are also somehow major science nerds take the lad’s mouse in their endless quest for knowledge and/or seeing stuff blow up real good.

Will the boy save his mouse? Will the rocket launch go off as planned? Will Neil deGrasse Tyson butt in to point out scientific inaccuracies in the film? It’s time to head to the launchpad and find out, join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for The Tiny Astronaut!


3x266 Social Acceptability

3x266 Social Acceptability

  • 2016-04-12T21:00:00Z15m

What’s your Social Acceptability Type? Take the quiz!

Circle the letter that best describes you.

A. Happy following your own pursuits?

B. Lower class, but good with people?

C. Popular but lack a sense of security?

D. Seem to ”fit in” but somehow don’t?

E. Unusually popular, intelligent, a three letter athlete, come from a family with good income and high social prestige?

Look below to find out your Social Acceptability.

A. Voluntary Isolate (you’ve got this!)

B. Climber (way to go!)

C. Middle Case (uh oh!)

D. Fringe (you’ll show them!)

E. Handsome Leader!! (awesome!)

Now watch the short film and match your type with the correlating character! Jot down helpful tips and get ready for fun and loads of encouragement!


3x267 The Value of Teamwork

3x267 The Value of Teamwork

  • 2016-04-22T21:00:00Z10m

The Value of Teamwork! No, it’s not the fourth Powerpoint slide in a seminar your HR manager required you to attend after your meltdown in the conference room last week, it’s our latest short!

And it’s a sweet classic tale, all about a boy and his dog. Except the boy is an irritable loner who doesn’t play well with others, and the dog talks to him and tells him what to do. Nothing ominous or terrifying about that, right? Fortunately this particular dog is less into commanding murders and more into team-building exercises, being a nice kid, that kind of stuff.

A weirdly sullen boy and his cute and powerful dog, teaming up team-style! Join the team-iest team of all, Mike, Bill, and Kevin for the The Value of Teamwork! Teams!!!


3x268 On Guard - Bunco!

3x268 On Guard - Bunco!

  • 2016-06-07T21:00:00Z10m

On Guard - Bunco! provides a hard-hitting and, if you take good notes, potentially lucrative look into the world of con-men! Scams covered include “The Encyclopedia Flim Flamica“ “The Widow’s Bankroll Do-see-do” and the always crowd-pleasing “Paint a Guy’s Roof then Threaten to Beat Him Up.” For good measure there’s a grand finale involving needless racism!

If you’re anything like us, you’ll find it impossible to watch the whole thing and not go out and pull a few buncos of your own! In fact, here, have Kevin’s bank account number just to get you started!


3x269 Don't Get Angry

3x269 Don't Get Angry

  • 2016-06-24T21:00:00Z8m

What are the three words most guaranteed to be followed by something that will make you angry? That’s right, Don’t Get Angry! As in, “don’t get angry, but I tried to clean some bricks in your washing machine,” or “don’t get angry, but I’m punching you in the ribs right now as hard as I can.” On top of all that, Don’t Get Angry happens to be the title of our newest short. But please, don’t get angry.

Who’s not getting angry in this short? No one. Which is to say, everyone is getting angry. And who’s everyone? Kids. Adorable 1950s kids with names like Priscilla and Carol, and oceans of rage right under the surface. From jump rope gone wrong to a flaky friend canceling plans, virtually anything can set these kids off into a punch-throwing, spittle-flecked tantrum. Given all that, how does Don’t Get Angry teach children not to get angry? Don’t get angry, but it doesn’t teach them anything at all.

Don’t get angry, get Don’t Get Angry! With Mike, Kevin, and Bill. Who are, of course, kind of angry.


3x270 The Magic Shelf

3x270 The Magic Shelf

  • 2016-07-06T21:00:00Z13m

Were it not for the heroic labors of Dr. John T. Dorrance, the world might never have known this short film extolling the various applications of soup.

Dorrance, a chemist with the Campbell Soup Company, (anybody else think it’s weird that a soup company had a chemist? No? Just me? Okay) invented condensed soup in 1897 and the broth world has never been the same.

So pull up a bowl of soup, settle in, and prepare to be surprised, delighted, and - spoiler alert - shocked.

(“Magic” loosely interpreted by filmmakers.)


3x271 Duties of a Secretary

3x271 Duties of a Secretary

  • 2016-07-15T21:00:00Z13m

Welcome to a black and white nightmare of typing, filing, dictation, and interpersonal skills.

This short film graphically depicts the harrowing journey of Miss Hayes, fresh out of secretarial school and in her first job working for a real estate broker.

Miss Hayes thought she was prepared… then the unimaginable happens. (Bring a barf bag.)

3x272 Girls are Better than Ever

  • 2016-07-29T21:00:00Z14m

We here at The American Dairy Association have teamed up with the President's Council On Physical Fitness AND The Lifetime Sports Foundation to form a girl empowerment complex that will change the world!

Collectively we wholeheartedly agree that Girls Are Better Than Ever! But we do have a few recommendations: Some girls need to eat more cheese and play tennis, others should eat less of everything and ride a bike. Some girls would do best to not exist at all or at the very least go bowling.

Across the board they all need to stop sitting on the sidelines and try their very hardest to be a pleasure to look at.

Other than that Girls Are Better Than Ever!


3x273 Safety As We Play

3x273 Safety As We Play

  • 2016-08-05T21:00:00Z20m

Keeping our children safe should be one of society’s top priorities. And who better to trust with such an important task than the lunatics who taught us the term “Fancy Headdress”, ACI Films?

Yes, the garbage-fusing enthusiasts at ACI somehow didn’t waste all the grant money they were allotted one fiscal year, and Safety As We Play is the unfortunate result. Now kids can learn how to cross the street from the same people who used monkeys to teach us “doing words.”

Featuring a song that we believe may be the most nutless piece of arrhythmic garbage since The Calendar and How to Use It, Safety As We Play is another hallowed entry in ACI’s Pantheon of Crap. Pop a lude, throw out your rhyming dictionary, and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the film that put the A-C-I in ‘Educational’!


3x274 Flash That Smile

3x274 Flash That Smile

  • 2016-09-15T21:00:00Z14m

The American Dental Association advises all Americans to Flash That Smile. They are confident that by doing so you will reach your goals, touch the sky and be a star! Be advised that it is VERY helpful to be a super foxy blonde with a rockin bod. If that is not available try at the very least to be a fly B-Boy with fresh moves.

Floss your way to fun as Bridget and Mary Jo pull on their neon spandex and take you on a 15 minute oral hygiene adventure.

Go ahead, Flash That Smile! Show the world world that despite constant nagging from your mother you never once wore your retainer.

Nobody Tells Me What To Do! is a film about peer pressure felt and applied, surrendered to, and defeated. A tale of triumph not to be missed.

The story focuses on Zach, a quitter who quits everything but whose charm and charisma holds sway over an entire sophomore class and Gary, the hard working everyman who wears his baseball uniform to school.

Set on a typical 1980’s day at a typical 1980’s mall, Zach and his gang apply peer pressure to Gary to enlist him in an evening of larceny. Meanwhile, his beautiful girlfriend Carrie bullies the popular girls (and Donna) into shoplifting at Cleo’s boutique. Sounds like a typical morality film you watch when there's a substitute teacher, right? Exactly!

Christmas ornaments are not a hard thing to come by. You can get a box of perfectly good ones for like three dollars at CVS. Or if you’re really hard up, most people won’t notice if they’re missing a few after you leave their holiday party. Or you could do as this short suggests and spend hours making terrible ones out of sugar for some reason. The choice is yours!

Probably the sweetest installment in the beloved garbage crafting series from ACI Films, At Your Fingertips: Sugar and Spice is like the dreams you have after you eat a bunch of expired marshmallow Peeps and browse a bootleg Ukrainian version of Pinterest right before bed. Originally broadcast as part of RiffTrax Live: Santa Claus, it has all the classic At Your Fingertips thrills, but with the added bonus of not having to sit through more Songs of the World.

Bridget and Mary Jo are cooking up a holiday viewing feast and they’ve set a place for you.

The main course is an expertly prepared short called Carving Magic, a mid-century tutorial on meat carving starring Harvey Korman. Side dishes include commercials, Kevin Murphy, and a special guest appearance by MST3K’s prop diva Beez McKeever! Leave room for dessert!


3x278 Katy

3x278 Katy

  • 2017-01-04T22:00:00Z14m

Katy is the story of a young girl whose brother goes to camp leaving the responsibilities of his paper delivery route to her. It takes her a really long time to get dressed for her first day but eventually she gets to the paper boy shack to pick up the papers she is supposed to deliver.

Upon arrival the manager of the paper boys says “Hey! Where’s your brother?” To which Katy responds: “He’s at camp, I’m taking over while he’s gone.” At first the guy says NO! Girls can’t deliver papers. But then, he says YES!

It just wouldn't be fair to give away any more of the crackling dialogue or outrageous situations Katy finds herself in. You’ve got to buy it to believe it!


3x279 Home of the Future

3x279 Home of the Future

  • 2016-12-27T22:00:00Z7m

See how many things the 1967 short film “The Home of The Future: Year 1999 A.D.” gets right.

(Formerly available as Kickstarter)


3x280 Measure Metric

3x280 Measure Metric

  • 2017-01-13T22:00:00Z9m

This short is currently only available as Kickstarter.

The metric system. You got an angry feeling in your stomach just thinking about it, didn’t you? The world has been trying to shove this probably-better-but-who-cares system down our stubborn American throats for DECADES, but we won’t have even a centimeter of it.
That’s why Measure Metric is so perfect -- an old-timey tonic salesman and his grandson roll into an Old West town and try to convince the locals it’ll cure what ails ‘em. Did the people who made this short realize that framing the metric system as a big con, sold to unsuspecting rubes, might hurt their message? They most certainly did not.
And if you’ve never been convinced to try the metric system before, don’t worry, this short won’t change your mind. The phrase “cubic decimeter” comes up a lot. Yeah, “cubic decimeter.” Imagine a world where you were constantly saying things like “cubic decimeter.” It sounds like a bad, bad world, so join Mike, Kevin and Bill in running these Measure Metric hucksters out of our decent old-fashioned measurin’ town!


3x281 The Maturing Woman

3x281 The Maturing Woman

  • 2017-03-03T22:00:00Z7m

Are you mature? Identify as mature? Mature-friendly? Then this is just the short film for you!

The Maturing Woman, circa 1977, appears to be a PhD project by a couple of Women’s Studies majors. No matter: it’s a useful primer for managing the aging women in your life. Enjoy it with Maturing Woman Bridget and Blossom of Youth Mary Jo!


3x282 Busy Bodies

3x282 Busy Bodies

  • 2017-03-29T21:00:00Z18m

What do children exercising and animals lounging at the zoo have in common? They’re both extremely inexpensive to film. And the people who made Busy Bodies seized on that big time! Stitching together footage of kids and animals doing vaguely similar actions, the short is truly a masterclass in how to get paid to make something that kind of feels like something, but actually isn’t anything. Just ask the “lazy lion” who’s one of the main busy bodies in Busy Bodies. How can a lion be both lazy AND busy, you ask? Watch the film! You won’t get an answer, but it’s still worth watching.


3x283 Allen is my Brother

3x283 Allen is my Brother

  • 2017-04-28T21:00:00Z10m

Who is Allen? Allen Is My Brother. What is Allen Is My Brother? It’s a cry for help in the form of a short film, coming from an innocent young girl plagued by the cruel and endless tortures of her monstrous little brother, Allen. This is her story.

He’ll hose down the clothes you hung up to dry without blinking an eye. He’ll toss a block at the cat just because he thinks you might give him the wrong dipping sauce for his chicken nuggets at dinner tonight. He’ll draw another mustache on your favorite doll even though it stopped giving him a thrill years ago, now it’s just something to do. He’s Allen, and he’s your brother.

Increase your chances of surviving any Allen-being-your-brother that might occur: join Mike, Kevin, and Bill and learn from Allen Is My Brother!


3x284 American Look

3x284 American Look

  • 2017-05-10T21:00:00Z9m

In appreciation of the stylists of America, Bridget and Mary Jo along with Chevrolet* present American Look. A tribute to men and women who design.

You’ll see lamps, chairs, counter tops, tea pots, door knobs, bottles and tons of other regular stuff you have in your very own house. A narrator will say a lot about how Americans like the “look” of things, but you'll never quite understand what he’s getting at, and there are no Chevrolets featured which will confuse you a bit.

On the bright side, this short is beautifully photographed in Superscope 200!


3x285 Truck Song

3x285 Truck Song

  • 2017-07-19T21:00:00Z17m

When you think of truckers you think of a lot of things: CB Radios, speed, pee bottles, ridiculous arm wrestling training contraptions. Rarely would “The Uplifting Power of Song” be high on your list. Truck Song aims to change that!

It of course fails miserably. Trucking is no better subject for a musical than say, one of our slightly more obscure founding fathers, one who never got to be president but still somehow made it onto our currency. It doesn’t help that the titular song sounds like someone asked the janitor at ACI to write you an “ACI style song” and then recorded what happened when he was drooling on a synthesizer in confusion.

Based on a book (Finnegans Wake, we think), Truck Song is quite possibly the only short in our catalog that you can get to honk if you do that pulling down arm motion out your window. Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the short that puts the F-U-N in “Ten Four, good buddy!” (Provided you rearrange the letters and add in a bunch of other letters.)

(Formerly exclusive to Kickstarter Backers)


3x286 Soapy the Germ Fighter

3x286 Soapy the Germ Fighter

  • 2017-07-26T21:00:00Z11m

Live show riff available for the first time! We riffed this sparkling sudsy gem of a short LIVE in Nashville before our Mothra show in 2016, and now you can soap it up at home! Uh, sorry, that sounded kinda weird. But then, so is Soapy the Germ Fighter.

Over the years we’ve faced down a host of shorts featuring anthropomorphic objects coming alive to haunt children in their rooms, from Coily to Mr. Paperbag to A Talking Car to Norman (okay, Norman never actually did that, but you know he WOULD if he could). Somehow, Soapy the Germ Fighter manages to be the least inspired AND oddest monster of the bunch. Least inspired because he’s just a giant bar of soap named Soapy. Oddest because he has arms and legs and dresses in Renaissance garb for no apparent reason. You’ll find him in the tub, waiting, watching, judging, and tuning his lute. Uh, again, sorry, that sounded kinda weird. But then... well, you know.

You’re not clean, and Soapy knows it. Soapy knows everything. Get yourself sorted out and scrub the fear away with Soapy the Germ Fighter, riffed live by Mike, Kevin and Bill!


3x287 Farm Family in Summer

3x287 Farm Family in Summer

  • 2017-08-30T21:00:00Z12m

Everybody in the station wagon, we’re headed to rural Wisconsin to learn about life on a farm!

Ever considered the goings-on of a Farm Family? Well now consider FURTHER the same family in the summer! Sure, it's less about everyday farming activities and more about scoring some funnel cakes, but it's really the journey — not the destination (especially if the destination involves funnel cakes).

Join Bridget and Mary Jo as they hang out with a Farm Family in Summer - doing everything from milking cows to wearing colorful shirts at the county fair!


3x288 Boredom at Work

3x288 Boredom at Work

  • 2017-10-03T21:00:00Z8m

Before this groundbreaking film, boredom at work was known as the silent killer. This black and white short from 1961 was part of a series of films produced by the Mental Hygiene Division of the Oklahoma State Department of Health.

Watch it with Bridget and Mary Jo and learn how to recognize the warning signs. You - yes, YOU - may be at risk!

(For best results, watch while at work.)


3x289 Farm Family in Autumn

3x289 Farm Family in Autumn

  • 2017-10-19T21:00:00Z15m

Mike said it was "Too close to home," but Bridget and Mary Jo LOVE home, so here we are!

Escape to Wisconsin! It’s beautiful this time of year with its colorful leaves and brisk fall air. And be sure to swing by the Markham place for pie and lukewarm coffee! Mary Jo and Bridget are visiting and as soon as all the chores are done, they’ll show you what life is like for a farm family in autumn.


3x290 The Babysitter

3x290 The Babysitter

  • 2017-11-03T21:00:00Z28m

She comes at night.

She watches television.

She gives your child watered-down tomato soup.

She puts your child to bed two hours earlier than needed.

She talks on the phone.

She plays record albums too loud.


She won’t be stopped. She can’t be stopped. But Bridget and Mary Jo will try to route the evil unleashed by THE BABYSITTER!

There are those classic arguments every kid had growing up. Superman or Batman? Twizzlers or Red Vines? And of course, the biggest fight of all, “who’s your favorite industrial accident victim type, The Hothead or The Forgetter?” Well you can set all those years of fighting aside because now The Hothead & The Forgetter are together as one!

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from years of riffing industrial safety shorts, it’s that a job in any kind of factory is basically a death sentence. There are so many exciting ways to get hurt! For example, you might be a Hothead, or you might be more of a Forgetter. One of them loses his temper too easily, while the other can’t remember stuff. Which one’s which? Hmm, I can’t seem to remember, and that’s MAKING ME EXTREMELY ANGRY!

