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Resident Alien 2021

Amazing show. Already One of my favorite ever .

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season 2 is horrible by comparison. It goes all political commentary. an absolute bore.

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Fine, entertaining. Tudyk is doing a nice job here.

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Omg I loved the comic books! This will be awesome! Alan Tudyk and my favorite comic books!? Wow!

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Watch season one and then stop; this way the show wont be tarnished in your mind by the abhorent mess that is season 2.

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One of the few shows that genuinely makes me laugh out loud - Alan Tudyk is hilarious.

Hope this doesn't get cancelled like People of Earth did!

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Please explain me HOW do you like that show ? I find it very bad, a bad acting game, bad jokes and a null and boring scenario ! DON'T WATCH IT !

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Dark and funny. It’s so good. No sociopolitical commentary. Just good old gallows humor. Alan Tudyk is perfect. One of my favorite shows right now.

P.S. The grays suck.

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This is just a grown up version of invader zim. I just wish there was a GIR in this lol

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It's a goofy, light-hearted show with a lukewarm plot. But the characters and the humor make it worth it.

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I liked this show for it's unique storyline and the lead actor (who is great is almost anything). It got a bit hum-drum and predictable by the second season but is still an entertaining show to sort of half watch while you do other stuff.

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As if Resident Alien show can't be any better, better acted, or more charming (It's like Northern Exposure but with an alien instead of a Moose), they just featured Off You by The Breeders!

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Great show.. it's quirky, funny and clever. Hope they don't cancel it for a while. 9/10

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Shout by Deleted

I had a lot of laughs from the Pilot. This show looks very promising.

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Lmao when he was looking up Douchebag.Man this show is good so far which is always a bad thing because they tend to cancel stuff that’s good to keep the stupid shows on air. All we can do is cross our fingers.

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I don't get the hate for season 2, I really enjoy it. Alan Tudky in his role as Harry the Alien, who tries to figure out how to be human and have feelings, is funny and even deep and emotional sometimes.

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This show started out being funny and different with Alan Tudyk being awesome as usual. Half way through season 2 and I'll stop watching this forever. The show turned into a man bashing show forgetting its about aliens. Really weird and not funny with the focus on the show being one that is not interesting, or different in this day and age. Unfortunately I'll be stopping this show for now unless I hear it go back to alien out of his world and humour.

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Season one is good, it gives us something different and fresh, the shame is that it soon devolves in to rubbish same old story plots as soon as season two hits us….

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wow. this one is well worth your time.

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will there be a season 3?

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I love this series is different and black humor.

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Excellent so far and great humor. No foul language or nudity.

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Great stuff. Unfortunately goes downhill from crevice fall scene

Started as a very good situation comedy, but later they could not handle the addition of the drama, so it becomes pretty predictable and we get "good guys win with the power of friendship" type of S1 ending

Still gets a should not miss level grade, because of several jokes in the start of the season that really got me.

Maybe I will check out the source material.

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Nice and etntertaining comedy, good allround acting. One off the gems from the USA where comedy normaly is non offense and on the "woke" leash. But thats my taste.. I like rough, non conventional, 50 shades of dark humor.

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When I saw the initial trailer, I thought this was going to be far too "silly" for my taste.
I was wrong. It's quirky and a bit silly, but it's actually a rather enjoyable show.

Alan Tudyk always seems to impress me with his performances. I've liked him as an actor since my first watch-through of Firefly.

If you're looking for something light, but not void of story: Give this a go.

Elements of: Sci-Fi, Comedy, mild Horror.
Shows with a similar vibe: (A town called) Eureka, The Librarians, Stargate SG1 (at times.)

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Which is probably why Syfy will cancel it.

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Lots of laughs. So refreshingly funny.
"Don’t tell me you’re leaving?"
"OK, I won’t." Then just keep going.
Can’t wait to use that line myself.

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After 2 seasons I just realized that D'Arcy is inspired by Molly Bloom, I recommend watching the movie Molly's Game and you will see

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Season One is good, then they start shoving their social agenda down the audience's throat. I quit the show somewhere in season 3. Sad. Alan Tudyk deserves better

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First season was great, original, clever, funny... stop watching after that. It devolves into an unfunny parody of itself.

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Man, this show is great. But when I finally recognised the voice of the octopus (42), that made my day!

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S03e04 funniest episode so far

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Innappropiate live action invader zim. I want copies of the instructional posters though. Disappointing what they did w the sherriff char. I wanted him to stay a bastard. Now hes pathetic for a white woman.

Real kids in a situations they shouldnt be in/

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Shout by AA

Funny and serious at the same time. Brilliant. Great cast.

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Woo Hoo! Looks like there will be a Season 3!!!

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Tudyk does a great job as a fish out of water character. Season 1 was really good with a good balance of all the characters and story line. Season 2 on the other hand falls into the same problem will all tv shows these days, they veer off the main topic and try to add in the fake drama to pull in the real housewives type viewers. All the parts that are focused on the alien related activities work, the parts that try to add in the fake drama don't. Still one of my favorite basic cable shows!

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Season one was hilarious at times,season 2 was a bit disappointing but still worth watching.

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This quickly became one of my favorite shows. It's over the top at times but that just makes it more fun and they totally pull it off.

Great acting, very well cast, great characters, fun story, ironically very real. whoever came up with that Alien language was definitely not sober LMFAO!

I'm really enjoying their perspectives, twists and takes on the stories and lore already out there. I'm hooked!

they better not cancel this! they always seem to cancel the good, creative stuff with substance lately, not a fan of that trend at all.

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I can’t wait for more seasons of this show to come out. If you like sci-fi and comedy, than you’ll love this show.

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2021-11-04T04:55:42Z— updated 2024-05-05T00:15:47Z

Resident Alien - :heart:x7

This is a lot of fun. It has a few dead spots tho. But overall very enjoyable. The best parts are the scenes between Tudyk and Max. Very funny stuff there.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Absolutely fantastic show. 100% worth watching :smile:

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This was a fun show

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Strange combination of unique story line and amoral main character. Yet oddly entertaining. Excellent writing never allows you to anticipate what kind of crazy is going to happen next.

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Resident Alien takes a minute to settle into its skin, but once it does it finds fresh humor in a familiar framework and proves a perfect showcase for Alan Tudyk's singular comedic skills.

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I didn't expect this show to be that funny. I love it. Already hooked.

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I suspect Tudyk could do no wrong - pretty-much everything he has a leading role in is thoroughly entertaining!

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Amazing show guys watch it.

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This show makes me giggle so much

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It's very refreshing to see Alan Tudyk in a lead role, that isn't trying to be a laugh a minute comedy or a die-hard sci-fi. There's enough comedy from the ignorance of the alien, to the absurdity of the people that surround him. Well worth a watch.

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A silly show, good distraction.

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I wanted to love this. I really did! Alan Tudyk is one of my favourite actors and the perfect choice for the role. If you have not read the graphic novel you will really enjoy this series however if you are a fan of the source material you will likely not have a good time.

Adaptations of comic book series sometimes work by staying true to the source but often they need to be adapted to make it work for the screen. In this instance I believe they made the wrong choice by altering the plot too much and I feel intensely unhappy at the result.

Given the deviance between what I expected and what was made I don't think I will be a regular watcher.

Avoid the comic if you want to enjoy this well made production.

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