They’re two injury-filled tastes that taste even better together, so yell at the safety goggles you forgot to put on and join Mike, Kevin, and BIll for The Hothead & The Forgetter!


3x292 Let's Talk Turkey

3x292 Let's Talk Turkey

  • 2017-11-22T22:00:00Z11m

It’s Thanksgiving! Be sure to give your turkey a hearty thanks before cooking. It makes them ever so glad to be the meal.

If you’ve never cooked a turkey or if you just want to hear A LOT of information about them then join Bridget and Mary Jo as they learn such terms as white meat, dark meat, giblets and viscera! Discover with them the many uses for America's number one flightless bird!

C’mon, Let's Talk Turkey! You know you want to.


3x293 Gifts from the Air

3x293 Gifts from the Air

  • 2017-12-01T22:00:00Z11m

It’s the holidays, and you know what that means - time for weird old cartoons!

And Gifts from the Air checks all the standard “weird old holiday cartoon” boxes:

It’s got a poor orphan boy staring at toys in a window.
It’s got those toys coming to life in terrifying bounce-up-and-down fashion.
It’s got a cat being turned into an electric power source to run a bubble tree.
It’s got Santa coming into a house through a radio to dump a bunch of toys in a stove.

Okay, those last two might not be standard, in this or any universe. But that’s the magic of Gifts from the Air, it reminds you of Christmas without bearing any actual resemblance to any Christmas anyone has ever experienced.

Riffs from the air on Gifts from the Air, with Mike, Kevin, and Bill!


3x294 Santa Claus' Workshop

3x294 Santa Claus' Workshop

  • 2017-12-06T22:00:00Z14m

Peppy, Zippo, and Click. They may sound like rejected Pep Boys, but they’re really Santa’s elves. Didn’t know the elves had names? Well then you probably didn’t know that elves look like winos who got their noses stuck in a pencil sharpener right before getting hit with a supervillain's shrinking ray!

Yes, poor Peppy, Zippo, and Click, who look like an Anne Geddes calendar that got Dorian Grayed, are here to help Santa deliver toys all around the world in one night. Perhaps they should have hired a logistics planner as well, because this short strongly implies that Santa returns to the North Pole to restock his sled with presents after every single house. Maybe he just wanted another look at Zippo, who is clearly a 1930s boxing palooka wearing an elf hat.

oin Mike, Kevin, and Bill for an enlightening holiday look inside Santa Claus’ Workshop!


3x295 Spunky the Snowman

3x295 Spunky the Snowman

  • 2017-12-13T22:00:00Z9m

Hey kids*! Ever wonder what the Whizzo the clown of snowmen would look like? “No?” “Of course not?” “How did you get in here?”

Wrong answers kids! The correct answer is Spunky the Snowman! He’s like Frosty’s dirtbag second cousin, the kind of snowman who’s had a tooth knocked out of his mouth at more than one wedding. Spunky’s like Frosty without the charm or the clean arrest record. Put it this way, when you hear him going “thumpity thump thump”, he’s not romping over the fields of snow, if you know what we mean.

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Spunky the Snowman. Now you’ve got something else to worry about.

Christmas! Whether you celebrate it with a traditional nativity scene, an ugly sweater party, or the increasingly popular “Chanukah” variant, one thing is certain: everyone celebrates it. And not just near! But far too!

Christmas Customs Near and Far takes a very sixties look at these ‘far’ places, using the always culturally sensitive device of “forcing some confused kids into ridiculous costumes and pointing a camera at them.” Several of these children have lit candles strapped to their heads. At one point they construct something called a Mitten Tree that even the deranged bastards at ACI Films would have taken a look at and gone “That’s a little too stupid even for us.”

Whether you’re near, far, or some horrible quantum flux state of both this Christmas, Mike, Kevin, and Bill’s riff of Christmas Customs Near and Far will hopefully fill your home with warmth, laughter, and whatever the hell a Mitten Tree is.


3x297 Farm Family in Winter

3x297 Farm Family in Winter

  • 2017-11-26T22:00:00Z10m

You know ’em, you love ’em - and so do Bridget and Mary Jo! Our favorite agrarians from summer and autumn are back once again to tackle the icy chills of winter. It’s Farm Family in Winter!


3x298 A Day with Fireman Bill

3x298 A Day with Fireman Bill

  • 2018-01-17T22:00:00Z10m

Every kid dreams of growing up to be a firefighter! Every kid, that is, except the kids who were forced to watch A Day with Fireman Bill, which makes the profession look about as exciting as working the loading dock at a frozen broccoli warehouse.

There are no fires in this short! And if there were, Fireman Bill would not be allowed near them, as he is technically only a trainee fireman. Instead, we get to see him eat meals in the firehouse kitchen, stand by as other firemen out an imaginary fire, and clean several hundred feet of dirty hose. We don’t want to promise too much excitement, but there may just be a completely separate segment devoted to drying the now clean hose!

Join Fireman Bill to see if he can one day achieve his dream of being promoted to Fire Marshall, and severely injure himself for our amusement on In Living Color.

Sometimes the title of a RiffTrax short is confusing, misleading, falsely exciting to oversell the dull subject matter at hand. But not this one. With Drawing for Beginners: The Square, you get exactly what’s advertised - real-time, excruciating instructions on how to draw a square. With a pen. On paper. So BUCKLE UP, BEGINNERS!

It would be easy to confuse this short with another release of ours, Drawing for Beginners: The Rectangle. Because, and only truly advanced high-level mathematics scholars know this, squares are rectangles. And yet, somehow, each film is mesmerizing in its own special “close-up of a hand drawing on paper” way. And the 3-D models of the “finished” drawings are unbelievably goofy, like a trash-craft project from an At Your Fingertips short but with an even weaker grip on reality.

Yes, it’s a film where someone tells you how to draw four straight lines of equal length, but it’s still more interesting than any unboxing video on YouTube. Join total beginners Mike, Kevin, and Bill. and get your online art degree with Drawing for Beginners: The Square!


3x300 Harry the Dirty Dog

3x300 Harry the Dirty Dog

  • 2018-01-24T22:00:00Z12m

Bridget and Mary Jo have stumbled across the rare hygiene film aimed at canines!

Harry The Dirty Dog is the saga of a beautiful but conflicted border collie who runs away from the only life he’s ever known when it’s bathtime. He finds his way back home filthier than ever.

But don’t waste your tears - Harry is a survivor!


3x301 People Soup

3x301 People Soup

  • 2018-01-29T22:00:00Z12m

People Soup is the first short we’ve done that has been nominated for an Oscar. (Yes, Henry Slinkman’s moving performance in Buying Food was rudely snubbed.) Evidently, when Alan Arkin points the camera at his kids while they waste a bunch of food, it’s "art", but when one of us does it it’s "the last time you ever babysit."

Seemingly shot without a script or purpose, People Soup gives hope to the maker of every pointless educational short that your efforts will one day be rewarded with critical acclaim. Best Cinematography for What is Nothing? Best Special Effects for Drawing for Beginners: The Rectangle? Best Supporting Actor for Norman Spear Jr. in Parade of Aquatic Champions?
OK, maybe not every pointless short… Join Mike, Kevin, Bill, and the Arkin boys, Matthew and Adam, for People Soup!


3x302 Six Murderous Beliefs

3x302 Six Murderous Beliefs

  • 2018-01-26T22:00:00Z23m

Be warned: if you haven’t watched this serious and important 1950s safety short yet, YOU MAY ALREADY BE DEAD!

...So, please take a second to check. No? Still alive? Good! But if you want to stay that way, you’d better take a close look at your life and make sure you don’t hold any of the SIX MURDEROUS BELIEFS!

These beliefs are bad, and not just “the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes is the best version” bad. They’re seriously bad. Like one of the beliefs is “Safety is for Sissies” and then there’s a cartoon of the Grim Reaper sitting on a football player. See? You get it now??? This is serious, hardcore stuff, and you need to stop messing around or the dang Grim Reaper will SIT ON YOU.

But football isn’t the only thing that can murder you. You know what else can get you all Grim Reapered? Basic carpentry! Doing science! Going outside! You’re doomed!!!

There’s only one hope: learn to avoid the Six Murderous Beliefs with your Three Un-murderous Buds, Mike, Kevin, and Bill!


3x303 The Water We Drink

3x303 The Water We Drink

  • 2018-03-26T21:00:00Z23m

The Water We Drink is The Short We Riff, full of The Jokes We Tell to inspire The Laughs You’ll Laugh!

This is one of those vintage educational shorts that breaks down the complex details of something most people never encounter in their lives: water. What is it? Where does it come from? What can you do with it? Is the puddle under the horse water? No, no it isn’t, and you shouldn’t drink it. And there’s a lot more to learn about water, but fear not, this Coronet short is ready to bring all that moist knowledge right to our dried-up dusty brains!

Not to be confused with The Shape of Water We Drink, that’s a much naughtier film. Get thirsty for The Water We Drink with Mike, Bill, and Kevin!


3x304 Farm Family in Spring

3x304 Farm Family in Spring

  • 2018-03-28T21:00:00Z30m

Farm Family in Spring: Your number one resource for farm information in the tri-county area! There's cows, corn, trips to town, 4-H clubs, a birthday party and most importantly incriminating evidence about Grandpa! Grandma.. never.. knew.


3x305 The Spring Collection

3x305 The Spring Collection

  • 2018-04-06T21:00:00Z10m

The Spring Collection offers you three stylish shorts at one sensible price!

Our offering includes Fashion for Go Getters featuring hunky Dartmouth jocks critiquing the latest trends. It’s the guy’s turn next with Accent on Spring. A kooky gal takes a psychological look at mens sportswear. And closing the show is a far out trip from Westinghouse about coordinating your clothing to your refrigerator called Match Your Mood!

Be a well-dressed riftwatcher with The Spring Collection!


3x306 Glasses for Susan

3x306 Glasses for Susan

  • 2018-04-30T21:00:00Z10m

Susan needs glasses. We don’t mean like, “Oh, it’s hard for her to read a small font in a dark room.” No, Susan appears to be legally blind. Somehow she has made it to eight years old without wandering in front of a cement truck or mistaking a wolverine for her teddy bear. There’s a decent chance Susan is actually a large naked mole rat.

But fortunately she realizes she needs glasses, not when a concerned adult intervenes, but when she reads (somehow) a children’s book about magical glasses. Thrill as Susan tries to mend all the social bridges she burned by finding a pair of glasses that don’t make her look like naked mole rat Elton John.


3x307 How to be a Friend

3x307 How to be a Friend

  • 2018-05-23T21:00:00Z8m

This DIY video shows you how to build your very own friendship, step-by-step!

Start with traits like courtesy, kindness, and honesty, then add buddies Bridget and Mary Jo to laugh along with!

Brought to you by Alfred Higgins, the brilliant filmmaker who also brought you VD: Prevent It, this short film explores the qualities that help you forge rewarding relationships with people you otherwise wouldn’t want anything to do with!

The “Beginning Responsibility” series from Coronet Films has already given us legendary characters like Mr. Bungle and Reggie the Dork’s Big-Lipped Talking Pillow. This next installment ups the ante by featuring a teacher who we’re pretty sure is 90% mummy. Based on the way these Coronet shorts usually work, we believe she was supposed to be only thirty-two years old.

David has trouble following instructions. Namely, the instruction “For the love of god, do not appear in a Coronet educational short.” Fortunately, some animated creatures are here to help him learn, not only to follow instructions, but also how to push the definition of the term “animated” right up to its legal limit. There’s a friendly owl, three depressed elephants, and a turtle. There’s always a turtle.

Please join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for what we believe is the 3,204th Coronet short they’ve riffed, Beginning Responsibility: Learning to Follow Instructions!


3x309 What Mary Jo Wanted

3x309 What Mary Jo Wanted

  • 2018-07-06T21:00:00Z14m

Mary Jo wants a puppy. Mary Jo gets a puppy. Mary Jo's family can’t sleep because the puppy is confined to the kitchen and cries all night. Everyone is pretty fed up with Mary Jo and her puppy until... Mary Jo comes up with a plan so “Out There” that it just might work!


3x310 Building an Outline

3x310 Building an Outline

  • 2018-09-17T21:00:00Z9m

You probably think you know how to outline a high school essay. You’d probably even be arrogant enough to say that, once or twice in your life, you’ve “built” an outline. Well, Coronet Films is here to let you know you’re wrong, dead wrong, you deranged fool. Outlining an essay is the hardest, most complex, and most IMPORTANT work you will ever do in your life. But Coronet will do its best to teach you how, with Building An Outline… that is, if you’ve got the guts.
Jim and Bill are two of the classic “middle-aged teenagers” type we’re used to in Coronet shorts. They agree on most things: they wear the same white button-down shirt, sport the same haircut, rock the same sweater vest. One has brown hair and one is blonde, yes, but they’ve managed to be friends in spite of that. However they do disagree on something, something so big it could tear their whole world apart: THE IMPORTANCE OF OUTLINING AN ESSAY.
Reckless Bill thinks you can just march into an essay on a topic like “Benjamin Franklin” without planning a meticulous outline. Cautious, wise Jim, on the other hand, knows that you must not only plan out your outline, you must first build an outline for an essay on the subject of how important it is to build outlines (he actually does this).
Who will be proven right, in the end? Will their friendship survive the outline battle? Will either of their essays get deeper than “Ben Franklin flew a kite in a storm”? You’ll have to join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Building An Outline to find out! No outlining required!

All good things must come to an end, and the At Your Fingertips series is no exception. We’ve covered grasses, cylinders, boxes… Um… Those little plastic discs that keep the top of the pizza box from touching the cheese, probably? The point is, if it is identifiable by 99% of the population as “garbage”, the folks at ACI Films tried to get kids to make revolting crafts out of it.
This final installment is an outlier in that it instructs how to build a general TYPE of garbage-craft, rather than focusing on utilizing a specific type of garbage to build a craft. Something this radical needed a bigger stage, and so we’re proud to present this live version of At Your Fingertips: Floats performed at our legendary RiffTrax Live: The Room show!

The bug who happens to be a lady crawls around asking everyone she sees why it is so cold. She is told repeatedly it's because WINTER IS COMING and yet she persists in her willful ignorance. I'm giving away all the best plot points but I hope you will enjoy it anyway!

“Drawing for Beginners” may be the stupidest series of shorts we’ve riffed here at RiffTrax. The fact that we have riffed an entire series where kids make crap out of garbage should really drive home how insane these shorts are.
Having already riffed rectangles and squares, it’s time to complete the trilogy in appropriate fashion with triangles. You see, because triangles have THREE sides…? Trust us, it will make sense after you watch the short.
Pull up an oddly motionless, disembodied hand and lower your expectations and intelligence level, because it’s time to draw some damn triangles baby!!!


3x314 A Christmas Fantasy

3x314 A Christmas Fantasy

  • 2018-11-23T22:00:00Z13m

Originally released as part of the Cyber Monday 2018 Cyber Pack.


3x315 A Song For Santa

3x315 A Song For Santa

  • 2018-12-05T22:00:00Z8m

Because apparently “Jingle Bells, Batman Smells” wasn’t enough for him, here’s A Song For Santa!
It’s a classic Christmas situation ripped right out of your childhood! A small Texan boy, who’s exploring Germany alone for unexplained reasons, wanders into an old Bavarian church and admires the traditional music and architecture. Y’know, just like all small boys love to do!
The boy proceeds to fall asleep, probably exhausted from his hours of walking around Europe without supervision. Once he’s asleep things get EXTREMELY WEIRD, as he ascends to some kind of heaven, where angelic children live under the rule of some kind of dictator Santa.
Maybe it’s a dream? Maybe it’s… a tragedy? No matter what, it’s perfect for a RiffTrax Christmas short, so get out your sheet music and sing A Song For Santa with Mike, Kevin, and Bill!

3x316 The Shoemaker and the Elves

  • 2018-12-12T22:00:00Z12m

The Shoemaker and the Elves, a cute little fairy tale about the rewards of doing a good deed, delighted small children for generations - then Coronet got their hands on it.

Now, see it as it’s meant to be seen, in full demented puppet form!

The elderly shoemaker and his wife are puppets in a little puppet village, where everything looks like it was made of damp papier-mâché that was already used for something else. They’re barely scraping by, and can’t keep up with their business, because honestly they’re pretty lazy. Fortunately, some sort of fairy king senses their plight and dispatches some little weirdos to break into their hovel and pitch in. Because that’s how morality works, kids! No further questions!

Leave out some leather strips and tools and maybe Mike, Kevin and Bill will riff The Shoemaker and the Elves for you overnight. But they probably won’t, so you should get it right here!

3x317 A Christmas Carol (Coronet)

  • 2018-12-07T22:00:00Z10m

Since every entertainment franchise that has ever existed has put out their own version of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, it’s only fitting that the maniacs at Coronet Films decided to make their own.
Apparently filmed during the Rutherford B. Hayes administration, Coronet opted not to use their stable of regulars in favor of a bunch of guys who probably were born before man had mastered flight. Which is a real shame: Mr. Bungle would have made a great Scrooge, that big-lipped pillow that harrasses Reggie could have been Marley, and Skipper the Racist Dog could have been Tiny Tim.
Ah well, just be thankful that the folks at ACI never made one!

3x318 Charlie's Christmas Secret

  • 2018-12-19T22:00:00Z8m

What is fifth-grader Charlie hiding from his family, his classmates, the customers on his newspaper route? What is it that keeps Charlie one step ahead of the law and living in constant fear, never using his own name and unable to set down roots no matter where he goes? Find out in Bridget and Mary Jo’s holiday special, Charlie’s Christmas Secret!

You think Jay Gatsby knew how to throw a party? Bridget and Mary Jo are just getting home from last night's celebration of plastic storage containers!

Coronet’s series of Beginning Responsibility shorts must be the largest franchise in film history. It might even be infinite. Every time we watch one short another blips into existence, yet somehow the new one was still made 5 to 7 decades ago. They are a treasure, a gift that keeps on giving, but honestly, shouldn’t Responsibility have stopped Beginning and finally Begun by now?

Beginning Responsibility: Doing Things For Ourselves In School follows Steve, a classic crew-cutted Coronet protagonist finding his place in the world. Steve tries to follow the core principles of the Beginning Responsibility universe: 1) Don’t be such a pest, and 2) Stop whining about it!

Steve has a friend named Ken who is slightly more boneheaded than him, as mandated by Coronet law. Together, Steve and Ken struggle to put their boots away, wear ugly painter smocks, and generally avoid the wrath of the scolding passive-aggressive narrator who lords over us all in Beginning Responsibility: Doing Things For Ourselves In School!


3x321 Farm Animals

3x321 Farm Animals

  • 2019-01-23T22:00:00Z13m

Featuring the finest “newborn baby calf stumbling around” scene this side of City Slickers, it’s Farm Animals!

It’s a vintage short from a time when films were needed to show people things that they were never likely to see in real life. Exotic amazing things, like, uh, a horse! Some chickens, perhaps! Have you ever THRILLED at the sight of sheep? A nurse will be on duty in the theater to attend to those who faint!

Buckle up (your suspenders), get a hose (for the amniotic fluid all over the barn floor) and wake up at 5am with Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Farm Animals!


3x322 Jack and the Beanstalk

3x322 Jack and the Beanstalk

  • 2019-02-25T22:00:00Z11m

That is how you might start copy for a version of Jack and the Beanstalk that wasn’t a stark, joyless nightmare. This one, on the other hand, is like a Dorthea Lange photo that decided it wanted to become a fairy tale.

We all know the story: family is starving, boy takes beloved cow to be slaughtered, mysterious man offers him magic beans instead, Billy Peltzer releases the electric gremlin and all the gremlins get electrocuted except the sexy lady gremlin, Jack steals the golden goose, etc. But, (and we believe this technically qualifies as a selling point) you’ve never seen it told with such careworn actors before!

Pop a few magic beans of your own and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Jack and the Beanstalk!

The most popular film genre in the 70s was clearly Robert De Niro’s Pre-Dirty Grandpa Phase, but a close second was Dumb Kids Hurting Themselves. Emergencies - What Would You Do? is a standout, taking the critically lauded step of leaving the viewer uncertain if the endangered children were willing actors or not.

Whether it’s drowning, eating bleach, or somehow not understanding how basic playground equipment like the swings work, you’ll witness future Darwin Award winners in action, all under the guise of teaching kids the valuable lesson that in case of emergency, you should immediately find someone smarter and stronger than you to help.

Mike, Kevin, and Bill opted to remain humble freelance architects rather than transform into Safety Woman and help these kids, and frankly we don’t blame them.


3x324 Tommy's Day

3x324 Tommy's Day

  • 2019-03-27T21:00:00Z12m

ommy’s Day! Another fine short from the fine folks at the very fine Young America Films. If you’re not familiar, Young America Films are like Coronet Films, just a little more judgmental. But if you’re looking to learn how to be a small child in the 1950s, they’re the best game in town!

Tommy’s Day begins with a big moment - young Tommy discovers his first loose tooth! So, naturally, this short will be all about that, right? Why we lose our baby teeth, how the new ones grow in, maybe a poorly-animated tooth fairy to bring the lesson home? Nope! The loose tooth gets dropped like a season 2 storyline from Lost. Instead we see Tommy’s morning routine, and then we leave Tommy altogether for a while to get much more of his sister’s routine. And then, it’s off to school! Will we get back to the subject of Tommy’s loose tooth there? Not really! But there is a pet bunny to meet, so it all works out.

Experience the shame and hygiene confusion of the 1950s without living through them, join Mike, Bill and Kevin for Tommy’s Day!


3x325 Toes Tell / Whose Shoes?

3x325 Toes Tell / Whose Shoes?

  • 2019-04-03T21:00:00Z13m

This combo of two shorts about feet, produced by the Encyclopedia Britannica, will have you saying “I wish the Internet had killed encyclopedias sooner!”

It’s psychedelic, it’s aimless, and it’s all about FEET, FEET, FEET! Just kidding, that’s not all it’s about, there are also some shoes. Does it teach valuable health lessons about caring for your feet? No, it doesn’t even try! Does it teach about the various types of footwear used in different careers? No, keep dreaming!

Feet at the park, feet in the dirt, combat boots stomping across the playground, they’re all part of the dark carnival that is Toes Tell / Whose Shoes?. This duo of shorts is honestly one of the weirdest, most inexplicable relics we’ve stumbled across (with our feet), and it’s the perfect blank canvas for Mike, Kevin and Bill to walk all over (with their feet!).

3x326 The Boy Who Didn't Listen

  • 2019-04-12T21:00:00Z12m

Jimmy is a plucky ten-year-old who just can’t seem to follow directions, causing no end of disaster in his personal life.

He has a dream in which he is accosted by a morally superior robber who teaches him a very important life lesson.

3x327 My Mother Was Never a Kid

  • 2019-05-12T21:00:00Z9m

During a subway-induced coma, teenager Victoria flashes back to her mother’s childhood and realizes, despite all their arguments, her mother had actually been a kid once herself.

One with questionable judgment but nonetheless -- drop your backpack by the door, get some Fruit Wrinkles and Capri-Sun, and join Bridget and Mary Jo for this very special After School Special.


3x328 Play Safe (Live Edition)

3x328 Play Safe (Live Edition)

  • 2019-05-22T21:00:00Z6m

It’s the 80s and loads of British kids are dying in substations! We’re not sure why they’re going into substations. Maybe to find out what the hell substations are?

This is clearly one of those sensitive issues that has to be handled with the utmost care. So someone poorly animated some cartoon birds and got them to lecture kids about the dangers of electricity. It’s a very powerful, sobering experience. In fact, during the moving scene where a kid’s pants literally catch on fire, our chortling was noticeably subdued.

This is the version of Play Safe that debuted at RiffTrax Live: The Five Doctors; it has not been seen again since!


3x329 What Mary Jo Shared

3x329 What Mary Jo Shared

  • 2019-06-16T21:00:00Z11m

The teacher is really putting the squeeze on the kindergartners to bring something to show and tell, and the pressure is getting to one little girl. Out of nowhere, plucky Mary Jo kills it with a show and tell that forever changes the lives of her fellow first graders.


3x330 The Troublemaker

3x330 The Troublemaker

  • 2019-07-29T21:00:00Z11m

Student Mel just loves to stir the pot at his high school, casting aspersions on one classmate’s virtue, and the football ability of others. He even goes so far to rat out the quarterback for being out past curfew!

At the dance following a game the team loses, Mel’s classmates have had it up to here and confront him. He is told in no uncertain terms to beat it! Fortunately, the narrator steps in before things get really ugly and asks the typical "Discussion Problems in Group Living" questions. So there actually will be a test!


3x331 Just Awful

3x331 Just Awful

  • 2019-07-29T21:00:00Z11m

James is on his way to school when he gets a small cut on his finger. And if you don’t for one second believe that that thin, thin gruel got turned into a seventies educational short, then what the hell have you been watching us riff for the past thirteen years??

Bleeding makes James feel Just Awful, which frankly, is good news. If it had been the opposite, say, if James felt increasingly stronger and confident as he watched his lifeblood seep out of his fingertip, the lawsuits would probably still be working their way through the court system. Instead, James gets to pay a visit to the school nurse, who is just relieved to for once have a student who is not going to barf up his Snack Pack on her.

Slice off the top of a non-essential digit, preferably your own, and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Just Awful!


3x332 What is a Map?

3x332 What is a Map?

  • 2019-09-10T21:00:00Z18m

Some questions have plagued humanity for countless generations. What is the meaning of life? Can love last forever? What happens when we die? Is corn grass? Well forget all of those, because our new short tackles the biggest question of all: What is a Map?

What is a Map is a production of Young America Films, so you know the answers will be stern, severe, and delivered with the clinical precision of a crew cut. The explanation of what in the actual heck a map is starts small, with the layout of a girl’s bedroom. Lamps, chairs, that sort of thing. But after that, the scope of the short gets much, MUCH bigger - well, okay, only a tiny big bigger. We get a map of her house and the surrounding neighborhood. Okay, not even the entire neighborhood, it’s more like four buildings. But hey, that’s what a map is, right? RIGHT?? Oh no, we still don’t really know what a map is!

Existential angst aside, What is a Map is a whole mess of non-informative fun. Get your compass and chart a course for cartographical adventure with Mike, Kevin and Bill!


3x333 Someday

3x333 Someday

  • 2019-09-24T21:00:00Z11m

It’s the 70s! The pants are flared, the disco is thumping, and the educational shorts are meandering and pointless! In Someday we meet four children who discuss their plans for the future. We are not talking “Someday I want to be a doctor!” type plans. Lower your expectations to more of a “Someday I want to watch daddy pump gas” level.

So please enjoy this short featuring small children shopping for vegetables, carrying a wild chimp, and sailing a boat alone on San Francisco bay. Post-viewing discussion questions may include:
* Where were the adults?
* Did they reall sneak a camera into a professional baseball game?
* Huh?

Think of a much better plan for what you want to do Someday and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for a short so aimless you’ll be stunned it wasn’t made by ACI!

Just in time for trick or treating, it’s Bridget and Mary Jo’s Halloween Special!

Your favorite riffing twosome is back with four seasonally appropriate shorts ripe for riffing. We'll tackle the issue of Halloween safety, whether a man can also be a wolf, how to sort out marriage to a monster, and so much more!

Have a graveyard smash in Bridget and Mary Jo's Halloween Safety and Monster Mash-Up!


3x335 What Will Bernard Do?

3x335 What Will Bernard Do?

  • 2019-11-22T22:00:00Z11m

Bernard is struggling in math class mostly because his teacher will not stop calling on him. After multiple failed attempts of trying nothing, Bernard turns to his friend David to teach him basic math. Wouldn't you know it - his grade goes up! The victory is short-lived, however, when his math teacher demands no outside assistance for the next assignment. Bernard comes to a moral crossroads in trying to improve his grade. What Will Bernard Do? Well, we won't actually find out 'till the next installment - but watch the epic classroom journey with Bridget and Mary Jo!


3x336 Festival of Fun Days

3x336 Festival of Fun Days

  • 2019-12-18T22:00:00Z10m

Fun Days! All things considered, one of the better types of days. Beats the hell out of “crappy days” or “everyone you love contracts cholera days." One town loved Fun Days so much they had an entire Festival of Fun Days!

As you would expect this involves tiny creatures terrorizing a small animated boy. Bunnies, a witch, and Father Time burst out of a calendar and wreak havoc, 1930s style. This mostly involves peeling eggs and singing while a kangaroo gets hammered. At one point in time there is a conveyor belt of babies. The festival’s permit was rightfully denied the next year.

Deck the halls with boughs of Bridget and Mary Jo in their latest RiffTrax Holiday Special! With fresh riffs for the 90s - the 1890s, that is.

Featuring a Grandpa, a Virginia, a sing-along, and a Doug Llewellyn, this very special special will warm hearts yonder and nigh at this special time of year!


3x338 Banks: The Money Movers

3x338 Banks: The Money Movers

  • 2019-12-23T22:00:00Z11m

We know that, for all his other faults, Scrooge was good with money. What this short presupposes is: maybe he wasn’t?

In Banks: The Money Movers, Scrooge, the ruthless financier, is not exploiting tax loopholes and favorable loan rates. No, he’s stuffing cash into a mattress. Sure, he’s missing out on valuable interest but on the other hand: Money Bed!

The Spirit of Banking shows up to show Scrooge (his first name is Arthur in this one, we forgot to mention that because, well, it’s very stupid) the error of his ways. By the end of the night, Scrooge may not be a better person, but he may be marginally wealthier. And that’s really what Christmas is all about.


3x339 Squeak the Squirrel

3x339 Squeak the Squirrel

  • 2020-01-21T22:00:00Z11m

Squirrels. You see them all the time, and always the same question runs through your head: "Could one of these things pull a peanut out of a plastic tube with a string?"

This short not only answers that question, but puts forth the notion that squirrels are actually super-brilliant geniuses, using the titular Squeak as an example.

When he's not being forced to perform bizarre tasks for a mysterious team of squirrel scientists, Squeak spends his time eating, binge-eating, smashing his head against solid objects, and eating. You may not think of these as impressive feats now, but by the end you will come to truly believe in the astonishing brilliance of Squeak the Squirrel.

For all this and more, join Bridget and Mary Jo on their nuttiest short yet!

Remember what life was like before we all had the Internet implanted directly in our corneas? Families talked during dinner, strangers said hello to you on the street, nobody got doxxed or swatted. It was a living hell!

The Kids Guide to the Internet is an amazing snapshot of Online in the mid-90s, back when the Internet was something you still had to convince your parents to “get.”

It covers all three things you could do in cyberspace at that point: sports scores, stocks, and away messages comprised of angsty KoRn lyrics. It was a simpler time, when every webring was Under Construction and your mom always seemed to pick up the phone and knock you offline just as the a/s/l check in the Red Dragon Inn was getting particularly steamy.

Please join the extremely fake family The Jamisons, who invite their extremely fake neighbors into their extremely fake living room to get extremely online (at 14.4 bauds!) with RiffTrax Senior Writers Conor Lastowka and Sean Thomason.


3x341 Bicycle Safety Camp

3x341 Bicycle Safety Camp

  • 2020-02-12T22:00:00Z12m

Every kid hates it when their parents ruin fun by telling them to wear a bike helmet and follow the rules. It’s been a problem throughout history. But then along came the 90s, with a great 90s solution: have a lame gym coach rap the rules at them instead! The coach assembles a Burger King Kids Club-style rogues' gallery of bike riders and forces them to attend some kind of outdoor detention. There’s Rebop the bad kid and Arthur the bookworm, but the real stars of the show are the competing bike helmet safety regulation commissions, ANSI and Snell. Talk about fun!!!

This day-glo rapping nightmare burned into Conor’s memory in childhood when a friend showed him the VHS, now join him and Sean as they exorcise bike demons in Bicycle Safety Camp! Stay tuned to the end for a corporate sponsor you definitely won’t see coming.

Written by Conor Lastowka and Sean Thomason

3x342 A Green Thumb for Macaulay

  • 2020-03-14T21:00:00Z11m

A Green Thumb for Macaulay - the star of Home Alone finds himself forever changed after he tries to hitchhike in a field of gamma rays... THUMB SMASH!!! Okay, it’s really a short about a family planning their garden, but still… THUMB SMASH!!!

It’s a classic 60s informational short about improving your home, which means it’s really a secret commercial for something. In this case? A line of gardening tools! An exceptionally vintage American family, complete with an odd kid and a dachshund, sets out to landscape their massive average-family yard (again, it was the 60s, average people had massive yards back then).

They travel to the gardening store, which fortunately for the wife has a section of “Lighter Tools for Women” (no, really, it’s in the short!). The married couple have a strangely deep bond with the guy who works there, considering they are new to gardening. What’s really going on between these people and Arthur, the friendly gardening store guy? It’s all in the subtext, and that’s what we’re here for!

Rake, hoe, dig, but most importantly, buy buy buy, it’s fun to be a consumer who consumes! No gardening tools required to join Mike, Kevin and Bill for A Green Thumb for Macaulay!

There are a few certainties in life: death, taxes, and that we will never stop finding shorts from the multi-decade Beginning Responsibility series made by Coronet.

A Lunchroom Goes Bananas is from their 70s era, which usually means lots of confused kids with shaggy haircuts and some kind of disturbing puppetry. And this one doesn’t disappoint!

It’s got claymation food that goes on strike, student investigative reporters, and a boy with an unexplained rat on his shoulder. What it doesn’t have is a clear point or reason for existing, another classic hallmark of any good Beginning Responsibility short.

Learn some lessons from a talking eggplant, get yourself a steaming bowl of banana soup, and join Mike, Kevin and Bill in the cafeteria for Beginning Responsibility: A Lunchroom Goes Bananas!

Written by: Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, Conor Lastowka, and Sean Thomason


3x344 Little Red Riding Hood

3x344 Little Red Riding Hood

  • 2020-04-11T21:00:00Z10m

Little Red Riding Hood is one of our most beloved fairy tales, and for good reason! It’s got a little bit of everything: child abduction, elder abuse, and muffins. So it was just a matter of time before some enterprising filmmakers took a look at this charming story and thought “What if we made it super creepy?”

This short, presumably filmed mere minutes after the motion picture was invented, features a wolf costume that was definitely once used in some sort of ritual. All the human actors seem deeply suspicious of the cameraman, possibly because they were worried his camera was capturing their soul. All in all, it’s the sort of delightful tale that you could easily imagine Santa telling a bunch of disinterested children on the beach right before the Ice Cream Bunny shows up.

3x345 Arranging the Buffet Supper

  • 2020-05-10T21:00:00Z10m

Are you considering having an informal gathering where people serve themselves the food you’ve prepared? NOT SO FAST.

First, you’ll need to complete this course, Arranging The Buffet Supper. Together with Bridget and Mary Jo, you’ll learn how to put food and forks on a table, and other hard stuff! (This counts toward Continuing Education credits.)

Whether riding a bike, shooting some hoops, or just attempting to use paper, kids can find all kinds of neat ways to injure themselves. And the world is full of dirt and grime that’s desperate to get rubbed into those wounds. Especially when this short was made, the 1970s, the grimiest decade in modern history. First Aid for Children will show you how to take care of those cuts, or get help from a kindly stranger (just temporarily ignore all the other shorts telling you not to talk to strangers).

Horror buffs will be pleased to know the short doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to gore, there’s a papercut that looks like a real ER situation. Join Mike, Kevin and Bill for another fun entry in the “kids getting hurt” genre, it’s First Aid for Children!


3x347 Appreciating Our Parents

3x347 Appreciating Our Parents

  • 2020-06-21T21:00:00Z9m

Spoiler alert: Appreciating Our Parents does not turn out to be a cookbook like in that classic Twilight Zone episode To Serve Man. That being said, it’s still a pretty wild ride - a wild ride on the road to respecting authority, that is!

As you might guess, Appreciating Our Parents has a pretty heavy pro-parent bias. It focuses on Tommy, a little boy who apparently thinks his room just gets magically cleaned while he’s away at school, and his meals delivered by angels, and his cowboy shirts mended by helpful gnomes. Oh yeah, the cowboy shirts - this kid Tommy goes through cowboy shirts like nobody’s business. Westernwear stores struggle to keep up with his insane demand for cowboy shirts. And his poor sweet mother? Spends her days hunched over a sewing machine, forever mending the cowboy shirts he keeps finding new ways to destroy. Appreciate your parents and cool it with the cowboy shirts, Tommy!


3x348 An Airplane Trip by Jet

3x348 An Airplane Trip by Jet

  • 2020-07-04T21:00:00Z30m

Sure, we’ve all taken Airplane Trips… Airplane Trips By Car, Airplane Trips By Foot, Airplane Trips By Your Nephew’s Razor Scooter That You Borrowed And Accidentally Broke. Now, brace yourself for the newest kind of Airplane Trip of all, An Airplane Trip By Jet!

The story follows Sue and Bob, two kids dropped off at the airport by their grandparents to fly on this insane new technology all by themselves! Except they won’t be alone, they’re bringing their extremely nervous dog. But it’s the past, so the dog doesn’t ride in the cabin with them, she gets shoved into a metal cage for a safe and comfortable ride in the belly of the plane. Seeya on the other side, pooch! Maybe!

It’s a fascinating glimpse into a time when air travel featured comfortable waiting rooms, friendly staff, and seats so big you could actually sit in them. Imagine! All these wonders and more await you in the friendly skies. Join Mike, Kevin and Bridget for An Airplane Trip By Jet!

Written by: Mike Nelson, Conor Lastowka, and Sean Thomason


3x349 Speak Up, Andrew!

3x349 Speak Up, Andrew!

  • 2020-07-21T21:00:00Z12m

It’s Parents’ Night at Andrew’s school, and nerves are on edge.

Andrew is a fifth-grader who has alienated everyone around him with his vague instructions and confusing driving directions.

Will his presentation on how to communicate clearly heal the wounds of his classmates?

Written by: Bridget Nelson and Mary Jo Pehl

Contributing writer: August F. Nelson


3x350 Keeping Clean and Neat

3x350 Keeping Clean and Neat

  • 2020-07-28T21:00:00Z13m

For some people keeping neat and clean is just a far-flung dream. But it doesn’t have to be! This short follows middle-schoolers Don and Mildred through their daily personal grooming routines (SFW) and their quest to not be smelly losers.

Written by: Bridget Nelson, Mary Jo Pehl, and Matthew J Elliott
Something you should know:

Content Warning: Gross close-ups of toenail clipping

3x351 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

  • 2020-08-11T21:00:00Z27m

The story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears has been retold countless times. But it took those mad bastards at Coronet to decide to inject some life into the tired fairy tale. How did they do this? REAL BEARS!

Yes, one day some parents dropped off their adorable four year old at Coronet Studios. As we all know, this was a huge mistake. But instead of being traumatized by a sentient pillow or Mr. Bungle, this kid shared a stage with REAL BEARS. Were they trained bears? WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MATTER, THEY WERE THREE REAL BEARS. Also, no, they were not trained, they were led around by extremely flimsy looking leashes.

Clearly, dozens of laws were violated during this short, and possibly even the Geneva Convention. In other words, it’s a must-watch RiffTrax!


3x352 The Big Yellow Fellow

3x352 The Big Yellow Fellow

  • 2020-08-16T21:00:00Z26m

Timmy had Lassie. Calvin had Hobbes. Jackie, the little boy in this short, has… an actual school bus.

That’s right, The Big Yellow Fellow is all about the love between a boy and his bus. And you thought YOUR childhood was lonely! The bus, which is a sentient being that can smile but cannot speak, creepily follows Jackie home from school. But instead of offering him candy to go for a ride like in so many other educational shorts of the past, the bus just wants to be his friend. This is disturbing to Jackie’s parents, who inexplicably act like characters in a failed 60s sitcom.

Then they get inside the bus to teach Jackie about bus safety. They also drive the bus, which had previously driven itself, opening deep philosophical questions about whether the bus has free will. It’s plenty weird, but none of that will prepare you for the third act twist. We’ll just tease it with this phrase “Professor Popper’s Pedigreed Pekingese Puppies.”

To find out more, join Mike, Kevin and Bill for a ride on The Big Yellow Fellow!

His brother Martin tries to help, but he gets more and more frustrated with his lily-livered little brother. The worm turns when Timmy discovers the one thing he’s not afraid of!

Tune in with Bridget and Mary Jo, and stick around for the special surprise twist ending to this short film!


3x354 Am I Trustworthy?

3x354 Am I Trustworthy?

  • 2020-10-10T21:00:00Z9m

Am I Trustworthy? It’s a question that can only be answered by the person asking it... but only if they’re trustworthy, which is the question being asked. Confused yet? We’re knee-deep in a logic puzzle, and a new Coronet short!

The questioner in question is young Eddie. Eddie is upset because he lost the election for Treasurer of his “hobby club.” Yes, Eddie’s goals are quite low, but he can’t seem to attain them because the kids at school don’t trust him (also, his haircut is pretty bad). Fortunately, Eddie has a Classic 1950s Coronet Dad to help him out. Dad explains the importance of being trustworthy, not only for winning minor school elections but also for running a cash register, fixing a lamp, and other household chores that Dad wedges into the category of “trustworthiness.” Everything’s about trustworthiness, if you force it!

We’re still not sure about Eddie, but you can trust Mike, Kevin and Bill for plenty of laughs in Am I Trustworthy?

3x355 U.S. Elections: How We Vote

  • 2020-10-20T21:00:00Z28m

Ah, elections. Seems like we Americans just can’t get enough of ‘em!

Everybody loves elections, and they never cause any controversy or stress at all. But how do they work? It’s becoming quite clear that nobody really knows, but fortunately our new short U.S. Elections: How We Vote is here to clear everything up!

Though here, How We Vote is really more how we voted back in 1970, shortly after the voting age was lowered to 18. The explanation of the process here is remarkably thorough - ready to see an Address-O-Graph in action, everyone? And if you’re worried about voting security nowadays, wait until you get a load of this short. Some voting centers were just set up in peoples' homes! You’d walk into a stranger’s house, fill out a ballot in pencil, hand it to them, and leave! As long as they had an American flag out front, you assumed everything was fine! None of this is an exaggeration!

Let your voting anxieties be soothed by the terrifyingly casual elections of the past. Join Mike, Kevin and Bill for U.S. Elections: How We Vote!


3x356 Voting at 18

3x356 Voting at 18

  • 2020-11-01T22:00:00Z17m

What young citizen doesn’t look forward to the freedoms that come with turning 18? Lottery tickets, cigarettes, being able to click “yes I’m 18” on websites with slightly less shame. Oh, and also voting. Voting is pretty cool too, even if you can’t buy it at a convenience store.

And if there’s anyone who understands “cool” it’s Coronet Films.Voting at 18 is especially cool, bordering on groovy, because it’s a rare Coronet Film from the 70s! Dig the haircuts, the clothes, the random shots of drug use and international strife meant to indicate “these difficult times.” Yeah, times were difficult back then too, who knew? Coronet did, that’s who!

No matter your age, you’re legally allowed and encouraged to enjoy Voting at 18 with Mike, Kevin, and Bill. Strap on a big hairdo and some sideburns and head on down to the Place of Registration, baby!


3x357 Victory Squad

3x357 Victory Squad

  • 2020-11-02T22:00:00Z39m

Have you ever wanted to see how the Republican Party ran a local get-out-the-vote operation in the late 60s? You have?! Well then you’re almost certainly already familiar with Victory Squad, which is no doubt the defining classic of a genre that thankfully includes no other shorts that we know about.

It’s hosted by Gipper and The Duke. No, not the Gipper and The Duke who have the third highest rated morning zoo show in the Quad Cities. The OGs: John Wayne (real name: Marion Morrison) and Ronald Reagan (real name: he forgot it.)

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for a hard hitting look at democracy in action. Because while the antics of those Gipper and The Duke DJs may be “too hot for the FM dial”, there’s nothing zany about Victory Squad. Seriously, it’s a bunch of 60s Republicans wearing suits while they sip non-alcoholic punch inside a converted Woolworth’s store front. It’s the least zany thing that has ever existed. Go vote, dammit!


3x358 Tuesday in November

3x358 Tuesday in November

  • 2020-11-03T22:00:00Z16m

It’s the first Tuesday in November, and it’s time to do your civic duty. It may not be fun, but it’s your responsibility. We’ve been doing it so long that sometimes we forget why, but it’s more important now than ever. Yes, it’s time to bitch endlessly about Daylight Saving Time.

It’s also time to Vote, and there’s no better way to get someone to do that than showing them a film where ancient people explain our three branches of government until they run shrieking out of the classroom and directly into a polling place. This film is so old, we only had 48 states when it was made. Now it’s rumored that we have substantially more than that! There’s no way to know for sure since Coronet stopped making shorts 40 years ago.


3x359 The Munchers

3x359 The Munchers

  • 2020-11-13T22:00:00Z11m

Munchers! It isn’t a new budget horror franchise from the makers of Feeders, but it’s almost as disturbing in its own way.

The Munchers is a claymation romp about your teeth, which apparently have faces and mouths containing little teeth of their own. Teeth within teeth, how deep does this thing go?

The teeth also hop out of their gums to run around, square dance, and flee from their very own supervillain, Mean Jack Sweet. Mean Jack Sweet tempts young teeth with candy, then rips them apart with his giant metal torture device. You have to imagine the kids who saw this short never wanted to look inside their mouths again, knowing the hellish demonic realm within.

Brace yourself (no pun intended) for a terrifying musical journey into the universe of your own gums. Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for The Munchers!


3x360 Alias St. Nick

3x360 Alias St. Nick

  • 2020-11-24T22:00:00Z10m

Alias St. Nick is a vintage Christmas cartoon. It’s from the golden age of animation, when all toys were required to come alive and just kind of bounce up and down, and all character voices sounded like a helium balloon that’s very sick. This one belongs to the “Happy Harmonies” series, the forgotten loser in the war with Merry Melodies and Silly Symphonies.

Alias St. Nick is basically Itchy and Scratchy meets Home Alone. A hungry cat finds a tree full of little mouse children and decides to eat them. So he stuffs a balloon down his pants and pretends he’s Santa to make his way inside for mousey murder. But the adorable mice see through his upsetting costume and put him through the ringer with a series of whimsical, deadly traps.

It’s not the holidays without a little mouse and cat cartoon violence, throw on your creepiest Santa suit and join Mike, Kevin and Bill for Alias St. Nick!


3x361 December Holidays

3x361 December Holidays

  • 2020-12-09T22:00:00Z8m

Ah, the famous December Holidays. We wait for them every year. After the exciting fall festivities of Toyathon and Geicoween, we settle into the colder months with the warm glow of Happy Honda Days, and of course, the Lexus December to Remember. Unbelievably, none of these holidays are discussed in this short.

Instead, December Holidays brings focus to Chanukah, the Mexican religious festival Las Posadas, and some other holiday that happens in December… can’t remember the name, there’s some kind of tree, and socks over a fireplace or something? Anyway, all the information you need is here, along with 80s families showing you how they celebrate in 80s holiday fashion.

Cozy up with a mug of hot December chocolate and enjoy December Holidays with December Mike, December Bill, and December Kevin!

Written by Mike Nelson, Conor Lastowka, and Sean Thomason


3x362 The Snowman

3x362 The Snowman

  • 2020-12-15T22:00:00Z11m

There’s nothing in the rulebook that says a snowman has to be friendly! While kindly old Frosty gets most of the attention, the Snowman canon is filled with monstrous examples. You’ve got RiffTrax’s own Jack Frost, Clayfighter’s Bad Mr. Frosty, the snowman the idiot couple in Winter Wonderland forced to pretend to be Parson Brown, and of course, Calvin’s Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons. The Snowman in The Snowman joins their ranks, and may be the most terrifying of all! He exists to wreak havoc on a squad of Old Timey cartoon characters. The kind that are usually just whistling as they whitewash a fence or something. It was the thirties, people would happily watch that crap for ninety minutes in between World Wars. Anyway, they bring the snowman to life, it terrorizes them and they melt the entire arctic in order to defeat him. Does that have devastating repercussions for the rest of mankind? We’re not sure, they didn’t cover that in the ten minute cartoon!


3x363 The Blessed Midnight

3x363 The Blessed Midnight

  • 2020-12-21T22:00:00Z12m

Hooligan Teddy O’Hara shoplifts a cake from the local delicatessen to give to his beloved aunt for Christmas.

Aiding and abetting him is classmate Billy, who knows of Teddy’s hard-knock life and pleads his pal’s case to Sister Mary Benedict and Monsignor Thatoneguy.

From the DuPont Theater’s "Cavalcade of America" series from the 1950s, this short film doesn’t pull any punches exposing the dark side of bakery larceny. Come for the cake - but stay for Francis Bavier in a rare non-Mayberry appearance!


3x364 Santa's Spaceship

3x364 Santa's Spaceship

  • 2020-12-23T22:00:00Z12m

Here come's Santa's Spaceship! Because, apparently, a magic sleigh that can fly all over the planet in one night wasn’t enough for him. Honestly, it just seems a little greedy!

Santa’s Spaceship starts with a marionette cowboy singing a western song to an ailing reindeer, and gets weirder from there. All the marionettes living at the North Pole are worried about making the Christmas deliveries because the reindeer are getting old and tired. Rather than, say, try to help the reindeer who have served faithfully for so long, marionette Santa and his marionette friends decide to trade ‘em in for a used rocketship. The used rocketship salesman makes it pretty clear he will turn the reindeer into hamburger, but Santa goes through with the deal anyway. And still, somehow, it again gets weirder from there!

Grab a warm mug of rocket fuel and settle in with Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the marionette madness of Santa’s Spaceship!

Written by Mike Nelson, Conor Lastowka, and Sean Thomason


3x365 In Between

3x365 In Between

  • 2021-01-04T22:00:00Z9m

All we know about this short is what it isn’t: it’s not Lauren Schwartzard’s New York Film Academy project.

It’s not Kosovo director Samir Karahoda’s short about local architecture. And it’s not a short film by Canadian social media personality Inanna Sarkis. Don’t watch those. Watch this one. There are teens, bikes, pools and vague dilemmas. Join Bridget and Mary Jo and we’ll all try to figure it out together.


3x366 Beauty and the Bride

3x366 Beauty and the Bride

  • 2021-02-02T22:00:00Z10m

Don’t be fooled. “Beauty” is the red herring in this short about Racine, Wisconsin’s seamy underbelly.

Yes, that Racine: S.C. Johnson Wax's headquarters and meddling mothers-in-law.

WARNING: graphic depictions of insoluble non-glycerin substances.

Don’t say Bridget and Mary Jo didn’t warn you.


3x367 Let's Give Kitty a Bath

3x367 Let's Give Kitty a Bath

  • 2021-02-09T22:00:00Z12m

Cats. They’re famous for many things: mouse hunting, napping in sunshine, serving attitude, and, of course, cleaning themselves. They spend roughly 80% of every day licking their own fur in this endless quest for hygiene. Does that matter to the two kids psychotically obsessed with giving kitty a bath in Let’s Give Kitty a Bath? As you may have guessed by now, it does not!

It’s a live-action Looney Tune as this young boy and girl chase a cat around the house for bathing. It’s not even clear that the cat belongs to them, or that this is their house. There is a criminal air about these children, and the lengths to which they’ll go to bathe this undirty cat will astonish you.

Let the ransacking commence. Order some cat-catching products from Acme and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Let’s Give Kitty a Bath!

If you can suspend disbelief enough to think that Phyllis Diller ever had a garage sale, then you’ll appreciate the practical tips and corny jokes in this how-to video from 1987.
It also features Brandon Scott in his Golden Globe-nominated role of “The Nitpicker,'' which forever changed how hagglers were portrayed on screen. Eagle-eyed fans of second-hand merchandise instructional sales videos will also spot the incomparable work of Russ Vogel, best known for, according to the sole notation on his IMDB page, “his work on How to Have a Money-making Garage Sale.” Join Bridget and Mary Jo for this straight-to-video video - which you’ll probably be able to find at a garage sale near you!


3x369 Fears of Children

3x369 Fears of Children

  • 2021-03-12T22:00:00Z13m

There are two kinds of RiffTrax shorts.

The first are the straightforward ones, the ones where they teach a grown man not to use poisonous snakes as suspenders or a sentient belt sander shows a girl the error of her ways. Then there’s the nutty ones. The ones where, say, a depressed kid drowns his teddy bear, a guy dropkicks a turtle, or parents sleep in separate beds because their kid is too big of a weiner.

ALL of those things happen in Fears of Children! It tells the story of Paul, a boy whose general vibe is “shellshocked Urkel.” He’s terrified to do things most boys love, like “riding bikes”, “exploring caves” and “being in the same room as your father.” This of course produces some of the best Angry RiffTrax Parenting this side of David & Hazel.

If you had a nickel for every laugh-out-loud moment in this short, you’d be able to afford all the roast beef you want. Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Fears of Children.


3x370 Wonder Walks

3x370 Wonder Walks

  • 2021-03-22T21:00:00Z12m

Rain. Skin. Fabric. Peanut butter?

Your guess is as good as ours!

Bridget and Mary Jo try to figure it out together, and you’re invited!


3x371 Meet Mrs. Swenson

3x371 Meet Mrs. Swenson

  • 2021-04-13T21:00:00Z10m

When a family moves to greener pastures, it's up to one housemaid to bring the American dream to a screeching halt.

Who is the mysterious Mrs. Swenson and why does she threaten to destroy a loving marriage and break up a happy family? All in the name of housework? There’s no way to prepare yourself for the shocking twist ending of this short.

Join Bridget and Mary Jo as they Meet Mrs. Swenson!


3x372 Keep Off The Grass

3x372 Keep Off The Grass

  • 2021-04-20T21:00:00Z8m

Do you think it might be “groovy” or possibly even “outta sight” to try those funny cigarettes your friends have been smoking?

Have you been tempted to “turn on” with the “real heads” down at the pipe shop? Well, you can get all the completely unbiased facts on that crazy herb from the 1970 Santa Monica Police Department in our new short, Keep Off The Grass!

As Tom learns the pros and cons of getting high, the police keep showing up, and whaddaya know, they’re always level-headed, helpful and cool! Meanwhile the potheads are selfish greedy jerks out to ruin Tom’s life. Maybe the police were the real “hep cats” all along? Like we said, it’s completely unbiased!


3x373 The Lady and the Rocket

3x373 The Lady and the Rocket

  • 2021-04-30T21:00:00Z9m

She’s a lady. He’s a rocket. Can they make it work even though they’re different molecular compounds?

A talent scout whose name we never get and his pal Flash are in search of the All American Sweetheart. Thus begins the feeble narrative of this short film showcasing the 1952 line of Oldsmobiles. Ya know, the kind of promotional film automakers made until they figured it was cheaper and easier to have bikini-clad women at car shows.

Anyhoodle - and for all you This Island Earth fanatics: if you’ve been wondering whatever happened to Joe Wilson, have we got a surprise for you!


3x374 The Talking Car

3x374 The Talking Car

  • 2021-05-14T21:00:00Z10m

he first thing you might notice about The Talking Car is that the title lacks the “!?!” punctuation made standard by A Talking Cat!?!.

It also doesn’t have voice work by Eric Roberts - unless he’s uncredited, you never know with that guy!

The Talking Car is also slightly misnamed, because it features not one but SEVERAL talking cars. A little boy playing in the street is nearly hit by a car, and next thing you know another car sprouts some eyeballs and a mouth and starts talking to him. In fact, the boy finds himself in a cloudy nether world full of talking cars… so maybe that car really did hit him, after all? A dark potential interpretation the short leaves unexplored!

Instead, the boy and his growly little dog get many lessons and scoldings from the talking cars up in the clouds, including a cranky old jalopy who must’ve had kids saying “Do I really want to drive? Or even be inside a car, ever again?”


3x375 Rhythmic Ball Skills

3x375 Rhythmic Ball Skills

  • 2021-05-21T21:00:00Z12m

Rhythmic Ball Skills is set in some kind of gym class purgatory nether realm. There, children are instructed by an offscreen presence to go through the motions of waving various balls around in what no reasonable person would call “exercise,” let alone “fun.” The short itself describes what the kids are doing as “activities for demonstration,” which is maybe the most Orwellian phrase you’ll find outside of 1984.

When the ball skills are this rhythmic, you really don’t wanna miss out. Brace yourself for the demonstration of activities and join Mike, Kevin and Bill for Rhythmic Ball Skills!


3x376 The Box

3x376 The Box

  • 2021-06-18T21:00:00Z11m

An amalgam of film footage in search of a narrative, The Box is a short film featuring a box in its breakout role as a box.

You may never look at a square or rectangular container made from corrugated raw paper with a flat base and sides the same way again.

3x377 Masks of Grass (Studio ed.)

  • 2021-06-28T21:00:00Z14m

Is corn masks? The freaks at ACI Films return yet again with a twisted spin-off of the classic At Your Fingertips short.

The parents have signed the waivers and headed to a bar, leaving their unfortunate kids to assemble “masks” out of various types of refuse. They’re potentially problematic, and definitely swarming with pests. One thing is for certain: nobody learned a damn thing the day this was shown in class. But it may have inspired a cult or two! Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Masks of Grass.

Originally performed live at RiffTrax Live: Carnival of Souls, this is a studio recording.


3x378 Manners in School

3x378 Manners in School

  • 2021-07-12T21:00:00Z11m

His name is Manners in School, but you can call him Chalky. Chalky the chalk demon, that is, with a little stick figure body and a big round Charlie Brown head. Chalky is accidentally brought to life by Larry, a surly lad who has to stay after class and clean the chalkboards on account of his poor manners. From there it’s a battle of wills between Larry, a boy who talks like a 1930s gangster, and Chalky, an upsetting 2D lifeform who loves to shame children. Who will win? It’s impossible to say, but one thing’s for sure - Chalky and Coily the Spring Sprite come from the same dark hell-realm. Clap some erasers together and join Mike, Kevin and Bill for Manners in School!


3x379 The Baggs

3x379 The Baggs

  • 2021-08-30T21:00:00Z17m

Sentient burlap sacks are running wild in our city streets, terrifying children and threatening to contain our yard waste!

They dance, they ride horses, they generally just writhe in an unpleasant fashion. Meanwhile, they are pursued by their cruel master, a guy who could frankly use a bit of bag coverage himself.

It’s possibly the most pointless short we’ve ever done, unless the point was to make you wonder what was in the bag, a shark or something? Originally debuted at RiffTrax Live: Summer Shorts Beach Party, please join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for this studio version of The Baggs.


3x380 When You Grow Up

3x380 When You Grow Up

  • 2021-09-13T21:00:00Z11m

When You Grow Up is a deeply 70s look at what becoming an adult and having a job might look like for kids in the 70s, from the 70s. Did we mention the 70s?

This short is about what happens when the kids from At Your Fingertips: Grasses have to put away childish things, take off their headdresses made of weeds, and face the harsh realities of joining the workforce. From factory work, to paperwork, to construction work, then back to factory work, the world is your oyster, kids!

When You Grow Up might sound ominous and grim, but at least it isn’t If You Grow Up. Plan your future and what kind of sideburns you should grow with Mike, Kevin and Bill!


3x381 Chimp the Fireman

3x381 Chimp the Fireman

  • 2021-09-22T21:00:00Z11m

In a world increasingly devoid of inspiration, firefighters are true heroes. Selflessly entering burning buildings, putting themselves in harms way to the ravages of wildfire, getting the occasional cartoon cat out of a tree. They are such heroes they make Captain America look like a mere Hawkeye.

So what this short puts forth is: A chimp can do their job. A chimp named Shorty. Just put him in a funny hat and let him rescue the old lady who’s screaming from a second floor window, the rest of us human firefighter have a poker game that needs our attention. Oh, and see if the chimp will pick up some Thai while he’s out!

They say to never work with children or animals, but to always riff monkeys. So we did. Please join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Chimp the Fireman.


3x382 Frances and Her Rabbit

3x382 Frances and Her Rabbit

  • 2021-09-29T21:00:00Z20m

It’s a rainy day, and the humanoid Frances and her pet bunny Hopper have nothing to do.
After ruling out a cross-country bank-robbing spree, remodeling the kitchen, and space exploration, the two get their crayons and start drawing. Will what she ends up drawing blow your mind - or will it be approximately ten minutes of aimless doodling narrated by a disinterested man?
Find out as you hop along onto the latest short from Bridget and Mary Jo!


3x383 Why Study Science?

3x383 Why Study Science?

  • 2021-10-09T21:00:00Z16m

A pleasant family camping trip goes horribly awry when Dad gets didactic about the virtues of science.

In this 1950s nuclear family, teenager Jack wants to go to the moon some day; sister Betty wants to get married someday. Dad brings the hammer down with some tough talk about how much they’ll need science in their lives - and lots of it!


3x384 It's a Cat's Life

3x384 It's a Cat's Life

  • 2021-10-29T21:00:00Z15m

What could be better than a box full of kittens? Puppies. Anyway, we digress.

There are so many kittens in It’s A Cat’s Life, it’s practically a Russian novel of feline-ity. From the fine folks at Frith, who brought you Mother Mack Trains Her Seven Puppies (which would have been much more fun) and/or The Littlest Puppy Grows Up (which would have been such a better choice for riffing), this short from the 1940s is not about puppies.

Nevertheless, Bridget and Mary Jo manage to soldier through this primer on the small domesticated carnivore that has the temerity not to be a dog.

Written by: Bridget Nelson and Mary Jo Pehl

Just when you thought it was safe to be safe again…

Halloween is really about three things: candy, costumes, and complete paranoia. Halloween Safety 2 brings a strong focus to the latter.

It’s a Coronet short from the 80s... yes, somehow Coronet was still making films in the 80s, we don’t understand it either. A poorly animated pumpkin lectures a bunch of kids with Halloween safety tips, like "Give all the unwrapped candy you get to your brother" and "Don't incant the name of a Great Old One backward lest your mortal mind be unable to comprehend the ghastly magnitude of the horrors you witness."

Break all your candy bars in half to check for explosives, then join Mike, Kevin and Bill for Halloween Safety 2: Even Safer!

Written by: Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, Conor Lastowka, and Sean Thomason


3x386 Basketball is Fun

3x386 Basketball is Fun

  • 2021-11-27T22:00:00Z14m

The title of our new short Basketball Is Fun comes off a little desperate. Basketball Is Fun! Everyone should hang out with Basketball! Basketball’s mom thinks Basketball is really cool, no matter what the kids at school say!

But the title makes sense as a sales pitch when you realize this film was made roughly 10 minutes after the invention of basketball. On an endless field of black & white asphalt, young boys with letters on their jerseys instead of numbers try to understand wild new concepts like “passing.” The concept of “actually making a shot” apparently hadn’t arrived yet, though. Basically, these kids suck at basketball.

Before man could run, he had to learn how to dribble. Join Mike, Kevin and Bill for a sports film from the dawn of time, Basketball Is Fun!

Written by Mike Nelson, Conor Lastowka, and Sean Thomason

The Magic Shop is almost definitely the only short we’ve ever riffed that was based on a story by H.G. Wells - though there are rumors his work was a major inspiration for Moose Baby.
It’s a tale as old as time. A young boy pressures his dad to take him into a magic shop. The creepy magic shop owner pressures them to join him in the back room where the REAL magic happens... and for some reason they actually go. The dad is stressed out by how much everything costs, but you’ll be stressed out by the creepy gorilla-hippo hybrid creature that even Dr. Moreau found “a little upsetting.”
And the “magic” only gets more unspeakable from there. Join Mike, Kevin and Bill for the stone cold literary classic that is H.G. Wells’ The Magic Shop!

NOTE: This short first appeared LIVE in the Space Mutiny show.

Written by: Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, Conor Lastowka, and Sean Thomason

he Little King was a comic strip that started in the 1930s and ran for decades, following the misadventures of a silent and extremely round monarch who seems to wind up in his underpants. A lot.

Long before Garfield gorged on lasagna, the Little King was feasting away and, presumably, hating Mondays.

The Little King: Christmas Night is an animated short that allows the raw, unadulterated roundness of the king explode across the silver screen. He feels lonely at Christmas, so he picks up a couple of old-timey hobos and takes them back to his castle. There he feeds them (nice) and makes them take a bath with him (maybe not so nice?).

What will happen to the Little King and the hobos when Santa arrives? A power struggle? Long underwear with butt-flaps? Unexpected tattoo reveals?

One thing’s for sure: it’s never quite clear if the Little King is a child with a beard or just a deeply immature man. But he is fun in a weird, confusing kind of way. Join Mike, Kevin and Bill and help us try


3x389 Christmas Cracker

3x389 Christmas Cracker

  • 2021-12-13T22:00:00Z7m

Christmas Cracker may be the most pointless short we’ve ever done, and we’ve done a short about gluing pine cones to cardboard tubes.

Made by the Film Board of Canada, possibly on a dare, it weaves together three unrelated “stories,” in the same way that unintelligible graffiti scrawled on a bathroom stall, possibly in feces, is a “story."

There’s a Jingle Bells music video that would be unimpressive even if you learned an ape had animated it. Then some toys come to life and bump into each other. And just when you think you couldn’t possibly take anymore Christmas cheer, there’s a short where a poorly animated guy goes into poorly animated space to get a poorly animated star for his Christmas tree, which is shockingly a lush, detailed animation, worthy of a Flemish master. We're just kidding - it’s poorly animated as well.

Beginning Responsibility: Taking Care Of Things is NOT to be confused with our other short, Beginning Responsibility: Taking Care Of Your Own Things. That one was made in the 70s and was about a little boy named Reggie with an appalling talking pillow. This one was made in the 50s and is about a little boy named Andy with appalling dead tadpoles. Totally different!

Andy is a kid with a lot of problems. He drops a pencil in his elementary school classroom, and then has to sharpen the pencil in front of the whole class. Sharpening a pencil, so embarrassing, can you even imagine the shame? His teacher scolds him for being a “baby” and he becomes even less popular than he already was.

Trying to rehab his image, the friendless and broken-penciled boy convinces an older kid named Fred to come over and see his room. Fred takes off, and Andy’s mom teaches him how to be popular… by helping his sister reattach a doll’s head. Thanks mom, it’s starting to become clear why Andy is a loner.


3x391 Toyland

3x391 Toyland

  • 2021-12-20T22:00:00Z11m

One: a suburban 1950s family with two children eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus. The other: a demented black and white cartoon that feels like it came from some other terrifying dimension. For the first time ever, Toyland is both!

We start with the classic nuclear family on Christmas, notable for their small dog who sits upright in a chair. Then dad pulls out a projector and screen and forces the family to watch another film, a cartoon of the ancient variety. Complete with creepy Santa, dogs fighting over bones, and anthropomorphized household objects bouncing up and down to music. There’s a parade of mediocre toys and some kids who look like Felix the Cat. Yes, Toyland has it all!

Join the live-action kids watching the weird cartoon and wondering “Is this really all we get for Christmas? Does dad hate us?” He might, but Mike Kevin and Bill don’t. All aboard the poorly animated sleigh to Toyland!

“Silent night, holy night…” Yes, you’ve probably heard the famous carol dozens of times in your life. And every time, you surely thought to yourself “What is the story of this Christmas carol? I must know!” No? No, not even once? Even now, you find yourself nodding off at the idea of learning where this Christmas carol came from? Well snap out of it, because Coronet Films is here to give you the origin story you never asked for!

Silent Night: The Story of the Christmas Carol opens on a family being bothered by carolers, ironically making the night less silent with their droning. From there a narrator whisks us off into history, specifically the tiny village of Oberndorf, Austria where the song was born. We don’t want to give away too many spoilers, but it involves a priest walking down a hill, a musician with the sideburns of a 60s country singer, and the true hero of the tale: a traveling organ-mender. Yes, somehow wandering remote European villages and asking if they had any organs


3x393 Play in the Snow

3x393 Play in the Snow

  • 2022-01-01T22:00:00Z30m

You’ll be laughing your warm wool socks off (or should we say, on) as we follow Bill, Nell, and Charlie through a film that only an Encyclopedia could produce.

Sure, you thought sledding was fun, but did you know there was a proper form to it? Have you been building snowmen wrong all these years? Do you have what it takes to win in a high-stakes game of “Fox and Geese”?

Maybe you better think about taking notes before the next time you... Play In The Snow!

There are times when you need to ask yourself: have you been realizing perfume’s full potential?

Have you been living, breathing, eating, seeing, tasting fragrance in every way possible? By the end of this hearty bit of infotainment, you'll be applying perfume and cologne more aggressively than you had ever dreamed.

Part travelogue, part educational, and a whole lot promotional, this short film from Avon won’t rest until perfume has altered your very DNA.


3x395 Ol' #23

3x395 Ol' #23

  • 2022-01-22T22:00:00Z17m

Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. Proudly wearing the number 23, Jordan played 15 seasons in the NBA, winning six championships with the Chicago Bulls while galvanizing the league with his dazzling showmanship.
Unfortunately, this short is about a school bus known as Ol’ #23. The “Ron Howardy” looking bus driver has a routine meeting with superintendent of schools and convinces her that students love “Ol’ #23” so much that they will give up a Saturday to paint and reupholster cushions. The project is a success until the baseball team threatens to ruin everything!


3x396 Good Grooming for Girls

3x396 Good Grooming for Girls

  • 2022-02-12T22:00:00Z9m

Coronet, who had previously enriched our lives with insights into how to drink water, and how to keep a job, now tackles the herculean task of general hygiene. Specifically, Good Grooming for Girls.

That’s right ladies, this short is packed with the mind blowing beauty secrets you’ve been waiting for like: washing your clothes, washing yourself, washing your shoes… and SO MUCH MORE!

According to this short, the best rule of grooming is “to do it, then forget it.” Well, don’t you forget to join Bridget and Mary Jo down at the salon with Good Grooming For Girls!


3x397 Holiday From Rules

3x397 Holiday From Rules

  • 2022-02-19T22:00:00Z13m

Holiday from Rules follows four children who exist in abstract space, an empty void, a community theater set without any actual setpieces. These cranky, whiny kids are mad that rules exist, and they make one of the classic RiffTrax short blunders: they wish to live in a world without rules. You fools! You should never make a wish like that! Did you learn nothing from the teachings of Coily??

As you might expect, the omnipotent narrator takes the kids up on their wish and transports them to an island where they can try to live rule-free. So basically it’s Lord of the Flies with a lower production budget and not quite as many homicides.

It’s fun to think about a world without rules… just imagine, you could eat all the old ham you wanted without any fussy “expiration dates” holding you back. Join Mike, Kevin and Bill as they study the pros and cons of life in this new utopia, this Holiday from Rules!

Written by Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, Kevin Murphy, Bridget Nelson, Mary Jo Pehl, Col

3x398 The Adventures of Chip and Dip

  • 2022-03-18T21:00:00Z22m

Romeo and Juliet. Shoes and socks. Ren and Stimpy. Wine and cheese. Dolly and Porter. Just some of the great pairings through the ages. And don’t forget: chips and dip.

Courtesy of the National Potato Institute, Chip and Dip are leprechauns whose “adventures” include a bizarre origin story, recipes, and a tour of a modern day manufacturing plant.

Celebrating chips as a healthy - indeed, essential - source of salt and fat, it all culminates in a cooking contest celebrating the humble fried tuber. Chicken Spaghetti Loaf, anyone?


3x399 Look Like A Winner

3x399 Look Like A Winner

  • 2022-04-04T21:00:00Z15m

Think you’ve got the courage, discipline, brains, and physical acumen to be a woman in the armed services?

Not if your hair and makeup aren’t perfect, soldier! This 1970 short is short on the specifics of actual military service and long on the particulars of proper hair styling, cosmetics, and wardrobe for lady soldiers.


3x400 Front Line

3x400 Front Line

  • 2022-04-11T21:00:00Z18m

According to this short, some people call the local grocery store a battleground - people who have never heard of, say, the Revolutionary War.

However! There is “a daily battle is being waged in supermarkets all over this country - a battle for the customer’s dollar.” And clerks are “The Front Line” in this instructional video, complete with information on greeting customers, dispensing change, and looking up prices on canned goods. Warning: contains graphic images of cash registers and Campbell’s Soup.


3x401 Build Your Vocabulary

3x401 Build Your Vocabulary

  • 2022-04-25T21:00:00Z30m

Just in case the 1948 version didn’t drive home the point, here’s the second edition of Coronet Films’ Build Your Vocabulary! This time, Bill is an average joe who needs more words in his lexicon so he can buy paint and ask a girl for a date. This 1967 sequel is hip and happening, complete with improv, skirts above the ankle, and even ragtime music for today’s teens!


3x402 Leadfoot

3x402 Leadfoot

  • 2022-05-24T21:00:00Z19m

Driving safety films tend to carry the same basic message: DON’T DRIVE, DON’T YOU DARE DRIVE, WHY WOULD YOU EVER THINK OF DOING SOMETHING AS EVIL AND TERRIFYING AS DRIVING??? But few have the car stunt budget and darkness of Leadfoot!

Meet Tom. You’ll know his name is Tom because he wears a t-shirt that says “Tom.” Tom is a blonde 1980s teen living in the 1980s world of 1980s Los Angeles. Tom recently got himself a car for $400, so you know it’s safe! Adults and a concerned policeman talk to Tom about driving safety, so naturally he heeds all their warnings and nothing bad or tragic happens at all…

SCREEEEEEEEEEEEECH SLAM BLOOD LIFELONG REGRETS Yep, Tom’s a Leadfoot all right, and wait ‘til you see who pays the price for his mad desire to operate an automobile! To find out, just grab an open container and go joyriding with Mike, Kevin, Bill, and Leadfoot!


3x403 Heroine of the Week

3x403 Heroine of the Week

  • 2022-05-28T21:00:00Z13m

A babysitter with basic survival instincts doesn’t let the house burn down, and might just be the local paper’s “Hero Of The Week”, despite the misgivings of a hard-boiled investigative reporter for the Neighborhood News section.


3x404 Jack and Jill

3x404 Jack and Jill

  • 2022-06-07T21:00:00Z16m

Golly, Jill would forget her head if it weren’t attached! Thankfully Jack is on hand to protect her from everything - everything - in an average ordinary day.

Brought to you by Pacific Bell, this short about workplace safety reminds us we must never let our guard down around marauding and predatory desks and shoes.


3x405 The Grapevine

3x405 The Grapevine

  • 2022-06-14T21:00:00Z11m

You know you’re in for an action-packed, can’t-catch-your-breath thrill ride with a movie from the McGraw Hill Company in cooperation with National Office Management Association based on materials furnished by the Education and Training Department of Aluminum Company of America and part of the series on the Office Supervisor’s Problems!

Grab your popcorn and use the restroom, because you won’t want to miss a single moment of a boss being irritated with the secretarial pool!


3x406 An Airplane Trip

3x406 An Airplane Trip

  • 2022-06-17T21:00:00Z16m

It’s the prequel you didn’t know you needed!

See, a couple years back we riffed An Airplane Trip By Jet. It was packed with great 1950s travel information, but some astute viewers couldn’t help feeling they’d been dropped into the middle of a larger story. Like reading Go Set A Watchman before To Kill A Mockingbird, or watching Retro Puppet Master before regular Puppet Master. But never fear, we found the original, the one that started it all, and life should make sense again thanks to An Airplane Trip!

What’s the difference between An Airplane Trip and An Airplane Trip by Jet? Well, mostly the jet. Cheerful children are ditched at the airport by grandparents who are more than happy to see them go. Glamorous, friendly flight attendants and glamorous, friendly airline staffers help them through every step of their journey. The whole 1950s flying process is so pleasant that this feels more like science fiction than any science fiction films made in the 1950s.

It’s fun to imagine a fil


3x407 Are Manners Important?

3x407 Are Manners Important?

  • 2022-06-28T21:00:00Z14m

In this short from Encyclopedia Britannica, young Mickey would rather watch television than be courteous to his mother’s guest.

As if that weren’t bad enough, his mother brazenly flaunts an infinitive marker, asking, “Where have all your manners gone to?” This sets off Mickey’s fantasy of being President and declaring a no rules policy across the land.
Written by Karyn Vanderkooy. Contributing writer Bridget Nelson

The title Magical Field Trip to the Denver Mint is a bit redundant, since obviously ANY field trip to the Denver Mint is going to be magical.

What makes this particular journey to a penny factory so special? Well, naturally, it all starts with a vacuum cleaner!

The vacuum cleaner in question is wielded by Rosie O’Flanagan, a whimsical supernatural being whose main power is… being extremely Irish. When three youngsters are bored in their school library, Rosie and her vacuum appear to whisk them away to, you guessed it, the Denver Mint! Does this make more sense when you watch the short? Not really!

The kids get to explore the ugliest, dullest rooms at the industrial plant, all while Rosie does her magical thing of… well, being Irish. Rosie O’Flanagan should really team up with the Grocery Witch from Magical Disappearing Money and use their combined powers to bother people about small change.

Join Mike, Kevin, Bill, Rosie O’Flanagan and a bucket of nickels for Magical Field Trip to t


3x409 Wanted: The Perfect Guy

3x409 Wanted: The Perfect Guy

  • 2022-07-08T21:00:00Z8m

Thirteen-year-old Danny Coleman, played by 13-year-old Ben Affleck, thinks his single mother needs to meet a Mr. Right.

Using personal ads technology, he and his industrious best friend Melanie secretly put an ad in the local paper. The most important lesson from this 1986 Afterschool Special? The great Madeline Kahn can even garner an Emmy for an Afterschool Special!


3x410 Shoplifting Prevented

3x410 Shoplifting Prevented

  • 2022-07-12T21:00:00Z10m

Shoplifting: many of us already know that it’s a victimless crime, and a great way to get things you want but can’t afford. But did you know that it can also be quite fun?

In this educational short, we’ll examine several common shoplifting mistakes, so that you can learn what not to do as you maximize your enjoyment while accruing free power tools and video games.

What’s that? Ohhhhhhhh…

We’ve just been informed that this short is actually about helping killjoy employees prevent shoplifting, by pointing out devious scams such as “putting the perfume in your purse” and “leaving a paper sack full of meat by the door.” The second one is really something people had to be told to look out for! Hell, it even involves an accomplice!


3x411 Last Clear Chance

3x411 Last Clear Chance

  • 2022-08-09T21:00:00Z13m

We’ve got a brand new riff of Last Clear Chance, a high watermark in the storied genre of “Driver’s Ed films intended to scare the crap out of you!” It was made in 1959, so the lessons are harsh and the haircuts are stern.

In the heartland of America (read: some farm), young Alan is excited to receive his driver’s license. What joy, what fun! Not so fast, says Officer Hal Dixon, who crashes the family’s picnic lunch to shame Alan for past misdeeds in front of his parents and confused grandpa. Officer Hal goes on to let Alan know one of his teenage friends recently died in a tragic auto accident. Thanks for joining us, Hal, next time bring some potato salad we can cry into!

Keen viewers will learn a thing or two about railroad crossings, and keener viewers might notice… the accident that killed Alan’s friend was really Officer Hal’s fault? Dig deep for the truth, and don’t miss your chance to join Mike, Kevin and Bill for Last Clear Chance!

Written by Mike Nelson, Conor Lastowka, and

Shazam!! With one simple word and a puff of smoke, young Billy Batson transforms from an awkward dork with his pants up around his rib cage to a slightly older, doughier dork with his pants up around his rib cage. Yes folks, it’s another black and white superhero serial that appears to have been filmed during the Harding administration!

An American archaeological expedition has traveled to the Far East in order to respectfully aid local scientists in preserving a sacred site. Just kidding! They’re going Tomb Robbin’! Unfortunately, they’re shocked when their efforts result in a terrible curse: their story will be told in glacially-paced, poorly-acted, low-budget serial episodes!

Only Captain Marvel can rid the world of the Curse of the Scorpion. Unfortunately, he’s still figuring out this whole “superpower” thing, and you know what? A few innocent people are gonna die while he’s getting his sea legs. Fortunately, there’s a dozen of these things, so he’s got plenty of time to figure i


3x413 Bus Nut

3x413 Bus Nut

  • 2022-08-20T21:00:00Z1h 30m

Bobbi is a middle-schooler who’s crazy about school buses.

She plays with a toy bus; her t-shirt proudly proclaims “Bus Nut”; and there are six or seven actual buses in various states of disrepair in her family’s yard that she’s fixing up to resell. She cares just as passionately about vehicular safety.

Just in time for back-to-school, this 1980 short covers correctly boarding a bus, the dangers of roughhousing in the seats, and how not to get hit by a car when you’re running late.

Written by: Bridget Nelson and Mary Jo Pehl


3x414 The Juggling Lesson

3x414 The Juggling Lesson

  • 2022-08-30T21:00:00Z1h 30m

It’s the late 70s and Seattle is overrun with dweebs.

And as you’d expect when a crowd of more than five dweebs gets together, some juggling is going to break out. This particular Juggling Lesson is taught by an alpha dweeb, who looks like a less charming Ned Blandford joined a Christian Rock version of The Doobie Brothers. He shows up unannounced and uninvited at a Seattle farmer’s market and proceeds to berate a wide variety of people who look like they’ve at one time considered asking a bartender for a Yoo-hoo about their lack of juggling ability. There’s also a mime. Of course there’s a mime!

Are you a scooper? Do you occasionally shovel? Do you not know a single juggling term and want to pursue a more dignified hobby, like rock licking or designing cute little hats for hedgehogs? Well too bad! The only way to end The Juggling Lesson is to pass the diabolical Juggler’s Test, so let RiffTrax Senior Writers Conor Lastowka and Sean Thomason be your guides!

For most of us, our knowledge of economics is limited to knowing that the guy who texts you “Is the non-working vacuum you listed on Facebook Marketplace still available?” will never respond once you reply “Yes.”

But there’s some people out there who actually understand economics. They are nerds, but they are much, much richer than us, so we won’t insult them anymore, lest they pork belly the soy bean futures and quantitatively ease our Roth 401-Boglehead. Here, have a non-working vacuum as a peace offering!

How did these people come to understand this complicated field? Some give credit to their “advanced degrees” and “years of study.” But we know the truth: they watched a 20-minute short taught by a six-foot chicken.

Chickenomics combines scholarly topics such as “Consumer Sovereingty” with a mascot who once pulled Tommy Lasorda’s pants down. The Famous Chicken does not appear to have any formal economic training, so ask yourself, would you rather this short was hosted by Jim Cra


3x416 This is Roller Skating

3x416 This is Roller Skating

  • 2022-09-23T21:00:00Z1h 30m

Are you a wholesome teenager, child, Yankees outfielder, U.S Naval Academy cadet, former ice skater, old time inventor, youth pastor, grandma, grandpa or nerd from rural Missouri who's looking for some wholesome fun? Then you should be roller skating right now!

There is no other activity on the entire plant that can provide you with the USDA recommended dose of wholesome fun then the wholesome activity of roller skating!

This Is Roller Skating is a short film that exists to tell the world that rollerskating is a wholesome sport that can and should be enjoyed by the young, the old, the tall, the short, presidents, farmers…oh just everyone!

So get on four wheels and start living!


3x417 Patterns for Smartness

3x417 Patterns for Smartness

  • 2022-10-08T21:00:00Z1h 30m

Patterns for Smartness is not a TED talk about increasing your brain's ability to process information in a systematic way as we were all led to believe.

Instead, it’s about something much more sublime, interesting, and lmportant. It’s about what colors make you your most exciting and attractive self? It’s about experimenting with actual fabrics, cutting out patterns and most importantly, it’s about working really hard to make a bunch of clothes for a fashion show to make money for your boyfriend's basketball team!

3x418 The Twenty Dollar Miracle

  • 2022-11-11T22:00:00Z1h 30m

A long long time ago before the invention of sweatpants by Thaddeus P.J. Comfy sparked a worldwide activewear revolution, the American woman was considered the best dressed and most dressed woman in the world. This was due to Yankee ingenuity, which produced a fashionable, well-made dress to sell for twenty dollars or less. This was considered a miracle and there is speculation that someone at the National Cotton Council Of America may soon be granted sainthood by Pope Benedict. Enjoy this short about the inner workings of dress manufacturing and don’t let the Devil tempt you with Prada!


3x419 Toothache of the Clown

3x419 Toothache of the Clown

  • 2022-11-11T22:00:00Z1h 30m

Encyclopedia Britannica wants you to know: clowns get toothaches, too!

Scared of the dentist? Well, a hideous CLOWN should take care of that! Turns out the "this" in "Now I've got this to worry about" was gingivitis. There are two redeeming things about this short: 1) Nobody carves their initials into a young boy's fingernail, and 2) The clown does appear to be in quite a bit of pain.

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill as they apply a soothing salve to a Toothache of the Clown!


3x420 Skippy and the Three Rs

3x420 Skippy and the Three Rs

  • 2022-11-11T22:00:00Z1h 30m

This is the story of Skippy Gordon, who, in the fall 1953, did unknowingly fall prey to the influence of Miss Temple and her nefarious cooperation in a federally planned routine which would envelop him for one half of his waking hours, and which would continue for the next ten, fifteen, or twenty years of his life.

Suffer with Skippy as he endures the joy-ending trauma of realizing that all his toys and nice mom are at home while he's stuck in a stinky room with twenty paste-eaters painting endless pictures of his house with thick, unruly paintbrushes.

Feel, with him, the betrayal as his love and desire for a big-boy bike is twisted by the duplicitous Miss Temple into a sick plan to teach him to read, write, and do arithmetic.

Finally, an exposé that has the courage to shine a light on first grade as it truly is.

Things got off to a Shazammy start with Chapter 1, the one where Captain Marvel uses his new superpowers to… shoot a bunch of guys in the back with a machine gun. Look, it was the '40s, they were still figuring out the whole superhero thing.

Now, with Adventures of Captain Marvel: The Guillotine, the second installment of this classic serial, things really start heating up. One of the powerful lenses raided from an ancient tomb in Chapter 1 has been subsequently raided again by one of the guys who raided it. But which guy? He, the masked supervillain, naturally works with a bunch of old-timey gangsters to get the rest of the lenses. And for some reason, they’ve constructed an electric “guillotine” contraption so overly complicated even Rube Goldberg would blush.

But the most shocking reveal of all? Squeaky-voiced Billy Batson has a radio show!


3x422 It All Depends on You

3x422 It All Depends on You

  • 2022-12-08T22:00:00Z1h 30m

In this short film from the days of landlines, the great Jack Klugman does a lot of soul-searching about dialing long distance.

A harbinger of the self-service evolution, AT&T blames YOU for not taking responsibility for your phone calls.


3x423 The Christmas Deer

3x423 The Christmas Deer

  • 2022-12-13T22:00:00Z1h 30m

Since a hilarious tragedy struck years ago, Nicholas (which can be abbreviated to NICK, by the way) has lived the life of a SAINTly hermit, but he still has GIFTS that he could give to society if only he was able to one day BECOME SANTA CLAUS. Wait, that was too on the noise, strike that last one!

It’s the most predictable film twist since it turned out Keyser Soze was dead the entire time, and observing the whole thing from afar is a deer that the narrator claims was present at the birth of Jesus.

Debate over this dubious theological fact has caused countless schisms, crusades, and holy wars over the millennia. Merry Christmas!


3x424 The Christmas Tree

3x424 The Christmas Tree

  • 2022-12-15T22:00:00Z1h 30m

One snowy Christmas Eve in a remote cabin in Ukraine, a family prepares for a big dinner of… well, mostly raisins? The boy’s only joy is looking forward to decorating the tree in the yard his father promised years ago would be theirs for Christmas. How sweet! Then, his father sells the tree to a rich man who passes by. How sad! Then, to make up for it, the father makes his son… carry the tree on a sled to the rich man’s house on a freezing winter night. How… cruel, and perhaps punishable if reported to the appropriate authorities?

Wolves howl, and a mysterious stranger approaches. Will the boy survive? If he does, will he finally get his greatest wish of… looking at a tree and eating some raisins? There’s only one way to find out: brace yourself and join Mike, Kevin and Bill for the raw holiday joy of The Christmas Tree!

3x425 In Winter with Peter Jennings

  • 2022-12-16T22:00:00Z1h 30m

Who better to spread the word about the hip, happening, now-wow sport of snowmobiling than Emmy and Peabody award-winning journalist - and native Canadian - Peter Jennings?

Discover why snowmobiling is more than just back-breaking, eardrum shattering, and numbingly cold recreation - it creates opportunities for nightclubbing!


3x426 Big Enough to Care

3x426 Big Enough to Care

  • 2022-12-19T22:00:00Z1h 30m

The draconian fun policy at Western And Southern Life Insurance no doubt drove many employees to quit for sanity’s sake.

Actual work barely rates a mention in this recruiting video aimed at high school girls from the early 1950s. Instead, there’s bowling, a free cafeteria, a library, basketball, wrist watches, music over the office sound system - why, you’re even allowed to dream of working your way up to becoming the boss’s secretary!


3x427 The First Christmas Tree

3x427 The First Christmas Tree

  • 2022-12-21T22:00:00Z1h 30m

Nowadays, it’s very common to set up a Christmas Tree inside your home, but did you ever stop to wonder: who was the first person to do it and how drunk they were?

Of course, nobody could possibly know the true origin of this tradition, so the folks at Coronet just made up some garbage about a medieval toymaker. We’re not talking cool toys with Blast Processing and Kung Fu Grips, we’re talking wooden crap with yarn made of goat fur nailed to it.

Christmas Trees provide light, comfort, and joy, so of course their tale is full of bleakness, poverty, and the fear of being devoured by wolves. Look, at least it doesn’t have a talking pillow!

Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for the tale of the guy who was decorating Christmas Trees before it was cool, The First Christmas Tree.


3x428 God's Christmas Gift

3x428 God's Christmas Gift

  • 2022-12-22T22:00:00Z1h 30m

A Christmas Riddle: What has to do with the birth of Jesus, doesn't cost any money, is always welcome and makes folks so happy that they might even give it right back to you? Hmmm. You have until midnight December 24th to solve the riddle. But Bridget and Mary Jo just might be willing to help you out.

Ring in the season with a delightful short from our friends at Family Films.

Hint: All you need is _______


3x429 The Monster's Christmas

3x429 The Monster's Christmas

  • 2022-12-23T22:00:00Z1h 30m

When we say that our new feature is a fantasy adventure tale full of strange creatures, with a small but brave hero who quests across dangerous terrain, including a volcano, all while showing off the grand landscapes of New Zealand, obviously there’s only one movie that comes to mind: The Monster’s Christmas!

The hero in question is a little girl named “Girl.” Oh, those wacky New Zealanders and their zany names! On Christmas Eve, she falls asleep reading a children’s book called The Monster’s Christmas (not an actual book, we checked) and goes on to dream her way through an adventure that’s about 95% monster and maybe 5% Christmas.

Our story continues, which can mean only one thing: Captain Marvel somehow survived the electric guillotine in the previous chapter? But the ending led us to believe he’d perished! Surely the serial won’t pull anything like this on us again.

To refresh you: it’s all about lenses. And gangsters. And a mysterious villain named The Scorpion who wears a hood and also stole… a scorpion. But like, a statue of a scorpion. Which is also where the lenses came from. Oh, and now and then some guy called Captain Marvel shows up.

3x431 How Do You Know it's Love?

  • 2023-02-14T22:00:00Z1h 30m

It’s a big red flag for Nora when her boyfriend doesn’t order the Lobster Cantonese on their double-date with his brother and fiancée.

The two of them didn’t even look at the menu together! Fortunately, a frank talk with her mother just days before prepared her for just this kind of calamity. Nora was able to take a step back and reevaluate that maybe they should just commit to occasional roller skating for the time being.


3x432 Moose Baby Reloaded

3x432 Moose Baby Reloaded

  • 2023-02-14T22:00:00Z1h 30m

Not only did we discover a pristine film copy of this beloved RiffTrax short in an unmarked film canister we purchased from eBay, but thanks to our Kickstarter 2022 backers, we've riffed it - again!


3x433 The Three Wishes

3x433 The Three Wishes

  • 2023-02-17T22:00:00Z1h 30m

Medieval peasants had it pretty good. Bold trends in seneschal headwear. Exciting new plagues. Early retirement (due to death, caused by aforementioned plagues.) Plus, you were never more likely to encounter magic beans or wee little imps who would grant you wishes!

Of course, if you’re granted three wishes, you’ve got to use them carefully. Don’t be like the couple in The Three Wishes who eschew the traditional “lots of money” or “infinity wishes” wishes and instead opt for a series of wishes involving cased meat products. Honestly, it’s a better lesson than you learn from most Coronet shorts. Pile some green fabric on your head and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for The Three Wishes.

3x434 How to Succeed with Brunettes

  • 2023-03-07T22:00:00Z1h 30m

June 10 1967 – President Lyndon Johnson signs Proclamation 3700, designating "the week beginning June 11, 1967, as 'National Succeed With Brunettes Week' and directing 'the appropriate Military officials to begin training Naval personnel in appropriate dating techniques including, but not limited, to: Walking on sidewalks, putting on coats, ordering food, and shaking hands.'"

Okay, not really, but the U.S. Government did spend our tax dollars on a 16-minute movie explaining the do’s and don'ts of dating brown-haired women!

"Success with brunettes and blondes or anybody is built upon respect. And being a gentleman is about commanding respect. How to succeed with brunettes? Be a gentleman!"

Bridget and Mary Jo could not agree more! Join them as they forget the cares of the tumultuous 60’s and help you learn How To Succeed With Brunettes!

Gumby, everyone’s favorite malleable substance / god-king, is back in our first RiffTrax Gumby Double Feature.

First, Gumby is lured into an oven by a sentient ball of dough. Looks like Gumby fans aren’t the only ones getting baked! But seriously, Pokey dies and Gumby learns a very valuable lesson about croissants or something.

Next, Gumby joins the pantheon of great classical musicians, like John Williams and The Guy That Did The String Arrangements on Wu-Tang’s “Reunited”. A pair of musical notes teach him the many wonders of the symphony, which sadly, does not lead to Pokey dying again.

Will you learn anything? No. Will you wonder what the clay Gumby is made of tastes like? Almost certainly. Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for another trip into the Gumbyverse!


3x436 Safety in Offices

3x436 Safety in Offices

  • 2023-04-08T21:00:00Z1h 30m

We all know you can Shake Hands With Danger on a construction site. But did you know that bountiful opportunities to greet danger exist in the standard American office?*

Deadly hazards lurk around every corner: cords to trip over, filing cabinets to get pinned under, and co-workers who insist on telling you about their fantasy football teams.

And who better to teach us about these hazards than the U.S. Navy? It turns out that while the troops were off winning WW2, the Navy home office was full of people who needed helpful tips like “Actually, don’t slice your thumb off with the paper cutter!” Miss Dipple, Lockenbar, and Lumbering Louie are essentially the Jackass crew of the 1950s, injuring each other for our amusement. (Their antics came to an end after Lumbering Louie controversially stapled his sack to his thigh in front of the First Lady at the Eisenhower Inaugural Ball.)

Uncle Sam wants you to lumber on down and join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Safety in Offices!

In the fourth installment of The Adventures of Captain Marvel, we get plane crashes, kidnappings, and high speed chases. Remember, this is one guy’s quest to track down some lenses. Thankfully he’s not after something more interesting, like an atomic bomb or the Mona Lisa. Things could really get out of hand quickly!

Billy Batson narrowly escapes a plane crash by remembering that he has insane super powers and doesn’t even need a plane to fly. This knowledge is somehow not enough to prevent him from getting tied up in the basement of a local antique shop soon thereafter. Evidently, The Scorpion didn’t have a lot of budget left for Plan B.

Meanwhile, Betty is nearly taken out by a falling flower pot on her way to investigate an evil rental car agency. Just another day in the thrilling world of comic books! Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Death Takes the Wheel!

3x438 City Pets: Fun and Responsibility

  • 2023-05-27T21:00:00Z1h 30m

This educational short elucidates the fun and responsibility of urban pets, be they dogs, cats, birds, or rhinos.

How deeply will rhinos factor into this short? You'll have to watch to find out!

Learn the joys of pets, fun, and responsibility with Bridget and Mary Jo!

Written by: Bridget Nelson and Mary Jo Pehl


3x439 The Color of Health

3x439 The Color of Health

  • 2023-06-27T21:00:00Z1h 30m

What is The Color of Health? Sort of yellowish, with lime green undertones and massive bright red bumps? Because if not, we'd better get to a doctor ASAP.

The Color of Health is an educational short from the 60s, so you know right away it’ll be bright, colorful, stylish, and that you won’t learn anything true.

Two children sit in an abstract shell of a house surrounded by mid-century modern details that would make HGTV swoon. They can’t stop talking about health and food groups - you know how kids are! And of course, the short reveals that the solution to all health problems is to eat more bread. White bread, cereal, more white bread: that’s the key to a healthy diet, kids! Might that have something to do with the fact this short was funded by the American Bakers Association? Nah, we’re probably just being cynical.

Grab a big loaf of the good stuff and join Mike, Kevin and Bill for The Color of Health!


3x440 Life in a Medieval Town

3x440 Life in a Medieval Town

  • 2023-07-21T21:00:00Z1h 30m

We’re living in the age of the Seneschal, baby! Seneschal T-shirts, Seneschal themed restaurants, and we recently learned that Seneschal was the number one baby name in 2022, regardless of gender. What is a Seneschal, and why is it so hard to spell? You can learn all about it with this newly recorded studio version of Life in a Medieval Town!

But there’s more to the short than just the Seneschal - as if he wasn’t enough! The film gives us an exciting low-budget window into feudal society in Europe, and a real historical appreciation for how much life sucked back then. You want a new hat? Better bring your best cow to town! And don’t forget to pay the “bringing your cow into town” tax, or you’ll probably be executed. It was a simpler time, and a worse one. Unless you were the Seneschal, of course, then you were heaping green fabric on your head and living large!

The Scorpion’s goons have left Betty spiraling. Not spiraling in an emotional sense: literally spiraling down the parking ramp while passed out at the wheel. She’s unconscious, but still somehow guides the car to the bottom without crashing - a feat more impressive than anything Captain Marvel does.

That being said, the marvelous Captain does eventually get around to showing up and helping out. Specifically, he helps out by casually murdering a guy who was no real threat, and just sort of annoyed him. Yes, they were still figuring out the whole “superhero” thing in those days, folks! Remember Chapter One, when the boy-turned-hero shot a bunch of guys in the back with a gatling gun? We sure do!

Billy Batson becomes suspicious that the masked Scorpion might be one of the archaeologists he hangs out with – a reasonable suspicion, since they are the guiltiest-seeming group of men ever assembled.

3x442 Let's Be Good Citizens at Play

  • 2023-08-08T21:00:00Z1h 30m

We have to wonder how the filmmakers came up with the title for our new short, Let’s Be Good Citizens At Play.

Mad Libs? Some primitive 1950s version of A.I.? Perhaps they threw darts at a board covered in wholesome, bland words? We may never know, but rest assured after you watch the short you’ll say “Oh, I guess the title tracks… sort of? Hmm.”

The “citizens” in question? 50s kids in striped shirts, slicked-back hairstyles, and frilly little dresses made from tablecloths. The “play”? All kinds of good clean moral fun, from roller skating to ping pong to baseball in the style of The Sandlot. And the “good”? Well, we’re still trying to find that part.

Things really come to a head when this little gang of background characters from a Peanuts cartoon put on a play to raise money for the baseball team. The play’s theme is cowboys and Indians, of course, because it’s the 50s and nothing says “good citizenship” like violent struggle between settlers and indigenous peoples!


3x443 School Vandalism

3x443 School Vandalism

  • 2023-08-19T21:00:00Z1h 30m

Ever wanted to vandalize your school, but you weren't sure how? Hey, we’ve all been there! This helpful instructional short film will get you started with everything you need to know, from egg selection to crafting the perfect insulting nickname to Sharpie on the principal’s door – wait, what’s that? The film School Vandalism is actually against school vandalism? Well, that’s a little confusing!

School Vandalism is from the 70s, when kids were wearing bell bottoms, feathering their hair, and just vandalizing the ever-loving heck out of their schools. The film follows four boys who decide to bust into school after hours on a whim. They don’t like the lunch lady, and that’s enough motivation for them! The vandalism they commit is… well, it’s pretty weak, really. They sort of mess up the cafeteria kitchen, and leave a stove on. But that’s enough to bring out the town’s entire police force and fire department to give these lads the public scolding of a lifetime!


3x444 The Number System

3x444 The Number System

  • 2023-08-22T21:00:00Z1h 30m

RiffTrax shorts have covered a lot of rudimentary ground over the years such as how to bounce a ball and how to draw a square. But every time we think we’ve found the bottom of the barrel, it turns out there’s another layer of ooze down there as well as some dimwit nine-year-old who’s curious what the ooze tastes like.

The dimwit in question here is Jack, and you’re gonna watch him count to ten. You’re gonna watch him count to ten a whole bunch. Probably more than ten times, but we can’t be sure: the numbers that come after ten must be covered in another short.

Jack is counting his army men, and we’ll consider it a success that he never gets one lodged up his nose. Then he moves on to counting real army men, and honestly, if Colonel Jessep had ordered a Code Red here, Tom Cruise probably would’ve just been like “Yep, kid had it coming.”

They really thought this was the best way to teach this, folks. Join Mike, Kevin, and Bill for The Number System.


3x445 Stoned

3x445 Stoned

  • 2023-08-25T21:00:00Z1h 30m

It’s all fun and games until your older brother almost gets killed ‘cause you started hanging around with stoners in short shorts.

Where were you on November 12,1980? Were you highlighting shows that you wanted to watch in your TV Guide with a marker you took from your guidance counselor’s office? If so, this after-school special would have been of extra special interest, because it happens to star the very person whose photos covered your locker and Trapper Keeper.

Wednesday, 4:30pm: “Jack Thinks Smoking Pot Is The Answer To All His Problems! Jack Melon is a good student, one of the best in class - but he's shy, has no friends, and can't talk to girls. Getting high makes Jack feel popular, but it also gets him into deep trouble. If you smoke pot, know somebody who does, or just want to understand what it's all about, don't miss this very important show. Stoned, Wednesday Afternoon at 4:30pm - starring Scott Baio of ‘Happy Days!’”

Oh, and it won awards and stuff!


3x446 How Animals Help Us

3x446 How Animals Help Us

  • 2023-09-02T21:00:00Z1h 30m

Not sure who made this short film claiming that lower order animals are actually useful to us humans, or why - but they are! Mostly in sandwiches!

Little Jimmy is on a quest to discover how every animal on grandfather’s farm fits into their own little capitalist artifice. Eat your heart out, George Orwell! Cows are there to provide food. Chickens? Also food. Sheep? Clothing and food. Mink? Just clothing! Good for those lucky, lucky minks! Will more animals and their vocations be discussed at arduous length? You’ll have to tune in to find out.

Join Bridget and Mary Jo as they look for a job down on the farm to learn How Animals Help Us!

3x447 Answering the Child's Why

  • 2023-09-12T21:00:00Z1h 30m

According to a Newsweek story “The Creativity Crisis” (no longer linkable), preschool kids ask their parents an average of 100 questions a day.

By middle school, they’ve basically stopped asking questions. Around this time, the article points out, student motivation and engagement plummets. In our opinion this is great news for adults who can finally get something done because they aren't being bothered all the time with questions that could be easily Googled.

This cautionary short film dramatizes actual situations in which youngsters ask questions about cats, cops, plants and death. You can really mess up a kid if you answer incorrectly, so pay attention along with Bridget and Mary Jo as they Answer The Child's Why.


3x448 Do Words Ever Fool You?

3x448 Do Words Ever Fool You?

  • 2023-09-16T21:00:00Z1h 30m

Words can be tricky. Do words ever fool you? Do they ever convince you to liquidate your savings into crypto and send it to a guy named "$enator Epicdoge" so he won’t release the webcam footage he claims he has of you? Do you have any idea how to get it back before our wife finds out?

Yes, words can be tricky, as the young star of our new short learns. Jerry buys some binoculars out of the back of a comic book, somehow resisting the allure of X-Ray Specs and Sea Monkeys. This is a good thing—Jerry seems like the kind of kid who would have definitely drank the Sea Monkeys and possibly tried to eat the Specs. The binoculars are advertised as “powerful”, and Jerry, who thought he would be able to gaze at neighboring planets with them, is disappointed. Evidently the lesson is, “Yes, words can fool you, if you’re as big a dope as Jerry.”

You’re not as big a dope as Jerry, are you? Wanna prove it? Well then check out Do Words Ever Fool You? today!


3x449 Don't Be Afraid

3x449 Don't Be Afraid

  • 2023-10-24T21:00:00Z1h 30m

Like most educational shorts from the 50s, Don’t Be Afraid is about a boy named Billy with a mother who wears a nice dress with an apron over it at all hours of the day.

Unlike most educational shorts from the 50s, Don’t Be Afraid centers on the terror of being alive. Buckle up for the existential dread of simply being Billy, kids!

Billy’s afraid of everything, and his mom’s not afraid to shame him for it. Things in the closet, warm stoves, climbable gutters, friendly school janitors - they all chill young Billy to his core. Mom tries to help Billy by pointing out that other kids are afraid of things, too, like dogs and bringing home bad report cards to judgmental parents. But those kids are wrong to be afraid, Mom says. The world is full of scary things, Billy, and everyone is afraid, but you shouldn’t be, because being afraid is wrong. Get it, Billy? Do you feel better now, Billy??

This sixth installment of the classic serial centers on the very thing everyone wants from a superhero story: lenses!

Specifically the Lens of Death, like when a soft contact rolls back behind your eye and you can’t get it and it’s driving you crazy and you just want to die. Or, perhaps more accurately, a lens-based scorpion contraption stolen from an ancient tomb way back in the first episode that can be used to melt mountains, trapping Captain Marvel in a gooey lava inferno. Both lenses are equally terrifying!

But the real star of this episode isn’t the lens, or even Captain Marvel: it’s a butler. An anonymous, library defending butler who takes on all comers and kicks an extraordinary amount of gangster butt. We’re not kidding, the episode absolutely should’ve been called Butler of Death.

Join Mike, Kevin, Bill, Captain Marvel, and the world’s most savage butler for Adventures of Captain Marvel Chapter 6: Lens of Death!


3x451 Fun of Making Friends

3x451 Fun of Making Friends

  • 2023-11-03T21:00:00Z1h 30m

Little Joey is tired of not having any friends, so he uses the strict set of rules from this short (and helpful advice from his mom) to try and make some new ones.

[Released early to 2023 Kickstarter backers]


3x452 Everyday Courtesy

3x452 Everyday Courtesy

  • 2023-11-03T21:00:00Z1h 30m

From the mind of Educational Collaborator William E. Young, Ph.D., Director of Curriculum Development Center at The University of the State of New York, and in collaboration with Coronet Films, comes the eternal question: is it considerate to bore your classmates?

Only Jeff, a green-sweater-wearing sixth-grader has the courage to seek the answer to this and other profundities, such as the proper way to invite new kids from New York to a birthday party (sorry, Peggy, this party is only for boys), and how not to mangle the cake.


3x453 A Conservation Carol

3x453 A Conservation Carol

  • 2023-12-05T22:00:00Z1h 30m

It’s the late 70s and Ebenezer Scrooge is mired in a deep malaise. Not about Christmas: his coworkers are begging him to join their carpool. Usually Scrooge is an unsympathetic character, but him not wanting to jam into a van full of chattering accountants before he’s even had his first cup of coffee is one of the most relatable things in the RiffTrax library. Scrooge needs to be taught a lesson about conserving fuel, and it was either “be visited by three spirits” or “be forced to watch a beige educational film.”

You know the drill: Marley’s chains, Fezziwig, “Boy, what day is it?", etc. But no other adaptation has been bold enough to show a televised Jimmy Carter smack dab in the middle of the story! Too bad, that really would have been a bold choice for The Muppet Christmas Carol…


3x454 The Christmas Spirit

3x454 The Christmas Spirit

  • 2023-12-08T22:00:00Z1h 30m

The Christmas Spirit is set some time in The Past, an ambiguous era full of prairie dresses, wool caps, and men wearing wide ties too short to reach their belly buttons. The story centers on two young brothers obsessed with ponies - it’s boys who famously adore ponies, right? - and the gruff old man they rent the ponies from. Turns out the gruff old man is gruff because his son died. Bet you feel bad about judging him for his gruffness now, don’t you? Well you should!

The great drama of the short is that the older boy may have to settle for a slightly inferior pony to the pony he really wants for Christmas. Can you imagine anything sadder?? Trust us, the gruff old man can. And so can his eyebrows.

Join Mike, Kevin and Bill and spend a little time in the disturbing Norman Rockwell painting that is The Christmas Spirit!

3x455 A Present for Santa Claus

  • 2023-12-11T22:00:00Z1h 30m

“Santa” has hit a bit of a rough patch this year, and they should temper their gift expectations accordingly. Think “hotel soaps” and “a fistful of jelly packets from Hardee’s.”

Does this have anything to do with the fact that Daddy’s been getting out of bed around 11AM these days, unshaven and mumbling about how he’s gonna “show them all” as soon as the dog track lifts his lifetime ban? Who’s to say!


3x456 Koopa Klaus

3x456 Koopa Klaus

  • 2023-12-13T22:00:00Z1h 30m

Sean and Conor were kids in the 80s, a time when pop culture was still figuring out the whole “Super Mario” thing.

Was he a plumber who climbed ladders to fight an ape? Was he pro wrestler Captain Lou Albano? Was he Bob Hoskins going up against a spiky-haired Dennis Hopper in an industrial dystopia? And again, the plumbing, how much was that a part of his deal?

The animated Christmas adventure Koopa Klaus answers none of these questions, and raises several more. Koopa, who you may know better as Bowser, has a plan to freeze Santa’s workshop in the North Pole so he can’t deliver toys. Why would freezing the North Pole be a problem, when it’s pretty famously a cold place already? No clue. How long has Santa Claus existed in the Mushroom Kingdom, let alone the faith upon which Christmas is based? Hard to say. Does Mario use a plumber’s snake as a weapon at some point in the episode? Yes, yes he does.


3x457 A Good Tree

3x457 A Good Tree

  • 2023-12-19T22:00:00Z1h 30m

In search of just the right Christmas tree to soothe their mother’s aching heart, three seemingly wholesome Canadian siblings go all “daring heist” and filch a fir tree from a crabby neighbor. Come Christmas Day, they set out to right the wrong, and give Old Man Neighbor Guy all the gifts they didn’t want.

3x458 Santa and the Three Bears

  • 2023-12-22T22:00:00Z1h 30m

From the makers of Santa and The Ice Cream Bunny comes Santa and the Three Bears. (Plus porpoises)

When park ranger Uncle Hal (voiced by Hal Smith, Otis on Andy Griffith) tells bear cubs Chinook and Nikomy about Christmas they decide to skip hibernation and stay awake several months to meet Santa Claus. This makes Nana, their mother, (voiced by Jean Vander Pyl aka Wilma Flintstone) very annoyed and so she goes to yell at the ranger but ends up hatching a plan involving a fake Santa.

A blizzard… oh wait, before the story even starts there's a live action part with Uncle Hal (not played by Hal Smith, Otis on Andy Griffith) who takes his nieces and nephews to a porpoise show at Ocean World, which is part of Pirates World in Florida. The nieces and nephews ask him to tell them a Christmas story which turns into the animated part and, um, oh just watch it so you can be as confused/enchanted as we are!


3x459 The Little Match Girl

3x459 The Little Match Girl

  • 2023-12-23T22:00:00Z1h 30m

This is the tale of The Little Match Girl - Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Match Girl, that is, not to be confused with Bram Stoker’s The Little Match Girl or the Spike Lee Joint Match Girl 6.

True to the original, The Little Match Girl is a heartwarming Christmas story of one child’s brutal struggle for survival against impossible odds. Ho ho ho!

Enjoy a warm mug of cocoa while this penniless orphan dreams of an extravagant gift, like a crust of bread or a leather shoe to boil. But don’t worry, it all turns around when Santa appears to show the girl bizarre magical visions of dancing snowmen and toys and family members who are long gone and… oh no. Oh dear. This thing isn’t going in a Zindy the Swamp Boy direction, is it?

Please open your heart and spare some pennies for The Little Match Girl, she ain’t doing so good!


3x460 Hansel and Gretel

3x460 Hansel and Gretel

  • 2023-12-29T22:00:00Z1h 30m

Hansel and Gretel, the beloved fairy tale of neglect, torture, and murder, is finally a film the entire family can enjoy! Because everything with these old shorts has to be needlessly weird, Hansel and Gretel are played by two adults in their late twenties instead of grade school children. The effect is quite creepy, which is ends up feeling rather appropriate, given all the aforementioned neglect, torture, and murder!

Shot on a set that looks like it was rejected from Pirates World for being “not nearly stained enough” and featuring a performance as the witch that almost certainly required the actor to enter the witness protection program, Hansel and Gretel still manages to teach us a valuable lesson: it’s OK to kill someone if they’re kind of weird and live alone.


3x461 Steamboat Willie

3x461 Steamboat Willie

  • 2024-01-17T22:00:00Z1h 30m

With the landmark cartoon Steamboat Willie, Walt Disney showed his genius by setting up two core elements of the Mickey Mouse character that have lasted to this day: he’s always on a steamboat, and his name is Willie. Such vision!

With its recent entry into the public domain, Steamboat Willie also enters the RiffTrax catalog, and, uh, our hearts? It was one of the first animated films with synchronized sound, so we’ve synchronized some of our own sounds to it. Thrill as Mickey bobs up and down! Gasp as his vaguely cat-like antagonist spits tobacco! Wonder “how much longer could they possibly play Turkey in the Straw?” as they continue to play Turkey in the Straw!

It’s got Mickey, it’s got Minnie, it’s got a range of barnyard animals Mickey torments for his own perverse musical purposes. It’s the steamer that launched an empire, hop aboard with Mike, Kevin, and Bill for Steamboat Willie!


3x462 Are You Listening?

3x462 Are You Listening?

  • 2024-02-17T22:00:00Z1h 30m

Are You Listening? From the educational minds of Educational Learning, Inc. Are You Seeing This? I Mean, Really, What Are We Even Looking At? should be the real title.

Sometime during the 1970s, a lovely Texas school teacher decided to present her students with an object lesson that must be seen to be believed!

No participants could be reached for comment.

3x463 Gumby: The Glob and The Groobee

  • 2024-04-13T21:00:00Z1h 30m

First off, Gumby’s taken up sculpture. Already distressing, we know. But wait til you see what he’s making! It’s a horrific lump with razor sharp teeth, and much like Frankenstein, it immediately tries to destroy its creator. (Sadly, the name of the guy who created Frankenstein has been lost to history.) Will Gumby escape ? He better, because he’s got to endanger some animals in part two!

You see, the lion at the Gumbasia zoo has died from an illness. Instead of spearheading a campaign to shut down this local misery factory, Gumby sets out to capture it not one, but three wild lions. When someone points out that these lions were not born in captivity, combined with the zoo’s already established 100% lion fatality rate, means almost certain death for them, Gumby traps a few more exotic animals as well. It’s all made possible by a friendly WC Fields lookalike. You know, for the kids!

As the episode opens, Captain Marvel is bested by his mysterious rival The Scorpion when he gets… electrocuted. Yeah, Captain Marvel goes down hard from a normal old electrocution. They were still figuring out how to build a superhero back then.

Meanwhile, The Scorpion’s crew of beef-headed gangsters continues to plague Betty with kidnapping attempts. You’ll never believe the deeply stupid method one of them employs to give her car a flat tire, or that they managed to film it without anyone actually dying. We also spend a lot of time with Whitey, the world’s worst sidekick, as he whines about office duty. Thrills!

And, most importantly, Captain Marvel gets to casually murder a couple more guys. He kills with a smile, and you have to love him for it! Because if you don’t, he’ll kill you.


3x465 Stay Alive In '75

3x465 Stay Alive In '75

  • 2024-05-27T21:00:00Z1h 30m

The year is 1975. Try as they might to “Whip Inflation Now,” Americans were feeling the devastating reality of the polyester embargo.

Holiday Inn International decided that the only thing they could do was to make a weird “A Christmas Carol”-type training film for their employees. So they did!

Then they panicked and tacked on a bunch of commercials and showed it during a sales conference or something. We’re not really sure. Maybe you can figure it out!

Put on your best cotton-poly blend and try to Stay Alive in ‘75 with Bridget and Mary Jo!


3x466 Superjock

3x466 Superjock

  • 2024-05-27T21:00:00Z1h 30m

Superjock is a look back at a simpler time, when workout clothes didn’t need to “breathe” or “weigh less than twenty pounds” and doctors argued about which brand of cigarettes to recommend. We first meet Jim, who was once a high school jock but has spent every moment since speedrunning “needing quadruple bypass surgery.” Jim’s diet appears to have mirrored The Guy From Harlem’s room service order for about two decades, but now it’s time to get in shape.

How is this going to happen? Perhaps by imitating Vic, a man who, based on his haircut and facial hair, was last seen heading up a polygamist sect in 1877. Vic has started eating healthier, cutting back on drinking, and exercising. The result is about what you’d expect: every day is agony. He’s extended his lifespan by years, but with every bite of grapefruit or iceberg lettuce, he wonders “Is this misery worth it?”

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a man getting winded while searching for his ashtray!


3x467 Danny's Dental Date

3x467 Danny's Dental Date

  • 2024-06-04T21:00:00Z1h 30m

Lots of people are afraid of the dentist. Perhaps it’s because they have seen Danny’s Dental Date, a short film that tries to assure kids that the going to the dentist was nothing to worry about and instead makes the entire experience seem like an unspeakable eldritch horror, but with fluoride.

First of all, there’s puppets. The puppets are so scared of the dentist that they flee into the woods, which, once you discover that the puppets have puppet teeth, you may want to do too. Then the puppet turns into a real boy and decides to face his fear, but not before the short stops for a couple minutes for a Parade of Vegetables. Many shorts could use a Parade of Vegetables, we feel one would really have taken Setting Up A Room to the next level.

Strap in because this dentist doesn’t wear gloves or wash his hands. But don’t worry, he also uses his tools to carve things into his body in order to show off how safe they are. To answer the question of another famous dentist: Is it safe? NO!
